The Story Remains the Same ~...

By jewelsTHEbatkid

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its about a girl named Hazel Cunningham shes from america, which means its gonna be written in americsaness a... More

The Story Remains the Same ~ A Led Zeppelin Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eightteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Authors Note....Sequel is Up

Chapter Nineteen

442 10 1
By jewelsTHEbatkid

            Tonight was our last night in Hopton. It was a nice mini vacation or how they say it here ‘Holiday’. I meet new people. By new I mean Mo, Maureen and Pat. Right now we were hanging around a small camp fire that I set up on the beach and drinking the rest of the beer that Bonzo bought for this ‘Holiday’. I was laying or sitting between Jimmy’s legs, not like that but you know what I mean. The moons light was shining down on the black ocean. The waves making clam crashing sounds onto the sand. The fire crackling as a nice smooth breeze blow through the wind. Every single star seemed to be out as the sky was cloudless. Tonight could not get better.

            I took a slug of my beer. I personally prefer a bit of Jack Daniels but hey I wasn’t in charge of the alcohol.  I had maybe two slugs left of my beer. This was beer number four. It’s strange cause it takes me like ten beers to get me tipsy. Guess I can handle my alcohol well.

“So Hazel England doing for you?” Mo asked out of the blue snapping me back to reality.

“It’s doing me good. I’m a bit home sick though” I answered truthfully.

“I can tell a little” she sighed “Do you know when you are going back?”

“Well my mom, dad, brother, and sister are coming for thanksgiving but I’m planning on going for a week for Christmas.”

“What’s New York City like?” Pat asked

“Nothing special really, I mean if it’s your first time the blinding city lights trap you in a daze, the pizza is perfect and well it’s just something you won’t forget. For me it’s just the same old same old since I’ve been there many times do my dad working there so I’ve been in and out of the city.”

“What does your dad do?” Maureen asked. She’s been quiet silent this whole trip, same with John he’s a pretty quiet guy.

“Oh he’s in advertising, same with my bother and my friend Stella’s boyfriend works there.”

“Oh” I heard an echo of ‘Ohs’ from all of them but Sarah.

“Yup” I popped the ‘P’ “Well I think I’m gonna head back inside I have an early day tomorrow. Don’t forget to clean up and put out the fire”

“Alright” I heard them all say as well as Goodnights.

            I went upstairs and changed out of my shorts and t-shirt. I had put on my super big and I mean XXXL night shirt. It was super huge and super freaking comfy. I hoped into bed and drifty went off into my dream world.  


Hey guys. Sorry for the short couple chapters. Just wait till next chapter ;). Anyays I hope your enjoying this story I probaly wont post till I come back from vaction and hopefully I have thrity chpaters written.

Anyways please...Comment Share Like continue to read. whatever you want. I just your hoping this story. 

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