One Direction VS Zombie Apoca...

By Dinazaur

105K 2.1K 472

It's just a normal typical day for student, Haley Winters, and band, One Direction, until zombies attack forc... More

Author's Note
Just A Normal Day...
Studying, Studying, Studying?
Back On The Tour Bus
Where Are There Not Zombies?
Paul's Story
Y-y-you're One D-direction
What Is Going On?
Guns and Gas
I Love You and I Always Will
Wait...Fun Still Exists?
So Much To Happen, So Little Time
The Suicide.
Let's All Just Be Sheldon Cooper
Trust is Fickle


5.9K 142 35
By Dinazaur


            Everyone had mostly calmed down by now, reluctantly sitting back down into their chairs and couches. It had been about 10 minutes since the attack. About 5 minutes ago we had gone back onto the actual road, conforming to the rest of the traffic. The zombies hadn’t caught up with us but we were all fearful they would. They seemed to come out of nowhere and we were all on our toes, watching all the windows. Zayn and Perrie sat talking in hushed tones on the couch while Danielle sat in Liam’s lap while he played with her once curly-now incredibly sleek and smooth hair. Niall had taken to eating again on a chair by himself. No one knew where he got all this food but he was never out of supply. Louis stared at the window intently, refusing to talk to anyone. I felt so bad for him, he missed Eleanor so much and there was nothing we could do to help him. I had tried earlier but not even my words could help him and they always could. Anytime he was homesick or worried about anything, I would talk with him for a bit and he would instantly be better. It was actually depressing seeing him like this. He was usually the one to lift all our spirits but seeing how even Louis was down made us all in some of the most worse moods.

            “Hey Paul, what’s going on? Why are we slowing down?” Liam asked, raising his head up. Danielle sat up straighter just as he did. I looked outside and saw the buildings and trees going by much slower than they were before.

            “Umm boys, we have a problem,” Paul answered. Everyone was now looking at Paul, scared of the words that were going to come out of his mouth. More importantly scared of the word zombie, “We have a flat tire”. The girls sighed of relief while the guy stared in fear. The girls didn’t realize what this meant. We would have to pull over and change the tire and by then the zombies would definitely catch up with us. The girls noticed our faces and became confused. Liam and Zayn leaned into them and explained and suddenly the same expression on our faces appeared on theirs. Paul ignored us and took the next turn and eventually ended up in a random parking lot that was for some toy store. A few other cars already sat in the parking lot. I followed Paul out the door and into the scary outdoors. Niall, Liam and Danielle followed me out while the rest stayed inside the bus. Paul groaned as he inspected the tires.

            “What? What happened?” Danielle frantically asked.

            “We have two flat tires, not just one.” Paul answered. All the boys exchanged a look fearing the worst but Danielle pressed on with the questions.

            “Well why did they even happen in the first place?”

            “You can guess why. See those little holes right there well those are either bite marks or nails. Either way they tried to grab on when we got attacked and well now we’re stuck.” Paul explained as he stuck his muscly finger out to point out a couple small holes in two tires on the right side.

            “STUCK?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN STUCK? WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING, WE HAVE TO GET TO TIM OR WHATEVER HIS NAME WAS!” Danielle exclaimed, sending us all a step backward, even Liam. Paul sighed. You could see the stress of the situation was getting to him, which showed just how stressful the circumstances were.

            “We’ve only got one extra tire. I figured we would just change it and be on our way but now that we have two flat tires we are going to need to find an auto parts store and get another tire. Niall get the boys and Perrie and tell them we’re going on a bit of a walk. We have to all stick together since there’s no way of communication. I’m sure there’s an auto store somewhere in this city and looks like we’re going to find it.” Niall ran off to fetch Louis, Zayn and Perrie.

            “And exactly what city are we in?” Liam asked.

            “Portland, Oregon. Exactly where we need to be,” Paul replied with a bit of smirk. All the signs on stress were gone and suddenly he looked like this was all part of a plan, like he knew everything and there was not a thing to worry about. Liam and Danielle ignored this look on his face however. Niall had now returned with a depressed Louis, grumpy Zayn and scared Perrie. Oh great, we got the 7 dwarves here. At least Liam and Niall are acting normal. Paul locked the tour bus doors and we set off down the street. After about 10 minutes of walking, we still had found nothing. It was funny how no one had actually recognized us though. Usually if all of us were together like this, we would be mobbed and crushed. Everyone was probably too busy trying not to die. We turned onto another random street. I narrowed my eyes looking at all the signs hanging off the stores but not a single one said auto store. I sighed, this was going to be a long day.

            “Guys…guys…guys I think you m-may want to turn around,” Perrie stammered. Her blue eyes wide in fear as she stood frozen staring behind her. You could see the outline of a few “people” straggling along the road. Their ragged clothes hung off their bodies. They didn’t seem as vicious as the other zombies but I wasn’t going to take any chances.

            “RUN!” I screamed and we all took off down the street. Zayn grabbed Perrie’s arm urging her to run. As soon as she felt his touch she unfroze and ran with the rest of us. The zombies seemed to get faster and faster. I thought zombies were supposed to be slow. I’m never relying on TV for my information again. We began to scream, asking for help, hoping for a single person to come out of a shop and rescue us but nobody did. A faint voice responded to us. All of our ears perked up at the sound of help. We ran faster until we could clearly see the black range rover. Whoever was helping us had now opened all the doors just as we arrived. Liam, Danielle and Louis got in the trunk while everyone else besides Paul squished into the backseat. Paul of course took the passenger seat. I was the last one so I shut the door behind me and the car took off immediately. I finally realized I had been holding my breath and I let it all out.

            I looked up at our savior expecting some burly man like Paul but instead found a gorgeous girl that seems about my age. Her golden colored hair cascaded in waves till just under her chest. Her skin was slightly tan but mostly very pale. Judging by the weather outside, it seemed normal around here though, just like England. Her eyes though, they were the best thing. They were an icy blue staring straight ahead with determination. They weren’t like Perrie and Danielle’s eyes that were filled with fear. They were so focused, so strong as if she wasn’t scared at all. I suddenly heard yelling around me and noticed her slowing down, crossing her arms on the wheel as if she was about to turn. I looked to the right and saw just a simple grey building. We would be caught by zombies immediately if we went there. Her blue eyes lost their focus for a bit as if the ice had melted. She looked utterly confused but this only happened for a brief moment and the fearlessness was back as she continued straight ahead. Everyone quieted back down, going back to either quietly talking to the person sitting next to them or just staring out the window. The mysterious girl just continued to look straight ahead, not even bothering to see who was in her car until about 10 minutes later, when she turned around and her eyes widened and jaw dropped. The realization sputtered out of her mouth. Oh boy, this will be fun to explain. 

(A/N) YAYAYAYAYAYAY! I HAVE BEEN SO HAPPY. I'm getting so many more reads, it took like 3 weeks to reach 200 reads which I was really happy about and today I got to 1,200!!! 1000 reads in less than a week. I'm actually so happy about this and all the comments and votes and fans and everything. Yesterday I was at a resturant for breakfast with my family and they had wifi so I decided to check wattpad from my phone and I was trying so hard not to smile at all the comments and votes. Everyone at the restaurant probably thought I was a freak cause I was making quite an awkward face haha. Also since I reached 1000 reads today, I felt like I had to finish the chapter and upload it. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy this chapter because Haley and One Direction have now finally  officially met! Okay this was long, I'm done now. :)

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