Meta Wars / Season One /

By PoetryAreWe

521 29 4

A fandom in Hiatus is a fandom in Chaos. When a show you love sleeps, it sends the fandom into unrest. This... More

/ Where Do We Begin? /
The Estates / Back To The Battle / The Oracles
/ You Maka Fool Outta Me /
/ Did You Feel That? / [deleted] /
Recited the Alchemist / Let the Negotiators Negotiate / Sand
/ FrostBite / Ghost Never Leave /
/ The Kellco Case /
Traveling Buddies / The Reawakening / Discussion Thread
Eavesdropping / Maka My Way Downtown / Peacekeeping
Spirit of Unity / Release the Swarm / I'm the Meme!
Into the V0id / Defend the Farm / Hail to the King, Baby
Requiem for a Peanut / Tough Times / The RHC
Between...Buddies / Kill The Interlopers / Turn the Tide
/ Battle for the Estates! /
Open the Box / Let Me Talk to Mason! / Green River
Trail Goes Cold / Ballroom Blitz / It's A Long Way to the Top...
Conspire / The Archives / She Can Fly?!
StarryNight / Parting Gifts / Mobilizing
Dark Magic / On Their Way / Nerds and Artists and Oracles / The Voyage
/ Mods Bite, InSight, Take Flight, Blinded By The Light /
/ The World Keeps Turning /
/ The Fight for Statera /
/ The End of a New Age /

/ The Battle on the Hill /

4 0 0
By PoetryAreWe




#SEASON 1 FINALE - The Battle on the Hill - PART 2




["So, you think the war is almost over?"](

"Well, yes. I would think that, of course."

"My feet hurt from all this marching."

"Can you please not be such a goddamn pansy."

"Yes, sir...

...Do you believe this will be a massacre?"

"No. I believe this will be a genocide," she said as she spoke to herself. She looked on to the plains and from afar. She saw the armies clash. She saw the melding of large forces on the land she loved. Sun beaming, she found her skipping stopped and her gaze fell on her desire. Her desire to join the red army.

She couldn't.

"Beware the Spider. Beware the Rogue. Beware the Butterfly. Beware the Hawk," she sang as she skipped on. "The tide of war, even the score and many more will perish. Under the hands, ships, and fire we see disparaged. Beware the spider. The rogue. The butterfly and the hawk in the carnage."




The General was the first to break the helm of the hill. Not far off from his line of sight, the land turned grey. The color of the proclaimed Lurkers.

"This is it!" he yelled to his men. Dark_Magus called out behind him; he pulled the reins of his horse and it stood in response. Good horse. He had the horse face the army.

He began going down the line of men. TheSealTamer teased the buggy around his small legion of tanks. They halted in response.

There were simple nods, small strikes of spears against the ground, and somber expressions in response to his words. "Men and women of the sub! We make this short! Let me tell you that we thank you. You have served your empire duly and you are among the chosen few to fall in harm's way!"

Magus had been thinking of what he was going to say on the march through the plains. "When the world stops breathing, it's the job of our nation to resuscitate it. When the swarm of toxic lurkers comes to downvote discussions, it's our job to downvote **them** into the ground!" In the traditional Starco manner, he took out his sword and held the flat end of the blade towards the many spears that stood. He rode down the line slapping the sword against spears, every so often taking a feigned slash at a Starco legionnaire with his shield drawn.

He turned back around to confront his company. "This is no modest battle. There will be no chivalry! There will be no mercy from the opposition! There will simply be carnage and the desire to take our great land. Today we stand for the Emperor; today we stand for the Empire; today... we stand united!"

He saluted in the traditional manner and from over the hill, JohnnyJoestar watched the small amount of light-red from over the opposite hilltop. His gaze was confident and he knew he had the numerical. He knew he didn't even need to instruct the vast majority of his forces. He stared at his advisor, Lurker_Archon.

"We keep it simple. Infantry down the middle; calvary will flank north and south and we close around the Starco forces," Johnny stated and the enchantress nodded in response. "We close 500 meters and that's when we release the bowsmen and archers. With that, the cavalry will make their move and this whole thing will be over. It's as simple as that."

"Yes. Simple." She responded. They both gave the Starco salute towards the hill.

[War doesn't happen quickly, unlike what most people think. It simply isn't two forces running for one another with wild abandon. No. It is a slow meticulous thing, where forces clash at the lines and it's the general's job to outmaneuver the opposing force. This, on the other hand, was not traditional war. It was a very well equipped presence fighting an unrelenting and untrained horde.](

The Lurker Legion ran at the Starco forces, baring their swords and shields high as they charged. The archers held their ground and were told with precise timing when to fire. The north division of archers were under Judacris and south were under the watch of Itsyaboi.

"Aye, on my mark!" He saw the charge of so many stands before the Starco army, rushing their way. The only thing standing before them was the pikeman and the virgin ground. "Set!" The longbowmen drew their arrows back with the force of downvotes equipped acting as a small aid for piercing. "Fire!" he called out. Many of the soldiers running at the army were instantly turned to ash. Many more laid on the ground as the lifeforce was swept into the air.

The tanks made their moves. Led by the motorized buggy of SealTamer, they impacted with the simple calvary that attempted to flank from the north. The cannons blared into the crowd of charging Lurkers while they forded into the line of horses and users. The platoon of thirteen tanks made easy work of the horses and men.

Two problems arose: Some of the calvaries carried heavy explosives and became suicide bombers for some of the armored vehicles, while another set of tanks found their gears slipping from the ash that clogged the cogs. Eight tanks remained after this onslaught. The others couldn't rejoin the battle.

The line of spearmen and pikemen held their formation under every circumstance, Just as they had been trained to do so. As they became pushed back, they would open up a line for the archers under Itsyaboi to fire upon the enemy openly. This would push the untrained Legion into a mosh of concern and, eventually, the entire pit was enclosed and dealt with.

Magus took advantage of the spreading line of infantry; he ordered NGame to bring his horses from the south in an attempt to batter the line that protected Joestar. Best horses.

"Yes, sir!" He called back. Magus gave a small blessing of fortitude and the four platoons took off. Half came up from a longer breach while the other half took a direct approach. The first set of horses forded the shambling shield wall. It made quite the push, but this was in vain, for the sheer numbers quickly overwhelmed the horses and men. Ngame saw this, but charged onward. This was now a mission of blunt trauma. It would hold no ground, but it mattered not. He listened to his General. He prepared the satchel of detonators.

Ash flew; it was a pour of soot unlike what had ever been seen. The grass near the two armies was nearly unrecognizable. The weapons and armor that lay on the ground were now in the way of the remaining combatants as there was so much debris.

Jonny simply looked at Archon. She nodded in response and began a shuffle to the front of the lines. She held her arms, folded her hands in front of her, and pulled them apart. Small pieces of ash began to float where her arms lay forth. [As she pulled her hands apart, both armies were slid left and right straight down the middle. She walked her way down.](

From afar, Dark_Magus saw the enchantress. He knew what had to be done. He dismounted and called out for a "Shield Ceiling!" His men and women- thinking that there was enemy fire coming from above- equipped their shields and stood it above their heads. Magus took this opportunity to jump on the first line of men. He mounted the shields and ran across them, his hand glowing. As he approached the edge, he jumped from the last line of men closest and fired lightning from the tips of his fingers.

The enchantress shielded herself with a purple barrier and attempted to hold out. Sweat beaded down Magus' brow as he held the lightning, but he was draining his karma reserves quickly, and began eating at his own lifeforce.

She held her hands out and a force propelled from her staff. Magus crossed his arms.

He was pushed back and slid to his feet where his own men held him back. Tears in his clothing were becoming visible and the voices of distance were echoing from the Lurker Magic.

Dark_Magus took one step through the force. He held his ground while pieces of the rubble flew up from around him, being thrown into the background of fighting men. He took one more step. His hand began to glow blue once more.

He flattened his hand, and then kneeled, punching the ground. Lightning shot into the MetaScape, forth and towards her. It rippled and crawled through the ground until it met her. It met her. She no longer had the concentration to expel the spell- considering that she was busy being electrocuted. Dark_Magus began a sprint at the cloaked woman whose, entire body was seizing up. She attempted to stay standing.

His feet still shaking, he ran at the enchantress. As he ran, he stomped on a Starco buckler. He flipped it up towards him and equipped it easily. Shield on one arm and his other hand glowing with the last of the electrical magic he had, he saw Lurker_Archon come back to realization. Dark_Magus shield bashed her side; she was taken back. Meanwhile, he attempted to grab her staff. She narrowly pulled it away from his lightning-powered hand.

She lunged back, gained some distance, and swiped her staff quickly down. A force followed. Magus put his shield up and from under the gale, he shot his lightning while he kneeled from the weight. She took another shock leaving her tense again. She knew she could only keep up this cat and mouse for so long. Magus lunged towards her once more, delivering a shield-bash into her head then grabbing her arm. She stood there, tensing up once more.

Without mercy, Magus gave everything he had. The pain was intense while she became aware of her position. She had only one trick left. She managed to point her staff towards the ground. With one final incantation, she pushed herself into the air. In midair, she felt herself become relieved from the shocks that had plagued her body. Falling now, she held her staff down to the General. With one last attempt, Dark_Magus held his arms out fired his lightning against her force, but alas, she managed to vaporize him before he could finish casting. The General was no more, but the enchantress lay unconscious in the middle of the battlegrounds.

The battle continued. The Starco forces now being lead by a mixture of the ill-prepared Itsyaboi and the Tomkie leader, SealTamer. They were holding their ground, but just barely. Even with the large armored vehicles, they were going to become overwhelmed very soon.




It was then that the sound of [gunfire rang out from the East. It was then that the Lurker Nation, or Lurker Armada, or Lurker Legion, or whatever name the Meta gave them, I forgot- began being attacked from the rear. Large explosions from hundreds of meters away sounded off. It was then that even JohnnyJoestar, Lurker King, became concerned.](

"What up, kiddo," came a deep voice from behind. Jonny took no hesitation and swung at the voice that sounded like it was just paces from his ear. There was no one there. "Gotta be faster than that," the voice chimed once more, still from behind. Jonny flung his head in that direction, but once again, nothing. He felt a blunt object hit the back of his knee. He went to the floor. "I know nothing I can do to you can kill you so tah-tah, friend. I'll meet you elsewhere." All that was left was a faint hint of cigar smoke in the air.

Once again, Johnny got up and looked around, but not a soul was around him. He climbed the hill his men were still pouring over from. Some were wondering if they should head west to the Starco battle. Some were now heading east towards the clapping of gunshots, and others still had no clue where they were going.

He got up to the ridge of the hill and looked westward to see Tomar flags being flown in the distance.


The metal shields were the only thing that could defend against the battalions of riflemen; everything and everyone else fell to the small caliber bullets. The platoons were set up in a 1:2 ratio-two melees followed by one platoon of gunners.

While the lurkers attempted to stride forward, the gunners blew holes in their assault, and the hand-to-hand combatants took care of the stragglers. With no real threat to their formation, the Tomar Nation elapsed forth.

Even with this new found fortitude from the Tomar Kingdom, the Starco Empire was still becoming overwhelmed. It was then that Johnny made his decision to join the fray at last. He began to push his way through the assembly of random men and woman. He forded his way towards the Tomar Kingdom. He could see the flags waving, and he could smell the gunpowder from the many chambers of the guns that blared.

He made it to the frontlines of his combatants. He stood in front. Bullets were simply absorbed and began to be pushed out of his body painlessly and effortlessly. A medley of metal began to form underneath him with every impact.

"He's reinforcing them before we thought; we don't have much time," came 650 to Jeep in the midst of fire.

"Welp." Keeping his head he looked at the small trinket around his neck. Grabbing it, he opened it to reveal a small picture. "This is it, kiddo; I did my best... when Rogue gets here...make sure he knows...he's late." JeepDave held out his hand, clenched in an odd position. A dazzling beam came from the ring that beset his finger. It shot towards the Lurker King.

The beam pushed him clear back through his own men. A line of absence was created by the Lurker Legion where the King had flown back. He hit the hill with force and cascaded over many of his men. Getting up, JeepDave was already behind him. He kicked him from the rear, turning his body and teleporting behind him once more. He kicked him further upwards, teleporting with every kick, and eventually lifting The Lurker King into the air. Kick, teleport, upward-momentum, repeat, over and over again until the two were above the battle. Jeep, used his ring to fling Johnny down to his men.

JohnnyJoestar laughed, now in the crater he had created with his impact. While Jeep descended to the MetaScape, he looked on at one of the lurkers and teleported behind that one before he made contact with the ground. JeepDave immediately began a melee with the ground troops that began to attack him. Unsheathing his shotgun, he kicked his cane open to reveal a shortsword, teleporting through numerous many blasting and stabbing from behind.

Eventually, he saw The Luker King stand from his fall. He once again teleported to him from behind, but before he could do any discernible action, Johnny grabbed Jeep by the neck. He had completely forecasted to where Jeep was going to be. With one hand, he lifted the large man from the ground and forced him to stare at the sky. "That was getting a bit annoying," spoke the possessed, JohnnyJoestar. Jeep's face got redder as he hung from Johnny's hand. "I hope your *good standings* with Coraline will serve you in your return, Jeep. If not, then so be it."

*Hope you got enough room for me on that boat, boss lady.*

With one clench of his hand, JeepDave burst into an array of dust and ash. The Merchant King was no more.


From afar, there was a man wandering down the way playing his lute as any musician should. He was a humble man and a person we had seen just once before. At one time, he knew not the extent of the shipping wars between nations in this world, for he was somewhat new to the MetaScape.

"This road of mine. It is I that wanders- beyond the path, for ears to plunder. I sit and relax, while the tree does move. Meme and shitposts, but never lewd." BlazingBoy looked on with awe as he saw the battle before his eyes on the horizon. He looked on to the path, then at the battle, then at his lute, then at the path once more, again at his lute, and then at the battle.

"Yep." And he began skipping his way towards the battle. Along the way, a girl skipped past him nearly in the same manner as himself. He heard her sing.

"Beware the Spider. Beware the Rouge. Beware the Butterfly. Beware the Hawk."

"Nice song. I like it," said the warrior-bard as he unsheathed his claymore.

"Thank you," Maka called back.



The horses were [galloping as quickly as our heroes could force them to. Sorry, Horsies, you're still good. Boba was behind Rogue on one and Sir Kyle brought up the rear on the other. Their hooves met the grass of the sprawling hills; their reigns clanged against the armor of their riders.](

"How much farther, damn it!?" Boba called to RogueryNight.

"Shouldn't be too much further! Jeep's pidgeon said it was 10 kilometers east of The Estates. We should be there soon. You better be ready, you two!" Roguery's newly acquired sword lit up by the hilt.

"**One kilometer equals 0.621371 American Miles. Mexico's official measurement system has been set into place since 1857. This measurement can also contribute to the idea that Marco's Father will be deported by the end of Season 3b,"** spoke the sword very frankly.

"Can you please turn that off?!" Boba yelled over the noise of the horses.

"I. Don't. Know. How!" called back the knight.


She could finally smell the air; it smelled of ash, of gunpowder, and especially, of death. "It's coming!" They could finally see the battlefield and they trotted around the ranks of the Tomar Kingdom, who were still holding information against the onslaught. The Lurkers seemed to be endless pouring over the sides and attempting to surround the army.

It was then that Boba saw her colors; along the far south, she saw one single flag held for her nation. It was then that she knew where she was going. With Kyle's horse directly behind Rogue's, she stood up on the rear of the horse. "I'm sorry, Kyle!" she yelled into the air. Kyle was surprised and Rogue was confused. She somehow stood perfectly upright on the galloping horse and held her arms extended.

"Sorry for what?!" Sir Kyle yelled out in response.

"Boba! What Are you doing?" asked the knight, who was on the same horse. She jumped into the air. The jump was perfectly timed and perfectly committed. She landed directly in front of Sir Kyle and on the saddle of the horse, knocking off the knight. She was now on the horse, galloping away. Boba was now on her way to opposite side of the field. Sir Kyle was now on the ground surrounded by the remains of the purple Marclipsa Army. He bumped into Terepin who was firing into the scatter of Lurkers before him.

"My Daron, can I get a break?" Kyle said, rubbing his head. In return, Terepin looked at the Knight and lifted him up.

"No. Here." He shoved a repeater in Sir Kyle's hands and fetched his own. "You. Fire. Here." Seamlessly, Sir Kyle joined the fray. "Welcome to hell," Terepin said to the armored man.


Rogue finally found Dictator, who was now commanding General for the Tomar Kingdom.

"Where's Jeep!?" called out Rogue from atop his stallion.

"All around you," Dictator pointed to the top of the hill where The Lurker King was watching his troops, his battle with Jeep just over.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" came a voice from the line. It was 650. "You and me, Rogue. Let's get in there!" Rogue nodded at him and he dismounted his horse. They both hurried to the front of the line.

Rogue unsheathed his shield and sword and [ran alongside the Tomar President. They hit the opposing line of lurkers. Rogue shield bashed the first set of pikemen, knocking them down into one another. He struck the next line with his sword, who was busy debating about the absurdity of the episode StarCrushed.](

They stayed back to back. 650_Dollars began to reload his rifle. Rogue shielded him with his Kite on his left and pressed his sword against one Lurker that began to attack. The spear the Lurker was using fell to the ground and 650 kicked it up, letting his rifle hang on the strap. As he caught it, he threw it at the Lurker that was coming for Rogue's blind spot. The firing continued and it built them a path up the hill whilst Rouge protected his partner.

650 took a couple of shots to the few that were attempting to close in on Rogue, They were becoming enclosed, but many of the Lurkers were unaware of the chaos that was surrounding them. Most had their eyes on the large army that was fighting their own. The few that did attempt to stop The Knight and his accomplice found themselves either on the wrong side of a sword or with a few extra holes in them, or both.

They fought their way up the hill, making it to the helm where the Lurker King stood.

The forces closed in on the two while they held their own in the vantage point that The Lurker King had made. JohnnyJoestar held out his hand. "Stop!" he yelled to his men and women of the Lurker Legion. "RogueryNight. I'm going to let you speak. I'll give you one opportunity, Rouge. I'll give you one thing to say that will convince me to otherwise stop the tide of my army. Say your words, knight."

There was a long pause of contemplation.

"I'd rather speak with my sword," said the Tomkie Knight.

*And believe you me can it speak for itself.*

"So be it." The Lurker Lord ran towards Roguery with death in his eyes. He struck the knight with his fist against his shield and pushed him back a few meters. While he raised his shield, he struck again, pushing him again. Rogue saw the third attack in the same manner and swung his sword, keeping his eyes on his opponent. Johnny ducked under the attack and kicked Rogue's shield, spinning him. Johnny lunged at the teen with both of his feet, kicking him in mid-air. The only thing that protected Rouge was the powerful armor that he had adorned.

["Do you see why this is useless, knight?" The King got back to his feet. "I have more than enough army to make do with these two forces and make my way to the empire. This is futile. I am impervious to these weapons, Rogue. **Stand down.**"](

"No." Rogue staggered to his feet. His body was already sore from the concussive forces from his opponent. "You aren't who think you are and I know you're begging to be freed. No user should be allowed to have the Lurker inside them. This needs to be ended. Now. *Deus vult*." He held his sword pointed at the man.

Once again the man lunged at Rogue, but he feigned left and slashed the Lurker on the arm, cutting him. Johnny lunged back.

"Impossible!" He felt his cut. The darkening blood seethed slowly. "There's no way, unless..."

The sword lit up once more. "**Adam McArthur voices Marco Diaz and the Big Chicken in Season 1.**"

Quietly and softly, the Lurker King spoke to himself, "Oh. My. Daron." Roguery went on the offensive and began to quickly shamble towards the king. With one arm, he bashed the Lurker King, who attempted to lunge back but fell over his feet. The sword came down, but Johnny kicked it away. He spun, elbowed Rogue in the face, and rear-kicked him away.

Rogue stayed on his feet, but after a second, fell to his knees from exhaustion. He attempted to get back on his feet. It wasn't much longer before the Lurker King was already at him. Rogue attempted to duck from his onslaught but took quite a few punches that he should have avoided. The only saving grace was the sword that Johnny didn't want to have anywhere near him. Still, Rogue felt close to the end even with the relic in his hand, and Johnny did not relent.

It was once more that Johnny lunged back and once more that Rogue felt his body giving way. He was forced to get to his knee while he watched as the Lurker King sprint towards him. In one remaining ditch effort, he threw his shield at the King's legs; it sailed true, for it was light enough to do so. It made JohnnyJoestar trip, falling towards and nearly on top of the knight, Rogue held his blade up- hilt against the ground.

When Rogue opened his eyes, he found that TheJohnnyJoestar lay atop his sword, stabbed cleaned through, but The Lurker King also held out his arm and grasped Roguery around the neck. As Jonny squeezed tightly, Rogue nearly had any energy left to continue. With one last dying desire, Johnny squeezed harder. It wasn't before long that Rogue could hear the sound of machinery and a very loud blast cover from over Rogue's head.

He witnessed as a cannonball sored, nearly grazing the hair on top of his head. TheJohnnyJoestar burst into many pieces of ash as the impact flew through him. Rogue breathed deeply and laid on the grass while he looked to where he heard the cannon.

He saw who else but Boba and SealTamer hanging off the side of one of the Starco affiliated tanks. "Found one of your friends," she called out. "I found a mother-lickin' tank!" she screamed excitedly. The entire army of Lurkers began to degenerate and, one by one, began to deteriorate to dust. Rogue just laid there, smiling.

"I guess you could say it's been a--" Rogue started, but was interrupted.

"Blast!" Boba continued his statement.

"Goddammit, Boba. That was my line! I wanted one thing!" Rogue yelled into the quiet battlefield while she laughed.




[On the boat there were had so many faces that JeepDave knew and loved. He could barely gain an inch of leverage around the Starco generals that were sitting there hugging one another. The addition of Dark Magnus completed the set and his lips curled into a smirk at the reverence.](

He saw the corner of Statera goers talking amongst themselves about their independence from ships and many people were asking for justification in this pride.

Around the fallen Marclipsa leaders that fell in battle. He saw the Tomkie supporters who were debating and theorizing amongst themselves. He saw the shitposters that fell in the city trying to think of new material for the karma. He scooted his way through them all. He saw many beloved friends talking happily. He saw the best thing he knew about the people he enjoyed. He finally saw her.

He wandered to the bow of the vessel where she stood. It seemed as if she had a small shield surrounding her, pushing the users away to give her space. He walked up to the shield and knocked.

He felt against it and it let him in. He leaned against the awning as she was doing and looked out on the MetaScape.

"Thanks," He said to her.

"No problem," She said back. It took a while before anything else was said.

"You think that was enough effort?" JeepDave said.

"That'll do," She said with a laugh.

Both, the blindfolded ship maiden and the merchant king watched the shores while they watched the boats of many nations dance and swing on the open waves. It was a good day and nothing like this world will ever see again.

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