Parents (Prinxiety Fan-fictio...

By Copperlily

72.8K 3.2K 3.2K

This has been playing out in my head for a while, so I thought 'why not make it an actual story?' And so I di... More

Bus Stop
Friends Again
Bus Ride
Prince Charming
Ideas and Unspoken Thoughts
Movie Night
Shut Up and Cuddle Me
Thank You
Negligence Is A Crime
Social Services Pt. 2
Author's Note
Blackout Stories
Moving Van +Bonus!
The New Kid
Decisions + Explainations

Social Services

2.2K 105 34
By Copperlily


I was nervous. I mean, I'm always nervous, but I was more nervous than usual. It's Monday, but I'm not going to school because the social services lady said that she would be back today and I'm supposed to be here at home.

Patton had called me yesterday to ask if I was okay and I told him about the whole thing with the lady. Apparently Roman had told Patton about my dad, who told Logan, who told Patton's mom, who called social services. That was one question answered. I had been wondering who it was that called the authorities on my parents.

I paced my room, debating whether or not to go downstairs. I wanted to know what was going to happen to me, but I was afraid of my parents at the same time. It didn't help that I had had the same nightmare last night that I did yesterday. But in the end, my curiosity got the better of me.

I unlocked my door and peaked out into the hallway. I could hear the muffled voices of my parents talking. Taking a deep breath, I crept out of my room, being careful to close the door silently behind me.

Making my way to the stairs, my parents' voices made their way to my ears. They were talking about me.

"He's horrible. He's always been horrible and we've always known that." my father was saying as I crept down the stairs enough so I could see them as well as listen, but they couldn't see me.

My mother shook her head. She was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee while my father paced the room, "It's all that boy's fault. I knew he would be a bad influence since the moment they started working together on that silly project."

She's talking about Roman. I glared at her, even though I knew she couldn't see me, and clenched my hands into fists.

My dad stopped pacing for a moment and nodded, "You're absolutely right. Ever since they met, Virgil has been nothing but a nuisance." he paused, then let out a low growl and continued pacing.

"And now he's gone and gotten us into trouble." my mother said crossly, narrowing her eyes in an unpleasant way.

"Yes. They're coming today?" my mother nodded, sipping her coffee. "Ugh. Do you think they're going to take Virgil away?"

my mom let out a long sigh and shrugged, shaking her head, "I don't know. Maybe. Probably, after what you did to him." she sounded indifferent, as if it didn't bother her that her child was beaten. I felt my heart break just a little. I mean, I hate them, but they're still my parents. Shouldn't they care about me? At least a little bit?

"Well, good riddance!" Apparently not. My father had stopped pacing again, "He can go off and live with someone else, the ungrateful slug!" It was stupid, but I still felt hurt. Was I really so useless that even my own parents didn't want me? Something wet dripped onto my hand. I reached up and touched my cheek, and I realized I was crying.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door. My father went to answer it. I quickly wiped my tears away and took a deep breath. Then I walked all the way down the stairs, hesitating only a moment. I needed to see what was going on.

My mom glanced up at me. I tried to look normal, like I had just woken up and hadn't overheard them at all. She narrowed her eyes at me, glaring, but sat back in her chair and took a sip of her coffee without a word. I hurried by her and out into the hallway leading to the front door.

My dad was standing in front of the open door, glaring out at the people standing there. I saw the lady from the day before, a man I didn't know, and . . . Patton's mom? What was she doing here?

The lady was talking with my dad. ". . . and so we ask that you comply and cooperate nicely. If you do, this will go better for everyone." she was saying.

After she was finished, she took a step back and the unfamiliar man stepped forward to address my father, "Did you punch Virgil?" he asked. He was holding a clipboard and pen, and was jotting notes down as they talked.

My father scowled, "Can't we just skip all this?"

The man glanced up from his notes, "Afraid not. Now. Did you punch him?"

He paused a long time. Finally, he grunted, "Yes." admitting to the crime. The man glanced up at him again, then scribbled something down in his notes.

"Did Virgil sneak out of the house last Friday afternoon?"



"He went to goof of with his friends. Left us wondering where he was." I wanted to interject, because that wasn't entirely true, but I decided to keep my mouth shut because I didn't want my presence to be known just yet.

"And what did you do to get him back here safely?"

"Well, we called him, asking where he was and what he was doing. He brushed us off and ignored our pleas for him to come home." A wave of anger crashed over me. Lies! I thought. I remembered that phone call. All my father had done was yell at me and then demand I come home so they could ground me. "I came to get him the next morning. He had to be punished."

"And you punched him?"

". . . yes."

The man sighed. He stopped writing and looked up to meet my father's eyes. Something I would be far too terrified to ever do myself. "Where is Virgil now?"

I froze. Should I run back upstairs? Should I make my presence known? What do I do? I thought, my mind racing. But I didn't have time to do anything before my father turned and spotted me. "He should be - Virgil! What're you doing, spying on us?!" he cried angrily, his face fixed in a snarl.

The other man stepped forward and blocked my father from me, "Virgil. Just the person I wanted to see." he smiled at me. "How are you?"

"Fine." I mumbled, eyeing my father fearfully.

"Good." the man said, taking another step forward. "I'd like to ask you some questions."


A/N: OH MY GOSH. It's been so long I'm so sorry! It's been almost a week . . . HHHNNNNNNNGG!! I'm sorry! I meant to update this so long ago . . . I hope y'all can forgive the late update! I've had so much homework, and I still have so much more to do today . . . I guess I've been pretty busy lately. I hate it. :( and mid-terms are coming up in only a couple weeks I think, maybe less . . . ugh. I'm sorry.

I'd tell you when I think the next chapter will come out, but I'm not sure. It depends on how much time I have to work on it - how much hw I have. Expect updates to be a little farther apart than usual, but hopefully not too far apart! I'll try to update weekly at least, hopefully more, but I don't know if I can promise that. I'm doing my best. :)

I want to do one, maybe two, more chapters focusing on Virgil's parents and the authorities and all that, and then a chapter focusing on Virgil and Patton's friendship with Patton comforting Virgil probs. And then I want to do a super-fluffy holiday-themed chapter for the holidays! Phew. Hopefully I can finish all that, but I just thought I'd tell y'all what's coming up!

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