The Arrangement | ✔️

By Phunmito

9.3M 323K 54.4K

Kayla Andrews was living a simple life even as the daughter of one of the richest men in the society, she sti... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 18

152K 9.5K 902
By Phunmito

Hey guys!

So I realised that y'all actually read my book but don't really vote or comment.

Really, that's the only way I'll know if you're enjoying my story or not and let's be honest, sometimes when I look at the votes I get, I feel really discouraged but I'm doing this because I love writing and this can't be possible without your help so please please please! Vote and comment as much as you want and I promise to reply as many as possible. That's what will make me really happy because most times I stay up really late just to update and all I'm asking for is a little encouragement.

Thanks in advance. I really love you guys.❤❤

And just for the sake of it you can go back and vote for the previous chapters😁😁.

P. S- It's just the little star at the bottom of your screen not so hard☺

Now that I'm done, here's what you've been waiting for....

It was Friday which meant the day ended early and Jason already told me he wasn’t picking me up because of an important meeting he had to attend so I decided to use that medium to visit Dray.

I called Nathan to pick me up and told Leonard where I was headed which he seemed to know the direction of without me saying anything.

The drive to my dad’s company was a twenty minutes drive so I decided to sit back and observe the surroundings and my mind soon drifted.

Jason and I had been getting along pretty well and my weird dream was long forgotten. Since I wasn’t having them again, I decided not to put much thought into it.

I hadn’t seen him since last night because he left pretty early in the morning and only told me through a text that he wouldn’t be picking me up.

I was already getting comfortable with our not so horrible relationship although sometimes he seemed to just suddenly drift away from me.

I suddenly remembered Tony my heart skipped a beat.

I hadn’t heard from him since I last saw him on Monday and I didn’t blame him for not calling me. I changed my number after he broke up with me.

The bombshell he dropped on me was nothing to forget easily, he said he still loved me and part of my heart had hope.

But you’re already married. My subconscious reminded me and I suddenly frowned.

While Tony had been an amazing best friend and boyfriend, Jason had been an absolute jerk to me up until a few days ago when he suddenly had a change of heart for a reason unknown to me.

I missed Tony a lot, those days where we would just sit and talk about everything and nothing even though we were mostly at his place. He understood me and he was my safe haven.

Stop thinking about him! My subconscious reminded me again and I huffed angrily that I was thinking about Tony when I was married to Jason.

I missed those green eyes and those soft lips that always caressed mine so sensually and—

“We’re here ma’am.” Nathan’s voice interrupted my thoughts as I looked up to see him holding the door open for me. My face reddened when I realised where my thought was directed towards.

“Uh….yeah. Thanks Nathan. I’ll call you when I’m set to go.” I said walking out and waved a quick goodbye to Leonard.

As I walked towards my brother’s office which was described to me by the receptionist since I had no idea where it was, I suddenly remembered the time when I used to come here everyday just to be with my dad.

We used to be so close but recently, we’ve been far apart especially after the getting married announcement. It was as if he was keeping me away so he could hide something from me and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was that he couldn’t tell me.

It hurt honestly.

I got to the front of his office and since I didn’t see anyone at the desk, I decided to head inside.

“Hey Dray Dray! How are you—” I stopped mid-sentence when I noticed what was going on in front of me.

The force with which she jumped off him caused her to trip but Dray was quick to wrap his hand around her waist to prevent her from falling face flat on the floor.

“Cami?” I asked in a bewildered tone as I watched my best friend adjust herself from the flushed state she was in thanks to my brother.

“Hey there best friend.” She drawled. Something she did when she knows she’s guilty.

I gave her the stare she so much hated, the one where she couldn’t read me, no one ever could. It was my defense mechanism and my weapon too.

“I swear it’s not what it looks like." She said in a rushed tone which caused me to raise my brow at her.

“Really? Because it looks like my best friend was having a full make out session with my brother.”

“Okay, it’s exactly what it looks like.” She said and gave a defeated sigh.

“When did this even happen?” I said waving between the both of them and I couldn’t help but scowl when I saw the smirk plastered on my brother’s face.

The nerve of him.

“Last week.” She said in a timid voice.

“Actually two months ago. We just made it official last week.” My idiot brother said while wrapping his hand around her waist and she tried her best to pull away.

“Two months ago!? Last week!? Why am I just knowing about this?” I asked directing my accusing glare at my best friend.

“You were so stressed about your wedding and after that you became more miserable. I didn’t want to bother you with it.”

“Bother me!? I needed to know that you and my brother were screwing each other.” I said and they both visibly cringed.

“Right sorry–I needed to know that you and my brother were hooking–no–sleeping–ugh! This is gonna take a long time to get used to. I need to know that my best friend and my brother are together. Damn it!  I was supposed to be the first to know about this.” I said with a sad pout.

I was hurt that they couldn’t trust me enough to tell me they were together.

“I’m sorry May. I just didn’t know how you would feel about it.”

“It doesn’t matter how I feel, its your relationship not mine.”

“I’m so sorry May. Forgive me?” She asked with her best cute eyes that I could never say no to.

“Whatever.” I said rolling my eyes as she squealed and pulled me in for a bear hug.

“Now that the soap opera is over, what are you doing here?” My brother asked interrupting our little moment and I had the urge to throw my shoe at his head.

I needed to talk to him.

Dray didn’t do relationships and Cami just came out of one.

I needed to make sure they didn’t end up hurting each other but I would do that when they weren’t around each other.

“Hello to you too brother.” I said rolling my eyes at him as I moved to sit on the sofa.

I couldn’t help but notice his office.

"Why’s your office so big anyway, its almost as big as dad’s.”

“Well I’m gonna be taking over so I think I deserve such.”

“Yeah whatever, where’s dad anyway?”

“Business trip.” He said with a hesitant tone and I couldn’t help but notice the look he shared with Cami before he spoke. Something was definitely going on.

I decided to ignore my feeling for a while and just enjoy my time with the both of them since I hadn’t seen them in a while.

Throughout my time there, Dray couldn’t keep his hands or eyes away from Cami and I couldn’t help but wonder maybe, just maybe he was really in love with her.

I couldn't also help but feel jealous. I wished someone could look at me like that too.

You mean Jason? she asked and I had the urge to slap her.

Stupid subconscious.

I decided to leave them to their lives doing whatever and promised to catch up with them both later.

Separately ofcourse. We had serious issues to discuss.

I got home a little later than usual and when I didn’t notice Jason’s presence, I decided to make a sandwich as I wasn’t really in the cooking or eating mood.

I didn’t want to admit it but I missed him. Just one day and I was already acting like a lovesick puppy.

Did I just say love?

I think I was beginning to have a brain issue.

I soon slept off while waiting for him and became what the TV was watching.

I woke up to the sound of the door closing and I looked up to see Jason entering, the time was quarter past eleven.

“Hey.” I greeted him while trying to rub the sleep from my eyes but I got no response.

“Jason, you’re home late. What happened?” I asked again to be met with silence.

“Jason I’m talking to you.”

“Goddamit Hazel! What do you want?” He barked angrily at me and I jumped back, confused as to why he was suddenly hostile and angry.

“I was just asking you if everything was okay. You look tired and stressed. Do you need anything?” I asked and cringed at the fact that I was being so concerned.

“No! Leave me the hell alone!” He barked and stormed off towards his room while leaving me speechless and frozen in my spot.

I knew this Jason all too well and I hate him. I wasn’t gonna be the same person I was a week ago. I was over that.

I walked up to my room and switched off the light while trying not to let the thought of Jason ruin my night.


For a whole week, I was ignored by Jason.

He did pick me up from work but it was more like I didn’t exist and it suddenly felt like how it was before we got married again.

I tried to act nonchalant about it but I couldn’t. I missed the smiling and friendly Jason and not the emotionless and rude one.

I wasn’t going to go through another awkward ride again so I called Nathan and sent Jason a text that he shouldn’t bother picking me up. He wasn’t bothered to reply so I wasn’t bothered to care either.

I quickly ate dinner and moved up to my room with my laptop to complete the tasks I had so I wouldn’t have to spend the whole weekend doing them.

It was around twelve when I was rounding up that I heard a voice screaming from across the hall.

I could’ve easily missed the sound if I wasn’t awake but I didn’t.

I paused for a while to see if I would hear it again and when I did, I jumped to my feet and ran across the hall heading straight for Jason’s room.

Don't ask how I knew. I just did.

The room was dimly lit but I noticed him on the bed immediately.

His clothes were soaked with sweat and he kept thrashing around and at the same time screaming.

“Jamie! No!”

“Don’t hurt her!”

“Jamie!” He screamed again with his eyes closed tightly.

“Jason wake up!” I said in a semi-loud voice but he didn’t wake up.

“Jason! It’s a dream.” I said a little louder.

“Jamie!” He screamed again and this time around I slapped his cheek a little harder.

“Goddammit Jason please wake up!” I screamed on the verge of tears.

His eyes shot open immediately and the fear in his eyes broke me until they found mine and softened.

“Hazel?” he said in a hoarse voice.

“I’m right here. It was just a dream.” I said in a reassuring tone and he just shook his head.

“I’ll go get you some water.” I said getting up to leave until I felt his hand wrap around my arm.

“Please don’t leave me.” He said in a pleading tone and when I looked into his eyes, the fear and vulnerability broke me even further. I had never seen him like this and honestly,I wasn't sure I liked him like this.

“Okay.” I said and turned to sit in the bed when he surprised me by wrapping his arms around my waist as he rested his head on my lap and within minutes, he was asleep again.

I ran my fingers through his hair as I wondered who Jamie was.

Whoever she was, she had a strong hold on him and for a minute, the thought of her being his girlfriend made my chest hurt until I remembered him saying he had a twin sister so my best guess was that she was either his girlfriend or his sister.

The question of what happened to her was what kept bombarding my head until I felt my eyelids begin to drop.

The position we were in wasn’t so comfortable for me and as I moved, he wrapped his arms tighter around me so I decided to scoot down a little so his head was buried in the crook of my neck with his arms still around me.

I don’t know what caused it bit for the first time in two years I felt peaceful.

Short chapter. I know, please bear with me. I'm a little tired. 😪

Once again wonderful people, please don't forget to vote and comment.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to click on the little star at the bottom of your screen and leave your comments(as positive as possible please)but constructive criticism is allowed.💋💋💋💋💋

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