Solid GrounD (MxM)

By TheoryKierei

128K 10.8K 1.4K

This is the second book of the MiMiC series. It can be read as a stand-alone, but old characters will likely... More

When the Ground Shifts
When Your Thoughts Shift
When Your Heart Shifts
When Your Sight Shifts
When the Rules Shift
When the Storm Shifts
When the Odds Shift
When Your Mind Shifts
When the Words Shift
When Your Understanding Shifts
When the Music Shifts
When the Leaves Shift
When the Steaks Shift
When Priorities Shift
When Emotions Shift
When Time shifts
When Your Life Shifts
When the Shifting Ends

When You Shift For Him

5.3K 494 39
By TheoryKierei

He wasn't happy. 

Well, he was, about not being sick anymore, but he wasn't because the semester was beginning to draw to a close far quicker than he expected or wanted. 

Roh-Ahn and him had spent quite a lot of time together over the past few days. He hadn't gotten too much further with the young man physically, but Roh-Ahn was more than happy to continue with what they had been doing, though he always declined going further. 

You need to chill out. He told himself as he leaned back in his office chair and mussed his hair with his hands. 

You can't think that he'll just have sex with you before he leaves. This isn't a movie and he's worth more than that. 

For some reason his mind was just set on making sure that Roh-Ahn belonged completely to him before he had to return to Korea, and somewhere in that idea was them doing it all the way. 

What if I get him a ring? He thought, before quickly shaking his head and sighing. That was way overboard. They had only known each other for a few months and been dating for way less time than that. 

A knock on his door brought Austin's attention away from his thoughts as Roh-Ahn slipped inside and gently nudged the door closed. He was immediately smiling without even thinking about it as he reached out, taking Roh-Ahn's hand the moment he was close enough and pulling him onto his lap for a hug. 

"How did your classes go?" He asked as he began moving his hands to slip under Roh-Ahn's shirt, only to remember that it was tucked in. 

Calm your ass. 

Roh-Ahn chuckled and leaned in for a brief kiss before resting his head on Austin's chest. It was probably his favorite position for them to cuddle. 

I'm going to miss him so much. 

"Aus? What's wrong?" 

The question drew his attention back out of his thoughts. 

"Nothing." He said too quickly. 

Roh-Ahn raised an eyebrow and started getting out of his lap, making Austin quickly grab him around the waist and tug him closer. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking about stupid stuff. It really isn't a big deal. I've figured it out." He said with a reassuring smile. 

He was about to say something else when the door to his office slid open again. Emry stuck his head in, raised an eyebrow, then, unfortunately, stepped inside and shut the door behind himself. 

"I'm sure I'm interrupting, but office hours aren't over, and I really don't mind a show." He said as he set his bag on the floor and took one of the chairs Austin had set up in front of his desk for students. 

His arms tightened slightly around Roh-Ahn's waist as he scooted back a little, then straightened up, but didn't let his boyfriend off his lap. 

"What do you need help with, Emry?" He asked, trying to keep his annoyance out of his voice. Emry was probably the best person to have come in. He already knew about their relationship and he probably didn't even need help with anything. 

He's not even my student this semester. 

"Can you find me someone as cute as him to cuddle with while at school?" He asked, making Austin roll his eyes as Roh-Ahn chuckled quietly. 

"Maybe I can just borrow him?" Emry asked, pointing at Roh-Ahn. 

His arms tightened a little more, inciting another giggle from his boyfriend that made him frown. 

It's not funny! 

He was also way too jealous. He knew that Emry was joking, but he couldn't help himself. 

"Before  I get attacked by an angry jealous porcupine, let's change the subject. Have you liked teaching here, Roh-Ahn?" Emry asked as he relaxed back into his chair with a lazy grin. "The semester is coming to an end soon. Are you planning to stay for another one, or is that possible?" 

Austin clamped his mouth shut on what he was going to say when he heard Emry's second question. His stomach tied in knots waiting for Roh-Ahn to consider both. 

"I liked teaching here a lot. Some of the students were quite a handful, but not as much as Austin." He said, making Austin choke on the innuendo. 

Emry snickered but kept himself quiet since Roh-Ahn still had the most important question to answer. 

He took his time thinking it over, almost too much time. 

"I'm not permitted to stay for another semester. It was a one time thing for this program." He said quietly, his shoulders hunching a little as he sighed. "I have my plane ticket back for the end of the month." 

Wait. What? 

Austin felt his heart stop in his chest and water prick at his eyes. He was going back. They hadn't even discussed it yet and Roh-Ahn already had his ticket. 

Swallowing down a lump that had formed in the back of his throat, Austin leaned forward, dropping his forehead onto Roh-Ahn's shoulder, startling the guy slightly. 

"Bah, you two. Seems like you need to talk about a certain something. I'll take my leave, but I'll be back during your next set of office hours tomorrow, so be ready." He said, clearly trying to lighten the mood as he grabbed his bag and hopped up, then hurried out, flicking the little handle lock on his way out so that no one else could come in. 

"Roh?" Austin said, his voice rasping slightly with the man's name. 

He could feel his boyfriend trying to turn in his lap and hesitantly loosened his grip. When hands grasped his face and lifted it so that he had to look at Roh-Ahn, Austin sniffled and quickly blinked away the gaining moisture in his eyes. 

"I can't just stay here, Aus. My Visa was only for this semester. I have to go back two days after grades are submitted." He said, the sadness in his voice bringing Austin to lean forward and press a soft kiss to his cheek as a tear ran down his own. 

I've gotten way too attached to him, and I desperately don't want to let go. How will I be able to go home every day from work and not see him sitting on the sofa nibbling a snack while grading or in the kitchen cooking something delicious? 

I'm going to miss him taking naps in my bed. I'm going to miss taking care of him on his good and bad days. 

There honestly wasn't a single thing about the man that bothered him. He was sweet, kind, thoughtful, stubborn, aggressive at times, and just the light he never knew he needed in his life. 

"You can't go." He mumbled against Roh-Ahn's hair as he pulled the guy closer for a tighter hug. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, even if that is one of the cheesiest lines known to man." 

Roh-Ahn laughed, but it sounded more painful than joyous. 

Wait a second. 

Leaning back, Austin gently grabbed Roh-Ahn's face and tilted his head up to look at him. "What if I do what you did and get a visa to for a semester over there?" He asked, hope brightening their bleak discussion. 

He would have thought that the idea would bring a smile to Roh-Ahn's face and finally allow them both to relax a little, but when he shook his head, Austin frowned. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried that, perhaps, Roh didn't want him to go to Korea. 

"I already looked into it, but you have to apply far in advance... you could only sign up for the one after this coming semester." He whispered. 

Austin wanted to scream, but he settled for a deep sigh and some extra nuzzling that made Roh-Ahn giggle since his neck was a bit ticklish. 

"I don't want to wait, but I don't have the money for a ticket right now. How about we put this situation off until tonight when we can really discuss what we want to do after the semester is over? I know you have to go back, but I also know that I'm going to have to follow you, too. Hopefully the sooner the better." He said, earning a bright smile from Roh-Ahn. 

"I'm overjoyed that you think I'm worth following so far." He said in Korean, making Austin raise an eyebrow. 

"Something about being worth it. And damn right you are." He said, his voice completely serious. 

Roh-Ahn gave him one more smile before the little chime alarm he set for his office hour went off on the phone in his pocket, signaling that it was time to go. 

"You've got one more class to teach today, right?" He asked as he helped Roh-Ahn to his feet, noticing that he hadn't used his cane again. 

He'd been doing that more and more often, but while it made Austin extremely happy that he didn't feel like he needed it, he still felt like he should have it with him, at least. 

"Take this with you." He said as he reached under his desk and produced a walking stick he'd specially had crafted for him. It had a twisting design but wasn't cut too deeply, allowing for a good amount of support if it needed to help take his full weight. There was also a small rubber piece on the bottom so that it wouldn't slip on tile. 

He saw Roh-Ahn begin to scowl at the item, but Austin just poked him in the forehead with it and grinned. "Not a time to be stubborn. You know I'll just follow you to class with it until you take it." 

Roh-Ahn pursed his lips and glared at it, then looked up at him. 

"If I take the walking stick, will you still sit in on my class?" He asked with a faint blush that made Austin want to hide him away so that no one else could see how cute he really was. 

Handing over the item, Austin took Roh-Ahn's free hand and tugged him toward the door, flicking the lights off on their way out. 

"Of course. And we can go get ice cream for dinner at that grump of a man's shop after?" He said, earning a sheepish grin from Roh-Ahn as the man nodded and squeezed his hand. 

"I'd like that." 

He wasn't really paying attention to their entwined hands, or the eyes that landed on them as they came out of the hallway leading from the offices. Neither did he hear the whispers that their actions were starting to circulate. For once, Austin only cared about one thing, and that was the person who was walking beside him with a content smile on his face. 

(Thanks for your patience. I've not been feeling great this month. Slowly getting better.) 

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