Hero Journals: Book Two

By Applesstorys

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Titania, Lauren, Melanie, and Danielle are back. After what happened to them at the Mall in D.C. the group di... More

An Unexpected Visit
The Red-headed Lady
The Meeting
I become a Natural Disaster
Project Meta G.
H.A.D labs gets Busted
The Alchemist
The Newbie

A Clue

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By Applesstorys

'Titania attacked me.' Great let's make me sound like a monster. Thanks a lot Melanie. Okay let's rewind a bit before I found Melanie and go to the part where the meeting broke up and I went to go where Robin was.

It wasn't hard I had been there how many times? ten maybe. He was at the computer looking stuff up. It was about Project Meta G. He was looking at the labs trying to figure something out. "Robin?" I asked as I walked up to him.

He turned around and smiled when he saw me. "Seaspray glad you're here I need help with some of this."

"Alright, anything new?"

"No not yet but it's only a matter of time before we get some."

"Here is one red lady that has magical powers." I told him as I typed it into the computer.

"You've got to be joking."

"Nope. She had to be working for the people we're looking for. How else would she know where to find us."

"I guess that's true." Robin agreed. "Should we recap what we know?"

"Might as well can't hurt." I said pulling up the files we have. "Okay so we know these are all the labs that Lauren, Melanie, Danielle, and I went to. We can get rid of this one because It's my parents' workplace. Melanie is going to H.A.D. Labs so maybe we can get her in on this and-"

"We will see. Besides how can we even tell if we can trust your parents. Just saying."

"Because they made these." I said going and opening a door. It contained black supersuits. I pulled out one of the black suits, the one with light blue around it. "These can adapt with the cold or any other temperature. They also keep out any deasise or sickness that you can get. It also works with any power that they could have."

"Wow really?" he asked studying the suit. "Wane industries hasn't been able to do any like that. And they have the best tech in the world."

"Had the best tech in the world." I corrected.

"Well try it on then."

I nodded and then walked away from him to find a place to change. Once I found an empty room  I went in and got changed. The suit fit me like a glove. It was comfortable and it didn't bug me at all. I moved around in it and it was just fine. It had a hood on it and when I put it on I turned invisible just like my old outfit. Thanks mom. I walked out of the room and went back to Robin. When he stopped me his mouth drooped open.

"That looks so cool." He finally said.

"Good to know. So the lets get to it."

"So one of these labs has to be working on trans forming kid with the metagene. The same one that gave you guys powers."

"Mitch!" I said hitting my hand against my hand.

"Of course how could we forget him?" Robin replied understanding what I meant. "He was sent after you so he must have been with one of them at some point. So all we have to do is find out who was the last that had him and we got them."

"If they have any records of him."

Robin started hacking his was into the information about Mitch, Bazaro. Each time he was done with a list of information he would shake his head and move onto the next one. He went through all then of them and let out a sigh. "Nothing."

"He was at Cadmus when Superboy went to find him right?"

"Yeah so?"

"Well let's look up information about them and find out where he went."

Robin nodded and began to hack away again. "This may take awhile."

I nodded and began to practice fighting while Robin went to work. He would ask for my help if he needed it. He taped away and the loudly shouted, "Got it!" I ran over to him. "Lex Corp."

"But that wasn't one of the Labs we went to." I said puzzled, "So why would he be sent after us."

"Maybe Lex Corp was co-working with something?" he suggested. "I'll look it up."

But before he could even do anything he feel to the ground and started to shiver. "Robin?" I asked.

I leaned over and checked his pulse. He had one but it was slow and he felt cold to the touch just like Violet was said to be. But how could this happen? I looked around the room. If we were under attack they can't find the suits or see the data. I closed the door and locked it. Then I saved what we had and closed what we were doing. Suddenly I heard  footsteps.

I put the hood up and disappeared. Melanie came in the room but she was blasting ice powers everywhere. "Oh no another one." I wanted to do something but what could I do? I hand no knowledge about it at all.

Melanie left the room. I reappeared. I didn't know what to think no way would she want to do anything like this so why was it happening? Just then someone else came in the room behind me. I turned it was Aqualad. "Kalder! You're okay."

He nodded. "Yeah but the rest are not." he said indicating to Robin. "Any idea what caused this?"

"My guess is as good as yours."

"Well we need to find a way to stop her  before she hurts herself or anyone else." he said taking his eyes of of Robin. "Nice suit."

"Thanks." I replied. "I think it's what's been protecting me. But what has been protecting you?"

He nodded and then replied. "Atlantians are immune to the cold or snow that must be the reason why."

I nodded in agreement. "So what's the plan Kalder?"

"I do not know. I have the power to control water but there is very little here in space."

"Even if there wasn't a limited amount of water Snow has the power of ice with can freeze water making our water powers useless."

"Of course but unless I can touch her I can not electrocute them."

"But Snow is one of us! You can't just shock her."

"Do you have a better idea?" he challenge.

"I do have one actually. And it doesn't involve her getting electrocuted."

"Do tell."

We finally found her after checking many rooms. Trust me they were not fun. Melanie turned and when she saw us she had a look of terror on her. "No stay back or you'll get sick as well."

"Snow you need to stop." Aqualad told her.

"I can't. I think I got infected with what ever Violet got infected with."

This wasn't what I wanted. I would have to activate my plan which was the last thing I wanted to do. "Oh great." I muttered. I then went into activating my plan.

I went strait to her. Melanie would have no idea about what the suit could do and that would give me a slight advantage. Like I planed she moved out of the way not wanting to touch me. Aqualad followed my led and went after her as well.  She dodged him as well but she couldn't do it for long. As long as both of us went after her at different times and not at the same time.

The plan was working we were getting her backed up into a corner she soon had no where to go at all. She had to fight us to get out. She got ready to fight. She was still flinging ice everywhere. Aqualad pulled out one of his stick things. It turned into a hammer. I clinched my fists ready to fight.

She attacked Aqualad first as if not wanting to attack me until she had no other way. She fought well dodging when she needed to. Then she reached out and froze the hammers. I got close and hit her hard on the head. She fell to the ground and passed out. Aqualad kept the hammer out in case she was faking.

"I think she's out." I said.

"I sure hope so we need to get her to the medical wing."

"I can get her their quicker."

He nodded and I grabbed her and flew off. Once I got her to the medical wing I put her down across from Violet. I let out a sigh. It seems only yesterday that we had saved her. I didn't know what to. The good news was that she had stopped the ice and snow shower. I knew something had to be done but I didn't think that the suit was that much of a help to her. The best would be to find out what was the problem and stop it.

Kalder just arrived as I was looking around for something. "What you looking for?"

"I don't know."

"Well I have some idea but not a lot."

I nodded in reply. He told me what to do. And with in time Melanie was better. Aqualad was busy trying to find a cure for her. He finally did. "It may only work for a little bit and may not be permit. But it will at least giver her time to undue what she did."

"If she even can." we said at the same time.

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Kalder gave her the cure. Melanie awoke with a start. She got ready to fight us.

"Relax Snow." I told her. "You're fine. We got rid of what ever is affecting you."

"Oh no." she said. "Ugh it felt horrible."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well it felt like I was possessed. It was terrible."

"But you've been possessed before."

Melanie shook her head. "That was different. There I couldn't tell I was doing it and had no control. This I knew what I was doing but no control."

"Interesting" Kalder said.

"What about the others?" she asked.

"Their still  affected by what ever was affecting you." Kalder told her. "Do you think you can undo what ever you did?"

"I can try but I make no promises." She closed her eyes and then suddenly ice and snow came to her and disappeared when it touched her hands. After a few minutes it stopped and she opened her eyes again. "I think that should be everyone."

"Thank you Snow." we said relived.

"This dose give me a new idea on how to save Violet." Melanie replied. We got closer ready to listen. "I was able to do the same thing that happened to Violet to the others right?"


"So if I was able to do that Frost probably could as well."

"And she could reverse it just like you did." Kalder replied.

"And the last place she was seen was H.A.D. labs." I finished and looked at Melanie.

"Okay I'll do it just tell me what I need to do."

Before we could tell her anything people started to come over to see what had happened to them that we couldn't tell her. We must have had to explain many times. Robin and Batgirl were talking about something. Probably Project Meta G. Lauren came over followed by Danielle. I pointed to Melanie and they walked over to her to talk. I decided that I might as well leave them to her and went to leave and just walk around.

Kalder seemed to have other plans. "Seaspray!" he called to me as I left.

I turned and waited for him to get to where I was. "Yeah?"

"I want to ask you something but not here." he said.

I nodded and followed him to an empty room. I waited for what seemed like forever for him to ask me what his question was. "Seaspray will you go out with me?"

That was not the question I was expecting him to ask. I didn't know what to say. I knew he had feelings before I had gone out with Connor. It was the reason that he had hugged me good bye. When we had left after the incident. But I didn't know if I was ready to start dating again. I mean yes Connor and I had broke up neutrally but still.

"Seaspray?" he asked braking up what I was thinking.

"Sorry you just caught me by surprise. I wasn't expecting that."

"That's fine. So dose that mean you'll think about it?"

"How about I go out with you on one date and we will see if we want to be a couple okay?"

He smiled. "Fine with me. I have the perfect place."

"Okay. When?"

"How about tomorrow?" he asked.

"Deal." I promised.

We left the room and smiled and then walked away from the room. When I got to the Zata tub Lauren was talking to Zatana. "Yeah that's fine." she told Zatana.

"I'll keep you informed and try to do something about it."

With that Zatana walked away. I came up to Lauren. "So what was that about."

"The person we encountered today. And something called Project Meta G."

"Ah, I see." I then turned to the tub. "Do you want to go home? Where is everyone else?"

"Snow has to say over night. Danielle went home when I was talking with Zatana. So sure." then she saw the suit. "Were did you get that?"

"Don't worry you can get yours tomorrow." I promised.

"Okay then." she said and then we walked to the Zata tub and went home.

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