♡ Eternal Bond ♡ {EreRi | RiR...

By GGAsuka

311K 13.5K 7.8K

"I want to see the more to this world... because I was born into it!" A single desire and dream that coursed... More

Chapter 01: Bad Day, Meeting Again?
Chapter 02: Hey Neighbor!
Chapter 03: Getting Closer - Acquaintances and Nothing More?
Chapter 04: Truth
Bonus Chapter 1 - Valentines With You
Chapter 05: You Work For Me Now
Chapter 06: Danger Lurks
Chapter 07: Eren?!
Chapter 08: I'll Protect You, I'll Save You
Chapter 09: Help
Chapter 10: Everything Will Be Okay
Chapter 11: I'm Sorry...
Chapter 12: Hope
Chapter 13: A Past We Shared
Chapter 14: Together We Are One
Chapter 16: Recovery
Chapter 17: Back To Work!
Chapter 18: A Peace That Slips Again
Chapter 19: We're In This Together
Chapter 20: The Plan
Chapter 21: Death
Chapter 22: According To Plan?
Chapter 23: I Love You
Chapter 24: Our Last Goodbye
Thank You!

Chapter 15: You're Okay

8.7K 445 131
By GGAsuka

// "Let's be together again in our next life...!" //

CHAPTER 15: You're Okay


[WARNING! MORE ANGST IN THIS!! ...Nah, I'm just kidding! XD I just came to say that I changed the system of the Author's Note so you don't have to read pointless things and get to the important stuff. So, if you have any confusions, you can take a look at the 'ABOUT THIS CHAPTER' section to understand more ^-^ ENJOY!]

It was dark yet peaceful.

He didn't know where he was... but he didn't care. Even without cracking his eyes open, he felt calm- like his body was drifting in sparkling ocean waters... Just flowing along the slow current and lulling him into a deep sleep.

He could feel himself sinking, but it wasn't bad.

Everything; everything in the past... everything he could remember- he felt it being sucked out of his memories slowly, slowly...

All the pain he's felt, all the tears shed- he just feels them slip away and replaced by this calm emptiness. Like, he had nothing else to worry in the world.

Wherever he was, he...didn't want to leave.


His eyes cracked open slightly and shifted to look around the impending darkness all around him. He was right- it was like an ocean... vast and deep, though he didn't feel the water. Above him, he could see the light shining down like how sunshine would shine into the ocean. He felt the calm trance slowly breaking; that voice stirred him up... There was something about it...



He blinked his eyes wider and slowly regained composure...

Wait- that voice...




The dilated pupils of his eyes blinked back to life- like he just broke out from a dream, an illusion... and he finally moved to take a better look at his surroundings.

...Was he dreaming?

It was weird. The place was weird. He found himself levitated in the dark abyss- wherever he was. His legs touched nothing and he could only see endless darkness below him; his own form just suspended.

But he was right; the place was like an ocean, like a deep trench below sea level.

"Where... Where am I...?" he whispered to himself.


There was that voice again.

His breath hiked, head snapping to look at the sole bright light above him that pierced into the darkness.


He was sure. It was Levi- he could hear Levi's voice!

Without hesitation, he reached out to the light- trying to move closer to it...

He wanted to be with Levi.

Eyes trained on the light above, he swore he could hear all sorts of noises slowly filling his head. It was like the noises one would find in hospitals... But they were all muted by his mind to find more of Levi's voice... getting louder and louder...

His outstretched hand reached further toward the light...trying to grasp it.... Just a little more...



With a sharp gasp, Eren's teal eyes snapped open.

The loud sound of robotic beeping knocked into his ears and he could see blinding light all around him.

Breathing labored in shaky puffs and vision blurred by the brightness, he was ever so happy when his eyes slowly adjusted to a pair of dark raven-colored orbs right above his face.

That silky black hair... those lips and the look in those striking eyes...


He heard Levi's voice loud and clear now, though he had yet to figure out everything around him... Was he dreaming? Well, he noticed he was lying on a bed...

But it didn't matter- Levi was with him. That was enough.

Cutting him out of his still-blurry thoughts, he could feel a pair of arms encircle him and almost immediately, he was tugged into a deep and loving yet...desperate hug. He was in a daze, slowly moving his arms to wrap around the older man.

And for some reason, he felt tears rolling down his eyes.

Levi pulled back slightly- just enough to look into his eyes... and Eren saw that they were teary. He gasped. There were obvious tear streaks on both Levi's cheeks and the relief in Levi's eyes surprised him.

He stared at Levi for a moment before moving his hands to wipe and hold Levi's cheek and trace the tear streaks away.


He still couldn't remember what happened... and his mind must have been more dazed than usual since he couldn't make out his surroundings right. Albeit being able to notice that there were so many people with masks around them and the place was unbelievably filled with white.

Had something happened to Levi...?

Without warning, Levi suddenly dipped and pressed his warm lips against Eren's in a deep kiss- all sorts of feelings flying into him from it and their warm hug tightened.

...And then it was over, almost as quickly as it started.

Eren blinked up at Levi from his seated position... and he heard himself gasp again-

For the first time... he saw a real smile on Levi's face.


Two other familiar voices reached his ears and he moved his eyes to see another two people run up to him; Armin and Mikasa.

"You're okay...!"


S c o u t i n g L e g i o n H e a d q u a r t e r s _


The CEO ran a hand through his tussled blonde locks as he continued to eye the papers in his hands. He didn't bother to look up, but instead just sighed a cool "Come in."

A small ray of light crept into his otherwise dim office and cast a shadow of his figure on the wall behind him. Flipping to the next page of the papers in his hands, he shifted his eyes up briefly to look at Hanji- the question "Do you need anything?" probing at the brunette woman yet there was a small smile on his lips.

He noticed how her mood wasn't the usual hyped activeness; even her face showed how serious she was for once.

"Erwin." She started slowly.

His response was a small hum of acknowledgement.

"Things... aren't really 'fine'...are they?"

Well, to say that he was expecting the question was pretty true. Finally turning to meet her gaze, he put the paperwork down and beckoned her to sit, relieved that she had already closed the doors behind her when she entered earlier.

"To put it blunt, no. We didn't really expect things to go this way although our suspicions had been clear from the start of this case. But, if our predictions are correct, we might be facing-"

"...Civil war..."

Hanji bit the inside of her cheek- she knew he was keeping something from her. That was typical of Erwin; he would have some sort of plan already devised into his mind but wouldn't share until he confirmed his own uncertainties. She wondered for a moment whether Levi would sense his thoughts if he were here... but he didn't want to bother the man right now- with everything that's going on. Sure, they've been together from the start of the corporation and are the most senior among all the other staff in the Scouting Legion, but there were times when Hanji still wasn't very sure of Erwin's mind- despite maybe having snippets of what his thoughts might be pictured in her own mind. Erwin could see much more than everyone else; he thought out of the box, and that made him the best person to be CEO- well, the 'Commander' of this whole thing.

"What do you plan to do about this, Erwin?"

She saw him crack another small smile.

"That will come soon enough. We will have to wait and see for now."

Yeah, she guessed that reply from him.

"But... if it's true that the Military Police is involved, many people are in danger- TITAN poses as a bigger threat if they really have those idiots backing their asses. And to think that we expected TITAN to be something so easily taken down, we're probably losing our touch." She laughed, and adjusted her glasses shortly.

"Well, at least now we do know that TITAN isn't just a sole mafia clan with an awful boss."

It was amusing that both of them were trying to inject some humor into the situation, though it wasn't really working.

"...I still wonder how we missed it though; we knew TITAN was an organization, but..."

"We don't have to think too much about that right now, Hanji." Erwin sighed.

The blonde spun his chair around calmly to face the large wall-sized window of his office and Hanji mirrored his movements. They sat in silence for a while. It didn't matter, she trusted him enough to just go with his flow. Though, she couldn't ignore the dark nagging in her mind- telling her that something bigger was to come. Levi's actions that night probably triggered something... and she was anxiously half-sure that Eren would get dragged into the big bloody mess again. Poor boy...

"It's a storm outside isn't it...?"

Yeah...typical Erwin, Hanji sighed mentally. She wasn't going to get any straight answers this time either.

She chuckled and leaned into her chair, gazing out the window- at the loud pattering of raindrops and strong swishing of the wind that blew a few leaves by.

"Oh, yes...Hanji."

"I'm all ears."

"How's the boy...? I've been busy recently and couldn't go take a look at him. I heard you're taking over Levi's work too so that he can look after Eren...?"

They turned to look at each other for a brief moment before Hanji opted to turn back toward the window with a sad gaze.

"I honestly don't know that answer, Blondie. But yeah, I'm helping Levi for now. He has yet to let me know anything. I'm worried though."

Erwin's smile visibly saddened and he heaved a soft sigh, eyes averting to the window again.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see..."





Yeah... it's been such a long time! Q_Q I'm sorry, I'm in horrible places right now and my internet literally fails every 5 seconds! TT^TT I really feel bad that I left you guys at that horrible cliffhanger! I've been pretty mean lately with all this so I decided to put no angst or cliffhanger in this chapter! ^-^ *throws fluffy cotton candy to everybody* Haha, I have a feeling I won't get many comments in this... but I'm sorry if I won't be able to reply to all your comments (I'll try to) but I read each and every one of them! And I'm SO SO THANKFUL FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! I ADORE ALL OF YOU LOVELIES! <3 *hugs each and every one of you*


Yeah, I hope the start wasn't so confusing! XD I once read a doujinshi where Eren's already dead and before he got reincarnated, he's just suspended in this dark abyss that looks like an ocean and...well just dangling between life and the other world. I found that idea really interesting and it would be too dull if I just made him wake up like that... You know me, NO DULLNESS WHATSOEVER! XD (hopefully!) So yeah, I decided to put that scene in... I hope it's okay!


Yeap, no angst in this... and you can expect more fluff and office scenes to come featuring lots of lovey-dovey from the two boyfriends~ BUT THE NEW PLOT IS JUST INTRODUCED~ ^^ It hasn't ended yet, mwahahah! XD And I don't really know how it became this sort of AU when my origial plans was just to have something short and sweet to represnt their love... but I guess it's going well! :D I expect to finish this by the 45th chapter (probably). AND ALSO the BONUS CHAPTER 2 will be posted tomorrow (this time I will since my network is fine again XD)! I actually lost it and had to re-type everything -.-


And, as usual, if you liked this chapter, it means so much if you would VOTE for it and hopefully even COMMENT and FOLLOW! <3 your comments always motivate me a lot and I appreciate all of you sooooooo much for supporting me and making this series mean something so much more! <3 I love you all!!! I'll try to reply to comments more... TTwTT <3

That's all from me, thank you so much again for reading all of this! <3 *gives cookies*

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