Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 1 - The Calling
Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 12 - Game Night
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 15 - Deal
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 32 - Little Loss
Chapter 33 - Burning Rage
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 5 - Companion

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Poor Jason must be so embarrassed! :'(
You wake up the next morning all refreshed. You stretch up and rub the sleep off your eyes. You get up from the bed go about your morning routine. As much as you would love a shower, you need to clean it which reminded you needed to go to the store.

You get dressed and head outside with a bucket. You stop by the lake to fill it and keep walking. You empty the bucket were all the blood was from the dead girl,since the body got picked up yesterday. Once the blood washed of, you get in and turn on the engine.

You reach the middle of town and stop at the first supermarket that you find. You pick up everything you think you needed to feed the both of you. In the back of the store you notice some clothes and went to check them out. You found a oversized navy blue sweater an thought it would make a great gift for Jason, to replace his old worn out one.

You went up to the cashier and paid. Suddenly you hear police sirens on the street. "What happened ?" you ask the clerk and he replies with a shrug of his shoulders. You go outside and put your bags in the backseat. You get in but instead of going back you approach the police cars that have stopped in the next house.

You get outside and see the police man you met on your first day in Crystal Lake. "Um...hello" you greet him."Ah ! Hello again miss !"
"I was at the store and heard sirens...what happened ?"
"Man and wife dead, seems to be a break in, husband his fired shotgun multiple times towards the attacker. It all happened in the backyard were the housewife had put out laundry. Unbelievable what poverty can make you do !"
"Yeah..." you said. Not because of the story but because you were 99% sure this was Jason. He might also have been shot.

You made your way back to your car. As you were buckling up, you saw a big black blur jumping from the window into your car and started licking your face. "Hey,hey!" you tried to calm down the unknown dog that just charged at you with kisses.
You started to pet the dog on the head. "Who are you,beautiful ?" you said while looking for his nametag on his neck. Cookie. "Well Cookie...you said while looking for the canines genitalia...you are very handsome boy !" you said and he licked you once more. You turn your head out of the window.

Pic is a Border Collie from google, but I want him to look like that, he so cute!

"Hey, officer ?" "Yeah !" he replies.
"Do you know this dog ?" "It belonged to the couple. We are going to take him to the shelter,unless you want him. He seems to like you !"
"Yeah, I would love to take him !"
"Then his all yours! Enjoy your new companion !" he finally said.
"I sure will !" you cooed to Cookie while giving him a chin scratch.

You started the car again and turned around. You went back to the supermarket to pick up some dog food and a ball. You and Cookie returned to the camp where he jumped out same way he got in. It made you laugh. It was the first time you had a dog. Not to mention you felt chosen by him. Which you also thought it was funny.

You and your new friend walked all the way to your cabin. You had to whistle him from time to time though as he tended to distance himself.
"Don't go over there Cookie, Jason might not be so happy if you take his mommy for a big bone !" you jokingly scolded him.

You get inside. Cookie makes himself comfortable on a big armchair and watches you settle things in. You get everything put of the bags into the fridge. In the meantime you also get out all of your equipment such as your tripod and your laptop. You weren't going to need it much as WiFi was not really an option. To your surprise though there seemed to be an available router in the house. It took a good stair workout to find it but once everything was set up, you could begin cooking today's meal.

You rinced all the pots. Before you started though, you feel tugging at your leg, it was a famished Cookie who started whinning since he presumably had not been fed in two days. You found a plastic bowl and served him food on which he attacked with great force. "Oh my !" you said,surprised how well-behaved he was despite his hunger.

Once you had been done cooking, the warm food still sizzling on the stove, Cookie started to whine again. "What is it boy?" you ask as Cookie ran to the door. "Want to go potty ?" you ask, the dog unable to contain his excitement.
Once you open the door Cookie bounces outside and off to a distance where you can still see him from the porch.

Once you go back inside, you sit down and eat. A little while later Cookie comes back with a stick a drops it to your feet. You take the last bite of your meal and go outside to play fetch. After a few throws from your seated position on the porch you stand up and send the stick even further, Cookie's tongue sticking out all the more. You felt happy. So happy, you stopped playing fetch and attacked him with hugs,kisses and belly rubs. Your giggles echoing in the silent forest.

Jason happened to be outside at that time. He heard the distant giggles. He was almost enchanted by them. He did not know it was you until he recognised the trail that leads to your cabin. The louder the giggles the angrier he got. Why were you laughing ? What or Who made you happy like that, out in the forest ? He couldn't let you get corrupted and filthy like the teens at the camp.He stayed so he could watch you,stalk you from the trees to see what was happening. You were his gift from his mother, he would not share you with anyone.

As he was moving without making any sound into the forest, the calmness of the afternoon sun worked as such a contrast to his emotional state. He got close enough to hear you say between giggles "You are so handsome ! Yes,I love you too, you are such a good boy!". His jealousy started to blind him,making him tighten his grip of his machete ready to chop into bits anyone who dared to steal you from him, like any gift he had received from his mommy before,that got stolen by anyone who bullied him when he was little.

Jason finally moved out of the trees and to his surprised saw that the "threat" was a dog. Jason loved dogs. By that time he had forgotten everything and got out of the trees to pet it. But before he made one step further, embarrassment from the previous night started to take over him. What was wrong with him, he kept asking himself, his mother awfully silent since the night you met, but this is the time he needed her most.

He remembered Pamela telling him that good boys do not touch themselves there, so he did not look further into it. He would remain a good boy for his mommy and also for you, since only a good boy deserves a good girl. Jason sighed through his mask, looked at you having fun with your dog once more, re-adjusted his gloves and went about his day into the forest, trying to think of you as less as possible.

Once you were worn out with your playtime with Cookie, you decided to get Jason his meal,since he did not show up. You pack a good portion, lock Cookie inside and make your way. You knock lightly but Jason wasn't there. You leave the package with a note that said "Thank you for yesterday, Jason. Eat up! :) " and left.

Jason returned to his shed and found the note. He was grateful for it even though he felt like he did not deserve it after his behaviour. He tilted his head to the side on the ":)" part...you didn't think he wouldn't understand emoji...but he cherished the small piece of paper regardless. He even thought of it as an opportunity to come and ask you, once he had built up the confidence to interact with you again.


Quite cute,aint it ??? I was going to make him absent for the whole thing, but I couldn't...hope you feel his absence at some point tho ! Cookie is also important for the story do not underestimate him !

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