
By tiamarulens

43.4K 1K 210

Unfortunately, Hope's parents died when she was young. She was left to take care of her sister, and gradually... More

Chapter 1 - The Darkness that Looms
Chapter 2 - No Luck in the World
Chapter 3 - You'd Better Run
Chapter 4 - New Beginnings
Chapter 5 - Advice from an Alpha
Chapter 6 *Needs to be re-written*
Chapter 7 - Hell Hath no Fury
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Revised 23/1/12)
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11 (I'm Sorry!)

1.3K 41 27
By tiamarulens

Why, oh why, God…am I so inexplicably stupid?

I should’ve known I would take one step out of our boundaries, and be pummelled.  I was so pissed at myself for letting myself be captured.

Why in the hell of all that is good and Holy, did I run?

Because I am stupid, arrogant and pigheaded. At times like these, I wish I was normal. I wish I could go to a regular school, be chased by boys who weren’t my mate, let alone be in the world where mates were pretty much compulsory.

I hated it.

But now…because of my stupidity and temperament…I was captured by a rival pack for trespassing.

My colossal mistake of choosing to run over the river was for one reason, to get rid of my sent for a while. That was all. But now that my scent was gone, no one would be able to find me.

I grunted as there was a slight bump in the steps of the larger male wolves that were carrying my slightly beaten up body.

Running free never felt so good. I knew what I was leaving behind, but I didn’t care anymore. I was willing to set them free from my mind, and let my wolf take over. I was willing to give into those primal instincts…I would forget all about them soon enough.

A good two or so minutes after crossing that darn raging river, I could feel myself wearing out already.

You chose a good time to run away Faye…

I sniffed at the air, glad to be running through the forest which went for miles and miles, up along the coastline, and towards the open ocean. I will be able to-

My thoughts were cut off quickly as a large force knocked me to my feet from the side. What the hell?

I stood quickly, a body roll keeping me on my feet. A sharp growl ripped from my throat, and I took in the shape of my attacker.


They were attackers! As in multiple.

There stood six fully grown male wolves, growling in anticipation.

Oh for shits sake. I growled louder, hopefully seeming to ruffle them up a bit. But there was no such chance, they simply grinned in sync, seeing through my façade.

I turned quickly; taking them by surprise, running for my life has never been on my top priority list. Until now.

Their scents were dark and musky, totally new to me.

And that’s what scares me most. I don’t like change.

I yelped again as a jaw snapped at my back leg. They were fast, no denying that fact. And boy was the one that bit me strong.

A limp formed immediately in my leg, and blood spurted at a steady stream, before slowing down to a trickle.

At least I was healing quickly.

The sound of bones cracking scared me, and I knew one of them was shifting back to his human form. Oh great.

After a minute of being circled and limping, I gave up. This was a fight I would have to stay with. I couldn’t run.

“Stay there and we won’t hurt you…Much”. His voice rasped out, almost seductively. I gagged at his words, and I blinked slowly, pained.

He suddenly doubled over in pain. I shook, frightened, he was getting a message from his Alpha.

He stopped as quickly as it started.

“Change of plan, boys. He wants her…He never said unharmed though…”A devilish grin ripped open on his face, and I shuddered, my mind closing in on me.

I got up quickly, trying again to run, but one of the others simply chomped down on my pelt, earning an ear-piercing scream from me.

A claw came at me, I was on my back quicker than I could feel the pain, and multiple claws racked at my stomach before I growled loudly in pain again.

Another bit my front legs, and at the same time, one scratched at my face.

My vision went hazy, and I gagged at the smell of my own blood.

I suddenly felt myself shift back to human form, and I blacked out, the pain too unbearable.

At least I had woken up with my clothes on…That was a positive.

Although I was quickly healing from the bite marks and scratches they had left from the fight, it still hurt like a bitch. And I wasn’t really sure if I could attempt to run from them.

I was fast, but I was also injured.

My inner instincts took over, and I let them take me to their pack house. I wasn’t sure where that was exactly, but I knew better then to argue.

A dark grey wolf looked over his shoulder at me, which gave me shivers up my spine, I trembled slightly.

I really wish I had someone to talk to, it would have made me feel a tiny bit better, but alas, no one in this six man group was willing to engage in friendly conversation.

The two wolves up front were guarding our pathway, whereas the two wolves guarding my sides were letting me lean on them slightly, hating them yet depending on their strength…Great.

 Their group also had two human forms in the back, guarding the flanks. Obviously, they didn’t want me to escape.

I was contemplating on whether I should ask if they were waiting for me specifically, or I was a random pick-up, when one cleared his throat from the back, and I turned to face him.

“What?!” He all but snarled at me. I visibly withdrew into my own body, shaking slightly at the force at his words. I turned around again, my back stiff as I caught yet another unknown sent.

The wolves around me stopped and growled also.

“They aren’t yours?” I yelped out, my voice cracking. I was scared now; I just wanted to go home. If I had the chance to go back, and not run away, I would take it.

I was so broken down at the moment, mentally and physically, I think the years of bitterness and anger had dissolved, and now I was finally seeing life as it was.

“Shut-up bitch! Sit down, and don’t even think about moving. If I find out it was you’re mate that you called, you’re going to wish you didn’t…” The brunette guy said in a menacing tone, making me fear him even more.

I sat quietly, As I was told. I was being a submissive bitch at the moment, but I was scared. I feared for my life…What if I never saw Hope again? What was I going to do…


A small smile broke onto my face, and I looked subtly at the 6 wolves scouring the area of the forest, leaving no stone unturned. They really did not like having intruders.

I pulled the concealed mobile phone out of my small pocket bag, and unlocked the screen.

16 missed calls.

How did I have that many already? Oh well…No time for that. I quickly entered the main menu, my fingers scrolling through the options, and landed on the message button.

I typed a quick message;

 “I was captured by another pack outside of the river borderlines. Send help.’’


A smile spread across my face, and I shoved the mobile back into the bag, thankful I still had it.

The scatters of paws grew louder at this time. I was briefly aware of them before, but know…they were gaining speed. Rapidly.

And I don’t know why I did it, but I got up.

And ran.

A growl echoed, but I ignored it, still pumping my legs. I felt my wounds stretching thinly across my gashes, but I knew they would hold.

Mid-stride, I shifted. The echoes behind me disappeared, and I knew better than to turn around.

I just hoped that the unwanted wolves that were following the pack that had captured me…killed them before they went after me.

I heard a few snarls and growls rip through the darkening forest afternoon, and I knew that it would be too dark to travel soon, although I was glad I had that pack off my tail.

I laughed darkly in my wolf form, glad they were off my tail. Oh the sweet irony.

Running away from the fighting behind me, I pushed on harder, getting into a more dense part of the forest. The trees grew closer together, and the shrubs began pulling at my already torn skin, and now fur.

I yelped in pain as my left ear got caught onto the smaller twigs of the local bushes.

I stopped running immediately, fatigue overcoming me greatly. I yelped, limping, bleeding and hunched over.

I really regretted running now; I should have just stayed and mated with him. I could have stayed with him, and been with Hope forever. I should have just accepted him.

A tear rolled down my cheek, I had been kicked mentally. I was broken now, and I don’t think I would ever turn back to my old ways. I just wanted someone to look after me.

Self-pity washed over me, and oblivion was a step away from me. My eyes started to close slowly.

No! Get up and run Faye! My wold howled at me to move, to keep fighting. But I knew I had no strength left in me.

My eyes…they were slowly…seeping shut.

My muscles gave way…And I was lying flat…in a heap, on the damp forest carpet.

This is it. It’s the end.

And that’s when I heard it. There was a wolf sniffing around me.

I hoped greatly that it wasn’t one of those guys from before…

My head lifted with the last of the strength my body owned, and my eyes met strangers…

It wasn’t a stranger though…They were familiar.

Those eyes…That scent… that fur.

I knew who it was.

But why was he here?

…Don’t eat me…

I am so sorry everyone! From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry.

I am in year 11 this year, and let’s just say…School is kicking my ass.

I am making a promise to try and write every afternoon from now on. I get home at about 3:30pm, and play COD for about half an hour to an hour. SO instead of playing COD, I will start writing again.

Let’s just pretend I didn’t go MIA over the past few months, and you all still love me still.

So…Back to the story…Do you guys know who it is that’s come to rescue our broken down princess?

Oh, and if Faye seems OOC in this chapter, it’s not only because I haven’t written for her character for a while, but it was on purpose. This is her changing her personality a little, and realising how much she needs people in her life, such as her sister, and friends…And her mate ;P

Anyways…Question time! (Leave your response in the comments below!)

1.       What is your favourite song of the week/month?

Hmmm…I have two…Gangnam style by Psy…and Midnight Sun by B2st J

2.       What kind of phone do you have?

I have a Samsung Galaxy II! I got it about 2 weeks ago…And I love it! <3

3.       Favourite show of the week/month?

A tough one…Most likely Teen Wolf or Protect the Boss. (Hooray for werewolves and Korean Dramas xD)

Until next time! Tia~

P.S Thank you for putting up with my bullshit uploading, trust me…I hate me too. lol

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