The dream the hate

By Keeper97

3.3K 20 18

Brianna was like everyone eles. Well excpet the fact that shes been having werid dreams about Justin Beiber a... More

the dream the hate part one
The dream the hate part 2
the dream the hate part 3
The dream the hate part 4
The dream the hate part 5
the dream the hate part 6
the dream the hate part 8
The dream the hate part nine!!!

Part 7 of the dream the hate

188 1 1
By Keeper97

Chapter seven

Liam's p.o.v

She didn't look good at all and me making out with her in front of Justin didn't help. This kid as much as I hate him meant a lot to her. I wanted to be selfish and keep her to my self but I couldn't I left her when he didn't I gave up and he did not. The last thing I want to do is become less than friends. "I'll go talk to him." I told her when she gave me a nasty eye roll. "I wont screw this up promise." I told her as I began to walk off. I pulled up my not so skinny jeans and popped collar a little to see Justin wasn't that far away.

"Justin!" I yelled and ran up behind him "Listen Liam she is all yours because she can trust you and not me." Justin told me. "Shit face shut up and listen I kissed her she didn't kiss back. She loves you but you keep showing up at the wrong times and starin' drama." I told him which made his brown eyes pop out of his head. I really did not know how I knew she loved him maybe it was how pissed she was that he left. But when Justin ran to her like her prince charming I sat down in a chair in the lobby.

I really screwed up my life my dad dieing my uncle being in the hospital all in the same month pretty much sucks. I rested my elbows on my knees and put my head into my hands

All this crap was running through my head that I did not hear this two or one year younger than me girl say my name "Liam that's your name right?" She asked I looked up at the cute brown hair brown eyed girl. "Yeah I don't know who you are.. Sorry..." I told her. She smiled and say next to me. "I'm Brianna's cousin Kait." She told me and smiled again. Now I can see they look kind of alike. I smiled and shook her hand. "nice to meat you isn't Kait short for Kaitlyn?" I asked when she smiled again and shook her head yes, "Yeah it is but my mom and dad just like Kait it's faster and no one can like shorten it and make it sound stupid." she told me. This girl made my stomach turn and I felt a little nerves around her I do not know why.

She made me smile and we talked for a little bit. She told me how she got moved to long island because she was a blood match to Brianna and her little sister wasn't born yet. I told her about how my parents breaking up and living with my uncle and my dad and how my dad just passed away. She listened I listened and I felt close to her. She was sweet funny and really I just liked her. Everything felt right when things went wrong. For once in my life I felt whole and she was the final piece.

Brianna's p.o.v

I sat there not in the best of my moods when Justin was in the door way out of breath. He smiled and walked toward me. I didn't know to smile or jump up and tell him. "I know your secret" He told me with a smile. "Here's anther on I love you Justin." I smiled and finally gathered my words and breath to here the yuck no. But he stood there smiling then leaned in and we started making out. It felt good to be with Justin better than being with Jacob or Liam. Better than being with anyone else. Being him was all I need and all I wanted. He was who I loved and even if I die before we can get any father I will love him .

But than it hit me why wait. I can die so soon. Why not go all the way with love in the air just not to night I will tell him as soon as I get out. As soon as I can tell my mom I can die tomorrow. Than everything will be in place. That's what my uncle meant by waiting I have waited and now it's love. Always And Forever!

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