A Trial by Halves

moosesforgooses tarafından

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What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... Daha Fazla

No Regrets
A New Life
A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
Are You......?
When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
More Questions
The Spell
The House
The visitor
A Stronger Hold
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Truth and Lies
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
Paying Debts
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime
A Little Victory


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moosesforgooses tarafından

For the next few days, Su Su spent her time exploring her new world while Ye Hua prepared them for winter. He had told her that the seasons were the same as on Mount Junji, in fact most of what she had seen was similar, but she had still to visit the mainland which Ye Hua told her would happen once he had a very good idea of what the island lacked and what that he would have to purchase for them.

For now, they had more than enough stores to last a few weeks, but he would have to buy their vegetables and meat until the small garden he was preparing was ready to harvest. But it was fire wood he needed and plenty of it. From memory, the winters could be as bitter as the Mortal Realm, and being Mortal and pregnant, Su Su would be more susceptible to the cold than he was.

And knowing that she was more than safe to roam at will without him worrying about her getting lost, Ye Hua disappeared into the thick undergrowth. He had seen a cluster of trees that would also be good for carving into furniture which he wanted to try his hand at.

Watching him walk away, Su Su quickly ran towards the beach. The sand was an oddity to her because rather than fine dusty granules, the sand on this beach was littered in what looked like tiny gemstones which kept her enthralled for hours. Though had Ye Hua told her what the pieces really were, she may not have found as much enthusiasm for them.

They were in fact pieces of abalone and clam shells as well as coral, starfish and even sea snail tusks. All manner of coloured glass as well as the remnants of volcanic ash that had settled on the sea bed thousands of centuries before could also be found among the array of sharp colours and pastel hues. The beautiful gem like colours and shapes gave Su Su the impression that the entire beach was laden with wealth, and loving the way the sun glistened off the sharp edges only to send more colours flying in every direction, she spent hours hunting though the sand in search of the most prettiest to take home with her.

And it was while she was on the beach hunting for imagined treasure, that Su Su was really made aware of this new world she had found herself in. Before moving there, Ye Hua had taken her to Chang Sea which she had thought was the most beautiful place she had ever visited. But when he took her to the Peach Tree Grove, she changed her mind and thought that was the most beautiful place she had ever visited.

Only now, seeing this place with his rich forest filled with colourful birds and ripe with fruits she had never seen in her life, she now began to consider that this was the most beautiful place she had ever visited. And that brought Ye Hua to mind.

Stopping what she was doing, a handful of gems rolled between her fingers as she thought about all the unusual things she had seen since meeting him. From the moment he arrived injured on her doorstep, things never quite seemed normal to her but no matter how strange things became, everything seemed to fall into a nature rhythm, as if every strange incident and sight, was as normal as finding herself on a beach in the Immortal Realm surrounded by gemstones.

Su Sus mind was physically and mentally unable to maintain thoughts for too long. And though there had been little niggles of uncertainty over the years, she never really fought to hold onto them, because when she was with Ye Hua, there was no need. He kept her warm, safe and happy and in her mind that was all that mattered. Any doubts that she'd had in the past, were no longer an issue, because he was there with her now.

And this in large part was the reason why Ye Hua had finally settled on that island. There were many other areas he could have taken her to, but that island with its pretty stones and beautiful scenery were what would keep Su Sus mind occupied on her own world rather than his. She was so easy to please. So long as she felt safe and he was near, Su Su continued to live in her idyllic world happy and content, and as long as he kept her world that way, she would not fear and questions would not arise.

Losing herself once again, she giggled lightly at her own pocket which was now brimming with all manner of pretty colours and shapes and with nothing else to do but take them home, she lifted her head to look out at the waves. Her home really was very beautiful, and seeing as Ye Hua was allowing her the freedom to roam at will without worrying for her safety, she turned back to the small path that Ye Hua said he would pave out in cobblestones for her so she really could not get lost.

Smiling and humming to herself, Su Su almost skipped back to the house where lunch was already waiting for her, though seeing as Ye Hua was not there, she didn't bother to eat, instead she lay down to nap. Pregnancy was becoming a burden of late. Her belly was not overly large, but she felt more tired than normal and day naps had become a necessity for her. Rolling over onto her side, Su Su was asleep in seconds having managed to tire herself from her fun morning.

It was sometime later when Ye Hua returned with another load of wood which he was storing against the back wall to dry out. Dragging it back on a giant palm leaf, he was exhausted by the time he had finished and with food on his mind, he made his way quickly into the house with the palm leaf with the intention of wrapping what remained of the meal and taking it to the beach where they could watch the sunset.

Though the moment he entered the house to find her lunch untouched, he immediately began to worry. She ate so little as it was, but to see she had eaten nothing at all, soon had his stomach turning in knots. He knew she got morning sickness from time to time, and though she tried to hide it from him, he always ensured there was a little broth at the ready for her.

Storming into their bed chamber, Ye Hua suddenly came to a standstill as he looked down at his wife sleeping peacefully. But it wasn't the beautiful smile on her face that she always seemed to wear in slumber or even the sight of her small hand tangled up in her own hair that had him softly chuckling, but the colourful granules of sand that now littered the bed having fallen out of her pocket while she slept.

Sitting down beside her, he looked at the mess she had brought back from the beach with a casual glance. The first time he had taken her to see the colourful sand, the shriek of delight that erupted before she suddenly took off running had made him laugh so hard. Though he had to admit, the first time he had seen the sand, he spent some time inspecting it, because it was most unusual but the carefree way she spun and danced over the gem infested beach had his heart bursting with happiness.

That memory was the exact reason why he had chosen to leave his old life behind. In Su Su, Ye Hua had finally found his reason to laugh and she made him laugh just by being herself. There were no pretenses or hidden schemes when it came to his wife, the persona she presented was as honest and candid as he was not.

And that thought did linger for a while. He did feel guilty at having kept his previous life from her, but the sight of her cheerful happy laughter soon had that thought disintegrating in a second. He would rather die a thousand deaths than see the smile in her eyes die and he knew it would if she knew what her fate would be if they were to learn of her.

Pushing that thought away, having managed to upset himself when only moments before he had been laughing, he leaned down over her to lay a gentle kiss on her soft cheek. Though the moment she stirred, something beside her caught his eye. The momentary glint that caught the late afternoon sun, soon had him picking the little piece of quartz up to examine it a little closer, Something in the colour and the way it reflected the light had him looking at it a little harder.

But not really seeing anything more unusual, he placed it on the side table as her eyes slowly flickered open. "Hello Ye Hua." she smiled sweetly up at him while stretching out her limbs only to scatter more sand across the bed.

"Hello Su Su. Did you have fun on the beach?" he asked laughing at her.

Nodding her head, she slowly sat up to reach out for him. Taking her into his arms and he held her gently. The small bump in her belly was not yet big enough to disrupt their close embraces, but he did shift his body a little so as not to unintentionally hurt her.

"I found more gemstones Ye Hua, and some of them are really pretty." she said before leaning back a little to look into her pocket only to suddenly jump out of his arms to search for her gems.

Laughing at her, Ye Hua shook his head. The almost guilty way she was now looking at him only had him reaching for her again.

"Su Su. Why do we need a beach in the bed." he asked as a sudden revelation hit him.

"I.... uhhh.... I'm sorry Ye Hua." she smiled apologetically at him and then back at the mess.

"It's no matter. Let's get this mess cleaned up then we'll take our dinner down to the beach, you have yet to see a full sunset." he said as he quickly helped her to her feet.

"Alright." she agreed immediately and just happy that he wasn't upset that she had made quite a mess.  Ye Hua detested mess.  His orderliness showed through in the way he kept the house in clean and tidy condition.  Nothing was out of place and nor was there any dust to be seen, he made sure of it, though he did have to teach Su Su how to do basic things like boiling water for the rice without burning the house down again as well as dusting between the books, not just a quick wipe over the top. 

But she didn't mind too much if it made him happy.  He asked for so little for himself, so keeping the house in good order was the least she could do when really, she very little.  Now quickly cleaning up her gems, she placed them into a shallow glass bowl, then placing a small candle in the middle she sat it on the side table where she hoped the colours would shimmer off the flickering flame and across the room.

Happy with her little centre piece, she then went to help Ye Hua load the bowls of food onto the large palm leaf he had brought inside.  There was so much food, she began to wonder if he was expecting visitors though she laughed at herself as she help him take hold of one end.  Ye Hua was used to eating a variety of foods in one sitting, so she was gradually getting used to eating as well as he was used to eating.  

But still, it seemed so much for just the two of them.

"Ye Hua.  Why do you cook so much?  We never end up finishing it all." she said as he led them back outside and onto the trail that would take them back to the beach.

"Because we have a third mouth to feed Su Su, you need the nourishment." he reminded her.

Placing her spare hand across her belly that was now rumbling, she kept up with him as he led her back to where she had gathered her gems.  Then spreading the leaf out he helped her to sit down to enjoy the early evening and with a sunset about to hit, Ye Hua quickly raced about their surroundings to lay out over fifty candles which he pushed down into the sand.  

Having hidden them in his pocket for a special evening that was still unfolding in his mind, he then lit them all as the last of the day gave way to the beginnings of a beautiful sunset that swept towards them in waves, like a red silk sheet hovering in candle light.

Then taking his place beside her, they ate their meal in silence and awe as yet another day in their new life drew to an end.

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