CROSSFIRE •|L.H fanfic|•

By sierram09

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*disclaimer* my username has changed but this is still the same story thx I hope you like it. Jessica's lif... More

In the Beginning (INTRODUCTION)
Chapter 1 The New Me
Chapter 2- bedrooms and homeroom.
Chapter 3- quiff it baby
Chapter 4- This Means War.
Chapter 5- Was I wrong?
Chapter 6- Milkshakes
Chapter 7- Official hand holder?
Chapter 8- people are rude.
Chapter 9- stealer
Chapter 10- your delusional
Chapter 11- Honour **
Chapter 12- Like a Rock
Chapter 14 Rings And Room Keys
Chapter 15- Cornered
Chapter 16- Confessions
Chapter 17- phone calls
Chapter 18- I just don' t know anymore
Chapter 19- The beginning of the end...
Chapter 20- Shes fine
Chapter 21- I Tried.
Chapter 23- Whipped
Chapter 24- Find her.
Chapter 25- He'll pay
Chapter 26
Chapter 27-
The End
new book

Chapter 13- undercover

56 4 0
By sierram09

Just an FYI this chapter is short and hasn't been edited. Sorry. Enjoy anyway!!:D


Mystery POV

She didn't even fight us. It's like she was waiting. We took her from her apartment, blindfolded her and put her in the back of the car. We brought her to the warehouse where the boss told us to bring her. We sat her down in the middle of the large room and tied her hands behind her back, taking her blind fold off.

"The boss should be here soon," Eric said standing over her. We waited in silence until our boss arrived.

"Eric, Jeremy" I see you've brought her in. Untie her." He ordered. We did as we were told untieing her from the chair. She stood walking over to him.

"Daddy! It's so good to see you again!" She said hugging him. "It's been to long."

"Nice to see you as well Adelaide. I hope you've collected what we discussed." He asked her. 

"Yep, I did!" She said. She had a very bubbly personality. I knew the boss had a daughter but we'd never met her before. It was the perfect plan. Send in the girl with the bubbly personality that everyone would love, way before they even go into the program. Lily, was actually Adelaide Higgins. Genius!

"Come along darling. Let's talk." They walked away through the door we'd brought her in through..


They sat at a round table sipping coffee. Eric and I sat down a little ways away but not out of earshot.

"What did you learn about them?" he asked.

"Well, I know they went to Australia, and I know the oldest, her new name is Ana. But I think that's short for something. She didn't say what it was short for but I got the feeling it was. And She has a boyfriend. I thought maybe we could use him as colateral, to get her to confess something about her father."

"Good good. Nice work sweet pea. Do you know what part of Australia?"

"Sydney. And She never told me the boys name, but I'm sure if we send someone in we could find out easy."

"I'll find someone to send in. Thank you darling." He said. She stood up from the table and kissed her father on the forehead.

"I'm going home then. I don't have to work there anymore right?"

"No, at least for now. You may have to go back in later."

"Alright. Thats fine I guess."

"It'll be okay. Go home and get some sleep." He said. And she walked out the door of the small house we were in. "Good night Addie."

"Good night." She called back closing the door.

Luke's POV

Anastasia and I walked through the Parisian streets stopping at food carts. One sold crêpes another was selling bread some were selling desserts and coffees. An entire country of food all on the street. Ana had to use her french class skills that she had from school in the US to help me order food.

"How are you so good at french?" I asked her taking our food from the Frenchman behind the cart.

"Merci!" She said to him. We walked down the street. "I took 4 years of french before I moved. So I could have a basic conversation. Ask where the bathroom is and order food. That's pretty much it."

She laughed taking a bite of whatever meat was in between the bread. Her accent was so sexy. I couldn't get enough of it. The way she laughs, the way she doesn't mean to swing her hips when she walks, but they swing anyway. The way she pushes up her glasses when they slide down her perfect button nose.

We kept walking for a long time. We came to a kind of city square type thing and people were taking pictures and tourists were milling around. We sat down on a bench, I put my arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on my shoulder. We always fit so perfectly together.

"This is the Place De La Concorde. During the French Revolution the revolutionaries built the guillotine here to chop off the heads political figures. And they chopped off the head of the king and queen here too." she said nonchalantly. "I'm just full of fun facts" she said. I laughed with her and we sat looking around the square.

It was about 5 in the afternoon. We had to be back for sound check at 6.

"I don't want this moment to end." I said.

"Me either, this is perfect." Ana agreed.

"I love you so much." I said. "You don't even know."

"I think I do baby. But I think I love you more."


Okay guys. This chapter sucks. And is very very short. I will double update. So expect another chapter by tonight or tomorrow Morning.

AWWW SNAP. LILY IS NOT WHO SHE SAYS SHE IS!!!!!!! Bombshell. lol not really.


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