Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

39~ Decisions

197K 7.6K 4.7K
By Honey_Money_

I listen to the voicemail for the fifth time this morning.

The receptionists soft voice confirms my appointment for 4pm with Dave Mackenzie. Today I'll finally read the Will my parents left, their final wishes for our lives.

Maybe I can reschedule, I think I have a migraine coming on.

Splashing cold water on my face I study myself in the mirror, the bags underneath my eyes an impressive size. Even for me. If I don't do this today then I won't ever step foot into his office. It's now or never.

I go through the motions at school, not really paying attention to Gabe who tries to get a rise out of me in pre cal. My mood sours when Ashton doesn't show up for third period. Or fourth.

I walk by myself to lunch for the first time in months, doing a double take when I pass the library. Ashton's on the computer. I walk in, waving hello to the librarian as I make my way to the computers.

"Hey, Charming, I've missed you." I chirp, wrapping my arms around his chest.

Ashton doesn't break away from the computer to say hello, his eyes focused on whatever he was reading. I frown, reading the screen as I take the seat next to him. "The University of Alabama, why the interest?" He's never mentioned them before.

Silence follows and I'm about to leave, feeling like I'm bothering him when he pulls my legs onto his lap, running his fingers over them. "I was gonna tell you after school but since you're busy I'll tell you now."

I raise an eyebrow to hide the guilt. I didn't want anyone to know where I was going, including Ashton. A weird feeling since I tell him everything.

"I got invited for a football visit." He admits, exiting off the screen to face me.

"Oh my God, that's awesome!" I shout, quieting when the librarian shushes me. One of the most impressive teams in college is interested in Ashton. What an honor.

He rubs the back of his head, pulling at the flannel he's wearing. "It's this weekend and I was wondering if you want to go with me?" I blink, processing his words. "I know it's last minute and all but I'd love it if you were there." He continues, grabbing my hand.

I nod my head, distracted by the fact we're holding hands again. He's experiencing a life changing opportunity and he wants me to go with him? "Yeah, I'd love to."

He gets so excited that we both get kicked out.


I get to Dave's office ten minutes early, giving me plenty of time to regret my decision.

The office is so clean, only covered in black and white, it makes me regret wearing ripped jeans. It's so strange, not one ounce of his personality shines through but I suppose no one goes to a lawyer interested in their fishing.

"Miss Rhodes, he's ready for you." The receptionist, a petite woman I believe named Susan, calls.

I follow her back to his office, my palms sweating with anticipation as her heel clicks echo off the walls. I think I'm gonna throw up. Maybe bringing Sage would've been a good idea, he always knows how to calm me down.

"Scarlett!" Dave greets me, getting up from behind his desk to hug me.

"Hello, Mr. Mackenzie." I say awkwardly, taking a seat in a teal chair.

"You can still call me Dave, dear." He offers with the same warm smile I've seen since I was a child.

Right. I study the shelves behind him, pictures of Ella everywhere but I'm especially touched to find a few of my siblings and I as well. There's a stack of files on his desk that he makes no move to open. I'm about to ask what we're waiting for when a knock sounds at the door. Moments later, Joe enters the room, in much better spirits than the last time I saw him.

"Scarlett, I believe you've already met Joe Hudson." Dave says.

I shake Joe's hand before he sits down, a new wave of nerves flooding through me. I thought it was just going to be us. "Indeed, we have."

Dave clears his throat, finally opening the first file on his desk. "Three months before your parents died they had a new Will made. Were you aware of this?"

I shake my head, I was a little preoccupied not that they would've told me anything. That would've been right around the time my Abuela died, death was a touchy subject.

He smiles reassuringly, "I can tell you what the Will states or you can read it for yourself."

I bite my cheek, do I trust myself to read it right? Come on Scarlett, this is one of the last things your parents asked of you, toughen up. "I'll read it."

He slides a cream file in my direction. I open it with shaky hands, my eyes scanning the words anxiously. I read it three times just to be sure.

"I don't understand." There's no way in hell I'm reading that correctly.

"Clarify." Dave says and I feel bad, there's so much to decipher.

"The amount of money, it's impossible that they had that much in savings." I state, that's thousands of dollars, maybe even a million if I didn't count the commas correctly. My parents were well off but that's just outrageous.

"They didn't have that much, two years ago." I stare at him to continue, "Your parents both were owners and investors in Gaea Corporations, correct?"

I nod my head, that's Uncle John's now extremely successful company he started with my parents around the time I was born.

"Their ownership was split between the five of you. The interest builds up, plus your parents made a few other investments that panned out in their favor. They saved all of it, mainly living off of what they made in their daily jobs. This doesn't include your personal savings, which is now fully owned by John."

I blink my eyes profusely, this is all news to me. Not that it's surprising. My parents gave us a good life, always making sure we had what we needed and things we wanted but they never went overboard. Children should never be spoiled by money when there is so much goodness in the world, my mom told me that one night when I asked her why Avery got a phone and I didn't.

She would know, her entire life she had been surrounded by old money and she ended up making her own. It makes me happy to know not one drop is from Earl and Edna, they took away her trust fund when she married dad.

I read the fine print once more, "The house, as in the house I currently live in, is mine?"

"Yes. It's been paid off so you will own it free and clear." Dave nods his head.

"Holy shit." I mutter is disbelief, embarrassed when Joe busts out laughing. Here I am making a fool out of myself as I attempt to take responsibility.

There's so much written here, our family beach house in Miami. Specific things left to us individually but there's on line that sticks out amongst the rest. I re-scan the last lines of the paper, there's no way.

"Am I supposed to get guardianship?" My voice is a whisper, afraid to be wrong.

Dave clasps his hands together. "Yes, and this is where Joe comes in."

I look at Joe with wide eyes, my heart beating up a storm. No more Karen. No more Earl and Edna. No more family dinners and living in constant fear of getting in trouble.

We could be free.

"I've already spoken to child services and the worker in charge of your case. Given your circumstances, the transition should be smooth sailing, if that's what you want."

I blink, of course that's what I want. "What do I need to do?" My real question is how badly can Karen screw me over but I don't think that's appropriate wording.

Joe pulls a paper out of his briefcase, reading it over before handing it to me. "An interview, a house evaluation, and you must go before a judge. All after you turn eighteen, if things go smoothly you will have them free and clear by the end of the school year."

My house is a mess. It's shocking what five kids can do to a place.

"They're looking for happiness and safety, your house will pass with flying colors." Dave assures me, causing me to relax a little. He would know, he's been there plenty of times.

"How?" My head is spinning a million miles an hour. Why would they leave everything important to me?

Dave drums his fingers on the desk. "Your parents assumed you would be much older if anything happened to them so originally they had just the house left to you. Your mother; however, feared that in case of emergency things needed to be set in place so everything got put under you."

After the last of dad's family passed hers was the only option. She never wanted us to live with Karen, going out of her way to ensure we wouldn't. Not that it mattered, she got us in the end anyways.

I think I'm going to be sick again. The kids can be mine. No more forging Karen's signature or constantly staying on our best behavior. Fighting with teachers when they ask for a parent and don't accept it when I show up.

I square my shoulders, looking Dave straight in the eyes. They trusted me. "Where do I sign?"


I drive home with the windows down, a smile stuck on my face. The world looks so much different now. The grass a little greener. The sun a little brighter. I don't realize where I'm driving until I pull up at the graveyard. I turn the car off and sit there, unsure of what to do.

It's been months since I've actually said anything to them. Maybe today is the day.

Unbuckling my seat belt, I reach for the handle but I can't open it, I'm frozen in place with some unknown emotion. This is probably the information I should tell Dr. O'Shannon.

After fighting with myself for 20 minutes I end up driving home, maybe it's best for everything to get set into motion first. That way nothing gets jinxed and I can gather some courage.

Once I finally pull up to my house I'm surprised to find my siblings already outside, running around and squirting water guns at each other. Their screams echoing through the sky, undoubtedly interrupting the neighborhoods peaceful evening.

I try to sneak out of the car but it's too late. Sterling runs up to me and I brace myself for the water but it never comes. Opening my eyes to find him extending a second gun to me.

I take it just as Sage runs out from the other side of the car, soaking me. I scream, the cold water a shock to my body. "Oh you're so dead!"

As I run around my muddy front yard, slipping and sliding in my flats, surrounded by my four best friends I come to a conclusion.

For the first time in two years I'm looking forward to my birthday.


I'm on cloud nine for the rest of the week. I haven't told anyone about my meeting or the good news yet. I want to do something special for them, after all this is the beginning of the rest of our lives.

I also want to make sure all of my ducks are in a row before I jinx my luck. I have meetings with Dave next few weeks to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Right now I have more pressing matters, like what the hell I'm going to wear on Ashton's visit. It's currently 7:30 in the morning and I'm too tired to search through my closet so I let Ella have the honor.

She spent the night since today she's helping Sage clean out his closet, something Ella has been begging to do for months. What she really wants is to get rid of all my brothers hideous shirts and ties. By the way she's acting I may want to lock my bedroom door before I leave.

"Tah da." She cheers, showing off a black skirt and an unfinished white sweater.

"It's very simple." I inform her with a yawn, maybe I can get a few more minutes of sleep.

A hanger gets thrown at me, "No shit, Sherlock. That way when you take a picture you look like you belong there but no trying too hard."

At this point I don't care what I wear as long as I don't look stupid. When it comes to my hair and makeup I let Ella have full control. If I tried anything after the sleep I had I would end up looking like a clown. She goes the natural route with my makeup and leaves my hair down with little bun up top.

I hate to say it but I look pretty.

Ashton repeats my thoughts when I open the door five minutes later."Wow. You look..." He scratches the back of his head, "Wow." I can't help be appreciate how nice he looks as well, a pair of khaki shorts and a long sleeved button up.

After helping him move a sleeping Ronnie into Saffrons room and saying goodbye to my own snoozing siblings, we crawl into the back of his dad's car. The drive is three hours and I think I'll stay awake but ten minutes into the drive my eyes start to fall.

I lay my head on his shoulder, playing mindlessly with his hand. "How'd you sleep last night?" He whispers.

I yawn, "Not the best." Terrible. I spent hours going through the paper Joe gave me on what questions I could be asked in the interview. I have a special skill for stressing myself out.

He squeezes my hand, "I'll see if I can come over tonight."

Happiness dances inside of me, I always seem to sleep better when I'm with Ashton. Peaking a glance up at him I can see worry written all over his face. 

"Today's about you." I remind him, poking his side, although I'm beginning to think I'm Ashton's favorite subject. He places a kiss on my hand, I panic. His parents are here, risking a look I find Liz smiling softly.

Three hours later we enter the campus and all I have to say is wow. Everything is so nice. Brick buildings and trees are everywhere. A canopied road that I just want to walk through, not caring where it leads me. I want to stop and take everything in but Ashton pulls me along. To say he was excited would be an understatement.

We reach the athletic building and a man is waiting for us, holding a clipboard with a collared Alabama shirt on.

"Josh Jones, recruitment coordinator." He extends his hand to Liz and then Mark.

He turns to Ashton, evaluating him, appearing more than impressed. "Welcome Son, we're thrilled to have you." Ashton let's go of my hand to shake his. I stand there silently not wanting to do anything wrong.

"And you are?" Josh asks, looking at me.

He takes me so off guard that I forget my name. "Scarlett Rhodes." Very quickly I shake his hand, politely rubbing my hand on the back of my skirt after. Someone's nervous.

He looks at me for a moment, "Any relation to Sage Rhodes?"

My eyes light up at the mention of Sage, "He's my younger brother."

Josh nods approvingly, "Good player."

I could practically feel my father roll in his grave. Dad hated Alabama with a passion, the words roll tide were banned from our house.

I expect to hang back with his parents while Josh talks to him about what the school has to offer but Ashton never lets go of my hand. Squeezing it each time he sees something he loves.

I can't help but be impressed at all the things the school has to offer him. A trainer, a tutor, a nutritionist, and so much more at his disposal. He could go to school and never worry about a thing.

As we walk around I imagine how well Ashton would fit in here. The entire town is adorable, perfect for a student. There's a good social life, between parties and events he would never get bored. It's the perfect place for a social butterfly.

We're walking to the weight room when a group of two guys and two girls stop us. "Hey, Coach Jones." A guy says, clapping him on the shoulder.

I notice they're all dressed in athletic clothing, a football in hand.

"Easton, Clay." He acknowledges the two guys up front. Easton, the one who said hello, has a friendly face. Clay, however, looks like an ass with a scowl in place. "Perfect timing, perhaps you two can fill Ashton in on what life is like here while I answer his parents questions."

We follow the group to a field.  "I'm Easton McKnight." He offers before going around the group, all freshmen. The shorter girl, Nina, is Easton's girlfriend. She offers me a smile, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear. The other girl, Courtney, doesn't offer me a hello, instead she focuses on Ashton.

I bristle uncomfortably at the attention she's giving him.

Easton throws the ball in the air, "Wanna show us what you got?"

Ashton squeezes my hand, I glance up and can tell he's about to say no for my sake. "Go." I nudge him, "Have fun."

After handing me his phone Ashton jogs out onto the field with the others. I follow the two girls over to a bench, really unsure of what to say. I don't know these people.

"You guys make a cute couple." Nina offers politely.

"Oh no. We're not-" I try to explain but I fall short. What are we?

We're definitely not a couple. I tell everyone we're just friends but are we really? Friends don't hold hands. Friends definitely don't have make-out sessions. Ashton is so much more than a friend. He annoys me to no end over the simplest things but at the same time I feel lost without him.

"If you're not his girlfriend then why are you here?" Courtney snips, applying lipstick.

I ignore her rudeness, answering her question anyways. Looking over at Ashton, who's laughing at something,  I shrug. "He wanted me to be here so I am."

Courtney rolls her eyes, clearly unimpressed. Nina sends her a glare before turning back to me, something tells me she's not hanging out with her by choice. "Do you like the campus?"

"I love it." I assure her. My father would kill me if he was here but this place is beautiful. Everything about it is so homey.

"Would you go here if Ashton does?" I know she's only curious but it's the one thing I haven't wanted to think about.

Watching Ashton throw the ball around I can't help but notice how happy he is. I could picture him laying in the grass doing homework in between classes or jogging down the canopy road in the morning. "No, I won't be joining Ashton at any college."

This interests Courtney, pulling her away from her nails. "And why is that?"

She sounds just like my cousin. The same bitchy tone and everything. "It's complicated." I'll be legally responsible for four other people.

Just then Clay joins us, a scowl in place. "I'm out of here, tell Mom I'll call her later." He says to Nina, tossing her the ball before heading off.

They're siblings? The duo looks nothing alike. She has red hair and pale skin while Clay has curly hair and a dark complexion.

"I'm gonna offer you some free advice." Courtney sneers, standing up.  "Don't stay with him because in the end you'll only hold him back. People like Ashton have plenty of better candidates waiting to take your place."

Then she's chasing after Clay, yelling for him but he isn't stopping. I've changed my mind, she's worse than Avery ever could be. I notice Ashton and Easton walking our way so I pick the ball up. I need a moment before I see him. After getting his attention I launch the ball through the air.

"You have an amazing arm." Nina compliments me, getting up from the bench.

"Thanks." I offer glumly, kicking a rock.

"Don't listen to Courtney, she's just desperate and bitter." I hum in agreement, that's one way to put it. "Although, if you don't mind me saying, I can tell you're conflicted about whatever's going on between you two." That's an understatement. "Pick one word to describe how you feel about him."

"He's my person." I repeat the phrase he told me on New Years Eve, there's no other way to describe him.

She gives me a hug, "I think I'll be seeing you again Scarlett."

I wave goodbye to Nina as she joins her boyfriend. Maybe she's right but then again Courtney, despite all her bad intentions, could be just as correct.

Ashton hasn't gotten to me yet and I'm beginning to worry he left when someone wraps their arms around me. I jump before relaxing into the touch, knowing who it is.

"I was just talking about you." I tease, flicking his nose. My mood brightening instantly.

He kisses my temple, tightening his hold on me. "Thank you for coming with me." That fluttering feeling jolts through me again.


Ashton holds onto my hand tightly the rest of the tour, something tells me his conversation with the guys didn't go the way he wanted it to.

Winding up in the football offices for the office meeting, im following behind Ashton when  I suddenly run into his back. I wait for him to move but he just stands there, squeezing my hand a little tighter. 

What in the world is his problem?

My question is answered as I peer around his shoulder, seeing Nick Saban seat around the wooden table. Wow, now I get it.

Jabbing his side, I knock him out of his trance. Taking a seat, I can tell he's still freaking out. Ashton, now is not the time to be quiet. Reaching over to his hand, I subtly move it into my lap and begin tracing small circles into his skin. The tension dissolves as he loosens up, a grin working its way onto his face.

There he is. 

"I must admit, we were a little worried about your track record at first." The coach offers causing my blood to boil. He isn't that person anymore. "But it appears you've turned a new leaf. Son, do you think you could make Alabama your home?"

In total shock, I loose feeling in my hand as Ashton squeezes it tightly. He deserves this more than anyone I know.


We hit 200k so here's an extra long chapter!
Also Life in Color is nominated for the YoungBlood people's choice award in chick lit so if you would go vote for me I would really appreciate it. Just comment a +1 next to my book title on the people's choice awards page! If I get to 20 votes I'll update early 😁

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