Hero Journals: Book Two

By Applesstorys

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Titania, Lauren, Melanie, and Danielle are back. After what happened to them at the Mall in D.C. the group di... More

An Unexpected Visit
The Red-headed Lady
The Meeting
I become a Natural Disaster
A Clue
Project Meta G.
The Alchemist
The Newbie

H.A.D labs gets Busted

3 0 0
By Applesstorys

Melanie here. Yeah well Lauren and Titania while you were busy meeting Arsenal Danielle and I were busy running for our lives. I guess I should back up and explain how we got into this situation. Alright then here it goes.

The plan was simple; get in, look around, find Killer Frost, get out. Getting in was fine. It wasn't any problem at all. My class was taking a tour at the time. Which gave me time to look around but I would have to get away from the group to go exploring. Which means that Danielle would have to cause a distraction for me to get away. Once that happened we would meet up later and then do our thing. Simple right? Haha no it wasn't. Okay okay I'll get to the story now.

"And here we have some juice that we have been working on for almost two years!" the woman giving us the tour said. "You can have a sample if you want."

Everyone rushed to get one. I decided that I should at least get one for analyzing. I reached over and grabbed one. When I did the women seemed to glare at me. Maybe she remembered be the year before? I couldn't be sure about that but I pocketed it anyway. We then moved on after everyone had finished drinking it.

I looked around and try to find a place for the distraction to happen. I finally found one when we made a stop to the bathroom. I pressed a button on my shirt to let Danielle know to come.  People were almost done and Danielle still had not done the distraction. I was almost worried until just then when a cloud of smoke came through the vents. Not only could you not see but it had a bad smell and made your eyes water.

I quickly went into the bathroom and then went into a stall and changed into my new super suit. I then climbed up into one of the vents and then crawled through till I found Danielle. When she saw me she put a finger to her lip and then pointed down below. There were two people talking.

"So Lex Corp says that our partnership is almost done?" one of the scientists asked the other.

"Yep they said that all that is left is making it stable and then they're done and we can continue working it."

"And Frost?" the first asked, "How is that working out?"

"We still can't seem to find a way to cure what ever has affected her. And everytime one gose in they just get frozen like what happened to that intruder we got a couple days ago." the second let out a sigh, "I don't know what we're going to do if we can't cure her."

"And where is she now?"

"In room number 203. We should probably get back to work."

"Yeah you're right."

With that they walked away and down the hall. Danielle opened the vent and fell down with out making a sound. I landed next to her but of course I made a sound. She just shook her head and followed the direction that the two scientists went. With a sigh I went after her.

It took a while but we finally found room 203. There were at least 6 people all around the door. We would have to fight our way it. Of course we would need a plan I thought. But apparently Danielle thought differently. She charged into the room and started to fight them. With a sigh I followed after her.

Someone went to get the alarm but I froze the alarm.  I then started to throw ice balls at them and they fell to the ground. Danielle waited by the door for me to get there. When I got there she said, "I think you're going to have to go there. You heard them she frezzes them all."

"Yeah but what happens if I get into trouble?" I asked my freind.

"Look if you get into trouble I'll come and help." Danielle promised.

"Okay be back soon Pantha."

I opened the door as soon as Danielle ducked down so that she wouldn't be seen. Frost looked up surprised to see me. I walked into the room. There was no one else here. I walked toward her but stopped once I saw her scared face. I didn't know what to do or what to say.

"What do you want?" her cold voice asked.

"Your help." I said.

"And why would you want mine hero." Frost asked.

"Because you're the only one that can." I told her stepping toward her.

Frost frowned. And looked at me and then said, "Why are you not frozen like others or feel cold like some?"

"Because Frost," I replied holding out my hand, "I have the power of ice."

I formed a ball of ice in my hand and threw it at the camera. It smashed and then fell to the ground. Frost laughed. I turned back to her. She had gotten out of the bench that was holding her down. I took a step back. Frost smiled. "This is going to be-" and then she started to cough.

"Frost?" I asked her staying where I was not daring to get closer to her.

"I wouldn't be so worried about me as you should about your own safety." Frost growled.

Just then ice started to fling all around her, just like I had when I was on the watchtower. I backed away ready to fight her if need be. I was just about to think of a plan, all while tring not to get hit by the ice, when Danielle ran into the room. "No stay back!" I shouted.

But she didn't hear me, or just didn't want to listen to me. She jumped at Frost and sent something at her. She fell back and the started to attack her. I backed up and started to head for the door. Danielle started to follow my lead. I threw back ice at her but it didn't do much. Finally I said, "Pantha cover me while I get the others!"

Danielle nodded and did the best she could. "Getting  help little hero?" Frost asked in a mocking tone.

"Guys," I said over the coms, "we found Frost however we're having problems-" Frost was sneaking up behind Danielle. "Pantha look out!" Frost knocked her out with her fist. "It's just me now."

"Snow just hold on until we can get to you." Titania said over coms.

Before I could respond Frost came at me. I moved out of the way and then started to attack her. Just hold on Titania had said, easier said then done. We were evenly matched. Frost was out of control and I feared what would happen if she was normal, would we be evenly matched then? I didn't have time to think of that I had to keep fighting and protect Danielle.

I jumped around trying to get a good shot so that I could stop her. However that seemed impossible because the ice went everywhere. Then a peace of the ice hit me. Frost smiled her wicked grin. I looked down at my shoulder. Sure enough the ice had hit me. But then to my surprise the ice melted away.

I smiled and the got back up and was ready to fight her. Her ice couldn't affect me.  Then I froze the floor. Frost in her surprised fell down and slipped. I reached down to test and see if these boots had skates as well. To my delight they did. Time to light up the match, I thought to myself. I looked to where Frost had been when she had fell down. She wasn't there.

My stomach lurched with fear. Frost running around with that ice illness inside her was bad. I suppose her being normal is bad too so I guess that made things worse then normal. I looked towards the direction where Danielle was on the floor. I then looked towards the direction of the door where Frost was out there somewhere. I couldn't just leave her here while I went after Frost but I couldn't let Frost harm people either even if they had teamed up with them.

I then dragged Danielle across the room and hid her out of sight. When she waked up she could find out where I was through the coms. After I was certain that she wouldn't be found I took off after Frost, where ever she may be.

It wasn't that hard to find her. All I had to do was follow after the ice trail that she had left. I couldn't use my ice skates so I got rid of them. I was just about to give up hope of catching up to her when Finally, I found her. "Frost!" I shouted towards her.

She turned around and she looked at me disgusted. "You chose the wrong side little hero. Soon this world will be in ice." She said that last word with emphasis.

"Yeah well we shall see about that Frosty."

"Don't Call Me that!" she screeched.

Then she charged at me. I moved quickly out of the way. Great we're back to this again, I thought. I shot a blast of ice at her which she met with her own. we were both flung backwards. As I got up my head started to hurt. I focused on Frost but even she was going in and out sometimes.

"Cover your mouth."

Wait a minute that wasn't Frosts voice, she hadn't moved her mouth. Besides she didn't have telepathy. "Moonfire?" I asked groggily.

"Yes it's me and Seaspray." she replied, "Just cover your mouth please."

I did as she asked, since I figured that she had some reason for me to do so. Frost looked at me strangely. But she didn't have long to wonder why because brown smoke, no gas, came through the air vents. Frost's eyes opened up wide in shock then she started to cough. She made her way towards me but then fell down and passed out.

When the brown gas stopped coming through the vents I waited a bit and then uncovered my mouth. I went over to see if Frost was for sure passed out. She was. Just then there was a clanging noise behind me and then a thud soon followed. I turned around and there was Titania standing behind me. I got up and as I did Lauren floated next to her. "Where is Pantha?"

"I left her where we first found Frost." I replied.

Titania nodded and then Lauren lifted Frost up with her hand and we went to were Danielle was hidden. It didn't take long to find her because she had already woken up and had come to find me. She looked to Frost hovering in the air to Lauren, me, and Titania.

"What's going on?"

"Well we got Frost." I said as if it was obvious.

Before Danielle could reply an alarm went off over are heads. Titania let out a sigh. "They know we're here."

"Well let's fight them."

Titania shock her head. "There's to many of them. Besides if we don't get Frost out of here soon Violet could die."

"Then what do we do?" I asked.

Lauren looked from me to Frost and then back to me again. She let out a sigh. "Okay here's my plan. Melanie take Frost and get to the Watchtower."

"What but I want to-"

"Snow we don't have time to argue, Violet is Dieing!"

I stopped and let out a sight. "Okay," I agreed. "Give me Frost."

Lauren let her go and she fell to the floor. I went to get her and through her over my shoulder. She was heaver then I expected. Titania pulled something out of her suit, a vile of some sort. "Here take this, we don't know what it is but I don't want it smashed."

"Of course." I replied and took the bottle. "What will you be doing?"

Lauren looked right at me, and in her face I saw how powerful she could be. "Why find out what we can about what H.A.D. labs and then we end then."

I smiled and then I ran off with Frost on the shoulder and two lab experiments with me. And as I ran I wondered if I would see my freinds again.

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