The Contract That saved my Br...

By sel_evelyn

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What are you willing to help your only sibling? Would you do anything? Well, Alexandra didnt quiet had option... More

The Contract... that saved my brother but not me
Chapter 1: My new life & home
Chapter 2: Ian and Kyle
Chapter 3: He likes me?
Chapter 4: Alex + Ian= love ?
Chapter 5: Engaged
Chapter 6: How about we try?
Chapter 7: Our first date
Chapter 8: Too good to be true...
Chapter 9: Kyle
Chapter 10: Hoping
Chapter 11: Getting better...
Chapter 12: Uncle Luis
Chapter 13: Three more days
Chapter 14: Disaster comes knocking
Chapter 15: My wedding day
Chapter 16: Honeymoon
Chapter 16: Extended
Chapter 17: Going back home
Chapter 18: The Truth Comes out
Chapter 19: After the truth
Chapter 20: Hope
Chapter 21: What should I do?
Chapter 22: Auction and Love
Chapter 23: Finding peace?
Chapter 24: Cheated
Chapter 25: Past and Present
Chapter 26: I am free
Chapter 27: Life goes on
Chapter 28: Wrong deal
Chapter 29: Baby surprise
Chapter 30: Another surprise???
Chapter 31: I still want him
Chapter 32: The truth finally comes out
Chapter 33: Time flies
Chapter 34: Finding Alex
Chapter 35: Continue Finding Alex
Chapter 36: Babies Time
Chapter 37: Finalizing
Chapter 38: The start of the end Part 1
Chapter 39: 38 continued
Chapter 40: Missing
Chapter 42: The Final Result
Time Passes By: The End
Ending Two (Alternative Ending)

Chapter 41: The start of the end Part II

4.9K 172 11
By sel_evelyn


It has been two days since we move to Argentina. We are at this place called "LA PLATA". It is nice and somewhat quiet, but I just want to die. Christain is not here with me. Sam couldn't do the job, he called Richard and said he couldn't. I don't know if Richard ordered someone to kill Sam or if Sam just ranaway. But I know my baby is not here with me and I am dying. I want my baby! I need to get out of here.

Richard leaves but leaves a tall white man with me in the room. He is like 6 feet tall, muscled, bald, and with a serious face.

"Yes miss?" he asks.

"Nothing, I am just bored."

"The control for the TV is on the lamp table" man, he has a super deep voice.

"No thanks," I look out the window. I am siting on the edge of it. I can't open though, it is like glued closed. I see people on bikes and walking back and forth.

I feel like I did the first day I went to see my ex- husband, Ian. I felt trapped. I felt like I had no other choice. I don't know. I don't know what Richard is capable of now. I don't want him to hurt anyone.

How the hell do I get out of here?

And why here? I asked Richard why Argentina. He doesn't answer me.

I look at the guard. "So what's your name?"

He looks at me with his eyes. "Pablo."

"Okay, Pablo, I just asked since I want us to be like friends. I don't want to get into trouble with Richard, you don't either right?"

He nods.

"Well, I am craving grapes, can you call someone to give me grapes?"

He nods, takes out his phone and dials a number. "Please send me grapes," he says, "Green or purple?" he asks me.


"Green please, okay, thanks." He says, "the grapes will come soon."

"Okay." If I get him to trust me, or if I bribe him, or if I can distract him, I can runaway and get help. What can I do?

The grapes come in and Pablo hands them to me. "Thanks," I smile. "you want some?"


How much can I offer him? 100,00 dollars? One million? But how and when can I get that money?

I am eating the grapes as fast as I am getting less ideas. I look at him and he is looking straight at the wall. What else do men love?

Then it hits me like a ball in my face. Women, men love women, or at least sex. Wait, do I dare myself to have sex with this guy?

Well maybe something else can help me.... I sigh, I need to do this.

I stand, "Do you have to be here all the time?" I ask.

He nods.

"I can't be alone?"

He says no.

I bite my lower lip and lay on the bed. "But I need to be alone, I have an urge."


I have a short white skirt with a loose top tucked in. I try to be as seductive as possible. I touch my thighs slowly and my hands travel a bit north. "I want to play, I don't mind if you watch," I smirk. My skirt goes up and I show him my underwear.

"Umm," he says, "Richard didn't tell-"

I begin to touch myself in front of him. Of course, I am feeling no pleasure though. I fake moan and begin to rub my breast. I am looking at him straight in the eye.

I see he is looking at me, I begin to moan louder. I see he is getting nervous and doesn't know what to do. He swallows his saliva hard. I quickly stand and go to him and kiss him. "Please, I need to release, please," I moan in his ear. "You are my bodyguard after all, you need to follow my orders." I am basically tip-toeing to reach him. He is so tall!

He suddenly attacks my body. He is like a starving animal. He touches everything and kisses everything. I close my eyes, I even pretend it's Ian doing all of this. It makes it feel better. I push him to the bed and get on top of him. I lean in kiss his forehead. I look to my side and see the lamp. I quickly grab it and punch his face with it. He is down.

Oh wow, I hit him! I throw away the lamp and get off of him. I look for his wallet, get some money, and runaway. I just run and don't look back.


We are in Argetina, in La Plata. This is were my parents meet. My mom was visiting with her family and even did a small modeling job.

Kyle and I are arrive at a hotel. "Okay, Johnny and his police buddies are already talking to the local police," he says.

"Okay, well, I told Jennifer to make us some flyers." I take out papers from a bag. "Here, we can offer them to the locals, so they can help us find Alex or dad."

Kyle gets a small package of those and nods. "Alright, let's go."

We go around the city and hand the flyers to everyone we see. It has a 10,000 dollar award, so I hope someone does help.

This is crazy, I never thought my father would do this. He is out of his mind.

"Hey," Johnny jogs towards us. "the police are already tracking down Richard."

"Good,' I say. "But where do you think he is?"

"Have no idea, but once he knows we are here, no doubt he is going to leave right away," Johnny says.


We are back at the hotel. Kyle orders food for all of us. I call Cassy, "How is everyone?"

"Okay, but I am still upset," she says, "Why couldn't I go?"

"Because of our girl Cassy, she is too small to travel, I am afraid she will get sick," I say.

"She won't."

"I won't risk it, besides, in two days we go back."


"Cassy, why are you acting like this?"

"So you don't think I have right to be upset when my husband is out of the country finding his ex?!"

"I am finding my father! He isn't right in his mind, and I am not going to leave my kid motherless."

"Whatever," she hangs up. Wait, I told her. I don't think she heard me though.

"Dude, are you sure she is okay?" Kyle asks, "I can hear her screams from over here."

"I don't know, you think it's normal how she is reacting?"

"a bit, but I think she might be going through something,"

"Like postpartum depression?"

"Maybe," Kyle says. "You should really check on that."

Great, now another worry.

"Food," someone knocks on the door.

"Great, I am hungry!" Kyle opens the door and he pulls in a tray on wells.

"You want some?"

"Yeah," I answer.



I walk to a bar. I got lost and couldn't find my way to the police station.

"Hello?" I ask a dark skin man.

"Hola?" he says.

"Oh, donde esta la policia?" I ask (Where's the police?)

"Por aqui, solamente toma otra cuadra y voltea para la derecha," he answers. "todo esta bien?" (right here, just walk another block and turn right, everything okay?)

I nod. "Gracias."

As I am walking, the sun is getting down. It must be seven or eight. I continue my way until I see a picture on a window. I stop in front of it. It's a flyer.


They are looking for me! I get the paper and run to the police station. I get in and yell that I am here.

"Excuse me madam?" one of the police stops me, "Everything okay?"

I show him the paper, "This is me! Richard kidnapped me."

He nods and takes me to a room. He informs his peers and suddenly an African American man comes in the room.

"Hello Ms. Perez, I am officer Roland from the United States, you are safe now."

I sigh in relief, "Thank you."

He smiles, "Everything will be okay now. I will inform your brother and my co-workers. I will come in a bit to get your testimony."

I nod. "okay."

So Johnny is here? Oh thank god, I am safe.

One of the local officers walks me to the front of the building. I see Johnny, Ian, and Kyle waiting for me. I quickly hug Johhny, "Thanks!"

"It's okay. Everything will be okay sister," he says.

I pull away and hug Ian and Kyle. "You guys still care about me."

"Of course," Ian says. I step back, "Thanks for everything. But Richard needs the help, he isn't well."

"Don't worry about that," Ian says, "the police will take care of him."

"Let's head to the airport," Kyle says.

We all walk outside to find Kyle's rental car.

"I parked over here," Kyle walks foward to a white car. It is a half block away from the police station.

Suddenly a loud bam comes out of the darkness. Kyle stops walking.

"Kyle?" Ian yells. He falls down on his face.

"No!" He is shot! He got shot!

Johnny gets Ian and me and we hide behind a parked car behind.

He gets a radio and begins to say all this weird words.

"Kyle!" Ian yells. He tries to run but Johnny gets him.

"Don't! It might be Richard, he is armed! He can shot you too!" Johnny yells.

"He's bleeding damnt it!" Ian yells.

"I called an ambulance. The police are coming," Johhny says.

I look at Kyle. He is just laying there. I see some blood stained in his shirt. Don't die, please don't die.

"Johnny!" a police man comes running.

"Take them inside," Johnny says as he runs to Kyle. He carries him and we all walk inside the police station.

Soon Kyle is at a hospital.

"We should go back home," Ian says to me. We are siting in the waiting room.

"But Kyle?"

"He is okay. He will get transported back," he answers.

"What about Richard?"

"They will take care of it,"

"Alex?" Johnny comes back. I see he is wearing a suit, not his bodyguard suit, but a very proffesional one. I stand, "Wow. Why do you have a suit on?"

"We need to talk," Johnny takes my hand and we walk to a hall.

"What?" I ask.

"I told mom and Uncle Luis everything."


"I am an undercover cop. I wasn't a cook or Richard's bodyguard. I was recruited since Richard took notice of me. I have been trying to gain enough evidence to charge Richard for everything he has done. That's why I couldn't leave the house, that's why I couldn't set you free, and I'm sorry, but I couldn't have risk any more danger."

Whoa, whoa, what?

"So," I say, "you lied to me?"

"And I'm sorry, I never thought it will end this way, I swear to you that I was just protecting you," he says.

"You didn't tell the police I was forced to marry Ian?! Why didn't you ask for help?" I ask.

"Because I wasn't communicating with the police. They wanted me to stop talking to them for a while, only in emergencies, this was an emergency."

I can't believe this! "So did mom get pisssed?" I ask.

"Of course, but I understand," he says.

I shake my head, "So what now?"

"I am staying with the unit here and go back in a week," he answers. "you just go back with Ian and Kyle. The police will get you to a witness protection program if you like."

"No, I don't want that," I say.

"Then go somewhere with Mom and hide out for a while. I don't want you hurt," he touches my cheek. "I am making it up to you and mom, trust me."

I hug him, "I hate it that I can't hate you."

"I love you Alex, I am sorry for the pain and discomfort I caused, but it was something needed to be done," he whispers.

"Will he be caught?" I ask.



A week later:

I am finally done moving on our new home. Mom and I are now living in Washington. It is something new for both of us but it's a place that Richard won't connect me to. I have nobody here that I know, and it's far away from where I was living with Kyle.

"Sweetie, Christian is cranky," Mom comes in my room and I carry him. He is frowning and looks like if he is pooping, but he is not. "Oh baby," I kiss his cheek. I start to rock him back and forth and he falls to sleep.

"Mom, Ian and Kyle are visiting," I say.

"Oh he is better?" she asks.

I nod, "Yeah."

She lightly smiles, "Good. Well, I am going to prepare dinner."

Soon they  arrive.

"Does it still hurt?" I ask Kyle. We sit in the small dinner table.

"Sort of, but I am okay, where is my baby?"
Ian slaps his arm, "the show is over. He is my kid,"

"Here he is!" Mom comes in with Christian and she places him on Ian's  lap.

Kyle kisses his forehead, "Hello lion,"

"Lion?" I ask.

"He yells so loud," he nods, "So I nicknamed him Lion."

"Stupid," I slap his head. "don't give our kid weird names."
Ian agrees, "just call him by his name idiot."

"Have you talked to Johnny?" Mom asks from the kitchen.

"Yeah, only once, he said Richard left Argentina."

"and who shot you?" I ask Kyle.

"The same bodyguard you hit with the lamp," he chuckles.

"Is he in jail?"


"I'm glad God is answering my prayers," Mom says. She begins to place the plates so we can eat dinner.

Hopefully he will answer mine.

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