The Future Is The Past (Trans...

By PrincessAura273

191K 5.5K 1.6K

Vaughan Witwickey is a music lover. Listens to any kind of music she can get her hands on. When she creates a... More

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)
Part 1
Chapter 1 - Strange Noise
Chapter 2 - Decepticon Attack
Chapter 3 - Say Hello To The Autobots
Chapter 4 - Operation: Power Plant
Chapter 5 - The Crystal Mines
Chapter 6 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 7 - The Dubstep Discovery
Chapter 8 - A Musical Truth
Chapter 9 - Surprise
Chapter 10 - They Just Had To Come Back
Chapter 11 - Rescue
Authors Note - Which Episodes?
Chapter 12 - Meeting The Whiz Kid
Chapter 13 - Anti-Matter Formula
Chapter 14 - Fight Back
Chapter 15 - Autobot Down
Chapter 16 - One Way Or Another
Chapter 17 - Going Home
Part 2
Chapter 18 - Senior Year
Chapter 19 - Good Things Will Happen
Chapter 21 - A Messed Up Sparkplug
Chapter 22 - Atmosphere
Chapter 23 - Natural Disasters
Chapter 24 - A Plan of Action
Chapter 25 - Battle of Cybertron
Chapter 26 - Another Transformation
Chapter 27 - Get Back Up
Chapter 28 - Animals
Chapter 29 - Losing Control
Chapter 30 - Old Memories
Chapter 31 - Take Your Mind Off Things
Chapter 32 - Immobilized
Chapter 33 - Demobilized
Chapter 34 - Seeing Double
Chapter 35 - Father Figure
Chapter 36 - Fast Future & Corrupted Minds
Chapter 37 - Personalities
Part 3
Chapter 38 - Who Is Remix?
Authors Note: Removing Some Episodes
Chapter 39 - Open House
Chapter 40 - Empire State Of Mind
Chapter 41 - New York State Of Mind
Chapter 42 - Surprises At Every Corner
Chapter 43 - Autobot Day
Chapter 44 - Decepticon Day
Chapter 45 - One In The Same
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Exposed
Chapter 48 - Origin
Chapter 49 - Graduation
Authors Note: Review!
Chapter 50 - Summer Vacation & Seperation
Chapter 51 - Cybertonium
Chapter 52 - Welcome Back To Cybertron
Chapter 53 - Blaster
Chapter 54 - Dark Side Of The Moon
Chapter 55 - College
Part 4
Chapter 56 - Car Chase
Chapter 57 - Raoul
Chapter 58 - Fast & Furious
Chapter 59 - Dancitron
Chapter 60 - DJ Got Us Falling In Love
Chapter 61 - Old Bonds
Chapter 62 - He Could Be The One
Chapter 63 - Transform
Chapter 64 - Getting The Band Back Together
Chapter 65 - Guitar Cases
Chapter 66 - Drop That Bass
Chapter 67 - Piano Player
Chapter 68 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 69 - Battle Of The Bands
Chapter 70 - Bad News
Chapter 71 - The Mesmerizers
Chapter 72 - Slumber Party Blues
Chapter 73 - Shake Your Tail
Chapter 74 - Under Our Spell
Chapter 75 - Semi-Finals
Chapter 76 - It's A Trap
Chapter 77 - Arguments To Solutions
Chapter 78 - Pull It Together
Chapter 79 - Welcome To The Show
Chapter 80 - Destinies
Chapter 81 - Final Goodbyes
Possible Sequel?

Chapter 20 - Return To Mission City

2.4K 77 7
By PrincessAura273

Spike had been keeping Vaughan up to date on what's been happening involving the Autobots and the Decepticons for the past week.

It just seemed to go so slow for her. But whenever she heard a new war story from Spike, she felt all better.

She was just absolutely going crazy about everything she'd been missing.

First the Dinobots were created, a Decepticon leaving the ranks and joining along side the Autobots, the Autobots almost getting destroyed by a powerful crystal, and Megatron trying to brainwash the Dinobots into killing Optimus Prime which caused Wheeljack and Ratchet to create two more Dinobots!

"I should ask Spike what the Dinobots names are." Vaughan thought.

She couldn't wait to see her family and Autobot buddies again. Sure she would miss her friends from school, but she'll only be gone for 4 days. I mean come on, what's the worst that could happen?

Once Vaughan was done packing her small suitcase, she walked over to her desk, opening up her laptop and bringing up YouTube.

"Can't forget this." She thought.

She dragged the 'Radioactive Dubstep' file and began uploading it to her account.

"I'll leave you to your work." She smiled.

She decided to use this vacation to take advantage of her time and take some time off from Dubstep music for a little bit. She had been working on this song for over a month now has she was just drained of energy.

She closed her laptop as she hoisted the strap of her suitcase and walked down the stairs as she pulled out her cell phone, sending a text to Spike.

"All set to go. I'll be there in a few hours!" - Vaughan

"Oh you don't have to do that." - Spike

"What are you talking about Spike?" - Vaughan.

"Go out to your backyard and see for yourself." - Spike.

"My backyard?" Vaughan thought a loud.

"Honey are you ready to go?" Margret called from her room.

"Yeah mom! I just, need to check on something." She replied.

Vaughan ran for the back door of the house, rushing through by the pool and patio, pushing the wooden door to the backyard open.

Once she stepped outside, she stopped in her tracks as her eyes widened.

"No way!"

Standing before her was Ironhide who was leaning against a huge white jet plane with red and blue highlights. The side door opened up and Spike peeked out, waving at the girl.

"Hey cous'!" He greeted.

Vaughan actually chucked a bit as she slowly made her way towards the small group. "You guys are crazy."

"Maybe." Ironhide smirked, kneeling down in front of her. "Good to see you again superstar!"

"It's good to see you too Ironhide." Vaughan greeted.

Vaughan took a good look at the giant jet and its details. This just be the ex-Decepticon that Spike told her about. "Is this the guy?"

"Yep. Vaughan, this is Skyfire." Spike introduced. "Skyfire, this is my cousin Vaughan."

"It is my honour to make your acquaintance Vaughan." said Skyfire.

"The same goes for me Skyfire." Vaughan replied. "Anyone else here?"

"Just us three. Jazz was going to tag along but he got called into a mission with Prime." Ironhide explained as he helped Vaughan inside Skyfire.

"Where are they?" Vaughan asked.

"They're heading for India." Spike answered as he picked up Vaughan's suitcase for her.

"Let's get this show on the road Skyfire!" yelled Ironhide.

Skyfire's engines kicked in as he slowly began hovering up in the air.

"Vaughan!" A woman screamed.

Vaughan looked out the door to see her mother running towards them, holding a pair of pink high tops in her hands.

"You forgot your shoes!" She yelled.

She tossed them into the air as Vaughan thrusted her arms out and caught them. "Thanks mom!" She waved.

"Stay safe!" She waved back as the door closed and Skyfire lifted up into the air, then activated his boosters as he blasted through the air.


"There she is Vaughan!" said Skyfire.

Halfway into the trip, Vaughan fell asleep on the large passenger seat of Skyfire's jet mode.

The sound of Skyfire's woke her from her slumber as let out a yawn and stretched her arms out. She opened her eyes to see Ironhide's hand.

"You want to see a birds eye view of the base?" He asked with a smile.

"Heck ya!" Vaughan exclaimed.

Vaughan pushed herself up to her feet as she climbed onto Ironhide's hand. He walked over to the over view mirror and raised his hand up for Vaughan to look over.

Vaughan peeked down and she couldn't believe the view. It was amazing! She could see the Autobot base from way up here! She could see the volcano, and Mission City off in the distance.

"This is amazing!" She gasped.

"You think this is cool? Wait until you meet the Dinobots." Spike grinned.

"I can't wait!" Vaughan squealed.

"Prepare for landing folks, this could get bumpy." said Skyfire.

Ironhide took both of the humans in his grasp as he took his seat and prepared for landing.

Skyfire dove down a good distance as his wheels touched down onto the ground, slowly coming to a stop just as he neared the entrance to the Autobot base. Once he came to a complete stop, Ironhide helped her and Spike out of the transforming plane as Vaughan snuck her shoes on.

"I need to get to back to my patrol, I'll catch up with you guys later." said Skyfire.

"Thanks for the lift Skyfire." Spike thanked.

"It was awesome to meet you." Vaughan added.

"You're welcome you too." Skyfire replied as he kick started his engine and took off for the sky.

"My dad is inside, he'll bring your stuff back to our place later." said Spike.

"No problem." Vaughan nodded.

"Come on, let's go meet everyone." Ironhide suggested kindly.

"I'd like that very much." Vaughan smiled.


The Autobots that were present in the base couldn't have been more happier to see Vaughan. Sure it's been a few months, but to both Vaughan and the 'Bots, it seemed like even longer!

Maybe even forever!

Sadly though, Vaughan just missed the Dinobots. Apparently they left for a scouting mission.

Vaughan was a little disappointed at the turn of events. But better late than ever is like they always say.

After greeting Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Ratchet, and Trailbreaker, Ironhide had to get a check up with the medic so Vaughan and Spike had some time to themselves.

Or at least Vaughan thought they would. One of the Autobots needed Spike's help with something, so Vaughan stayed behind in the command centre.

For a minute at least.

The sounds of the floor shaking caught everyone's attention, as well as a loud booming noise.

"What in tarnation is that?!" Ironhide asked.

His hand glowed and turned into a suction cup as he stuck it to the floor and a vibration meter came up on the glass screen of his chest plate.

"The signal from the vibrations is coming from over there."

He pointed down to a hallway as Bumblebee sprang a head, Sideswipe and Vaughan not too far away. The three of them ran into the hall to see the small, purple, battering ram Decepticon goon. One of Soundwave's pets.

"Rumble." Bumblebee growled.

"Ironhide, Bumblebee, what's going on?" Spike asked as he and his dad ran into the hall, standing at Vaughan's side.

"Nothing that a little flare fire can't fix." Sideswipe grinned as he aimed his blaster at the Minicon.

But then Vaughan caught site of that evil, metal, mountain cat who sprang up and bite Sideswipe in the arm.

"Sideswipe, it's Ravage!" Vaughan yelled.

Sideswipe thrusted his arm to the side, ramming Ravage right into a wall and forced the Decepticon to lose his grip on the Autobot.

"Way to go Sideswipe!" Spike cheered.

"Clobber that Deceptikitty!" Sparkplug exclaimed.

"Make it run for its daddy!" Vaughan yelled.

All of a sudden, the sound of a loud hawk caught the attention of the three humans. They looked up to the top opening hole of the volcano to see Laserbeak, the third of Soundwave's toys fly in.

It looked like it was flying straight for Vaughan! But as she braced for the impact, Spaekplug pushed the girl out of the way and Laserbeak grabbed him with his talons instead.

"Aaaaaah!" He screamed.

"Uncle Sparkplug!" Vaughan yelled.

"Dad!" Spike screamed.

Everyone just stood there in utter shock. Especially Vaughan, who thought she was losing the feeling of her legs as she slouched to the floor.

"Sparkplug sacrificed himself, to save me." She said quietly.

"I just got word from Prime and the others in India." said Hound as he came running in. "The Decepticons that were there just up and left."

"What?" Ironhide asked. "But why?"

It wasn't making any since.... Or was it? Prime and the others leaving for a mission, leaving most of the Ark unguarded.... Soundwave's minions strike, take Sparkplug, and then the 'Cons in India just up and left?

"It was a set up! The attack in India was a distraction!" Vaughan realized.


Outside the Ark, the rest of the Autobots met up with Optimus, Wheeljack, Sunstreaker, and Jazz who just got back from India.

The two cousins sat on a large rock, sulking at lose if their adult guardian.

"I can't believe this." Spike breathed.

"This is not how I wanted to start my vacation." Vaughan said with a mope.

"Cheer up you too." said Bumblebee as he pat them on the back. "We'll get Sparkplug back."

"Got anything we can use Wheeljack?" Jazz asked.

"Maybe. But we'll need a plan." The inventor replied.

Hound had projected a schismatic of the Decepticons hideout with Optimus watching by his side. Prowl looked it over, and suddenly his face lit up.

"I got a plan if you all have the bolts and gears to try it." He said.

"We have." Optimus nodded.

But before they would leave to put the plan in motion, the Prime walked over to the two humans.

"Vaughan, I wish our reunion could have played out a lot better than it has today."

"You and me both." She replied.

"However for the safety of you and Spike, it's best that the both of you remain here. We'll find Sparkplug, I promise." Optimus assured.

Spike placed his arm around his cousins shoulders protectively and looked at the Prime. "We know. Just do what you got to do."

"Understood." Optimus nodded. "Autobots! Roll out!"

Most of the Autobots, all except for one, transformed into their vehicle modes and proceeded across the desert. Bumblebee who stayed behind, looked over at the humans one last time.

"Don't worry. We'll get him back no matter what it takes." He assured.

He transformed into his vehicle mode and then took off after his friends.

Vaughan and Spike watched him go as the sun beamed down on them.

"Hey Spike?" Vaughan asked.

"Yeah Vaughan?" Spike replied.

"...... Sparkplug saved me. He pushed me out of the way." She almost cracked in a sob.

The arm Spike had placed around Vaughan's shoulders clutched a bit tighter as the girl's head layed on his shoulder.

"I know." He whispered. "I know."

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