I Never Imagined ✔️

By SVTSwrites

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(This is the sequel of The Badass Diaries. It can be read as a stand alone) "Imagination will often carry us... More

Just a Quick Word
Chapter 1: Imagination
Chapter 1.5: In Town Circus
Chapter 2: The Masquerade Ball
Chapter 3: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 4: Costly Mistakes
Chapter 5: Internal Victory
Chapter 6: Insights
Chapter 7: Not a Chance
Chapter 8: Clapback
Chapter 9: The Joy (Part 1)
Chapter 9: The Joy (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Patience is Key
Chapter 11: Stinging Regret
Chapter 12: Back it Up
Chapter 13: The Good and the Bad (Part 1)
Chapter 13: The Good and the Bad (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Let it Be
Chapter 15: I'm Done
Chapter 16: The Trial
Chapter 17: Joyeaux Noёl! I Suck At French (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Joyeaux Noёl! I Suck At French (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Unforeseen Circumstances
My Gift to You
Chapter 19: Real Life Nightmares
Chapter 19.5: Many Forms of Shock
Chapter 20: Repayment
Chapter 21: New Year's Eve
Chapter 22: Her Revelation
Chapter 23: Baby Steps
Chapter 24: Side Effects
Chapter 25: Wrong Timing
Chapter 26: How Could You?
Merry Christmas!
Chapter 27: The Circle of Misunderstandings
Chapter 28: Not Your Fault
Chapter 29: The First One (Part 1)
Chapter 29: The First One (Part 2)
Chapter 31: Turbulence
Chapter 32: New and Old
Chapter 33: Bomb Detonation (Part 1)
Chapter 33: Bomb Explosion (Part 2)
Chapter 34: Body Linguistics
Chapter 35: Two Decades
Chapter 36: Case Closed
Chapter 37: Adulthood Love (Part 1)
Chapter 37: Adulthood Love (Part 2)
Chapter 38: Chill in Multiple Ways
Chapter 39: Years Ago
Chapter 40: Failed Attempt
Chapter 41: Start the Show
Chapter 42: First Impressions
Chapter 43: Family Time
Chapter 44: Fuming
Chapter 45: Here for Me
Chapter 46: Uncovered
Chapter 47: Prep Time
Chapter 48: Strains
Chapter 49: Stitches
Chapter 50: The Bloodless Carrie Remake (Part 1)
Chapter 50: The Bloodless Carrie Remake (Part 2)
Chapter 51: Innocent?
Chapter 52: Free
Chapter 53: Cloud Nine
Acknowledgements and Afterword

Chapter 30: It Hurts

66 9 94
By SVTSwrites


Doubt. Confusion. Anxiety. These emotions were eating me up inside. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get rid of it. I was fighting it constantly. I couldn't understand myself. Doubt was infecting me. I just couldn't get rid of it.

The worst part was that I didn't know what I doubted myself on. I just had so many things on my mind that I couldn't focus on one. And it killed me inside. Not only that, confusion was spreading through my mind. I was confused about everything. I was confused about Ray.

I was confused about Sophia. But the thing I was most confused about? Lisa and Ray both. I couldn't get them out of my mind. I know I said I had moved on from Ray, but a part of me still found him hard to resist. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget him.

He was embedded into my mind like a piece of rock in a shoe. But Lisa was a different story. Like Ray, I couldn't get Lisa out of my mind. But something about her kept me addicted. Something about her kept me drawn in.

With Ray, I was trying my best to forget him. But with Lisa, I just couldn't. When I thought of her, I felt all warm and tingly inside. It's a feeling hard to explain. I kind of felt the same thing for Ray, but the feeling was stronger for Lisa. I spent days moping about it.

I couldn't come up with answers, and it frustrated me. Until one day, when I sat down and reviewed everything I was thinking and feeling. All my thoughts were pretty much the same thing. "Lisa's amazing. Gosh, she's such a sweetheart."

I didn't think much of my thoughts at all. Really. I then started to review what I felt. I started considering what my feelings potentially meant. After reviewing them for a bit, I realized what the feelings were. It was attraction. I was attracted to Lisa.

And I couldn't deny it any more. When I realized that was what I was feeling, it took me some time to process it. I was wondering what this could possibly mean. I was attracted to Ray, but I was attracted to Lisa as well.

I didn't know how to react. I didn't know if I should tell Lisa immediately or wait a bit longer and see how our relationship progresses. The thing is, I didn't know how long I should wait until I told my parents either. I was really scared for some reason. Not for telling my parents, but how they would react. Telling Lisa wasn't that bad. Telling my parents was the big leap.

David wouldn't mind. He's a very open minded person that way. In fact, he'd probably be cheering me on and encouraging me to be much more open about it. The first thing that came to my mind was telling Lisa. I knew that I didn't want to be eaten up inside by the guilt.

I had to admit it to her whether I wanted to do it or not. It was go time. And nothing was going to stop me.

After thinking about how I was going to address this, I finally gained enough confidence to tell Lisa about how I felt. With all the courage I had, I picked up my cell phone and dialed Lisa's number with shaky fingers. After pressing the call button, I let the line ring.

With each ring, the tension inside me grew worse. This wasn't as simple as I thought it would be. This could go really great or horribly wrong. I was hoping it wasn't the latter. I was hoping that this would go smoothly enough for the rest of my self confidence to be restored.

Eventually, I heard the line click, and I heard Lisa's voice say, "Victoria! What's up?" I exhaled a little bit. "Hey Lisa. Is this a bad time?" I asked. "No! It's never a bad time! What's up?" she asked. I sighed. "Lisa, I have something to tell you," I said. "Go ahead, Victoria," she said. I exhale deeply.

"Lisa, I don't know what it is, but I can't get enough of you. I am really attracted to you, Lisa. I can't deny my feelings any longer. I like you, Lisa," I said in one go. Silence followed. Pure, dead silence. Then, I can hear Lisa exhale sharply.

"Victoria, I don't know what it is, but I think I'm attracted to you too. I just feel so amazing whenever I'm around you. But at the same time, I'm so confused. I've never felt this way before. I don't know how to feel about all this. I'm just so confused, Victoria," Lisa said. I sighed.

"So, you don't know how you feel?" I ask. Lisa sighs. "Exactly. I still don't know how I feel yet. I'm sorry, Victoria," she says. Pain starts to enter my heart. "It's okay," I say. I try my best to conceal the pain I'm feeling. It hurts. It hurts like hell. I wasn't expecting to feel this much pain, but I did. And I wasn't happy about it.

"Enough of that. I need to tell you something," Lisa said. I nodded. "Ok. What is it?" I ask. "I heard that Ray and Sophia are dating. They're actually dating. I'm surprised that Ray actually sees something in her," Lisa said.

When she said that, I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. It was like a smack to the chest. I actually had to put my hand on my chest to catch my breath . I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that they had actually started dating.

In all my years of living, I never imagined that my worst enemy and my old crush had started to date. I had always imagined Ray and I together. But she beat me to it. I am actually in shock right now. "Victoria, Victoria," I heard Lisa say. I'm snapped out of the haze I'm in.

"What's up?" I asked. "Look, they're starting to date, Victoria. We need to do something. Fast," she said. I sigh. "What can we do, Lisa? I mean, they like each other so much that they are starting to date. What do you got?" I asked.

I could feel the evilness over the line. I could feel Lisa conspiring to ruin their relationship. "Well, you can always drive something in between the relationship. And I think I know just how to," she said. I was actually a little bit afraid. Not going to lie.

But I was also excited as to what she was going to come up with. "I've got a slight past with Ray. Not going to lie. But I know just how to use this to complicate their relationship," Lisa says. I sigh.

"So what are you going to do? Flirt with Ray?" I ask. "Yep. Sophia's very attached to Ray. She'll be so attached that it will upset her that she has competition for Ray. What do you think?" she asks. I think over the plan.

After considering it for a bit, I say, "I think we're getting onto something great."


So, I see that Victoria still hasn't learned her lesson. Who do you think is more guilty, Victoria or Lisa? Let me know in the comments.

Hello everyone! How are you all? Life's good? Also, huge thank you to RavensOfOld for making these amazing trailers for I Never Imagined. She made not one, but 3 of them, and I'm having such a hard time choosing which one I like the best. I can't put them in however, so when my dinosaur self finds a way, then I'll do it.

That's pretty much it. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/ comment/ share/ follow/ message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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