Go Ape-x (Jason X Reader)


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Searched the darkest most twisted corners of my mind to make up this story ! Hope you find ot weird enough XD... More

Chapter 2 - Face to Face
Chapter 3 - Hospitality
Chapter 4 - Taking Cover
Chapter 5 - Companion
Chapter 6 - Settling In
Chapter 7 - Vanessa
Chapter 8 - First Kill
Chapter 9 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 10 - Photograph
Chapter 11 - Modern World
Chapter 12 - Game Night
Chapter 13 - Mother,Mother
Chapter 14 - Coating
Chapter 15 - Deal
Chapter 16 - Commitment
Chapter 17 - Spooks
Chapter 18 - Tummy Aches
Chapter 19 - Frozen
Chapter 20 - Cold Night
Chapter 21 - Cold Blood
Chapter 22 - The Book
Chapter 23 - A Team
Chapter 24 - Deforestation
Chapter 25 - Roomie
Chapter 26 - Best Friends
Chapter 27 - Treats
Chapter 28 - Shopping
Chapter 29 - Back Home
Chapter 30 - Happy Accident
Chapter 31 - Bear Berry
Chapter 32 - Little Loss
Chapter 33 - Burning Rage
Chapter 34 - Dream
Chapter 35 - Heaven and Hell
Chapter 36 - Whirlwind

Chapter 1 - The Calling

2.2K 51 51

Suggestion : start reading after 40 seconds

You were driving for a few hours now and decided to listen to some actual good music.You turned the radio off and switched to your playlist pressed play on one your favorite songs on it...your skull car freshener jiggling left to right on the empty road. Today was the day ! The moon will be blood red and you had made all the necessary preparations...even though you were not sure about the whole moon thing it was Friday the 13th ! That would work...it had to.

You whistled and sang along to the song careful not to exceed the speed in your musically-induced hype .You were ready. Ready to execute a crazy idea you had been dreaming for days...which is how it all started...you felt a calling.A calling for the dark arts. Despite being in the occult some time now ,you were nervous but your goth-y soul was happy for once, letting your dark side loose - it was pure madness- you let out a devilish chuckle at that thought .You were about to offer yourself to a demon...but not just any demon...the demon killer of Camp Blood...

''Grotesque silhouette
Machete in hand
Savagely the butcher swings
His blade your flesh it tears
For life you flee the terror
From the fiend from crystal lake
Like a ghost he vanishes
You can run, but won't escape
Beware, beware, friday the 13th
So beware, beware, friday the 13th''

the song went on as you sang from the top of your lungs

You look at yourself in the mirror, barely any makeup ,no rings ...you wouldn't need them were you were going.

You drove for some time and had almost reached half way there until you hear police sirens. You look into the mirror, behind you to see a police car, you pull over.

''Evening, officer !''

''Hello there, young lady'' he approached the lowered window casually.

''Here !'' you say handing over your license

''Very well...you may be on your way ''

''May I ask...how far till Camp Crystal Lake ?"

''Well, if you take the shortcut that's off the road I'd say you're almost there!''

''Thank you, officer''

''Don't mention it !'' he said and got back to his car and left. You followed the car with your eyes as he made a U-turn. You started the engine once again.

You look around and admire the green trees on your left all the way to your right, until your eyes spot the sign on the side of the road


You grinned. The time was near and you were over the moon.You took a deep breath to banish any anxiety before it deletes your confidence.

''(Y/N), you can do this !'' you muttered to yourself while gripping harder on the wheel

''Even if he kills you, you got nothing to lose! Nothing to go back to !'' you remind to yourself enough not to let any bad memories -which is all you had- creep up inside your head and ruin your plan .You sped up to brush it off.

You were alone. Everyone had abandoned you as they went on with their lives,making plans never including you because you were becoming "weird".As for your love life...non-existant. You tried dating boys and sometimes girls but nothing, no one to accept you for who you really were, no one to deserve giving yourself fully to,no one to love you like you loved them at the time.

They all made you feel like a fool,stupid for ever expressing your feelings,wanting only to manipulate you and give in to lust because that was all they could manage. You had enough.

Your family wasnt much of a family either. Your parents were fighting all the time and when they were not their only hobby was to bug you and tell you how to live your life to be the "dream-daughter" they has agreed to make you. Your "defiance" was more than annoying,especially when you came out as bisexual. Not to mention when you went to art school, were you met your first girlfriend, despite the fact it didn't last. That very fact actually pleased them.

You had become depressed for the past six momths and all you could think was suicide...let's just say now you had found a way to make it fun. If you made it,perhaps the future would be brighter than if you stayed back. Either was a win-win situation,you thought at last.

You took a last turn before entering the camp ground and a little further into the forest and parked your car to make sure no campers saw you .
The sun was setting; the moon was out with a bright orange color but with the sky still light blue. You got out and started heading inside the forest.You walked for a good five minutes

''That spot there looks perfect !'' you think to yourself. You check around to see if there is anyone unwanted, since you did not know if the camp was even open

''Well, here goes nothing'' .You said out loud.

You settle down a chiffon on the ground and start taking your clothes off. There was a slight breeze but not enough to make you cold. You take your pants off with the panties and hear a ruffling sound in the trees.

''Hoho no (Y/N)'s brain, you are not gonna do this, there is no going back now'' you say to yourself again. You put your clothes in a bag and bury them in a shallow hole nearby. You are done undressing and lay down.

You kept your watch. It was about 9 pm now. It was finally dark.

You close your eyes and inhaled the smells of the forest, a slight breeze ruffling the trees, dancing on your body and caressing your naked breasts.

You hear a loud ruffling. You start thinking you are not so alone anymore.

You smile to yourself as you lay down but all was silent once again. This silence was broken by a chilling scream coming from the camp .This can only mean one thing.

He was there and he was angry.

You know all too well what he was capable of in his furry so you packed your bags once again and ran to your car with the cloth around you.You put everything in the backseat and get in yourself. You lay low with no lights on watching from between the front seats. The screams go on and are even getting louder.

From the right you hear a loud banging sound that makes you jump. A panicked blonde female slammed into the front part of your car covered in blood, but before she could get to the handle of the locked door,she receives a machete through the chest that makes blood splatter on the windshield. Her lifeless body slamming on top of it.

You put a hand over your mouth trying not to make any sound of admiration. You and Jason make solid eye contact, although he probably did not see you,otherwise your plan was about to fail tragically. At that,Jason turn his head to the direction of the camp and storms off for the next kill.

So what do you think ? Please vote and let me know in the comments, I would LOVE if you suggested some dark and twisted ideas though I got some of mine....who knows maybe yours are better ! And I will fit them in the story (with credit), it would be nice to write it together as a form of communication !!!

Lots of love 😘 -VADERFANGIRL

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