Life Without Them (On Hold)

By AcademyPrincess

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When Sang wakes up one morning, in the house that she shared with her nine loves, to find a letter stating th... More

The Letter That Crushed Me
Prologue: Crushed
Chapter 1: My New Life
Chapter 2: Mysterious Packages
Chapter 3: A Heated Meeting
Chapter 4: Keep Cool Sang
Chapter 5: A New Reality
Chapter 6: A New Day
Chapter 7: Learning the Truth
Chapter 8: Introducing the New Sang
Chapter 9: Game Time
Chapter 10: Blowup
Chapter 11: Helping the Blackbourne's
Chapter 12: Debts Paid
Chapter 13: Back to Business
Chapter 14: Nathan's Redemption...Attempt
Chapter 15: He Strikes
Chapter 16: Crucial Information
Chapter 17: Daddy Duty
Chapter 18: Assurances
Chapter 19: Information and Miscommunication
Chapter 20: Knowing Your Place
Chapter 21: Planning a Party
Chapter 22: To Wake a Birthday Boy...umm, Man
Chapter 23: Nerf War!
Chapter 24: Eliminations
Chapter 25: And the Winner Is...
Chapter 27: Owen's Faulty Logic

Chapter 26: Moving Forward

1.5K 115 4
By AcademyPrincess


The rest of my birthday went better than I could have imagined given how the last five years have gone. Hell, birthdays for any of us haven't been this good in a long time. Not since Volto. Not since we left her.

Shaking my head, I cleared the thoughts, refusing to let myself go down that road, and looked around the living room once again. A reluctant smile forms on my face as I look around the darkened living room. Just my brothers, my girl, and my kids. The Toma's had gone back to their floor after lunch, which was a huge buffet of deli sandwiches and junk food. I couldn't even argue about it since the kids were still riding high from our win. Luke didn't even go overboard on the junk, so I just took a step back and enjoyed it.

After lunch, we started a movie marathon with just us. As the winning team, the guys let me, Sang, Kota, and the kids take the couch right in front of the T.V. It was a little awkward at first, kinda like Sang was using the kids as a barrier between her and us no matter how close we managed to get these past few weeks. But after the first movie, it was like no time had passed.

Sang started to drift off in the middle of the second Thor movie. It seemed like Sang passed her little habit onto the kids since their heads were lolling right along with hers. When I pointed it out to the guys, they couldn't help their small laughs and smiles. I couldn't either. We'd been away from her for so long, and hadn't even known about them, that even the little things made us feel like a bunch of saps. So when Gabe and Vic took out their phones and started taking pictures, none of us said a word. At least until Sang started to wake back up.

Her body tensed and stretched, the sexiest little mewl came out of her mouth that I'm sure had all of us rock hard in an instant.

Not that we could do much about it.

She rubbed her eyes and looked around. When she noticed that the twins were starting to nod off, I could see the decision in her eyes to want to take them to the back for a nap. I wasn't having it.

I grabbed Morgan, who was between us and handed him off Kota who was on my left. He took the pass like he expected it, curled Morgan to his chest and went back to watching the movie. Next, I reached over to Sang's other side and picked up Cole. He fusses a bit until I laid him on my chest, he settled right down.

I had one arm wrapped around Cole's back, holding him to my chest, the other on the couch under his folded legs, that's the only reason I felt what happened next. My attention was firmly on the movie when Sang moved closer. To risk sounding like a cliche, I actually felt each beat of my heart as she curled her legs up on the couch and draped Cole's over hers. Her hands rested on his legs as she let her head rest on the back of the couch, her attention back on the movie.

That lasted for all of twenty minutes. Sometime in the last half hour, she scooted closer to me. Or hell, maybe I pulled her over when I put my arm around her after she fell back asleep. I don't know the answer, and I don't care to know. I've got my baby back in my arms, and that's all that matters.


I keep my eyes closed as I slowly come out of my power nap. My cheek is pillowed on a soft yet firm surface, kinda like I fell asleep on my arms at the kitchen table again, except I know I didn't because my arms aren't numb. In fact, they're kinda warm.

I twitch my fingers as I try to figure out what the hell I'm laying on, and a low growl gives me my answer. I blink my eyes open slowly and look up into twin pools of melted chocolate.

"Hi," my voice comes out as a breathy whisper that I hate.

"Hey Baby."

I move my arms from where they were wrapped around his waist and stretch. Cold air hits my lower belly as my t-shirt rides up. That low growl sounds from North's chest again.

"You should take something for that," I joke.

"I know exactly what could help," he responds in a low voice.

A quick glance at his eyes reveals barely restrained desire. My legs tighten on their own before I break contact and look around the room. Cole is in North's lap, tiny snores coming from his direction, Morgan's in Kota's lap on the other side of North. Silas and Owen are on the loveseat with Gabriel and Luke at their feet, Sean in the recliner across from them, and Nathan and Victor in bean bag chairs from the twins' room. My heart gives a happy thump as I settle further under North's arm and brush my hand through our son's dark hair.

When I turn my attention back to the T.V. it's to see the credits rolling down the screen.

Shit. "How long was I asleep?"

"Not long." North tightens his arm around me. "Just the second half of the movie."

"And the whole third one." My eyes narrow at Luke and Gabriel as they fall over each other laughing.

"Me falling asleep during a movie is not the funniest thing to ever happen."

"No," Luke agrees. "But you talking in your sleep and trying to climb North like a monkey is."

My cheeks heat as I look through my lashes at North. He's scowling at his brother of course, his narrowed eyes promising retribution. "I tried to climb you like a monkey?"

He shifts his gaze down to me, his expression softening. "Nothing you haven't already done while awake."

"So what'd I say in my sleep?"

His gaze heats as his voice lowers. "Nothing I'd let you repeat in front of the kids."

"Then maybe you should make me repeat it later," I lower my voice to match his.

The heat in his eyes flare, threatening to rival Victor's, when Owen interrupts, verbally throwing a bucket of cold over the both of us.

"Well I think now is a great time to get dinner started." He stands from his seat. "Sean, if you'd help me in the kitchen."

He doesn't wait for a response as I glare daggers into his back.

"Cockblock," I mumble.

North grunts his agreement and I shift my gaze back to him. My core tightens as I sink back into his side. God, it's been so long.

"Stay with me tonight," I tell him, not caring if anyone else hears me.

The shock is visible on his face. Sure I've shared a few kisses with some of them, those developments only happening over the last few days, but none of them have shared my bed since the day they left. If they even stay in the apartment at all it's in the guest room, and usually because they fell asleep watching movies with the kids. But I'm done with this space between us, and I know that North has had more than enough of it.

I hold his gaze steadily, waiting to see what his answer will be. His mouth opens, but before he can vocalize his answer, Cole stretches on his chest, the top of his head knocking into North's jaw. With the way Cole doesn't say a thing as he rubs his eyes, I know that he didn't even feel it. I'm too shocked to say anything as he opens his eyes and his bright blue orbs bore into mine. He yawns once before curling further into North's warmth.

"Mommy, I'm hungry."

I can feel my expression soften as I smile at my baby boy. "Don't worry, Collie. Owen and Sean are in the kitchen coming up with dinner now."

"Are you sure that's safe?" Morgan mumbles from the crook of Kota's neck, her eyes not even open.

"Perfectly safe, Izzy," Kota reassures her, using the nickname he and Victor gave her. "Owen won't let Sean anywhere near the food."

"Then why's he in there?" Morgan asked.

"Moral support," Victor answered.

Morgan's brow furrows over her closed eyes and I quickly change the subject. "Sean can't still be that bad in the kitchen."

"If anything, he's gotten worse," Silas groans, rubbing his hands over his face.

"No kidding," Nathan agrees. "Before he'd just forget seasonings, or mix up salt and sugar. Now he completely skips steps in the prep process or does them backwards. It's insane."

I shake my head as I look towards the kitchen. "We've gotta get him into a cooking class."

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