My online enemy (Imallexx)

By jojihasallmyuwus

96.2K 1.4K 441

Emily is a YouTuber, just like her cousin, memeulous, also known as George. When her parents die in a tragic... More

The move.
Rocket legue
The pub
Chat with al
New beginnings?
Surprise party
Wait. What?
The big collab.
Tik toks
Coffee shop
1 million subs
The first kiss
Million sub special
Million sub special pt. 2
The pranks
My concussion
Finally better
Decorating for the holidays
Christmas shopping
Uh oh
Ice cream and movies
Christmas eve
The gift
Big family vacation
Special day
Dirty jenga
Beach day
Back home
Ice skating
Fanfiction video
More than just a broken car...
Journey to Vidcon

The first i love you

2.1K 33 1
By jojihasallmyuwus

-Emily's POV-
The next morning I woke up still under our tent. Alex was still fast asleep. I decide to go shower and then clean up a bit. I make sure not to budge Alex, and then I go to my room and pick out some joggers and my memeulous hoodie. I go hop in the shower and am out in about 10 minutes.  I braid my hair in 2 braids, and throw on a bit of makeup. I wear my glasses and then head out to clean up.
Once I get out to the living room, Alex is wide awake and already folding all the blankets. He's starting to fix his sleep schedule, and actually taking breaks.
I can tell it's starting to help, he's less stressed, and he enjoys his time.
"Good morning bear." He smiles.
"Good morning. Why are you up?" I ask.
He shrugs and continues to fold to blankets. I go to the kitchen and make some eggs and toast for the two of us.
"We're doing the next episode of the camp cast today, if you want to join." He says kissing my cheek as I plate the eggs.
"Sounds fun!"I smile.
We sit and enjoy our breakfast. I read a bit and Alex plays on his phone. After we're done I clean up and Alex goes to get ready. George comes out all ready to go as well.
"Oi! Let's go! We're always fuckin late!" He yells.
I grab my shoes and we're just waiting on Alex.
"I'm coming you cunt!" Alex says throwing on his hoodie running out.

When we arrive at James's the boys get all comfy and I stay behind.
"Don't be shy emily!" George says pulling me forwards.
"Hi, I'm James!" James smiles shaking my hand.
"Emily." I smile.
They get all the gear set up and we take a seat around the kitchen table. I sit in between Alex and George and they start right away.

"Alright, Emily What is your least favorite part about living with these two?" James asks.
"Oh god, um well, it's actually kinda nice, because most of the time they sleep all day, so I can do whatever while they're sleeping." I laugh. "Sometimes it gets boring though, but George is a big mess. So I guess that."
"What! You mug! I always clean up." George snorts.
I shoot him a look and the other boys start laughing.
"I guess the real question everyone has is, are you and Alex dating?" James asks.
"Yes." He states.
"I knew it!!" James cheers. "Well congrats."
"Why thank you." I giggle.
We talk for a bit longer and I get up to go to the restroom. I got kinda lost, James has a weird place set up. On my way back, I stop and listen to what the boys are saying.
"Oh yeah, she's great." I hear Alex say.
"Do you love her?" George asks.
"Yeah of course. I'm glad she came into my life." Alex admits.
Did he just say he loved me? My face gets hot and I can't stop smiling. I hear the boys giving him shit and I can only imagine his face.
I give them a few more seconds before walking back in.
"What did I miss?" I ask.
"Oh nothing, they're dogging on me for supposedly drinking bath water." Alex lies.

It's been about an hour of talking and we finally wrap it up. I'm enjoyed that quite a lot actually, just sitting and talking. The whole time I was just thinking about what I heard alex say.
I wonder if they're going to leave that in? Well everyone listening already heard it, but will they leave it in the YouTube video?
We all head out to dinner, including James, and his girlfriend Anna also came along. Beth was meeting us there, so it was like a cute triple date thing.
We all get sat down at this cute Italian place and enjoy each others company.

"Honestly, I feel like George,should make a video with Emily, on her reacting to his fan fiction." Beth laughs.
"I feel like you should do that! It'd be more weird!" I say.
"I honestly don't think either of you would like to read what people write." George's chuckles.
"Yeah sometimes they make George and I fuck." Alex laughs.

When we get home I go take my makeup off and throw on an oversized tee and get back to editing my latest video.
Alex brings all his things in and sits on the bed and does the same.
I think I'm going to ask. It's been on my mind all day.
"Hey al?" I ask.
"What's up love?" He says.
I spin around in my chair to meet his blue eyes looking right at me, waiting for my question. Here we go.
"Did you mean what you said?" I ask.
"What did I say?" He says. His face getting red.
"Well when I went to the bathroom, I heard you tell the boys um. Something. " I sigh.
"Oh. Well yeah. I do mean it. I do love you." He smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the bed where he sits.
"I love you too." I smile.
I lean in and kiss him. His lips so soft, and his hands are so warm. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss him more.
When I pull away he puts his face down, all shy but he's so adorable.
-Alex's POV-
"Well when I went to the bathroom, I heard you tell the boys um. Something." She says.
She knows. She heard me say it. There's no going back.
"Oh. Well yeah. I do mean it. I do love you. " I say. My face gets hot and I can't stop myself from smiling. I look up and see her smiling and I grab her hand and pull her over.
"I love you too." She smiles.
The only answer I needed to hear.
Kissing her was like magic. Every time. And she's all mine. And she loves me back. I don't want to let her go.

Alright I had no clue how to end this, it's cheesy af. Also merry Christmas! I won't be updating for about 2 days, just to take a break. Love you all for the support!

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