Everything Happens At 2:04 AM

By nikki20038

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Octavia. That's the name the world knows her by. One word. One name. At seventeen, she was a girl who had h... More

Everything Happens at 2:04 AM
Chapter One: He Could Choke For All I Cared.
Chapter Two: I'll Call Him Papi Instead Of Daddy.
Chapter Three: I Breathe, Mind My Own Business On This Planet, And You Hate Me?
Chapter Four: I'm Going To Die Of Combustion.
Chapter Five: Let's Not Spread STDs Buddy.
Chapter Six: You Get A Car.
Chapter Seven: One, Two, Three, Jump.
Chapter Eight: You Have To Inhale Oxygen-Literal Air.
Chapter Nine: It's A No Now. It's A No Forever. And Don't Bother Asking Again.
Chapter Ten: You're In Hibernation Mode.
Chapter Eleven: I Can Barely Handle One Caleb.
Chapter Twelve: I'd Rather Catch Chlamydia.
Chapter Thirteen: English Isn't The Default Language of The World, Idiot.
Chapter Fourteen: Take That Attention Whore and Give Her Alcohol.
Chapter Fifteen: The Roof That's On Fire.
Chapter Sixteen: This Woman Does Not Care.
Chapter Seventeen: Go Jack Off Somewhere Else, Please and Thank You.
Chapter Eighteen: I'll Wack You Back To Canada.
Chapter Nineteen: What Do Those Hands Do?
Chapter Twenty: Thou Is Not Drunketh.
Chapter Twenty-One: I Don't Speak To Lightweights.
Chapter Twenty-Two: You're On Thin Ice.
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Human Race Depended On Your Procreation.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Death Glare Competition.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Call Up Your Angels and Your Very Own Charlie.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Fly To LA And Fight Everyone.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: It's Not Me. It's Definitely You, Babe.
Chapter Twenty- Eight: I Had A Hockey Stick Up My Dress.
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Don't Play With Me.
Chapter Thirty: Harder, Faster, Deeper.
Chapter Thirty-One: I Would Love To Get Into A Cheating Scandal.
Chapter Thirty-Two: Explicit Activity Is Part of His Job Description.
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Caleb Combo - Ready For Pickup.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Into A Garbage Disposal.
Chapter Thirty-Five: Space Buns.
Chapter Thirty-Six: Ménage à Trois.
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Brightest One.
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Suck Out Their Soul.
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Shame Didn't Exist In My Vocabulary.
Chapter Forty: We Really Thought.
Chapter Forty-One: Dora The Explorer Spanish.
Chapter Forty-Two: That Thing Between Your Damn Legs.
Chapter Forty-Four: Queen.
Chapter Forty-Five: Take The Wheel.
Chapter Forty-Six: Long Distance Cousins.
Chapter Forty-Seven: Romantic Spectacular Getaway.
Chapter Forty-Eight: It's October.
Chapter Forty-Nine: Uncertain.
Chapter Fifty: 2:04.
Epilogue: String Quartet.

Chapter Forty-Three: Could have Bought Me Dinner First.

87.7K 3.7K 7.4K
By nikki20038

Dedicated to d0rkyp3ter for the cute cover above, thank you!!

trigger warning: mention of sexual miscount and harassment. 

Chapter Forty-Three: "Could have Bought Me Dinner First."

FOR ME, GOOD ENERGY was brought on by open space, people dancing and genuinely having a good time.

The nightclub Caleb and his friends had taken me to the Friday before I had to leave for France were one of the nicest I have ever stepped foot in. Lights were flashing in various colors throughout the night right now was a warm red, orange and yellow. It set the vibe as Caleb's friend, Jon Ming was standing on a balcony facing the moving crowd, bopped his head along to the remix of dancehall music.

I tilted my head side to side to the beat as I watched the movement of the people, mid in conversation with Caleb's two housemates, Andrew and Royce.

"You know what I find immensely annoying about this country?" Andrew slurred, leaning against the high table.

"What?" I asked, loving drunk Andrew. I don't know how many beers he had gotten but Royce and I were quick to cut him off when he stumbled over his feet when we had walked over here.

"It's that the entire world but them uses Celsius. And they use Fahrenheit. Like what the fuck? It's so dumb. Just use Celsius. It makes so much more sense. It would not make sense if you said, 'it's 80 degrees' in another country. Stupid honestly."

Royce chuckled and Caleb came back, handing me a blue bottle and he had the same for himself, taking a sip as he settled back on the chair behind me. "What are we talking about?" He whispered in my ear.

"How much Andrew seriously dislikes America." His hands went to my waist, pulling me so my back was against his chest.

"I don't dislike the country," Andrew pointed at me as I got comfortable. "I'm just stating facts. I mean, I have to pay for my healthcare here but in Canada-it's free! What is up with that? Caleb, my man, Caleb- tell me. Do you honestly like this Fahrenheit nonsense?"

"It's kind of funny telling someone that it's 20 degrees and they get confused thinking it's freezing outside." He admitted, his chin on my shoulder and I couldn't help but laugh.

"This country is fucking crazy," Andrew said before digging a finger in Royce's chest. "I don't know how you grew up here."

"Um, parents." He stated, gently moving Andrew's finger.

"They should've sent you to like...anywhere else because the temperature is so confusing once you step foot here."

"He's acting like he hasn't lived here for years," Royce told me, rolling his eyes and I laughed. Andrew obviously came here for a reason, stayed and most likely loved it here despite his drunk complaints.

"You came here on a football scholarship," Caleb reminded him, jabbing his arm to gain his drifting attention. "You play pro, remember?"

Andrew blinked, slumping while taking a seat. "Why was I complaining again?"

"So Royce," I took a swig of the blue sweet drink. "Besides marketing what else do you do?"

"I'm in commercial modeling for extra cash."

"Was that something you've always-" Andrew suddenly had his mouth on my blue bottle. "No!" I snatched it out of his hand.


"No!" I laughed, moving his hand away. "You're cut off, buddy. Get sober first or you're going to throw up."

"You heard her. Royce," Caleb said while pushing Andrew's arm away again. "Please continue."

"Is that what you've always wanted to do on the side?" I asked just as Andrew asked to see the percentage on Caleb's bottle.

"If you asked me if I wanted to go into modeling in my teens, I would've thought you were crazy."

"Enough said then. What about marketing? Always wanted to do that?"

"Kind of. I mean, back at UCLA I always wanted to go into something related to business and -"

"Andrew, man, do you not understand what 'cut off' means?" I heard Caleb ask, swatting his hand away once more as he took a swig of his drink.

Jon Ming appeared, typing quickly on his big phone before grinning at us. He was calm when I appeared at the boys' home tonight compared to when I first saw him. "You guys good? I'm done for the rest of the night."

A very excited yes came from Andrew, making me chuckle. "You're making me drink sweet drinks." I heard Caleb murmur in my ear. "I'm convinced the sweeter the alcohol, the worse the hangover."

I was amused, turning my head to get a better glimpse at him. "I thought you rarely get hungover."

"Because I drink water but whenever I'm drinking alcohol with you, I forget most times."

"You should've seen Caleb when we were younger. A complete mess whenever he drank." Jon Ming commented.

"How were you like when you were younger?" I inquired. "I mean, you're already crazy-"


"But I'm beginning to think you were much more random as a teen." I continued, biting back a smile.

Caleb shook his head. "Remember that guy from Venice who tried hitting on the woman. The one that said her breasts looked wonderful in the lighting?"

I nodded and the rest of the boys looked confused.

"I would have said something like that when I was a teenager."

"Growth was essential for this one." Jon Ming clapped Caleb on the shoulder who playfully shoved him.

"You can't be talking," He pointed at his friend before looking at me. "Jon Ming was worse. Way worse."

"No, you two were the same," Andrew clarified, leaning on Royce now. "Trust me. I have no idea how you got laid. You both had the worst one-liners."

"They weren't that bad." Caleb lamely defended.

"You guys once searched up pick up lines and proceeded to hit on every girl at the mall back home with them. Your past selves were a danger to not only society but yourselves." Andrew snorted and I laughed so hard, I almost doubled over.

"We've grown." Jon Ming justified.

"We're men now," Caleb added.

"Uh-huh," Royce muttered, making me laugh even harder.

Somewhere between bopping to almost every song and having it posted on Royce's Snapchat, the bottle Caleb had given me was now empty. Its vodka taste lingered in my mouth and I was going to regret that in the morning if I kept drinking.

With the stories they shared, and the awful dance moves Royce and Andrew kept breaking into, coming here with them was more than I imagined. Especially when they all started getting tipsy.

By the time we were all headed onto the dance floor, I lost myself between the flashing lights, the vibe of people dancing, grinding, and yelling along to the songs coming from the speakers. I don't remember the last time I had laughed so hard in one night especially when Jon Ming was making them copy his dance moves to the beat of a song.

"C'mon, to the left, to right, to the left. Andrew the left," The sight in front of me had me cover my mouth. Imagine one of the tallest guys, drunk and awkwardly dancing. " Caleb got it, why don't you-"

"I can't dance, dude." While he was complaining the lights changed to a dark red, yellow and orange, the music changing along with it.

When I recognized the familiar beat of familiar music, Jon Ming must've noticed the excited on my face at the change because he nudged Caleb. "Did you give her something?" He joked.

"Fuck off." Caleb laughed, grabbing my hand to pull me in. "You like reggaeton?"

"I told you I listen and like a lot of different music." My arms linked around my neck just as hands went to my waist, tugging his hips against my own. I held my breath at his movements, mischievousness dancing in his eyes.

"Sorry, want us to leave?" Royce cut in. "Or do you guys need a room? I saw a hotel when we were heading here."

"Shut..." Caleb's voice drifted off when I turned around, making sure my ass was pressed against his front.

"Regroup in thirty-there's a girl over there I want to talk to," Andrew said, not slurring over his words anymore. "If you all don't meet back here in thirty minutes, I will hire a search party. Say aye."

"Aye." We all said in unison over the loud music.

Jon Ming patted Caleb on the back and shot me a smile. "Have fun lovebirds."

"Plan to."

Jon Ming, Royce, and Andrew drifted away: Andrew dancing-no that was not dancing, that was pure dry humping-with a girl far on one side on the other side of the room. Royce and Jon Ming occupied one of the sidebar, engaged in conversation with a couple of guys.

Caleb on the other hand, was leaving me putty on the dance floor, saying the words along to the lyrics. Although he couldn't sing to save his life-a fact I reminded him multiple times and made him laugh-whenever he simply spoke in Spanish, his voice was deeper against my ear. There was something about having him speak in his native language, pressed against me that sent a thrill within me as we danced along to the beat of the reggaeton music turning into soca music.

With his lips pressed against my ear, and the ache for him between my thighs pulsing, he said in English. "My bed tonight or yours?"

Hooking one arm around his neck, I held him there, his hands low on my waist. "That's all I'm good for?"

"Don't start."

"I'm not." I laughed, closing my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"You're the one dry humping me on the dance floor."

So dramatic. I wasn't doing anything that serious. Teasing him, yeah but even when we were sitting, I saw numerous flashes and phones in our direction.

"No. I'm wining on the dance floor," Wining-the same category most people threw twerking into. Not the same thing. More movement of the waist. Huge difference if you knew what you were doing. "You just happen to be behind me."

"Happen to be?"

"Don't start, Romero," I repeated with a light smile. "Don't act like you don't like it. Clearly, by the reciprocating movements, you do."

"My hips never lie, remember?"

"Okay Shakira," I laughed, turning around to see his slightly flushed face, his hair messy, brown eyes slightly dilated. He was a handsome sight. "I really don't want to take an hour-long drive home so," I looked down at my nails, sighing. "Your bed will do tonight."

He leaned closer, making sure I heard him. "You're making me want to get out of here now."

I kissed him lightly on the lips. "Let's get another drink and then we check in on the guys, yeah?"

We made our way over to one of the sidebars, Caleb asking for that blue drink again. My eyes kept watch as I turned to look at everyone shifting to the new change in music and lights. I couldn't help but sway to the new track, tipsy but not drunk when I saw a familiar face. There were many familiar faces here tonight, some people had even tossed a hey or a hi but this was a face I wasn't fond of. 

Eric McCantie.

On instinct, I stilled. My eyes weren't playing tricks on me. Without thinking, my hand latched onto Caleb's arm. He looked at me with confusion in his wild eyes. "What's up?"

"Can we go?"

He looked amused. "You tired?"

"No, no, no, I just want to leave. There's someone here..." I glanced back only to see that Eric had already spotted me.

He made his way over, a woman on his arm and a posse of people behind him as he gave me a big smile. "Octavia!"

He said my name so loud that it attracted attention. Even Jon Ming who was at one of the other sidebars with Royce had glanced over with confusion. Before I knew it, I yanked away from Caleb and swamped into a hug by the much older man, his hand on my back. Highly uncomfortable, I pushed back instantly, not obvious but instantly. "Hi." I quipped.

"Leaving so soon?"

I nodded, keeping my chin up. "Yes. See you around."

I didn't bother continuing the conversation. I locked eyes with Caleb and he got the memo. Shooting Eric a small smile of his own, Caleb declined the drinks from the bartender, leading me away.

He didn't question anything but had noticed the change in my attitude. He managed to grab Royce, Jon Ming, and Andrew out of there while I called a driver. They didn't seem to mind that I had cut the party short and I felt bad, but I really didn't want to be in the same room as that man.

When we got to their house, I walked over to couch almost like it was my own home, curled up on it and turned on the TV. The boys watched me warily, each of them doing their own thing before eventually sitting down in the living room with me. Caleb handed me his sweatshirt which I quickly pulled on over my dress as he set his phone on the table.

"Who was the creep?" Jon Ming asked. He was wearing a shirt I recognized as Caleb's and basketball shorts, probably going to spend the night like I was.

I muted the TV. "Eric McCantie."

Andrew's eyes went wide and he looked a lot better and stable than hours ago. "Wait, you saw the movie producer? The direct-"

"Producer, director, screenwriter. He's a lot of things." I mumbled.

"Makes sense that you've worked with him," Andrew went on, sounding like he was in awe. "He's a legend."

"He's a misogynistic predator." I cut in and their incoming praises fell silent.

"Oh damn," Royce muttered.

Caleb was the only one who was quiet, his curiosity filling the expression on his face. "Remember that day I told you that there was a man who told me that I'm a woman who should know her place because I wasn't getting paid enough?"

"What the fuck?" I heard Jon Ming mutter.

Caleb nodded. "He was a producer when I was filming Eagle years ago. I don't know if he does it now but I know he's said a lot of things to newer actresses and workers that were extremely degrading and sexual."

"That's disgusting." Royce grimaced.

"Sometimes he was physical," I recalled. "Ranging from subtle actions to more obvious, but no one called him out on it and he did it because he thinks that people will do whatever and allow him to do whatever to be famous. To be somebody. Sometimes he would make offers and..." I trailed off, looking up at their faces. They all looked equally disgusted.

"Jesus." I heard Andrew mutter.

Royce cleared his throat, gaining my attention. "When you say physical..."

"He tried," I answered, understanding where he was getting at without voicing it.  "But um, someone came in before anything happened."

Relief flooded Caleb's expression as the boys continued their questions. "Have you told anyone?" Andrew asked.

"My family knows," My family knew almost everything because no matter how much we irritated or disagreed with one another, we stuck by each other. "We took him to court."

"That's good," Jon Ming's eyes lit up before he frowned. "But he's walking around hugging you like that. That doesn't make sense."

"No, it should not make sense," I cleared my throat. "When I pressed charges, it was kept lowkey because I was still starting out. I was advised by so many people involved to stay out of the spotlight while trying to make a name for myself. To not cause controversy if it led to that. That's why no media attention had ever been on it."

"I kind of understand why people would tell you to do that," Andrew said, still sounding a little confused. "But nothing happened to him?"

"Turns out being a big producer with a shit ton of money can get you out of situations," I muttered.

"But he's not above the law," Caleb 's eyes narrowed, his arms now crossed. "He's not the fucking queen of England. How the hell did that happen? He didn't pay for compensation of some sort? Retribution of any kind?"

I shook my head, recalling the events I had managed to suppress from my mind. "Corruption and bribery in the law force can affect many cases. It's common in politics, government systems. That's most likely how. It's one of the reasons Naomi, my sister, went into law. To help stop shit like this from happening."

"I have a question," Jon Ming "How come no other person has accused him of something like that? Why didn't anyone say anything since it was clear it was happening to others?"

"It's hard for people to come forward if something like that has happened to them," Royce told him. "I mean, especially because of a guy with his status. Some people don't want to be seen as-"

"Opportunists or liars just because of someone's position," Caleb finished, still staring at me. He was tapping at his thigh with one hand, the other clenched in his fist.

"He probably threatened other women by saying he'd ruin their careers or some shit like that." Jon Ming muttered and I nodded. "Has any other-"

"I've worked with a lot of people," I informed them. "You'd be surprised by what they say."

They fell silent and I waited for their response. "What are you going to do?" Andrew asked, running a hand over his face.


"You didn't win because he had power. Power he abused," Royce mentioned. "If he's done this and is still doing this to other people... I know it may have seemed like you lost in the past, but I don't know. I think something can still be done about him, especially since you then is probably different from you now."

"Royce is right. Just take some time to think about it, yeah?" Caleb asked me.

"Okay." I pulled a small smile for them. "Thanks, guys and sorry for cutting the party short."

"We can have a little party here. Trust us, it's all good," Jon Ming flashed me a grin, not helping by trying to mess with my braids; the action making me laugh slightly as I swatted his hands away. "I want food. Ubereats anyone?"

"It's 2 am." Andrew got up.

"You don't get hungry at 2am?" Jon Ming deadpanned.

Royce followed them into the kitchen. "Let's get Mcdonalds."

When they disappeared, Caleb took a deep breath and sat down next to me. He threw an arm around my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am," I told him. "Don't worry."

"If I didn't worry, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend." A smile came to his face as he hugged me closer and I leaned into his comfort. "I have every right to be worried about you."

"I am okay," I told him. "That incident happened so long ago and it could have been worse for other people-"

"Don't compare the situations," He said quickly. "I don't care if it was twenty years ago or five months ago. No matter the degree of his actions, what he did was wrong."

We were quiet for a bit, "I think I was scared when I was younger. Which is a reason why I didn't go public with it and I was even hesitant at first because I kept thinking someone is going to accuse him first."

"Have you ever thought that maybe no one accused him was because they were as scared as you were when you first started? You were an upcoming actress and he tried to take advantage of that. He's done the same to others and might continue to do so. They were in your position but you're not in that position anymore."

My feet wiggled with anticipation. "True."

"Talk it over with someone if you have to about what to do- if you want to do something about it. I'm not going to force you, but I don't like the idea of that predator coming out of nowhere like that-acting like nothing ever happened."

"Me and you both," I put my hand over his. "I'll talk to someone about it. Get an idea of what to do from here."


"Yes," I kissed him. "Thank you." Just then a blanket was thrown over our heads and a pillow hit the side of my head.

"Okay, let's go," Caleb fixed the blanket around us as Jon Ming clapped his hands, grinning. "I ordered Mcdonalds. I didn't know what you guys wanted but I basically ordered everything. Caleb, it's coming out of your bank account."

Jon Ming tossed Caleb his phone, who yelled out, "Bro!" And despite the negative reminder from tonight, I laughed for what felt like the millionth time. 


A week away from the people I loved was usually normal.

If I had something to do in a different country this was the norm. Especially if my friends-hardworking people-were busy with jobs of their own. This threw me into work, into production, into anything I had to do with little thought of any situations on my mind. 

A week in France was filled with videos and photoshoots taken for the commercial. My agent, Erika had tagged along, bringing her dog with her and it was fun catching up with her and meeting new people.

Despite the possibility of me being distracted by work, I had time to think about what I had told the guys that night. Naomi and I discussed it before I left and she was mostly worried but when I assured her I was fine, I had told her what Royce had said.  She agreed but we had yet to discuss anything more due to the company we individually had over, her internship at the law firm and me preparing for my next film.  

But I knew what I wanted to do something about Eric McCantie, I just wasn't sure how to come across it with everything else going on around me. I needed a moment of clarity and a plan of how to get it across. 

I was checking through the list of things Krystal and Angie were going to bring for our night here when the doorbell rang. Naomi had met Caleb at the door first, a wide smile on her face. "Caleb."

"Hi, Ni." He shot her a grin, stepping inside as she closed the door behind him.

"If you need me, I'll be in the back swimming and," She turned her head to look up at me. "I'll let Krystal and Angie in when they get here."

"Thanks." I shot her smile, grabbing his hand to pull him up the stairs.

"Hi." I bit my lip, already grabbing him by his belt and pulling him into my room.

Caleb's eyes went wide. "Oh, we're already doing this?"

"I literally messaged you."

"I didn't just think I was going to be here for a booty call. Could have bought me dinner first, baby."

I laughed, closing the door behind me as he stared, as we waited for my next move. My laugh became soft, my smile dimming as I took in the man in front of me. I think I kissed him first, my hand on his neck and his wrapping around my waist. The kissing became deeper, fiercer and I pushed against him, and he pushed back, his tongue making its way into my mouth, our bodies pressed against each other, my mind spinning.

I pulled back, panting and he smirked. "How was France?"

"I'll tell you after." I started kissing down his neck, hearing his uneven breath, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath my hand. My hands trailed down to help him lift his shirt off his head. He did the same to me, almost ripping my tank top off my body but that was as far as I would let him go.

I was quick to shove him on the bed when I felt his hands on the button of my jeans. He let out a grunt as he landed on his back. I straddled his legs, looking down at him. "Hi, there." I gave him my cute smile, watching his expression darken.

He pushed me against him "What are you planning in that mind?"

I leaned down, my lips brushing against his own. "I'm thinking," I pressed a kiss to the hollow of his throat and he closed his eyes. "That you should," I let my hands go to his thigh, my lips going down to his chest, brushing against the ink of tattoos on his abdomen, nipping and sucked where I could feel him underneath me.

His eyes were hooded as he watched me, his hand going to the back of my head as I went lower on his body. "I should what?"

I licked my lips. "That you should bend me over that dresser. Or-" I softly laughed, my breathing heavy as I unbuckled his belt. "There's so many options why do just one?"

"Don't say that." He muttered sounding as if he was in a haze. 

"You don't want to bend me over the dresser? Or the bed? The floor looks a little uncomfortable, but I think with pillows we can make it work no?" I asked, teasing.

"Shit," His eyes glazed over. "That's hot."

"I know." He huffed at my cocky response, looking at me hooded eyes. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I kissed him, one hand on his jaw and he slung his arm around my waist to press me up against his body. "It's been a week," I mumbled against his mouth. 

"Felt like a month." He exaggerated.


"You love it."

I started pulling his pants and boxers down and he lifted his hips for me to do so. Throwing aside his clothes, I realized he wasn't expecting my mouth on him that fast.  His head tilted back at the feeling, eyes closed as he breathed out, "Shit."

"Oh my God."

That definitely didn't come from him.

I froze and quickly pulled myself off him. Partially irritated that I hadn't even started and that we were interrupted, Angie stood at the doorway, her eyes wide and jaw dropped. Krystal stood behind her, getting a view of the scene. Caleb was quick to cover himself with a pillow and we exchanged glances as our friends still stood by the doorway in shock.

Krystal: eyes widened.

Angie: jaw dropped.


No one spoke up, the universe forcing me to take the lead. "Can you guys give me like a minute-"

"A minute?" Caleb intervened and I glared at him. Totally not the time.

"How long then?" 

He regarded me for a moment before looking at them. "Give us thirty minutes."

"Fine. I'll talk to you both downstairs in thirty minutes," I said. Neither of them moved, still trying to process the scene. They weren't freaking out because we way too close where this has happened at least once between all of us.  "Unless you two are going to stay but I don't think you want to see-"

"We're going, we're going." Krystal closed the door quickly and I let out a breath.

Caleb laid back down on the bed and removed the pillow. He glanced down at himself. "Well?"

I shook my head at him, amused. "Fuck you."

He grinned, sitting up. There was a certain demand he didn't voice out but I could see it in his eyes. "That's what you want to do, baby."

He didn't give me the time to continue what I had previously been doing. I wasn't sure how much time was lost between him taking off my underwear, pulling me to the edge of the bed and getting on his knees and having his mouth between my legs. But through the immense pleasure he was giving, the sounds out of my mouth didn't resemble anything remotely English.  I shuddered beneath him, chanting his name like prayer and I dove over the edge in record-breaking time. 

"Shit." I sighed, opening my eyes when it was over. His hands loosened their grip on my thighs and settled for stroking along my inner thigh. The heat of my body contrasted the cool metal of his rings, making me slightly shake as I tried to relax and breathe.   

He lifted his head up from between my legs. "Good?"

Understatement of the century. "Always."

He licked his lips slowly and on impulse, I jolted at the action, watching him crawl up and over my body. Handing him a condom to make due to our time left before I was supposed to head downstairs, he sheathed himself.

Pushing my legs open, he settled between my legs and was inside me before I could process, a moan falling from my lips which he was quick to muffle with his own. With each push inside me, I breathed into his body, my hands roaming, not knowing where to stay as I met his movements with my hips.

Thirty minutes wasn't enough for us. For us who teased each other naturally, withholding ourselves until the intense satisfaction hit. But he was quick, whispering words in my ear that had me clench around him. My brain was my biggest erogenous zone. He knew that, toyed with that information and used it to his-mostly our-advantage. 

The low moan that came from the back of his throat had me press my nails against his back. He tilted my head up with his hand, coercing me to focus on him. "Tell me how you feel." He rasped, his hand reaching between my legs to touch the bundle of nerves there.

The whimper that left my lips boosted his ego, a smirk crossing his face as he tugged on my ear with his teeth. "With your words, baby."  

"It's hard enough to speak with you-oh fuck.

He managed to sit back, having me straddle him in a position where I would usually have control over but he didn't allow it. He thrust upwards, my eyes closing as the ache that grew more intense was just out of reach. I heard him curse gruffly into my shoulder, continuing his tireless movements. 

His hands gripped me, pulling me onto him with each thrust to help me get there. With a cry, my orgasm pulsed, hitting me hard and thrumming within me as I moved restlessly in his hold. He felt it, holding onto me tighter as he chased his release and when he found it, my name came out of him hoarsely and onto my dampened skin. 

A soft sigh left my mouth, my hand sliding down his chest as he tilted my head upward to collide our lips again once more. Spent by the relief, he pulled out and I sighed against his lips, pulling back to lie down. He settled beside me as we both caught our breath, linking his hand with my own and squeezing as if to bring me back to earth. 

"Fuck, Tavi." He mumbled, throwing his forearm across his eyes.

"So, um, France was-" I took another deep inhale, deciding to catch my breath instead of speak.

Caleb glanced over at me, smirking. "Deep breaths, mi corazon. Inhale, exhale, like a whale."

God, I missed this idiot.

I burst into laughter. "Shut up. I'll tell you about France with Angie and Krystal."

"Can we take a quick shower? Sex is a workout."

I came out of the bathroom first, dodging Caleb's hands to head over to our company. I quickly applied lotion to my body, changing into comfortable clothes as I skipped my way to the kitchen where my two close friends were grabbing a fruit platter I had made out of my fridge.

Angie spotted me first, keeping her eyes on me as Krystal continued speaking. "...And apparently, the DJ wasn't going to-O."

"Hi." I grinned, taking a seat on one of my rotating chairs and taking a cantaloupe from the platter. 

"Thank you for making us wait while you were being satisfied but when were you going to tell us?"

I started spinning on the chair. The best thing I ever bought was these chairs set up around my center island. "I honestly thought you guys already knew." 

We had all hung out together while Caleb and I had already declared what we were to each other. I wasn't vocal if I wasn't asked but I figured by the change between us they might have noticed.

"We knew it was fake dating."

"Then it turned into real dating." I clarified. 

"Oh, we couldn't tell by the way you were sucking his-"

"Anyways," I cut Angie off fast and she burst out laughing. "I'll tell you guys everything you want to know."


Oh, they were going to dissect the shit out of me. "Everything." I decided with a grin, still spinning on the chair.

Krystal lowly whistled. "Oh, she's smitten. Look at her smile."

I didn't drop it, shaking my head at them when I remembered what they were talking about. "Wait, but DJ for what?"

"For my launch party, remember?"

"Oh, yes," I nodded, recalling her upcoming event for her latest products just as her phone started buzzing again. "I'm definitely coming to that." 

Krystal sighed with relief. "Okay, DJ issue is solved. Ang, tell Octavia the good news."

"What news?" I stopped spinning in my chair, eagerly awaiting. 

"I'm following a band in October. They want me to be their stylist for their upcoming tour."

"That's sick Angie." I flashed her a smile and she grinned in thanks as I continued spinning in the chair. 

"What about you Oct?"

I shrugged. "Filming starts in a few days for me. Just trying to spend time with you all before I get caught up in another movie again."

"Anything else new besides the movie and Caleb?"Angie asked. 

"Not much is new but I don't know," I admitted to them. "I'm figuring out some things in my head. For instance, I want to do something on top of acting but I'm not sure what yet." I stopped spinning, frowning. "I sound like I'm going through a life crisis." 

"Sounds like you're experiencing your scheduled mid-life crisis at 25, babe," Angie commented and I rolled my eyes at her words. 

"You can sing," Krystal suggested just as Caleb entered the room. 

He gave Krystal and Angie hugs as a greeting, combing his wet hair with his fingers. "Who can sing?"


"Oh yeah, you have a voice." He agreed, pressing a kiss on the side of my temple as he took a strawberry from the fruit platter. "I've been telling you." 

"You have but I don't want to go into that," I said, starting to spin in the chair again. "It's not like acting is for me. It's not my passion."

"Think about what you enjoy and bring it into the table to add to acting." Angie nudged me just as Krystal's phone lit up with a message. 

We all somehow glanced over at it and the name that popped up had me and Angie share a look. "How's Nathan?" I shot Krystal a knowing smile just as Caleb started to take advantage of the rotating chair he was sitting on like me, spinning. 

The day after Caleb and I's first real date, Nathan had caught onto the fact that we were together. He respected that and if the world was filled with more men like him, that'd be great. Even if Caleb and I didn't get together, he and Krystal had gotten closer. A part of me knew nothing was going to happen between them but their close friendship was something Angie and I couldn't help but tease her about. 

She shrugged, fluffing her platinum hair. "I don't know. I don't care."

"Liar" Angie muttered, just as Naomi came into the kitchen in her bikini top and shorts, grabbing a bowl to put fruit into. I felt Caleb try to push me off the chair and I swatted his hand away, trying to do the same. "Oh, Jesus, now I understand how and why you two ended up together. Weirdos." 

Caleb laughed just as we all heard the front door. "Who's here?" My brother's obnoxiously loud voice rang throughout my house. 

"Kitchen," I yelled. Daniel appeared at the threshold, a huge grin on his face. Naomi and I exchanged glances before looking back at our brother. "Why do you look like you've been electrocuted?"

"Call mom. I'm engaged." 

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