Bechloe - Because You're Mine

De Doctor_Mobius

159K 3.1K 1K

Sequel to Bechloe - I Put A Spell On You. Four years after they first met, Beca and Chloe are still hopelessl... Mais

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Author's Note
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII

Chapter XXXI

3K 75 19
De Doctor_Mobius

"Let's get out of here, baby," Stacie uttered as she gently swayed with her wife on the dancefloor.

The evening quickly turned into night and everyone was either drunk or tired or both.

"We can't just leave, Stace," Aubrey told her.

"Why not?"

"Because it's our wedding."

"Exactly. It's OUR wedding - we can do what we want."

"I don't know, Stace..."

"We've done everything we need to do so there's no need for us to stay any longer. We've put rings on our fingers, we've cut the cake, we've had dinner, we've sat through everyone's speeches, we've had our first dance, we've said hello to everyone - we've done it all."

Aubrey wasn't one for leaving things early especially if they were HER things but Stacie had a point - it was their wedding so they could leave if they wanted to and at that moment, Aubrey didn't care so she nodded.


Stacie beamed and kissed her wife. "Excellent. Let's go."

Aubrey followed Stacie off the dancefloor as they made their way over to their friends who were all sat around their table smiling and laughing.

"Hey, guys," Stacie spoke. "We're out of here."

"Oh, you're going?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, it's getting late and I want to go back to the hotel with my wife before we catch our flight." Stacie squeezed the blonde's hand, making Aubrey blush and everyone at the table 'aww'.

"Alright, well, congratulations again, guys. You deserve it," said Beca.

"Wow, is Beca Mitchell actually happy for me?" Aubrey teased.

"Easy there, Posen, I'm just doing it for Stacie."

"It's Conrad now, and of course you are."

Beca rolled her eyes with a smile while everyone got up and hugged the newlyweds goodbye, wishing them luck and giving them their final congratulations.

"How much sleep do you think they're gonna get tonight?" Fat Amy probed.

"Amy, come on," Beca tutted.

"What? You know what they're like, Beca. It's gotten to the point where I don't know who's worse - those two or you and Chloe."

Beca turned to Chloe who giggled softly and nuzzled her face in Beca's neck, making Beca roll her eyes. It was bad enough that Chloe had her leg flung over Beca's and their hands intertwined on the brunette's lap. Despite being together for four years, Chloe and Beca couldn't seem to get enough of each other but Beca didn't care. She loved Chloe and she didn't mind it when Chloe got all affectionate and touchy-feely. It took Beca almost a year to openly give and receive affection from the redhead as well as give it unprompted. Now, Beca couldn't care less. She knew she was a mushball for Chloe but she still hung onto her badass persona. People knew Beca was a badass but they also knew that she was soft for her girlfriend. In interviews, Beca was caught gazing at the model whenever she spoke. Whenever they were seen out in public, Beca gave and received affection as if there were no people around to see them. Her friends teased her but deep down Beca didn't care what people thought.

Stacie and Aubrey eventually said goodbye to everyone and finally made it back to the hotel and they wasted no time in getting down to business. They made quick work of their wedding dresses and hopped straight into bed.

"Shall we consummate our marriage, Mrs. Conrad?" Stacie asked, placing kisses on her wife's neck.

"Yes, we shall, Mrs. Conrad."

Stacie smiled proudly. "That's what I like to hear."


"Far out, Stace..." Aubrey panted as she rested on her back with her eyes closed.

It was the first day of Stacie and Aubrey's honeymoon and after consummating their marriage, the couple got on Chloe's private jet, which took them straight to Denmark where the couple were planning on traveling around the Nordic countries for their honeymoon. Aubrey had always wanted to explore the northern regions and Stacie was only happy to give her wife what she wanted. It was their first day in Copenhagen and they had a lot of exploring to do, but first, the newlyweds were more focused on celebrating their marriage in bed more than anything.

Aubrey continued to catch her breath in peace until she heard a camera go off, making her open her eyes and see that Stacie had took a selfie of them both. "What are you doing?"

"Just sending a photo to the girls of our first morning together as a married couple." Stacie smiled at the photo then sent it to the group chat with a caption underneath saying, 'first morning of lovemaking with the wife. ;)'

"Stacie!" Aubrey exclaimed.

"What?" She chuckled.

"You know what!"

"Oh, come on. You weren't complaining a few seconds ago."

"That's because you weren't sharing our sex life with our friends."

"Okay, you got me." Stacie put her phone on the bedside table. "What can I do to make it up to you, huh?" The nurse shuffled in closer to the blonde and began pecking her lips along her neck.

"You're naughty."

"Oh, I am... I'm such a naughty girl... I need sorting out..." She purred and Aubrey closed her eyes with parted lips.

She was always a sucker when Stacie flirted with her, especially when they were already naked and in bed.

"We've already done it twice..." Aubrey breathed.

"Since when has that become a boundary? Not losing your steam already are we, Mrs. Conrad?"

Aubrey tutted. "You know damn well I'm not."

"Then I don't see what the problem is then."

Aubrey knew she could never win and Stacie knew that it was only a matter of time before Aubrey caved.

"You are such a pain," Aubrey growled then rolled over so she straddled Stacie's lap.

"Whoa!" Stacie laughed then looked up at her wife who was looking gorgeous with messy bed hair and a flirty smirk on her lips.

"You're a naughty girl, Mrs. Conrad," Aubrey spoke firmly.

"Yes, I am."

"You need to be taught a lesson..."

"I do."

"Are you going to behave for me?"

"That depends on how well you sort me out," she smirked.

Aubrey bit her lip then swooped down and kissed the nurse hungrily, emitting a groan from the woman beneath her. Aubrey kissed her wife hard with tongue and lip biting then pulled away with Stacie's bottom lip between her teeth.

"Whoa..." Stacie breathed.

"Are you going to behave for me or not, Mrs. Conrad?" Aubrey repeated.

"Keep kissing me like that and I'll do whatever you want."

Aubrey giggled and it drove Stacie crazy.

"Well, then," said Aubrey, sliding her hands up and down Stacie's naked sides. "We better get to it."

"Damn right we better."

Aubrey giggled again then leaned down and captured Stacie's lips with her own once more.


"So, Emily, are you happy with your song?" Cynthia-Rose checked.

Emily, Beca, and Cynthia-Rose were all in the studio going over Emily's song that she had just finished producing with Beca. It took a little while but the women had finally done it and it was the moment that Emily had been waiting for.

"Yes," the young woman answered with a big smile on her face.

"You are one-hundred percent happy with the final product? No more changes or adjustments you want to make on it?"

"No," Emily shook her head. "It's perfect."

"Alright, well, in that case, I'll hand it over to Clara, the woman who's filling in Aubrey's spot while she's on her honeymoon, and she'll do all of the business and promoting side of things then we'll get it out there for the world to hear."

"Ah!" Emily squealed, taking the older women by surprise. "This is so great! Thank you so much, you guys! You have no idea how much this means to me. I feel like I'm in a dream but every time I pinch myself I realise that it's not a dream and that this is actually happening. It's amazing!"

"Well, buckle up, dude, because your life is about to change," said Beca and it made Emily's smile grow even bigger. "Excuse me, guys," Beca pulled out her phone when it started ringing and she smiled when she saw that it was Chloe. "Hey, babe,"

"Hey, babe," Cynthia-Rose mocked and Beca flipped her the finger.

"Hey, baby! How's work?" Chloe was upbeat and cheery as always.

"Yeah, good. We're just about to put Emily's song through so it should be on the radio in a few days."

"That's great! Tell her congratulations for me!"

"Chloe says congratulations," Beca told Emily.

"Thank you, Chloe! This is the best day of my life!" Emily beamed.

"Come on, Em, let's go to my office, and sort out a few more things," Cynthia-Rose said as she stood.

"Okay." Emily followed the woman out of the room.

"Did you hear that?" Beca asked the model.

"Yes. She's so cute. I'm so happy for her not to mention proud."

"You're such a mom," Beca chuckled.

"You love me."

"I do. Anyway, what's up?"

"I was just calling to check up on you."

"Chlo, I'm fine," Beca laughed again.

"You know I can't help it."

Beca laughed and shook her head. Ever since Beca had been diagnosed with anxiety, Chloe had been monitoring the artist every day. She wanted to make sure that Beca was alright and that she wasn't too stressed or overwhelmed. Beca was right when she said that Chloe was a mom because she was. She was the mom of their friends and everyone knew that they could turn to Chloe for help. Beca appreciated how much Chloe cared for her but Chloe did have a tendency to worry too much, especially when it came to Beca. Beca meant the world to Chloe and when something happened to the brunette, Chloe was on it like white on rice. One time Beca was cooking and some oil spat out of the pan and hit Beca's hand. Chloe turned off the stove, yanked Beca over to the sink and poured cold water over it then sat Beca down and put an ice pack on her wound, which was hardly a wound at all.

Beca thought the whole thing was ridiculous but she knew what Chloe was like and if she was honest, she liked it when Chloe fretted over her like that and took care of her. It made Beca feel safe and it gave her the reassurance that she was going to be well looked after. The more she thought about it the more Beca realised just how right her psychologist was - Beca loved Chloe because she WAS such a mom and she was that mom figure that Beca needed.

"Well, I've got one more meeting to go to then I'll come over with some lunch," Chloe said.

"Okay, great."

"I'll bring you some nice sushi."

"Ugh... Starving is more appealing than that..."

Chloe giggled. "It's not that bad!"

"It's fish wrapped up in seaweed!"

"It's good for you! Well, some sushi is anyway."

"It's disgusting. Especially that sauce you drench it in."

"It's yum!"

"Well, you know the rules when you eat it."

"Oh, come on!" Chloe whined.

"Nope. Your mouth is going nowhere near mine after you eat that crap."

"I let you kiss me after you eat sour candy!"

"That's different though."

"I don't see how it is..."

"It just is, Beale - accept it."

Chloe giggled again. "Fine. Just the usual for you then?"

"Yes, please."

"You know, I should really buy a share in that diner."

"You should. It's the best place ever."

"I have a feeling that you would have sniffed out that place anyway if I didn't take you to it four years ago."

"Probably. I'm pretty good at finding food joints."

"I know, babe. When we went to Italy, you dragged us to the other side of town and managed to find a pizza place."

"Which served the best pizza EVER! Even you agreed that we'd go back there every time we went to Italy, which we did."

"We did," she smiled. "Anyway, baby, I better go. I've got my meeting in ten minutes so I've gotta prep for that."

"Alright, babe, I'll see you when you get here."

"You will. I love you."

"I love you, too." Beca smiled then hung up.

"Mail for you, Miss Mitchell," an intern said as she walked into the room with an envelope. "It says urgent so I thought I'd bring it straight to you instead."

"Oh, thanks..." Beca uttered confused.

It was very rare that Beca got a letter in person like that. Usually, Beca received emails and if she did get any letters, they would be placed on her office desk.

"I'll take it." Beca held out her hand where the intern placed the envelope in her hand. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." The intern smiled then left.

Beca looked at the letter curiously and all it had on it was Beca's name with the word 'urgent' in big red block letters. The artist opened up the envelope and read the letter.

Dear Beca,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to say that I am quite offended that you didn't recognise me the other night at the wedding. I had come dressed in my Sunday best to surprise you and say hello to the brides, who were very beautiful by the way. I congratulated them and wished them all the best for the father of the bride's recovery. It was good to see him up and well again.

I wish I could have been there to help support you and Chloe through that tough time. You looked rather shaken after we departed in Georgia but you seemed to have calmed down soon after and you looked happy at the wedding. You were a beautiful Maid of Honour as was Chloe. You both did an exceptional job and I can't wait to see you and Chloe get married one day.

I must confess that it cut me deeply when you looked at me but didn't do anything. You stared at me as if I were some freak of nature and that hurt. I am your biggest fan and I have supported you all the way and yet you can't even acknowledge me. I have tried and tried to get you to notice me but nothing has worked. You never write me back and every time I see you, you dismiss me. I don't know what I have to do for you to see me and know that I'm real. You are my idol and all I want is for you to notice me.

I have tried my best but I guess some things are not meant to be... for some. But you'll notice me soon, Beca - I promise you that.

Kind regards,

Collins Remington.

Shivers radiated down Beca's spine once she read the letter. She didn't know what to think or say for several moments because she was in shock but she quickly snapped out of it and called Lisa.

"Hello, Beca," she greeted warmly.

"Hi, Lisa, you know that background check you did on Collins Remington?"


"You didn't find anything did you?"

"No, I didn't. She's a perfect citizen."

"Okay, well, I just got this letter from her and if I didn't know any better it sounded like a threat of some sort."

"What did it say?"

"It said near the end that I'll notice her soon. She promises me, apparently."

"Oh... Okay, bring the letter to me and I'll look it over straight away."

"Thank you, Lisa. I'm on my way."

"No worries. I'll see you soon."

"Thank you. Bye." Beca hung up then gathered her things and quickly ducked into Cynthia-Rose's office where she was talking to Emily. "Hey, CR, listen, I have to pop out for a bit. Everything good here?"

"Yeah, it's all good. Is everything alright with you?"

"Yeah, just some lawyer business. Nothing to worry about."

"Alright, I'll see you later then."

"Okay, good luck." Beca winked then made her way down the hall and called Chloe who took a bit to answer.

"Becs, I'm in a meeting," Chloe reminded her.

"I know and I'm sorry but this is important."

"Is everything okay?"

"Well, I'm not too sure but I got a letter from Collins today and I'm taking it to Lisa to look over. I don't know what to make of it but I don't like it."

"What did it say?"

"You can read it at the lawyer's office. Are you coming?"

"Of course. I'll wrap up my meeting early. I've only got a few minutes left anyway."

"Alright, thank you, baby. I'll see you soon."

"Of course, Becs, anything for you. Thank you for telling me."

"Don't worry about it, just get your sexy ass to the lawyer's office."

Chloe giggled. "Always the charmer even in stressful situations."

"You know me, Beale. I'll see you at the office. We'll get lunch afterward."

"Okay, sounds good, baby. See you soon."

"See you." Beca hung up and made her way out of her building and went to get into her car but froze when she saw it. "What the...?"

Beca looked at her Camaro and saw the words 'notice me' splayed across her windscreen in red paint. Beca gulped then quickly went back inside.

"Everything okay, Miss Mitchell?" One security guard asked the fretting artist.

"No, my car has been defiled. I need you and your team to look over the security cameras and see when this happened to my car."

"Of course, Miss Mitchell. We'll get right on it. Would you like a cab?"

Beca nodded. "Please."

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