Looking Beyond The Lies (Drar...

By WhisperingDeath

100K 4.3K 1.9K

Can you look beyond me? Beyond my past? I'm drowning in lies, and I need you to save me. Harry falls hard a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Rest In Peace, Alan Rickman
Chapter 22 - How The Mighty Fall
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

16.2K 386 663
By WhisperingDeath

You guys, this story has been up for over a year now and I appreciate all the support I've gotten from you all about it. I just want to say to all of you who are reading this for the first time, yes, it's crazy, out of character and completely insane, I know it is. So there's no need for you to point it out. Simple things is, if you don't like it, then don't read it. Because some of you get a little way through the first chapter and then you start commenting things like "this is wrong", "I can't read this", "no, absolutely not". That actually really hurts me when you comment stuff like that on my book that I worked hard on. So if you don't like it, don't comment that sort of stuff, just leave. Please.

Rolling over and glancing at the window, Draco groaned. The sun was streaming in through the cracks in the curtains, making obscure patterns on the wall. He groggily rubbed his eyes free of sleep and glanced around the room. His roommates were still sleeping peacefully.

Though it was odd, Draco was the only early riser of the group.

The blonde sat up and kicked back the covers of his bed, climbing out. The oak floor was cold in the mornings, so it wasn't an unusual thing for Draco. As he padded to the bathroom in nothing but a pair of long flannel pyjama pants, the soft snores of his roommates filled the air.

He slid the bathroom door shut and with a click of the lock, he was ready to face the day. Standing at the basin, Draco pushed his hair out of his face and studied himself in the mirror. "Hm..." He rubbed a hand over his chin and then turned the cold water on in the sink. He cupped his hands and braced himself for the impact of cold water splashing on his face. When it came, he shivered slightly but wiped his eyes free of water.

The next thing he did was grab his face moisturizer and squirt some onto his palm. Gently, he rubbed it into his skin, and washed his hands.

Draco made good work of brushing his teeth and mussing his hair to look like its normal messy state. He was finally ready to get dressed and head down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Unlocking and sliding the door open, Draco stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He surveyed the room and realized his roommates were still sleeping. Well, it's not his fault if they miss breakfast like they had claimed last time.

On bare feet, Draco moved towards his closet where his uniform hung. The cupboard door squeaked as it was opened and he winced and looked around, feeling angst at the thought of waking someone up. Not that he particularly cared, but it was one of those things.

Draco slipped into his pants and white shirt, rolling the sleeves at the elbow and slipping on his house jumper and robe. The last thing he did before putting on his shoes was knotting his tie. The darned thing hung loosely around his neck as he didn't have a thing for doing it up proper.

Draco's shoes tapped across the floor as he walked to the bedroom door, opening it and slipping outside to the stairs. He made sure his wand was in his robe before leaving the room as he would hate to run all the way back and get it.

Draco may be the only early riser of his roommates, but that didn't mean he was the only early riser of the house. In fact, he knew just where to find his other friend.

He pushed open the portrait and stepped outside to continue to the Great Hall. Along the way, Draco ran into a few other housemates and friends from other houses. They were only brief encounters, for he was eager to get to breakfast. He was craving eggs and bacon on toast.

As Draco half jogged, half walked to the Great Hall, he thought about the day. He had double Potions as his first class and he really wasn't looking forward to it that much.

The door to the Hall opened and a few students came out as Draco slipped in. He stood in the doorway for a few seconds and eyed the place. It was still early and there weren't many students around yet. Most were probably still in bed or getting ready for the day.

As Draco stood there, he eyed the Slytherin table with thought. Then he frowned and shook his head, and continued to the Gryffindor table. "Hi Draco!" Hermione waved a hand at him as he moved closer to the table. She was sat with a book and a plate of breakfast. Probably studying, Draco thought. Since it's what she usually does.

He took a seat next to his best friend and greeted her with happiness before piling some eggs and bacon on toast onto his plate. Hermione grabbed him a glass of pumpkin juice and set it beside his fork. "How did you sleep?" She questioned, finding her lace back in her book.

"Oh yeah, pretty good I think. My scar-." Draco was interrupted mid sentence by breaking out into a yawn. He arched his back and stretched as he did so. "As I was saying, my scar wasn't really sore last night at all. It just tingled every now and then."

"Draco that's wonderful. Let me see!" Hermione's hands wrapped around Draco's head and pulled him close, pushing his hair out if his face and examining his scar. Her finger traced over it and Draco exhaled through a giggle before yanking his head back.

"I'm fine. And that tickled a bit." Draco shovelled a forkful of egg and toast into his mouth and chewed with extreme delight. The food was delicious, as usual.

"Anyway, how did you sleep? You weren't up all night studying, were you?" Draco turned to Hermione and she grinned. He grinned back and took a sip of pumpkin juice, putting the cup down and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Actually, I didn't stay up all night. It might've been about 12 went I went to sleep, but funnily enough, I feel refreshed. Oh, I do hope the boys are getting up. They'll miss breakfast again if they don't get down here soon." Draco looked around and noticed that the Great Hall was more full with people than five minutes ago when he had sat down.

Draco glanced again at the Slytherin table to see it was almost full. Only a few people were missing, and one of those people happened to be Potter. Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were all there. His minions.

He leaned his chin onto his hand and sighed. Lately, the obsession of his mind was Potter. For some reason, he just couldn't get him out of his head. It's like everywhere he went, Potter was on his mind.

Draco was interrupted from his thoughts by Hermione's voice. "Ron, boys, hurry up." Draco looked around to where she was waving her hand and noticed his own roommates coming through the entrance of the Hall. He smiled and waved too.

Draco mainly focused on putting food in his mouth as Ron sat on the other side of Hermione and Seamus, Dean and Neville sat down on the opposite side of the table. Soon, the Hall was full of students chattering and the clanking of cutlery.

They all served themselves breakfast and began chattering with one another. The blonde boy studied the group he delighted in calling his friends. Neville was talking animatedly with Ron and Hermione while Seamus and Dean were cuddling up to each other and making small talk.

He gulped down some pumpkin juice before leaning over the table to Seamus and Dean. Or Deamus as he liked to call them when they were together. "How's the relationship going?" He questioned and both boys turned to him with big smiled on their faces.

"Wonderful. It's been nearly six months and we are so happy." Seamus' irish accent rang through his voice and he glowed with happiness. Dean was the same.

"I'm happy for you guys. I'm just hoping that I'll find someone like you guys found each other." Draco mentioned and he slumped against the table.

Seamus and Dean laughed at him and he sat upright with a smile on his face. "Don't worry. It's only nearly the end of sixth year. I'm pretty sure you'll find someone. I mean, you've got a lot of people lusting after you. After all, you are Draco Malfoy, The Boy Who Lived." Dean commented and Draco's groaned before slumping on the table again.

"Seriously. Enough with that label. I'm fed up with it." Draco's silver eyes sparkled as he looked up and the two boys before him and they just laughed again.

"Come on mate, we were only kidding. But seriously though, you've got stacks of fans lusting after you." Seamus aforementioned and Draco felt like he was getting nowhere with these two.

"Yes, but. I want someone who is..." Draco paused to think of something to describe what he wanted. "Someone who will love and want me for who I actually am and not the label I'm under." Draco's tone was frivolous sounding but it was what he actually really wanted.

"We know Draco. And I'm sure that you'll find that someone. And though we only have next year left, I'm positive that the person for you is in this room at this very moment." Draco nodded and let Dean and Seamus return to their idle chatter.

Instead, he scooped some eggs and toast onto his fork and nibbled it while looking around the room. For the third time that morning, Draco glanced at the Slytherin table. This time, Potter was there, sitting inbetween Pansy and Zabini.

Draco noted that Potter wasn't wearing his robe, though the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbow, much like his own. And his green tie hung around his neck, firm and even. Just like a proud Slytherin.

Potter's hair was trimmed neatly at the sides and gelled up into a point sort of thing. The more Draco looked at Potter, the more involved in his thoughts he became.

And suddenly, Potter glanced across the room at Draco and they locked eyes. Draco felt unsteady at the knees. Thank Merlin he was sitting down, or he was sure he would've fallen over.


Welcome to the first chapter of Looking Beyond The Lies. If you are a first time reader of my stories, I advise you to check my first Drarry fic called 'Split Your Soul'.

I hope you enjoy this. Next chapter shall hopefully be up by the end of the week.

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