His Changing Heart (Sesshomar...

By Katherine_771

86.1K 2.3K 234

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a whole other person? Like who are isn't who you're meant... More

Chapter 1 (sneak peak🤓)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Q & A
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
School and posting schedule
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New book!!

Chapter 8

3.1K 93 3
By Katherine_771

"I'm sorry Kagome.." I muttered as we dashed for the bird.
"Get a clear shot and don't mess this up!" the boy holding me warned. I narrowed my brows and nodded. Holding the knife I took out earlier I aimed.
"Get me a little closer," I told him making sure I wouldn't miss. He did as he was told and so I aimed once again.

Just as I threw my knife the bird swooped down causing me to miss. Noticing where the bird was going I panicked.
"Shit! Inuyasha he's going for the boy!" I notified the boy below me.
"Alright, I'm taking it from here. Don't worry about not hitting it," he muttered as he set me down gently. It took me by shock that he was so calm considering how he blew up at Kagome.

I watched as the whole scene played out as Inuyasha followed the bird who now had a little boy in its talons. I started to run after the bird too. Inuyasha soon jumped up and slashed at the bird. Its body parts scattering and falling into the water along with the little boy. All the villagers began to follow the little boy who floated down the river. I noticed Kagome stopping and beginning to take off her shoes and socks.
"We don't have time for that!" I muttered frantically as I swan dive straight into the freezing water.

Coming back up I grabbed the boy and began swimming towards the shore fighting the current as I swam. Kagome began to approach us.
"Kagome take the boy I'm going to look for the jewel!" I rushed and shoved the little boy into her arms as I dove under. As I began searching the pieces of the bird for the jewel they began to reassemble. Dammit. I came back up with a gasp of air. The bird coming out of the water beside me causing me to scream in shock. It began to fly up but swooped back around grabbing me by the arm.

"Mitsuki!" I heard Kagome cry out. I struggled for my knives but only to accidentally unhook the strap.
"Dammit! Let me go!" I growled as I started punching the bird but it's like it wasn't even bothered. I heard an ear-piercing sound and as I turned my head I saw an arrow coming my way. Kagome! Quickly moving my head to the side the arrow hit directly in the stomach making the bird instantly scatter again.

I screamed as I started to free fall. The free fall only lasted a few moments as I felt arms wrap around my body and soon I could feel the ground beneath my feet.
"She hit it!" a rough voice rang in my ears. I opened my eyes to see Inuyasha beside me but when I look up shock and worry filled my heart. A bright light was illuminating the sky.

Like thousands of shooting stars, the sky lit up in tiny little streaks of light.
"What the hell is this?!" I shrieked covering my eyes. As soon as the lights were gone the sky was clear again like nothing happened.

"Are you sure it fell around here?" the silver-haired boy asked Kagome doubtfully.
"Well yeah. Kind of- though I'm still kind of worried about that light," she admitted.
"Me too..." I muttered softly in agreement while looking at the now-setting sun. A demonic screech caught my attention and as I turned my head Inuyasha slashed through the crow's head. A small glittery piece dropped to the floor. Oh no. I covered my mouth in shock.

"I hope that's not what I think it-" Kagome began already knowing what I'm thinking.
"What do you think it is?" Inuyasha butted in. She and I crouched down beside it as she picked it up.
"The jewel" I whispered.
"What was that?!" Inuyasha yelled clearly hearing what I said but not believing me.
"I think it's a shard from the jewel," Kagome confirmed.
"Wha- WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" he howled in anger making me cringe.

---time skip---

"I don't believe this! How can they not know what a bath is!?" Kagome shouted in disbelief. We were both in a lake that had a small river stream bathing.
"Kagome they aren't from our world it's different here." I giggled slightly as she shivered clutching her arms around her.
"I don't understand how you're not cold Mitsuki," she commented on my nonshivering body. I only shrugged as a relaxed into the water.

"Come children! You'll get sick if you don't get out." Kaede warned us while she sat by the fire. Of course, Kagome protested while I just shrugged as I began walking out of the water. Kagome dove underwater after stating her complaints causing Kaede to sigh and shake her head.

Finally stepping out of the water Kaede rushed over to me with one of her kimono tops wrapping it around my shoulders and pulling it shut while ushering me to the fire.
"Warm and dry off before you put on new clothes," she instructed me and I only nodded. We were silent for a little while I gazed at the embers of the fire getting stuck in my own head. It's been a while since she's been in my dreams. I miss seeing her- or me.

"Mitsuki?" Kaede's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up at her with a small "hm" to let her know to continue.
"It has been apparent to me that you fit in quite nicely here. Kagome has had a rough time accepting the things around here but you on the contrary have been soaking everything up," she explained to me. Putting my finger on my lip as I looked up in thought for a moment. I never noticed.

I looked back at her and shrugged as I decided to tell her.
"At home, I don't belong. I don't fit in. My parents drifted apart because of me. You see...where I'm from people are scared of me. Much like you and your village was. All because of my eyes...but now, here, I feel accepted. Not many are afraid to approach me now. I feel like I fit in here so I guess that's why I've been able to accept my surroundings." I deciphered my own thoughts while explaining to her.

We went back into silence for a while stuck in our own thoughts after our shared words but not for long.
"Here change into this. One of our village women made it to ye size with some leftover cloth she had. I hope it's to ye liking." she spoke as she passed over the clothing. I remembered Kaede taking my measurements before we came out here and now I guess I know why. Standing up I moved over to change behind some bushes.

Slipping off Kaede's Kimono top I slipped my undergarments on. Kaede was saying something about me and Kagome being completely different sizes when it came to body types and I guess she wasn't wrong. I've never noticed how I had a little more than slightly a bigger bust and behind. I wasn't one to compare body types.

Holding out the clothing that was made for me I gasped in awe. It was a white dress with off-the-shoulder small sleeves and a blue lining with a blue overdress that had a large cut in the front and on the chest with a hood attached to it. A brown belt was strapped around it. It was gorgeous. Excitedly I undid the belt to slip the white dress on which hugged the upper part of my body nicely. Next, I slipped the blue overdress on and finishing it off with the belt.

I jumped slightly at the sound of a female scream and not long after a giant smash.
"Oh boy, what did he do now?" I muttered in question just knowing it was Inuyasha. Dusting my new clothes off I walked out of behind the bush only to see Kagome behind a bush yelling at Inuyasha. Shaking my head I sat in front of the fire with Kaede who only did the same.

"Ha! Shows what you know. The reason I really came was to-"
"Ye really came to steal this shard, correct?" Kaede cut the boy off while holding the shard of the jewel.
"Think you're pretty smart, you old hag," he commented annoyed.
"I see. Ye think to do it alone, do ye?" she questioned the obvious. Recalling our conversation last night about the Jewel she wishes for Inuyasha, Kagome, and I to find all the shard fragments.

"Ye forget only yon girl can find those shards, and Mitsuki here can keep ye all fighting. While only ye, Inuyasha, have strength enough to take them back once found." she re-explained from last night's conversation. I rolled my eyes. I'm not here as only a peacekeeper.
"In case you haven't noticed, I'm still here ain't I? I can put up with anything for the Jewel." the boy argued back.
"You really do hate me, don't you?" Kagome came out from the bush stepping to stand in front of him. Her clothes matching Kaede's.

Kagome and I washed our clothes and set them in front of the fire to dry while complimenting each other's clothes. Inuyasha on the other hand sat there and glared at us.
"And what ails ye now, Inuyasha?" Kaede inquired annoyed. He stayed silent scooching back a little. Weirdo.
"Lady Kaede?" a woman came around a bush.
"Hm?" Kaede replied turning to the woman.
"It's my daughter." the woman responded.

Kaede walked over to discuss with the woman while we sat in silence and watched.
"I'll be checking on ye three later. Try not to fight. Mitsuki you're in charge." she warned as she walked away.
"Wait what?! Why am I in charge!?" I shrieked.
"Probably because you're the most level-headed Mitsuki," Kagome answered. I pondered that for a moment then shrugged.

"Hey?" Inuyasha spoke quietly.
"Now what do you want?" Kagome sassed agitated.
"Kagome would it kill you to not have an attitude?" I begged while pinching the bridge of my nose already irritated with my job.
"Get undressed," he responded like it was nothing. Moving quickly in shock I smacked him across the back of his head.
"What the hell was that for?!" he exclaimed at me.
"You don't just ask a woman to get undressed you pervert!" I hissed.

Kagome came up behind him with a large rock hitting him in the head with it. A huge bump growing immediately.
"Ouch! That hurt! Why did you-" he wailed only to be cut off by Kagome, "you're such a pig!" she gritted out.
"I didn't say 'get naked' stupid! I just can't stand seeing you in those clothes!" he exclaimed while pointing at her drying clothes. Sighing I shook my head and laid back letting this all play out.

Spacing out I didn't hear the rest of their argument. Thinking about nothing and everything at the same time. Man, I'm tired. I started to drift to sleep until the feeling of someone shaking me made me crack an eye open.
"Can I help you?" I grumbled shutting my eye again seeing as it was only Inuyasha.

"Aren't you going with her?" he asked. Huh? Opening my eyes and sitting up I noticed Kagome was nowhere in sight and neither was her clothes.
"Where the hell did she go?!" I asked him panicked.
"She said she was going home," he responded annoyed as ever. Dammit, Kagome.
"I'll go get her." I sighed while pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation. Standing up I grabbed my clothes and began my walk to the well.

"Keep the peace she said! It'll be fun she said! Yeah, right this is harder than exams!" I grumbled to myself as I walked through the woods. Going through to push a branch out of my way something stopped me.
"Ouch!" I hissed as I yanked my hand back only to see it trickling with blood.
"What the hell?" I mumbled as I furrowed my brows. Then it clicked, my eyes widened in horror.
"Kagome!" I panicked.

Running through the forest towards the well I felt little slices hit my skin but I didn't care. This has got to be the work of a demon and Kagome has a shard. Nearing the well I tripped over a root and rolled down the hill.
"Now who is this?" a females voice rang out. Looking up I saw a woman with short black hair and a black mini dress.
"Dressed a little inappropriately aren't we?" I sassed beginning to get up only to fall back down at the piercing pain coming from my ankle. I winced as I felt it pulse in pain.

"A bit rude of you to judge my clothes aren't we?" she counters with a snicker.
"Bitch." I mutter.
"What a naughty word for such a little girl!" she covered her mouth as if she was disgusted.
"Mitsuki are you alright?!" Kagome asked as she ran up to me. She wrapped an arm under my own and around my back helping me to stand. She helped me over to the well where we stood and glared at the woman.

"Just who the hell are you and what do you want!" I growled. She sighed shaking her head then smirked.
"I'm Yura of the hair, though you needn't bother to remember...because you'll both be dead soon!" she threatened as she threw her hand back and then towards us. Whatever she did hurt. Cuts were made all over my skin and they stung.
"I'll be having the jewel if you don't mind." she inquired. The pouch that held the jewel went flying through the air into her hand.

"Oh! You naughty, naughty, girls! You've shattered the jewel! Where's the rest? Or I shall be crossed." Yura warned.
"Dammit! Give it back!" I growled. Since when have I become so bold while I'm so weak?
"Answer the question. Where is the rest of it?" she asked again but more impatiently than before?
"I'm... I'm not really sure." Kagome replied hesitantly.
"Kagome!" I hissed. Well, life it was nice knowing you. It's been fun...not really.

"Oh...in that case.. I may as finish you right now!" she lunged towards us swing her sword. Kagome tipped backward to dodge but tipped back too much and we began to fall into the well. Just like we did before not too long ago. We both released a blood-curdling scream.
"Kagome! D-dont let go!" I yelled while keeping my eyes shut.

I groaned as I woke up.
"Awe my head," I complained as I sat up.
"You're awake! How are you feeling!?" Kagome bombarded me.
"I'm fine just my ankle and head hurts." I waved her off.

"But we've already been in here a dozen times." an elder voice rang out. Kagome and I shared a look and tears welled into her eyes. Weirdly I wasn't happy..nor was I disappointed. How come?
"But, look, grandpa, I keep telling you, this is where she fell." a little boy's voice sounded next. Sota.
"But are you sure you weren't dreaming?" we could see Mr. Higurashi now.
"But I wasn't!" we could see Sota now too. They both turned to look down the well. The light they held flashed over us causing me to shield my eyes. Ever since touching the jewel I've become so sensitive.

"Uh, grandpa! Sota!" Kagome gleefully and full of shock shouted. Soon they got us out of the well. Me taking longer with my hurt ankle. I put all my weight on my left foot while we looked around. Home... Tokyo... I should be happy to see you but..I'm not. Why? Tears welled into my eyes at my own confusion.
"You both were missing for 3 full days. The least you could have done was called." her grandpa spoke but I was barely comprehending.
"And why are you wearing those weird old clothes?" Sota questioned. Kagome threw herself into her grandpa and began sobbing.

Back in the Higurashi home, Kagome took a bath while her mother was wrapping my ankle after applying some ointment.
"However did you get so injured! You have so many cuts and your ankle is so terribly swollen!" her mother was in shock. Kagome weirdly came out without a scratch while I looked as bad as I imagined.
"I tripped and fell." I blandly muttered my explanation.

She didn't push me to talk any further than that. I most likely looked traumatized but I felt the complete opposite. I felt ready, ready to fight. Fight what though? I'm weak..I can't do a damn thing! All I did there was fall around, get hurt, and cause Inuyasha so many problems. I'm not strong enough to fight. Then flashes of mine and Inuyasha's conversation came to mind.

I rolled my eyes at his rudeness and continued with my thought, "How would one release their dormant power?" after I finished my question there was a long pause of silence.
"My guess is a true life or death situation. Where you know no one can save you and you're truly about to die," he acknowledged quietly.

A life or death situation? Where I'm truly in danger of dying with no one to save me? Shaking my head I get those thoughts out of my head. I'm not gonna put myself in a situation where I could die just to be strong.
"Mitsuki? You can go ahead and take a bath now." Kagome's voice brought me out of my thoughts. Nodding my head once I stand up limping to the stairs.
"Careful not to wet your ankle ok?" her mother warned. I nodded again and went my mary way.

A life or death situation? Who would do that to themselves?

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