Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 1 - The Calling
Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 5 - Companion
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 12 - Game Night
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 15 - Deal
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 32 - Little Loss
Chapter 33 - Burning Rage
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best

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Wondered when Pams was gonna show up ? Make some noise for momma Voorhees !        How more complicated can things become ??


Jason carried you bride-style and teleported to his shed. He puts you down on the bed and helps you lie down. He then sits down to your side while dragging the covers on you.

~You hurt ?~ he asks

''No, it's much better now. Wake me up when you get tired. I'll go back.''

~No. I...no sleep~

''Why ? You don't need it ?'' he nodded in response. You take a deep breath in doupt but close your eyes ready to go to sleep. 

Jason is happy that you are safe. That he just got there in time...well almost...they did hurt you. He watched you slowly drift and decided to remove his gloves. As you were facing the other way, he proceeded to gently caress your hair. He still felt like he did not deserve you and the kindness you showed him but 'mother knows best' he thought, while carefully stroking your silky smooth hair all the way down to your (f/c) highlights.

''Jason ?'' you said in a sleepy voice,your eyes still closed. The sudden question made him remove his hand for a second and put it back down. ''What's your favorite color ?''

~Pink.~ ''Hmm...why ?'' you yawned the words

~Mom pink sweater, best day.~ ''Hmm...nice.'' you said as you fell into a deep sleep with him still stroking your hair lightly.

As you dreamed, the dream seemed to get weirder and weirder. You were at this creepy abandoned house that seemed once to be lovely with its door wide open,with a kids bike on the porch giving you more creepy vibes. You stepped inside. It was frozen in time, as if whoever lived there and left, intended to return but never did. Your eyes fall onto the wall were children's drawings were put up, gathering dust that blackened the corners of the drawings. Your eyes fell on one specific drawing with stick figures of a family. You read the names. "Mum" ,"Dad","Jason". You smiled. It was Jason's old house.

You explored the house and got to the kitchen. There was just big pool of blood, assuming that is were ol' Elias must have taken an axe from his wife. You continue up the creaking stairs to the master bedroom, all nice and tidy with blood red -satin- sheets. You spot a mirror in the corner of your eye. A beautiful but dirty mirror, with a beautiful vintage golden frame on a surface. You examine the makeup station, set with a cloth matching the color of the bed. You spot some pearl right next to the mirror, wondering if they are real or not, but definatelly not your cup of tea.

You sit in front of the mirror looking at your reflection. Why are you seeing this ? And how ? Does it have anything to do with Jason or just your wild imagination ? All these questions are stirring up in your head while you  look at your faintly illuminated pale skin,since the sky outside had a washed-up cludy daylight.As you look into your reflections eyes you see a shadow behind you that made you jump and turn around.

"Hello (y/n)" said Pamela in a calm voice.

"P-Pamela ? Pamela Voorhees ?" you asked stuttering a bit

"That's right !  I was looking forward to officially meeting you."

"What's all of this ? Why here ? This place is creeping me out !" you said rubbing your arm.

"Well...this place is Jason's childhood home. Where we lived before going to that camp. All his memories are from here, although they are nothing but faded now but his innocence never did..."

"And my part is..?"

"You take me for a fool, girl?" she suddenly snapped making you take a few steps back.

"W-what ?" you asked cautiously, knowing she can be as unpredictable as Jason

"You really think I don't know the truth ? The lie you have been feeding my son? Of course you are not a 'gift' for him !"

"Do you plan on telling him ?"

"That, my dearest, is up to you..." she went back to being sweet.

"Meaning ???"

"I could have said something as soon as you showed up! But I had hopes my boy finds a friend at some point, even if it had to be someone like you..."

That last one angered you a bit.
"What do you mean someone like me ? You should be the last one to judge a book by its COVER !" you said louder than intended

"I know what you are ! And I believe you are unfit for my son and his innocent mind ! I know that you want to manipulate him into being your minion !" you let her go about her delirium ."But my boy has grown quite attached to you...I do not think he will have it in him to kill you, even if I tell him to..."

"I seriously doupt that but...what are you going to do to me ? Scold me because I am a bad influence to your son ?" you ask mockingly.

For Pamela though, it was no joke...
"Yes ! As pretty as you are, you should be disciplined ! Lusty,filthy thoughts and deeds need to be punished ! " the furry growing im her eyes.

"Yeah, like how ? This is a dream, lady!"

"Really ?" She screamed as she launched on to you grabbing your head and pressing it in the wash basin next to the station, attempting to drown you. She drags your head back. You take a deep breath as she presses you down once more, your nose and mouth filling with water as you drown.

As you feel running out of air, you wake up falling off the mattress onto the wooden floor. Jason rushes to your side as you cough out violently about a glass of water,coming out of your mouth onto your hand.You coughed two more times on all fours, hissing everytime your chest shook.
You glanced under your armpit were the head was. "Bitch" you said under your breath while trying to get it back to normal levels.

"I'm fine,Jason. Thank you." you look at him as he gently caresses your back, the both of you baffled in your own way about what just happened.

You look down at your hands. You were shaking. You couldn't go back to sleep ! Not with Pamela in the same room risking to actually kill you. You get up and run to the door in fear. She won't hesitate, the thought haunted you. You were not gonna play her game while she goes all Freddy Krueger on you. Your only comfort was your fluffy friend, probably wondering were you are, you told yourself, but a hand on your wrist stopped you. You turn around to see Jason.

"I have to go...I-I will explain tomorrow..." his grasp now less friendly.

"Please, I can't stay...it's not your fault"
Jason dragged you back to the bed.
~Stay.~ his words were as clear as day.
The thought of sleeping again terrified you.
~Do as he tells you,dear!~ came another voice in your head. Fuck. You forgot you were linked and now she could be in your head too.

"Fine. I'll stay...but here's how we gonna do it..." you got up and dragged the bed as far away as possible from Pamela, putting the pillow on the other side so you don't face her. Then, you take Jason's stool and put it right next to the bed. He just watched you with his head tilted to the side, not able to understand why you were rearranging his furniture, but he was ok with it as long as you did not leave him, the reason why he also did not understand.

"You...sit here from now on" you told him pointing to the stool. He obeyed you.

You climb on the bed and get ready to lie down once again.
"If I look distressed,you wake me up. You saved me once today, you can do it again,right ?" he nodded. But what could hurt you ? It was just a bad dream...he had his fair share of those, but anything to calm you down.

"Give me your hand..." you said in a whisper. Jason complied. "I know I sound paranoid, but you saw that ! Right ?... I'm scared..." you said as you wrapped both your hands around his and pulled it closer to you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, your cheek brushing against his knuckles. Jason sat next to you and watched you drift with a smile on his face.

Whatever had spooked you, he would force to go away, you hugging his hand proved it. Jason noticed your breathing changing. You were asleep again, he could now go into his own form of sleeping till the morning, without feeling the need to remove his hand.

Jason goes to Hell was 'meh' imo, but it sparked the idea ! Welp...

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