My online enemy (Imallexx)

By jojihasallmyuwus

96.2K 1.4K 441

Emily is a YouTuber, just like her cousin, memeulous, also known as George. When her parents die in a tragic... More

The move.
Rocket legue
The pub
Chat with al
New beginnings?
Surprise party
Wait. What?
The big collab.
Tik toks
Coffee shop
1 million subs
The first kiss
Million sub special
Million sub special pt. 2
My concussion
Finally better
Decorating for the holidays
The first i love you
Christmas shopping
Uh oh
Ice cream and movies
Christmas eve
The gift
Big family vacation
Special day
Dirty jenga
Beach day
Back home
Ice skating
Fanfiction video
More than just a broken car...
Journey to Vidcon

The pranks

2.5K 47 3
By jojihasallmyuwus

-Emily's POV-
"EMILY!" George screamed from the front room.
Alex and I stayed perfectly still, not wanting to let him know where we are.
"George what are you doing on the fl- OW!" Will yells.
Alex and I hold back out laughter as we heard will fall onto the floor
"Now who would put marbles on the floor?" Will asked.
"Who do you think!" George asks.
I hear George get up and try to find us.
"Emily! I swear!" I heard him say before he fell again.
This time I couldn't help but let out a laugh. I also heard will laughing at him too.
"Will what the hell!" George says.
"Sorry! It's funny!" He laughs.
George gets up again, and this time goes into his room to change.
"Oh good god!" He yells.
Will bursts out laughing again and Alex and I can't stop ourselves from joining.
I heard George turn on the shower in his bathroom and will was calling out for us. I peak my head out the door and wave for him to come in.
"Guys that. Was brilliant!" He laughs.
"I know I know, can you go grab the cameras and bring them here? We need to sneak out!" I whisper.
He agrees and runs out, making sure to not slip, and grabbed all 3 cameras for us.
"Here. Now get out!! He's probably almost done with his shower!" Will laughs.
Alex and I run out, and grab our keys and run down towards the elevator.
We're both laughing so hard we're running out of breath.
"Okay guys, we had to get out before George found us." Alex says, panting to the camera.
" yeah he's a bit scary." I laugh.
We head out to the car and when we get there alex wraps up then end of the video. He shuts it off and looks my way.
"So what's the plan, m'lady?" He asks.
"I dunno, do you want to go to the coffee shop and edit maybe? I grabbed my laptop." I suggest.
"Sounds good." He smiles.
I start the car and and head towards the coffee shop. When we arrive I grab my things and head on inside. I go and order us some tea and pay before he can.
"Emily I told you no paying!" He sighs.
I stick my tongue out and hand him his tea and take a seat.
I open my lap top and my voice starts playing out loud.
"Oh no. Oh god. Oh god stop!!" I say nervously trying to get the video to stop.
Meanwhile Alex is laughing me, I finally got the video shut off and I made sure to plug my headphones in. Alex plays on his phone while I edit the parts of just me. I pat my seat and invite Alex over next to me while I edit the funny bits.
I give him one ear push and we sit and watch back the Q and A.
"Are you sure you want to leave that question in?" He asks.
"Yeah why? I feel like it's a more scandalous." I day.
"Yeah, but like, the way I look at you. It's obvious." He blushes.
I take a look back at the footage, and watch him watch me as I answer. And you can see him grab my hand. I think it's so adorable.
"Yeah, I'm okay with that." I smile, planting a kiss on his warm cheek.
We sit there and giggle as I'm adding effects and different captions along with our looks. Once I feel like it's perfect, I save it and check my phone. 7pm!
"Alex we should get some dinner and head home." I suggest.
"Alright, want to order a pizza?" He asks.
"Perfect!" I smile.
We pack up and head to the car. I drive home while Alex is ordering take away.
When we arrive we open the door and the apartment is so quiet. Too quiet. I tip toe around the corner and no George. Hm. I go to my room and open the door slowly. Nothing seems to be out of place. So I go to walk forward. And bam. I smack my head on the floor. And that's the last thing I remember.

-Alex's POV-
When we got home, it was pretty quiet, so I knew George had something planned. Emily gives me her backpack so she can sneak around quietly. I stand at the door while she walks into her room, and I head a huge thud when she walked in.
"Emily?" I ask. No responds.
Oh no. Oh no!
"Emily!" I shout, as I walk in to see her past out on the floor!
"George!!" I scream. Oh my god.
"What? Oh my god what happened?" He shouts.
"You you fuckin cunt! You tripped her over to get back at us! Now look at her!" I cry
"I didn't mean it! I didn't think she'd smack her head! I'll call an ambulance!" George says.
"Already on it!" Will shouted.
I carry Emily bridal style into the living room and hold her in my lap. She's still unconscious when the paramedics get here but they take her and we all get in the car and follow them to the hospital.

It's been about 2 hours now and they scanned her head and there's no bleeding. Will took the car and went to get her some balloons for when she wakes up, and George and I have been stuck in the waiting room.
"Friends of Emily?" A nurse says.
"Is she alright?" Georges Asks.
"Yes, she has a concussion, and she's just waking up, so try not to speak to loudly, and keep the lights off." She smiles.
I get up and scurry into her room to find her eyes closed.
"Alex? George?" She groans.
"Hi, Emily, I'm here. I'm here are you okay?" I coo, grabbing her hand.
"What happened?" She asks.
-Emily's POV-
I woke up in a bed, with a pounding headache. The nurse turned the lights off and said I had some visitors, and she told me she told them to keep quiet. I thanked her and heard footsteps running towards me.
"Alex? George?" I call out.
"Hi, Emily, I'm here. I'm here are you okay?" Alex whispers grabbing my hand.
"What happened?" I groan.
"Emily I'm so sorry, I tried to prank you back, I put a trip wire in front of your door, and you fell and smacked your head." George explains.
"It's alright. We did get you good though." I smile.
"Oh thank god." George sighs.
"Hey guys! I'm here!" Will whisper yells.
I open my eyes slowly, and see he got some balloons and a teddy for me.
"Thank you." I smile. "You didn't have to."
"Well I thought I would, since you know, I kinda hurt you." George shrugs.
"Miss Emily, you're free to leave in about an hour, we're waiting on one more test result, but you should be alright." The nurse says.
"Thank you." I smile.

@natalieasher, @legitmemeulous and 24,637 others liked
@itsemmilyyy how's your Saturday going? Won't be able to upload for a bit! Love you guys xx
@fan73 what happened to our precious bean!!
@natalieasher @im_allexx what did you do
@im_allexx @natalieasher it was all George I swear!
@random6 OUR BABY!
I set my phone down, as the light is already causing my head to hurt.
The nurse finally comes in and tells me I can go home.
George lends me his sunglasses as we head out to the car. Oh god, my head is pounding more than ever. I really need to take it easy.
Via Instagram story
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know, I'm physically okay, I just have a concussion, hense the glasses, meaning, I won't be able to upload my special video for a bit because of the light. I hope you understand and I thank you all for the love and support!

When we arrive home I make sure there's no wires, and I head into my room to get some sleep.
"Hey you can come in here if you want." Alex smiles.
I agree and head over to his room. I lay down on the bed and he turns on his music quietly and lays down beside me.
And eventually I fall asleep.
Sorry for no update yesterday!! It was my day off work and I really wanted to take an actual day off so I didn't update anything! Hope you enjoy this! :)

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