Peculiar demon//Sebastian Mic...

By storymaker154

111K 3.7K 701

strange, isn't she? she's a abnormal demon--no, human? cursed to feel human, mortal. that cannot end well for... More

lost and human
contract bond
useless butler
pink everything pink
party time
good hands
meeting the reaper
capture them!
death colored red
will's smile
demon myth
my love
head banging
battered wings
final-finally at peace


1.5K 59 3
By storymaker154

"my queen you seem very tired" ash coos, brushing the queen's youthful hair. despite her hair being grey it was full and smooth as if she was still an adolescent." he's decaying" the youthful queen mumbled, untying her white robe."is there anything you can do?" i felt my body wanting to recoil at the sight. my throat clenched wanting to retch out my insides. but s/n kept a still face, watching the scene in front of her.

"hmm," ash hums, grabbing the queen's arm.her smooth and flawless skin had patches of rotting skin discoloring her beauty."it seems it should be extracted before it can cause an infection-"

"No!" the small lady shouted, tearing herself away from ash."i will not cast my husband away! we're permanently bonded together after his death and you want to take it away from me!' she shouts, pulling the robe tighter around her small body. being youthful she became immature, tears were filling her eyes.

"This is boring- ash, i will take my leave and we shall meet you tomorrow" s/n sighs, turning away "come, y/n" she spoke, opening the door.i followed behind her, closing the door behind me." revolting" s/n spoke bitterly"how in the hell would do such a thing?" this would seemingly be the most rational s/n will ever be.


"Adrian!" s/n shouts, once the door was flung open.s/n walked inside as if she owned the parlor, she spun her head around- trying to find the owner.i quailed at her loud voice in the silent street, she knew undertaker?

"s/n" undertaker spoke, unamused by her presence."y/n!" he smiled at me before looking at us both.his pleasant smile fell "never did i imagine i would see demon bonded to another demon nevertheless sister owning her twin sister." undertaker sighs.s/n sat herself down on a coffin, her chin up as she sat stiffly attempting an elegant posture.

"the unexpected, indeed" i smiled, s/n grinned

"Adrian, how is the resurrection developing?" s/n asks.adrian's bright attitude disappeared.he stood silent before turning to me.

"he's doing well." he mumbled, i brushed the chilling feeling on my spine.he moves to a coffin, removing the top to reveal the deceased phantomhive twin.the small boy floated in the water with muliple tubes in his nose and mouth.he was breathing.i stood still, watching from afar.

"don't you want to see him, y/n?" slowly i walked closer, feeling s/n eyeing me to stay back.i loomed over the coffin, wanting to touch him but worried if that's a good idea."touch him, i did my best on him" undertaker smiles, watching me lean closer to the coffin.

i kneeled down and stared at the sleeping boy.i reached out my fingers touching his cold skin.he slurred before his eyes slowly reminded me of when he and his brother was given birth, when they first opened their eyes and wailed from the cold.his eyes slightly parted, his dull blue eyes staring at me.a A small curve appeared on his lips "y/n..." he mumbled before closing his eyes.his voice seemed unsure and dry.his pure body scarred with marks, and a large scar over his chest- where he was stabbed to death.

i turned to undertaker and smiled "i hope you know what you're doing.i do hope you don't get in trouble-" i whispered.

" can i see him- because we were oh so close!oh, i cannot bear another second not being able to see him!" she cried out, throwing herself next to me, trying to reach for the boy.

i wondered if s/n is trying to prove she has a better relation to Adrian by obtaining an attitude of a prick. undertaker walks to s/n, standing over her.despite his shadow looming over her, she seemed to be flustered by his presence."it's useless to lie.i know that it was y/n how had a closer relation to the phantomhive household because she worked there" he spoke bitterly, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to her feet.undertaker clearly didn't want the s/n near the boy." if you're aware of his situation then please don't touch him."

"that brat- he thinks he can replace his brother and pretend to be him!i will strangle him for what he did-!" her words seemed to anger undertaker more.

i walk beside him, laying a hand on his shoulder." please don't harm my master-"

"don't be absurd!he wouldn't!" s/n shouts at me, shooing my hand off.

"Pardon me" i took a step back and watched.what played out in front of me seemed like a shoddy play, terrible acting and completely transparent what is following along.the genre of this play is quite...boring as well.a loveless female who is in love with a cold man who despises the bothersome girl.i prefer other play genres.

"i don't understand why y/n would think you would hurt me" s/n says, crossing her arms.

"yes...i don't see it" he spoke in a tone of sarcasm.

"lady s/n, with your permission may i take a stroll around-"

"yeah-yeah just don't go far" she shooed, not bothering to look at me.her full attention was at the reaper who was practically killing her with his eyes.i nodded

"yes" i turned and exited.i wondered why does s/n act as if she knows who ciel and his family is?it's rather annoying because i'll have to lie for her

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