Minecraft Story Mode Season 3...

By CassieRoseMCSM

14.7K 313 272

The day after Jesse and Romeo's battle at Terminal Space, Romeo is still trying to get over the loss of his p... More

Part 2: Not So Different
Part 3: What are you gonna do? Lock me in a closet?
Part 4: Jesse's new fashion statement... AKA a sword wound.
Part 5: The Walking Dead... Are Not a Problem Right Now
Part 6: Ghost Mug
Part 7: Jesse isn't short. She's vertically challenged.
Part 8: A Tutorial On Basic Human Knowledge
Part 9: Lukas To The Rescue
Part 10: A Very Strange Encounter
Part 11: Clever Trickery...
Part 12: Skittish Cats
Part 13: Redstonia At Last
Part 14: There's nothing that hurts more than broken hopes.
Part 15: Surprises both good and bad.
Part 16: Confessions
Part 17: Lukas Reveals A Secret
Part 18: Hiding Under A Table... It's Still A Great Solution To Any Problem!
Part 19: Some Advice On The Xara Situation
Part 20: Epilogue

Part 1: Hiding Under A Table... A Great Solution To Any Problem!

1.7K 19 4
By CassieRoseMCSM

 Romeo woke up at a Beacontown rental home, hoping yesterday's events had just been a terrible nightmare. He looked down at his arms and realized they weren't their usual dark gray. For extra measure, he looked at himself in the mirror to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. He'd still have his powers and everything would be great.

But that wasn't the case. A man with shoulder length bright red hair, a goatee, and black eyes who wore a gray v-neck t-shirt, blue jeans, and red converse stared back at him.

He exited his rental home and walked to Beacontown's square, where he sat alone as he read Lukas' book. Suddenly he felt someone excitedly tap him on the shoulder. He turned around to see who it was, and realized it was Adara- a girl who had recently moved into Beacontown. Adara had dark blond hair pulled into a high ponytail and hazel eyes with flecks of gold in them. She wore a knee length orange and gold short sleeved dress and metallic orange stilettos (Romeo always wondered how people could walk, much less run in those things). "What do you want?" Romeo sighed. His British accent was usually bright and lively... but his bright and lively tone seemed to have been lost along with his powers. Adara examined him from head to toe, like he was something she needed to fix. Then suddenly she grinned widely.

"Just to give you a lesson on communication!" Adara chirped. She sashayed to Romeo's side, put an arm around him, and shook him gently in an assuring way. Adara getting in Romeo's personal space and touching him made him feel uncomfortable- he barely knew her.

Suddenly he remembered he'd done the same thing to Jesse- touching her and invading her personal space when she barely knew him. Romeo felt a sting of guilt... Jesse must have been so uncomfortable. Romeo brushed Adara's hand off of his shoulder.

"Please don't touch me," Romeo managed. He'd had difficulty standing up for himself- much less anyone else- ever since he'd lost his powers. Romeo couldn't help but wonder if all of his bravery had been taken away too.

"So, as I was saying, I'm going to take you to a party!" Adara smiled.

Romeo's skin drained of all color. His eyes widened in fear.

"I- what? No. No no no no no," Romeo panicked.

"Come on! It'll be fun! And it'll improve your conversation skills!" Adara insisted. Fun? Romeo wasn't so sure about that. Worrying you're going to do something you regret when you're talking to someone wasn't his idea of fun. "And who knows? You might even make some friends," Adara continued. Romeo was in desperate need of friends, but he knew if he tried the whole "friends" thing again, he'd just mess everything up.

"But- what if I do something wrong? What if I hurt someone, or lose my temper, or-" Romeo replied. Adara grabbed Romeo by the arm and began to drag him. He didn't want to go to the party, but he could tell he didn't really have much of a choice. Adara continued to drag Romeo by the arm until they had reached Adara's bedroom. Romeo rubbed his arm, which was now sore from Adara's tight grip.

"Okay, so first we need to find you something to wear," Adara told him. Romeo looked down at his t-shirt, jeans, and converse.

"Can't I just wear what I'm wearing right now?" Romeo asked.

"Oh my Notch! You can't wear that to a party!" Adara exclaimed, circling him twice with her finger. "You have to wear something nice. So... not a casual t-shirt and jeans," Adara explained.

"You're not going to make me wear high heels, right?" Romeo checked. Adara stifled a laugh.

"No way would I do that, but I have an outfit you can use," Adara answered.

"That can be found in the men's clothing department?" Romeo asked hopefully.

"Duh. What did you think, that I was going to make you wear a dress?" Adara snickered.

"That was exactly what I was worried about," Romeo told her. Adara walked into her closet and came out with a black tuxedo. Romeo examined it, shook his head, and sighed. "Can I please just wear my t-shirt and jeans?" Romeo begged.

"Fine. But you're still coming to the party," Adara responded. She dragged Romeo by the arm all the way to the party, but let go once they entered the place it was being held: a building made of stone bricks with a neon sign above its glass doors. The inside was a large, dimly lit room with buffet tables, a chandelier, and dancing multicolored lights. Music was playing somewhat loudly- you could hear someone talk at a normal volume, but you couldn't hear a whisper. Romeo shook in fear when he examined the room- there were about thirty people at the party. Now sporting a somewhat terrified expression, Romeo turned his head to Adara.

"That's a lot of people. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Romeo said to Adara.

"You'll be fine," Adara responded. She then walked into the middle of the crowd and began dancing next to a girl who had a magenta streak in her medium length blond hair that she wore down, and blue eyes. The girl wore a knee length black spaghetti strap dress and a black belt. She was yet another girl who wore stilettos. Romeo decided he would never get why girls wore those things. Couldn't you fall or twist your ankle while trying to walk in them? Oh well.

Romeo walked over to a corner. From his personal experience, people are less likely to notice you if you're in the corner. And not getting noticed would help him survive this party. Romeo opened Lukas' book and continued reading the page he was on before he was interrupted by Adara.

Jesse walked to the edge of the tiny island that she stood upon and saw something that took her breath away. In the distance, she could see a large, beautiful city on a floating island. The city was made of gold, iron, and purple concrete and in the center there was an iron and gold palace that was shaped like a flower bud and had purple concrete accents. 

Romeo's reading was interrupted by a "Woohoo!" and a loud crash. The chandelier on the ceiling was now shattered and on the floor, and a light brown-haired boy with blue eyes was wincing and lying next to it. He'd obviously decided to try swinging from the chandelier and things didn't work out too well for him. He stood up and walked out the door, humiliated.

Suddenly a slow dance song began playing, and Romeo decided the best move was to hide under one of the buffet tables. He began to push his way through the crowd, accidentally knocking the girl in the black dress's glass to the ground. "Sorry!" Romeo apologized.

"Do you mind?! Oh my Notch! Hey loser, my name is Lillian Taylor and you should get out of my face before yours gets punched," the girl snarled.

"I- I didn't mean to-" Romeo began feebly. Lillian rolled her eyes and left to get another glass. Romeo continued weaving through the sea of people and managed to make it to the buffet table. He crawled under the tablecloth. Romeo planned on camping out under the table and reading Lukas' book the rest of the party. Romeo was about to open the book when he saw people right next to the table he was under. He could only see their legs and shoes- one leg was bare with light brown flats, and the other wore a pair of blue jeans and black shoes.

Romeo accidentally backed up into one of the table's legs, causing it to shake. Suddenly a familiar feminine hand lifted the tablecloth. 

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