Everything Happens At 2:04 AM

By nikki20038

4.3M 226K 398K

Octavia. That's the name the world knows her by. One word. One name. At seventeen, she was a girl who had h... More

Everything Happens at 2:04 AM
Chapter One: He Could Choke For All I Cared.
Chapter Two: I'll Call Him Papi Instead Of Daddy.
Chapter Three: I Breathe, Mind My Own Business On This Planet, And You Hate Me?
Chapter Four: I'm Going To Die Of Combustion.
Chapter Five: Let's Not Spread STDs Buddy.
Chapter Six: You Get A Car.
Chapter Seven: One, Two, Three, Jump.
Chapter Eight: You Have To Inhale Oxygen-Literal Air.
Chapter Nine: It's A No Now. It's A No Forever. And Don't Bother Asking Again.
Chapter Ten: You're In Hibernation Mode.
Chapter Eleven: I Can Barely Handle One Caleb.
Chapter Twelve: I'd Rather Catch Chlamydia.
Chapter Thirteen: English Isn't The Default Language of The World, Idiot.
Chapter Fourteen: Take That Attention Whore and Give Her Alcohol.
Chapter Fifteen: The Roof That's On Fire.
Chapter Sixteen: This Woman Does Not Care.
Chapter Seventeen: Go Jack Off Somewhere Else, Please and Thank You.
Chapter Eighteen: I'll Wack You Back To Canada.
Chapter Nineteen: What Do Those Hands Do?
Chapter Twenty: Thou Is Not Drunketh.
Chapter Twenty-One: I Don't Speak To Lightweights.
Chapter Twenty-Two: You're On Thin Ice.
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Human Race Depended On Your Procreation.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Death Glare Competition.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Call Up Your Angels and Your Very Own Charlie.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Fly To LA And Fight Everyone.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: It's Not Me. It's Definitely You, Babe.
Chapter Twenty- Eight: I Had A Hockey Stick Up My Dress.
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Don't Play With Me.
Chapter Thirty: Harder, Faster, Deeper.
Chapter Thirty-One: I Would Love To Get Into A Cheating Scandal.
Chapter Thirty-Two: Explicit Activity Is Part of His Job Description.
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Caleb Combo - Ready For Pickup.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Into A Garbage Disposal.
Chapter Thirty-Five: Space Buns.
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Brightest One.
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Suck Out Their Soul.
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Shame Didn't Exist In My Vocabulary.
Chapter Forty: We Really Thought.
Chapter Forty-One: Dora The Explorer Spanish.
Chapter Forty-Two: That Thing Between Your Damn Legs.
Chapter Forty-Three: Could have Bought Me Dinner First.
Chapter Forty-Four: Queen.
Chapter Forty-Five: Take The Wheel.
Chapter Forty-Six: Long Distance Cousins.
Chapter Forty-Seven: Romantic Spectacular Getaway.
Chapter Forty-Eight: It's October.
Chapter Forty-Nine: Uncertain.
Chapter Fifty: 2:04.
Epilogue: String Quartet.

Chapter Thirty-Six: Ménage à Trois.

76.9K 4.5K 16.1K
By nikki20038

lDedicated to wiredtobeweird for the covers above and at the end of the chapter! Thank you Disha, I love them <3

Chapter Thirty-Six: "Ménage à Trois."

CALEB AND I STOOD outside of one of the nicest houses I've ever seen on a cloudy day in Nottingham, England. 

However, if there weren't any blinds covering or shading the big windows of it all, one could easily rob it. But with how safe and lowkey the neighbourhood looked I doubt that anyone would possibly want to.  It was big, but it wasn't grotesquely huge for no reason-the nicest houses never were. 

Their neighbours were far enough to give them privacy but close enough to be able to see from where Caleb and I were standing. Everything about this part of the town was homey-you could easily imagine raising a family around here.

We both didn't have much on us; I carried my bag duffle bag like I was on a trip to camp and by the way Caleb carried a small backpack and his laptop bag, I assumed he had everything on him and inside.

He knocked my shoulder against his own playfully, a sly grin on his face. "Nervous?" 

I shot him a pointed look, holding on the strap of my duffle bag. "Should I be?" 

I shouldn't be, should I? I don't normally get nervous about most things and I shouldn't have been for this case. I was meeting people. Talking to people, no matter how big their platform was or how big of a following they had-warming up to people, was something I usually did with ease.  

Caleb's eyes searched my face as he played with the key in his hands. The serious look was quickly covered up by a goofy smile that made me struggle not to return it.  "You introduce me to a part of your world, and I'll introduce you to a part of mine."

We were welcomed by a loud cry. A very loud cry.

Caleb flinched and I scrunched up my nose at the surprise noise. "I forgot how loud Charlie is."

As if on cue, a pretty, tall woman-near Caleb's height-came into view looking utterly exhausted by the child crying in her arms. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail and her hazel eyes were filled with exhaustion as she spotted us.

As we stood there I felt like I was intruding but the smile on her face made me feel welcomed. Caleb beamed at her and I knew he would have engulfed her in a hug if the baby wasn't in her arms. "Hi, Princesa."

The corner of her lip quirked up at the nickname and I didn't even question it. "Hi, Charming." 

"See," Caleb nudged me with his fingers, letting his hand stay on my waist. "I told you one of my nicknames was Charming. But she's the only one that calls me that." 

It wasn't hard to see why she would call him that, I thought, watching Caleb's eyes landed on the child.  "Aw, come to uncle Caleb." He reached his arms out, gushing at the baby in her arms.

The woman, who I assumed to be Macy, owner of the nickname Princesa, took a step back, narrowing her eyes at Caleb. "Are you sick?"

Caleb didn't even have time to answer before Macy pointed her index finger at him. "Henderson, I swear to God if you even have a hint of an STD- I don't care, step away from my child."

I rolled my lips in my mouth to contain my laughter at the appalled look on Caleb's face. He seriously looked offended. "I don't have an STD!"

"I want papers," Macy stated as her child continued to cry. Her accent was almost the same as mine but it was obvious that she had spent a lot of time in England; specific words were better articulated. "Anything that says for the record that you're clean."

"I got checked out weeks ago and," Caleb turned to me, raising an eyebrow. "You haven't been with anyone else while you're with me, have you?"

"Oh my God." I gaped at the idiot. He knew I haven't been and I knew he hadn't been either. It was implied with our agreement. But this was not exactly how I was planning on being introduced to the important people of his life.

He might as well have said 'Hi this is my friend Octavia-we sleep with each other occasionally but you know we're homies'. 


I haven't done anything with him since that morning in New York for my sake but Macy didn't need to know that. 

"See!" Caleb pointed at me. "No, nothing. I use condoms; I am not sick in any way-"

"Debatable." I heard Macy mutter and I snorted. 

"Let me have my child." Caleb pleaded.

"Not your kid." A voice said in the corridor, but I didn't see the face that said it.

"Has my name," Caleb yelled back, before taking Charlie in his arms. Caleb turned to me, his voice softer "This is Charlie Caleb Cahill. Triple C, this is Octavia."

Their son's middle name was Caleb's name. 

If I didn't think they were important people before I heard that I definitely did now. 

A little scoff of surprise came out of my mouth at that information- as Zen had said, I practically was meeting Caleb's family. 

"Stop calling him Triple C." The voice yelled out again, sounding irritated to the max and I couldn't help but chuckle.

I looked down at the little bundle in his arms that had quieted down. I couldn't speak for a moment, looking at the child. He was beautiful with bright green eyes and whips of hair peeking out from the hat on his head. I turned to Macy, "He's a gorgeous little thing."

Macy smiled, her eyes on her kid. "Yeah, he is." Behind her, a big black dog came out, making its way slowly over to Caleb.

Caleb grinned down at the dog trying to get his attention. "This is Soccer. He doesn't bite."

I must've had a certain look on my face at the name I couldn't hide because Macy looked amused. "We're a football family," She took a step towards me, a hand stretched out, "I'm Macy."

"Octavia," I said, returning her smile and shaking her hand. 

"It's great to finally meet you," Macy turned to Caleb, rolling her eyes. "We restocked on ice cream and kiwi for you."

"I ate half the kiwi," The voice said again, this time coming into view.

Sam Cahill was a familiar face to me in the media. It didn't take much to see that his son was going to look almost like him. Handsome face, bright green eyes and brown curly hair-type 3. He rolled his eyes at the sight of Caleb and when he spoke his British accent was thick but not as hard to understand. 

"Why did you eat half?" Caleb exclaimed but Sam didn't acknowledge his question, shoving his hands in his the pockets of his Adidas pants.

"I don't know why I gave you a key," he said. "It wasn't so you could barge in here any time you'd like."

Caleb scowled back. "I told you we were coming by."

"Yes," Macy said dryly, taking Charlie back in her arms just as her husband stood near her. They were close in height, I noticed. And his hairstyle was similar to Caleb's, giving me the impression that they went to go get their hair cut together the last time Caleb had been here. "That was days ago. You didn't say when. You said soon."

"I said today is a possibility of when we would be coming, I just never said the time." He corrected with a pointed finger bending down to play with the black dog, Soccer.

I almost didn't pay attention to their conversation, I was still looking down at the dog and it did make sense for him to be named Soccer of all things.  

"Caleb," Macy sighed. "I could have cleaned."

"You have a maid for that-or could hire one," Caleb rolled his eyes turning to me while nodding towards them. "Rich people."

"Shut up, asshole." Sam snapped.

I didn't expect that but I wasn't entirely surprised. Caleb was a goof, it made sense he would have banter like this with someone. 

"Fuck you." Caleb spat at him, scowling. But he couldn't contain the smile rising on his face at the sight of someone he called his best friend.  

Macy glared at the two of them so hard even I felt it. "Swear in front of Charlie one more time and I'll kick the both of you."

I glanced at her exposed legs from her shorts. She was toned so there was no doubt that if she did manage to kick both of them it would hurt. Like a bitch. 

That shut the two of them up fast, making me stifle my laughter.

Sam's eyes shifted to glance at me before turning back to Caleb. A faint smile was on his lips as he nodded at Caleb, "Hey, man."

Caleb gave Sam the most ludicrous expression. "I'm sorry, all I get is a head nod? Do I have a disease or something?"

Sam shook his head as Caleb all but attacked him in a bear hug he had no choice to return. "Okay, okay, get off me, bastard. You've been here for three minutes and twenty-one seconds and you're already irritating me."

Three minutes and twenty-one what now? 

There's no way he actually counted that in his head. Was that even possible or was he making an estimate? 

But neither Macy nor Caleb were fazed by his supposed ability. Caleb rolled his eyes, letting go of Sam and settling for patting him on the back, "Anyways, Octavia this is my husband, Samuel Cahill."

"Oh, my goodness." I heard Macy mutter, but she sounded used to Caleb's odd sense of humour.

Caleb attempted to put an arm around both of them but Sam was quick to push his arm off his shoulder,  "In case you haven't noticed, I am the third part of their relationship."

"No.," Macy and Sam said at the same time and Caleb frowned.

"Polygamy is the word to describe us," Caleb explained further. "Ménage à trois, if you prefer. Or as some people might say 'threesome'."

I was 100% certain Caleb meant polyamorous but judging by the way he had stated his sentence, the supposed author in the setting didn't care and was sticking to polygamy. 

"Oh my God," Sam covered his baby's ears. "Imagine threesome being our son's first words."

"You're welcome," Caleb smirked. 

Sam looked at me. "You're sleeping with him?" Before I had the chance to answer, Sam said, "Good luck. I hope he doesn't talk much in bed."

Caleb and I exchanged a glance and Sam caught that, rolling his eyes. "Oh for Christ's sakes." 

Sam smacked Caleb upside the head so fast I almost didn't see it. Caleb groaned, shoving Sam right back as a response but he barely moved. Idiot.

Sam shifted his eyes over to me, assessing me from head to toe and I did the same to him, keeping my face blank. He was tall, sure, the three of them were but not tall enough that I felt like I was towered over.

I tilted my head as his green eyes gave me the once over before looking directly at me.

He was used to being the intimidating one. Two could play at that game.

We stared each other down and I decided right then and there that I wasn't going to say anything until he said it first.

Caleb got fed up, stepping away from the dog- whose name I still couldn't believe was Soccer. He stepped in between our eye contact, making me blink multiple times. Caleb put a hand on my shoulder before pushing Sam's shoulder back. "Quit it."

Sam chuckled, breaking the game. He shoved Caleb out of the way, nodding at me. "Nice to meet you, Octavia."

I fixed the strap of my duffle bag, nodding back. "You too, Cahill."

"Stand back, they might bring out guns," Caleb whispered to Macy.

I rolled my eyes at Caleb. "Shut up."

Sam smirked, reaching a hand out to take my bag. "If she tells you to shut up all the time, we're going to get along great."

"Fuck you." Caleb snapped.

Macy snapped her head up. Her glare was so hard even I flinched. "What did I just say?"


"How did you two meet?" I couldn't help but ask after dinner, ice cream bowl in my hands as we all sat on the couches of their living room. The vibe between everyone was incredibly chill, especially between me and Macy seeing as we led most of the conversation during dinner. 

Sam was still staring me down every chance he could get but I figured it was because he was looking out for Caleb. I didn't blame him. I would've done the same in regards to Sydney. 

Sam and Macy exchanged a glance but before either of them could even say anything Caleb spoke up. "Okay, so it was a nice February evening when Macy went to the park with-"

Macy cut him off fast, grabbing a pillow and reaching across me to wack him and Caleb laughed in response on the other side of me. The action itself reminded me of my siblings. 

She tucked her hair behind her ears, her eyes down on her son who was staring up at her. "He was..." Macy trailed off, a smile on her face at the memory as I ate my ice cream. 

"Brooding," Caleb finished for her, bringing his knees up to his chest. "Extremely brooding. He had a leather jacket and everything. He thought he was a real badass." 

Sam made a face but he was even chuckling. "I was badass." 

"Just because you drove a motorcycle in high school doesn't mean you were badass," Macy told him, her eyes darting down to Soccer who was curled up around her feet, his eyes closed. She looked at me as she continued. "I didn't like him, but he forced his way into our friend group at the time and I started dating his brother."

"Ah," Sam rubbed his temple, shaking his head as if he had suddenly gotten a headache from where he sat on the couch adjacent to the rest of us. "Always forget that."

"You mean where you stole her from your brother?" Caleb said from beside me, his legs hung over the couch and his head against my thigh.

"Whoa." My jaw dropped. I did not expect that during storytime.

"We were stupid teenagers," Macy told me. "We could've done things differently but what happened happened and now we're here. I don't condone my actions and neither does he-"

"He didn't love you," Sam pointed at her. "But he did have your attention for a while."

"Don't say your actions were the best. At the end of the day, he was your brother."

"And he's one of my closest friends," Sam added before turning to me. "Cedric, my brother, and I didn't get along back then so he went out with Macy because he didn't think that I would fall for her. We all fucked up." 

"You were teenagers." I pointed out, not excusing their past actions but if I agreed with everything I did as a teen, I would have very different morals now. 

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "But I did fall for her. Our proof is in her arms right there."

Macy still frowned, glancing down at Charlie. "As I said," She repeated, glaring at Sam momentarily before turning to me. "We did stupid things back then. But we've learned."

"Yes, we have," I couldn't help the smile that came to my face as I watched him take her hand, giving her a look with warmth purely and only reserved for his wife. "Eight years later, here we are."

Wow, I couldn't help but think as I watched Macy return his look. Love like that was what I dreamed of as a kid and it was admirable they were able to find it within and with each other. 

Caleb broke my thoughts, gesturing for the spoon filled with ice cream in my hand. He tapped his mouth and I rolled my eyes putting the spoon in his mouth anyway. His eyes lit up with a teasing smile, his hand warm on my leg as he pulled them over on his lap so that we were closer. 

He twiddled the spoon and I took that one hand that was on my thigh, examining the cool feeling of his rings on his fingers while trying to ignore the steady beat of my heart suddenly increasing pace the longer I looked at him. 

Tearing my gaze off Caleb, I glanced at Sam who was already staring at me. "So you're a soccer player."


I blinked, not budging. "So, you're a soccer player."

He laced his fingers. "Football."

"Here we go." Caleb raised his arms up.

I narrowed my eyes at Sam, moving my legs from Caleb's lap to cross one leg over the other. "Soccer."

"Football," He leaned back in his seat. "Where you from?"

"You know where I'm from." Caleb had told them for sure that we all came from the same town, we spent half of dinner talking about it.

"Where are your parents from?" He corrected. 


He smirked, knowing he got me dead on. "And what do they call it there?"

Fucking footb-"You're an asshole, you know?"

He laughed loudly, not taking any offence. He knew he could be an asshole and I respected that he wasn't in denial. "Commonwealth countries."

I looked him dead in the eyes, making sure he heard the sarcasm dripping in my voice. "The beautiful wonders of colonization."

Macy held a fist to her lips as Caleb choked out a response, shooting me a grin. Even Sam looked amused. "Maybe you snapped."

I shrugged. "Maybe I did."

Caleb stood and took a moment of his day, of his time, to take my braids and put it across my face. I pushed him with a groan, and he laughed, standing to head upstairs. He took a step back, offering to take Charlie and Macy, with some hesitation, obliged. "Charlie and I will be upstairs getting away from the argument so that I can get to work-"

"We'll be upstairs," Sam intervened, getting up as well. "Making sure Charlie doesn't go to bed until it's time."

"I can take care of Charlie myself!" Caleb said.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Caleb, I do," Macy said tiredly, curling up on the couch next to me. "I'm just not used to him being out of my sight for too long."

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of him." He said in a soothing tone, his eyes staying on Charlie.

Macy let out a breath, closing her eyes for a moment. She needed that. No wonder she looked grateful for having Caleb here, it meant she had a little break. "Thank you."

"Don't worry, Hazel." Sam cupped her face, pressing a kiss to her forehead and she hummed in response before he followed Caleb up to the stairs. Caleb shot me a smile as they disappeared, and I felt Macy's eyes on me before I had even turned to look at her.

"Why Hazel?" I couldn't help but ask.

Macy looked surprised by my bluntness, but she recovered quickly. "My eyes."

"Cute nickname," I commented. She really did have nice hazel eyes. "How's it like being a mom?"

"It's something, I'll tell you. Don't remember the last time I got a good amount of sleep but I'm not complaining. If I let myself fade off for a second, I would think there's two of you in front of me."

"You have to stay awake, right?"

Macy yawned loudly. "When he's asleep, I'm asleep."


"You pick a movie if you want." She told me, gesturing to the TV.

I walked on over to their set of DVDs', spotting the DVD player on the side of their hung-up TV. "I'm surprised you still have DVDs."

"My dad brought some over when he was here last," She told me. "He believes we should have some classics even though they're all online."

"My dad still has the VCR set up," I told her. 

Macy's eyes were wide at that news. She sat up, intrigued. "You're lying. He has a VCR? In this year?"

"Still has tapes and everything. We told him to throw it out. He'll never give it up for as long as he's alive, I'm telling you."


"What can you do?" I rhetorically asked, still looking when I stumbled upon a very familiar movie. Too familiar. "You have Eagle?"

Macy groaned and I recognized that look in her eyes almost as much as I recognized the movie in my hand. "Listen, when Caleb told me he was bringing you with him I'm going to admit I fangirled a little-"

"You're married to one of the most famous soccer players!" I couldn't help but cut in. Sam definitely didn't have this look in his eyes when he saw me but it was probably because had been surrounded by celebrities his entire life. But Macy had hidden it well not to freak me out and I silently thanked her for it. 

"And? In my eyes, his career isn't the main thing," She told me. "Am I not allowed to fangirl over you? I've watched almost all your movies."

I shook my head slowly. "Macy."

"And you walk in here like you haven't done any of this," Macy pointed at the DVD. "Caleb and I watched that one summer like twenty times I swear."

"Oh, my fucking God."

"You're so chill about it, though."

"I've become used to it," I told her. "There are different reactions when people see me, but you were calm about it when you met me."

"I had to be, you're staying here for a few days I'm not about to make you uncomfortable," She grinned. "Sam was like 'you gotta calm down', all throughout this week. I don't know how Caleb didn't explode when he first met you. I'm still containing it. Give me a second."

"Oh my God." She took a deep breath; an index finger up and her eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes, she pretended to fan herself. "Wow, you're still here."

We both shared a laugh as I still looked through the display cases, putting the movie back where I had found it. "How did you and Caleb meet?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"Oh, he did," Macy assured me. "But probably told Sam a complete play by play of what happened on that day. But I want your perspective."

I relayed the information of the first time I met Caleb back in April. When he had come in with a box of donuts and a black eye and the words we had exchanged that led me to immensely dislike him. "We got off on the wrong foot but clearly, we passed that stage."

That seemed like forever ago.

"No, I almost didn't notice." She said sarcastically. My eyes widened at the sight of something in the DVDs case. 

"You have Smash?"

Her hazel eyes lit up in excitement, matching my own. "You want to play?"

I grinned. "Yes."

Moments later, Macy and I had bonded. Fast.

One thing I learned was that, despite how exhausted she was, was a loud person. Which went well with my loud personality. Together, multiple rounds of the video game later, we were practically yelling I wouldn't be surprised if their neighbours heard us.

"No, no, no, you cheated!"

"How the hell did I cheat? There's literally no way that I could have cheated. Fight me."

"I will," She suddenly slumped where she was sitting next to me, stretching. "Let me just sit back here for a second. Give me a moment. I'm still recovering from this thing called birth I did a while ago."


She lightly hit me with a pillow, putting her controller to the side. "Shut up, roach."

"Rematch, loser."

The namecalling occurred after the first round. I noticed Macy didn't swear quickly because she had very creative names for me whenever she lost. She called me a duck. I don't know how she managed to make 'duck' sound insulting but it worked with our competitiveness. 

"I want a Pop-tart," She grumbled, moving to the kitchen, "Give me a second. Want one? I got stacks saved up."

"Nah, I'm okay. Why do you have so many?"

"Because I could eat Pop-Tarts every single day of my life." She admitted, before going to the kitchen.

A body slumped on the couch next to me, picking up the controller. "Charlie asleep?" I asked Caleb. 

"Yeah, and I finished some things. There's something calming about this place whenever I'm here. You beat Macy?"

I smirked. "Easy."

"I almost kicked your butt, what do you mean easy?" Macy yelled from the kitchen.

"Emphasis on almost," I yelled back before turning to Caleb. "She doesn't like losing."

"Tell me about it," He picked up the controller, choosing his character. I chose my own and we started the game up again when Macy walked into the room, biting the living hell out of the Pop-tart. "I didn't know you played video games," Caleb said.

"It's 'cause of Daniel," I explain, referring to my brother. "He used to beg for this shit growing up and when you're bored, you learn things."

"Prepare to lose."

"Me? Losing? Mr. Henderson, did you forget who I am?"

Macy reached over to hit Caleb upside the head. "You're not going to win. You suck at Smash."

Caleb whined out loud, shooting Macy a look as he paused the game. "Can you- I'm tryna win here. I don't need your negativity."

"You're going to lose," Said Sam as he entered the room, settling on the couch adjacent to us. Glancing outside through their windows, I could see that it was night outside. But I was fully awake due to the lack of adjustment to the time difference. "Badly."

"Oh look, the most negative of them all. Negative Nancy at her finest." Caleb spat out, continuing the game.

He lost.

Like thirty seconds later.

"Woo!" I put my hands up in the air getting in Caleb's face. "Who won? I won. Who won? I won, okay, who won? I won-"

"Yeah, yeah," He pushed me off him, huffing.

"What a baby." I reached over to pinch his cheeks he swatted my hands off, scowling.

"I'm not a baby." To further prove my point, his bottom lip jutted out, making me grin. 

"You sure," I got in his face once more and he grinned at my cockiness. "Sore loser, c'mon say it with me: 'you're a sore loser'."

"You're a sore loser." He repeated and I shoved his face back with my hand, making him groan loudly.

He tossed the controller to Sam before flicking me flat in the nose. "Mate, would you?"

"You're not from here. Don't say mate," Sam said, choosing his character.

"It sounds sexier coming out of my mouth, so, your point?"

"Anyways," I pushed Caleb's face out of the way. He groaned but coddled up next to me on the couch like Soccer who was laying on the ground next to me. "Cahill, prepare to get your ass beat."

I watched that smirk come onto Sam's face as we started the game. He got comfortable, I got into game mode. Minutes later, I got comfortable and he got into game mode – when the game was over.

I had Sam Cahill stunned. By the way he was- his presence and all, trust me, that was an accomplishment. "What the fuck?"

"Winner!" I put both my hands up again.

I nudged Macy. "Your husband's a sore loser too?"

"They're best friends for a reason."


Sam settled back, "Rematch."

"Yeah?" I challenged him.

"Rematch." He repeated and we did just that. A couple of happy dances later, Sam was drinking water out of his water bottle, a very displeased look on his face as Macy laughed at my antics.

I settled back down on the couch next to her. "We should definitely play other games while you're here."

"Count on that," I promised her.

"Hope you lose every game you play." I heard Caleb's comment loud enough for all of us to hear.

I took the pillow Macy had used to throw at Caleb earlier, hitting his torso. He flung his hand out at me and I swatted his hand down. Before I knew it, someway somehow in the midst of our play fighting I was sitting on top of his back, holding his arms down. "Get off me, Tavi."

"I'm rather comfortable right where I am, you aren't, babe?" I shifted a couple of times more and Caleb groaned but he didn't bother moving, getting settled underneath me.  I shifted back, somehow pushing him forward and he ended up sprawled onto the ground with a yelp, his face right beside Soccer the dog.

Sam pointed his water bottle at me, looking at Caleb with a smirk on his face. "I like her."

Macy nudged me with her elbow. "I like you too."  

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