Lighthouse ✔

By xkingisaac

160K 3.1K 2.6K

Uhh, good bit of trigger warnings -Depression -Anxiety -Panic attacks -MAYBE self-harm -Abuse -Mpreg -Possibl... More

My Friend's Sister
Moving In
Loss of Innocence
Cabin Trip
Yacht Ride
Movie Night
Morning Pleasure
Back Home
Obake's Mess
Cleaning Wounds
Bey Practice and Young Love
Caring for Shu
Sick Day with Shu
A New Friend
Reuniting with Ken
Surprise at the Park
Panic Attack
Beautiful Boy
Broken Bones
Marvel Movies
The Cast Comes Off
Anxiety and Pregnancy
Little Kicks
Baby Nika
Girl or Boy
Time Alone
Here We Go Again
Tummy Problems
Underweight Valt
Hearing the Heart Beat
Feeling Her Move
His Return
Baby Valkyrie
Cherry Blossoms
Indoor Recess
The Wedding

The Truth Comes Out

5.9K 118 97
By xkingisaac

We walked over to the bey stadium so Shu and Aiger could battle while Naru and I watched. They began round one.

"3, 2, 1, let it.. RIP!!"

Aiger launched the same way I do, and Shu basically twisted his whole damn body to launch.

"Shu, when you fuck up your other shoulder twisting like that, I'm gonna laugh."

I teased him. He gave me a sly look and turned back to the battle in front of him. Shu was in the lead so far and Aiger was really impressed with it.


Aiger said quietly.


Naru shouted to him, but he was focused on the battle with my best friend.
They had done about, 25 rounds now and Shu won all of them. I saw Shu was getting worn out and his shoulder was starting to bother him. I got up and went over to help him.

"Okay, that's enough blading for the day."

I insisted.

"Aww, come on! I was about to wipe the floor with him!"

"You were failing miserabley."

Naru told Aiger.

"Shut up Naru!"

I took Shu and sat him down on the platform, holding his shoulder still. Aiger and Naru were arguing back and forth, and the things Aiger was saying to his sister bothered me.

"Stop being a nuisance Naru!!"

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are! Ugh! Why did mom and dad send you with me?!"

"I wanted to come!"

"Well, go home! Cause you're just a pest!"

I would never have said any of those things to Nika, even if she was being annoying at any point. I was debating on getting on to Aiger, but then...

"I wish you weren't born!!"

He said that to his sister, and even Shu was surprised at what he said.

"That's it..."

I said, getting up and going over to Aiger and seeing tears in Naru's eyes.

"Are you serious?! The shit you're saying to your little sister is horrible Aiger! I haven't known you two for long, but when I came to your father to evolve Valtryek, I saw that you two were close and I thought that was sweet! Do you realize that anything could happen to either one of you?! I can tell Naru looks up to you and supports anything you do! You need to treasure her Aiger! Something could happen to her! Something could happen to you! Something terrible and y'all wouldn't see each other anymore! You're so lucky to have her! You don't want to lose her dude. You shouldn't have to go through what I did..."

I realized that I had just opened up the conversation I didn't wanna have, but Aiger needed to hear all of that. Aiger's eyes were widened in shock, and I could feel Shu staring at me with the same expression behind me. I sat on the edge of the platform and let my tears fall, knowing I was about to get asked what I was talking about. I felt small arms wrap around my neck. I looked and saw it was Naru hugging me and I immediately hugged her back, imagining her to be Nika. We pulled apart and I felt Shu sit on the other side of me as he grabbed my face to wipe my tears away.

"Valt, is there something you haven't told me?"

I nodded slowly and started.

"I lost my little sister years ago. We were on vacation, me, Nika, my Dad, and my Mom. Nika and I went out to the beach while our parents were in the vacation house asleep and it was about to storm, but Nika wanted to go swimming anyway, so I took her. She was in the ocean and I sat on the beach to watch her. The waves were starting to get bigger, but of course, I didn't think anything of it, I was 10. I took my eyes off of her for a split second..."

Tears began to pour down my face.

"...and I heard her shouting for help and saw she was drowning. A big wave had pushed her arm floaties off. I ran in to help her, but the storm had started and the wind was blowing so aggressively and the waves were huge. I did everything I could to save her. I got her out, but... I was too late!"
Valt's story was so heart breaking. I felt so bad that he had lost his sister.

"She was so innocent and beautiful. She was only 5 years old and she would always say how she thought the world of me."

My eyes started to tear up as I pulled Valt into a hug and kissed his forehead.

"Ever since she died, my life has been shit. My parents divorced, my dad became an alcoholic and beat the shit out of me and blamed me for Nika's death. I know it was my fault, but-"

"No Valt, it wasn't your fault. It was an accident! Don't blame yourself, you hear me?"

I assured him as I wiped his tears. I looked up and saw Aiger crying too as he sat next to Naru and hugged her. I whispered to Valt.

"Hey, look..."

He turned to see the siblings hugging, making him smile.

"I'm sorry Naru... I take back everything I said. I love you and I never wanna lose you sis."

"I love you too Aiger. I forgive you. You're the best big brother ever."

Hope y'all are enjoying this book, cause tbh I am.

Also listen to the song!

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