Being the Little Sister

By Roseviva-

296K 8.6K 2.3K

Lara Wilson is just about to start her first year of high school at the well-known music school in town. But... More

Being the little sister
01 - Popcorn Firework
02 - Introductions
03 - Bring it on brother
04 - Dance class
05 - Shine
06 - A sticky situation
07 - Glitter
08 - Sharpie
09 - The warehouse
10 - This is basically kidnapping
11 - Auditions
12 - At Simons
13 - The ride
14 - Practice
15 - On stage
16 - Every man for themselves!
17 - Party time
18 - Hungover
19 - Amusement park
20 - Hulk
21 - Nothing like home
22 - Fear
23 - Safe
24 - Broken arm
25 - Nutcracker
27 - Locked
28 - Numbers on the wall
29 - Broken
30 - Numb
31 - The mall
32 - Noah
33 - Breathing
34 - Awake
35 - You're what
36 - Decorations
37 - Moving on
38 - Viral
39 - Ice cream
40 - Preparations
41 - Halloween
42 - Payback
43 - Fixing the problem
44 - Picknick
45 - Radio
46 - Inching close
47 - Blushing
48 - Grumpy
49 - Cousins
50 - Thanksgiving
51 - Motel
52 - Confession
53 - Silence
54 - Pie
55 - Moving
56 - A gift
57 - Paint war
58 - Karaoke
59 - I have an idea

26 - Jasmine

3.6K 128 28
By Roseviva-

I was looking out the car window watching the houses pass by in the familiar neighborhood while trying to tune out Coles rambling about how we need to behave and a long list of rules. Even if he was threatening us I have to say it's a really cute threat considering he's nervous because a girl is coming over. The pastel-colored two-story houses placed in a row up a long street and looked as neat and cute as normal. I hadn't been here for a long while but I felt excitement bubble inside me.

"-And don't you dare mention that time in sixth grade" Cole continued with a threatening edge to his voice but I could hear the nervousness breaking through as clear as a day. It was as if he didn't even hide how much he fancied Jasmine and now just tried to protect himself from the possible embarrassment we could make him go through.

I loved to have the upper hand for a change.

"Mason. Why are we going to Amy's house?" I asked Mason. He looked over his shoulder and smiled like a little child. He looked way too excited to meet his girlfriend.

But I guess you would miss your girl after two weeks of being away from her. I wouldn't know because I've never had a boyfriend and never experienced that kind of bond you have with another person on such an emotional level. I know what it feels to be away from my mom but that's a different kind of love.

"Because she's sleeping at ours tonight" A smile kept on my face. I love Amy! She's so sweet to me and always tell Mason to lay off if he tries to do something to me. The worst thing about her is not her but her brother. Kevin is at Noah's age at eighteen and is annoying and loves to bug me every chance he gets. Thankfully I don't see him that often but mostly when he's over at our house because he and Noah are friends. And thank the gods that he doesn't have any dance or singing skills and doesn't go to our school.

"Does dad know?" Noah asked.

Mason seemed to think about it for a second but shrugged "Don't think so be he doesn't care. Plus he loves her too much" That's true. Dad has taken a liking to Amy and is always asking when he's going to be a grandpa.

"But wait, we don't have any more seats" I observed and by everyone's amusing smiles I already knew the solution to the problem.

"No no no. I'm not. Do you know how uncomfortable that is?! NO, Because it's always me that sits on someone's lap"

"Marble. You're the smallest. So naturally, it's the easiest" Mason said as he was parking in Amy's driveway, not even sparing me a glance. This conversation has been brought up more than once and guess who never wins? Me.

Parking in front of one of the pastel blue houses Mason parked and was the first one out of the car.

"And the least humiliating for one of us" Cole added.

"Can't Luke sit in someone's lap" I objected. Sitting in one of their laps is like sitting on the uneven stone because believe me, their thighs are as hard as bricks.

"I promise, the persons lap I'm sitting on, I'm going to fart even if I have to squeeze one out if I have to," Luke said.

"See. No one wants fart-squeezing-Luke in their lap" Noah said with an amused smile. I crossed my arms over my chest again. Sometimes there is no point in even arguing.

"Fine" I huffed.

I undid my seatbelt and got out of the car while the other chose to be seated in the car. Mason knocked on the door and soon it was opened by none other than Kevin himself. As he opened he didn't even look up from his phone and had a pair of headphones on and bobbing his head to the beat. I raised my brow at his ignorance. What if there was a stranger at the door and this is what you're greeted with.

Kevin dirty blonde, almost brown hair was wet as if he just had taken a shower. His grey t-shirt had some darker grey lines on it from water and was wearing a pair of black shorts. He looked up after a couple of seconds and saw Mason first like he was expecting him but then his eyes meet mine and he lit up like a freaking candle.

"Little Midget! How fun to see you here" Kevin took off his headphones letting them rest around his neck. He took one big step up to me and brought his arm around my neck bringing me into a dreadlock.

"Kevin, get off," I told him bitterly and tried to shove him off. But with like all the guys I know he was stronger than me and I couldn't get out. I tried to hit his hand but that didn't really work and he just laughed at me and gave me a noogie. Hard.

"I see you haven't gotten any bigger since last time" He teased as I tried to get his arm off.

"And I see that you haven't gotten less of an asshole"

He took hold of my waist and in no seconds he had me upside down. I looked at the upside down Mason but he didn't look like he was about to do anything but only gave me a thumbs up like he was saying "you got this" moved into the house to get Amy.

"Hey is that what you say to your elders?" Kevin asked me and brought me higher in the air so he could see my face. He was grinning widely and was definitely finding amusement from this. Oh, how I wanted to punch his face in right now.

"Oh yeah. I thought I saw some grey hairs and wrinkles" I said looking at his face closer.

"Ha Ha. Did you think it's funny?" He asked challenging.

"Yeah, I did" I nodded.

"oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.


He started walking over to the pond on the side of the house beside the big oak tree they had there, shading the water from the sun. Now it was time to start panicking. And praying.

"Kevin! Stop!!" I scream and I struggled to get out of his hold but couldn't so I settled for hugging his legs. And it wasn't helping that all the blood in my body was rushing towards my face and was starting to build up a headache.

Kevin being Kevin was only laughing and holding me over the water as best as he could with me holding onto his legs for my dear life. He was fake dropping me making me scream every time. The tips of my hair were wet and every time he brought me further down more hair got drenched in the pond water.

"Kev! Put Lara down this instant!" My savior, his big sister and Mason's girlfriend Amy screamed "Can't you see how red her face is! What is wrong with you!"

"Chill sis, I was only joking," Kevin said and put me down on the ground. I huffed out a breath of air.

"That is not a joke you stupid idiot," Amy said and hit her on the back of his head. "Lara are you okay?" She asked and took my face in her hands.

I smiled at her "Yeah I guess" I said and looked over at Kevin to smirk making his narrow his eyes.

° ° °

The first thing I did when I got home was to take a shower. A long warm refreshing shower. I probably stood in the shower for an hour, getting lost in the songs I were playing and singing. Plus, it's a great way of irritating my brothers by singing as loud as possible. I usually get a couple rough knocks on the wall to shut me up and a couple of screams but that just makes it more amusing.

But they usually get me back by going downstairs and turning on the tap downstairs making the water burning hot so it burns making me scream that go followed by laughs.

We have almost the whole upper part of the house for our own and dad has his room and office downstairs.

Smart choice by him.

Oh and the worst part about having all our rooms so close to each other is that you hear everything. And when I mean everything. I mean everything.

I shudder just thinking about the traumatizing things I've heard while turning off the water. I guess that's what happens when you're stuck with 4 teenage boys or once was teen boys. Wrapping a white fluffy towel around me and succoring it in place I walked into my room and over to my wardrobe. Picking out a pair of yoga pants and a loose t-shirt I walked to my door, ready to go against Coles rules and say hi to Jasmine.

But that plan abruptly stopped when I tried to open the door. The handle wouldn't go down.

oh, that sneaky mother fu-

"Cole!" I screamed yanking the door handle but it wouldn't bundle. After screaming a minute and no one came I walked back my bathroom to bang on the wall. Cole's room is beside mine and I could hear him laughing.

"Cole! Are you crazy! You can't lock me in my own room!"

"Ooh but Marble I just did." He said through the wall smugly making me glare at the white clinkers wall.

"Maybe you should let her out" I heard a quiet voice say from his room and I knew that it was Jasmine.

"No, she's fine"

"Fine? Do you know who's not gonna be fine? You when I get out of here!"

I stomped away from the bathroom into my room and flopped onto my bed. I reached for my phone and called Luke but he didn't answer so I called Noah. After the third ring, he answered.

"What?" He asked sounding bored out of his mind.

"Cole locked me in my room," I said and he started laughing.

"He-he locked you in your room?" He asked laughing.

"Yes! So can you get your lazy ass over here and get me out"

"I don't know about that. Sound pretty good to have the house Lara free"

"I can still scream"

"You can try"

"Just open the damn door," I said irritated.

He chuckles and heard him move in his room "Fine, just wait" He said and hung up.

The next thing I know is Noah screaming "Fuck you, Cole!"

My phone rang and answered immediately "Problem?" I asked amused.

"Shut up. So what are gonna do?"

"We could scream" I suggested.

"Oh because that worked so good for you," He said sarcastically.

"Fine then what about calling Mason" I suggested.

"Yeah you do that and I will call Cole to see if he answers," Noah said and we hung up.

I called Mason for about five times before giving up. I decided that it was no use and opened up my computer instead and started watching youtube. In my recommendations were several videos from Noah's channel and videos from the tour. He had filmed every day and I saw that he actually already had a million views on one.

Watching it I smiled looking back at the memories and then when looking in the comments I couldn't help but laugh at the different comments.

° ° °

After some time watching youtube she heard some shuffling from outside and then Mason opened the door with a chair in his other hand.

"Thank god! Why did it take so long?"

"I didn't notice until now but dad is home. He bought Italian"

"Ohh from the place with breadsticks"

"Don't most places have those"

"You know what I mean" Mason laughed but nodded.

"Yeah, it's that place. Come on, before Luke takes all the breadsticks and I still gotta let Noah out" I put my laptop away and hopped off the bed. When I walked out I saw across the room that Noah's door was blocked by a chair placed with the headrest against the handle making it impossible to get out. Mason walked up to his door and knocked.

"Noaey, do you want to come out" Mason sang. A bang came from the inside.

"Just let me out. I'm so hungry" Noah whined. Mason laughed and was about to help him but I stopped him.

"Wait. Can't we just leave him there? More breadsticks for us"

"Marble I swear to god if you even think about it"

"You will what?" I asked, "Becuase the last time I checked I'm outside of my room and you're stuck."

"I'll just call dad so help me"

I rolled my eyes and instead of caring about him I rushed downstairs to get food before the rest of the family.

Dad was still wearing his work clothes and was packing up our food from the brown paper bag. Luke was sitting on the island eating the breadsticks. His hair was wet, probably from taking a shower and was chatting with Amy that sat opposite of him.

"Hey Chipmunk, ready for some Italian?"

"Yes! I'm starving" I said almost drooling at the smell of pasta. I took three breadsticks and started munching on them.

"Could you set the table for me please?" Dad asked me and I nodded and went to grab the plates.

"So dad, you know Cole brought a girl home," I asked him and he nodded with a smile.

"He texted me"

Right then Mason and Noah walked in and sat down. I laid out everything on the table and sat down between Noah and an empty chair.

When we were seated I heard footsteps going down the stairs. Seconds later Cole and Jasmine walked in. Cole was holding her hand and she was trying to hide by walking behind Cole and hide that they were holding hands. It was slightly shocking but it wouldn't surprise me if they had flirted in school and Cole didn't tell us considering he knows us.

"Awww." I couldn't help it. They're so cute. Jasmine's cheeks blushed and I could see Cole get a little redder. He shot me a glare to say stop but I just smiled. They were so cute.

Jasmine was short compared to Cole, going to his shoulders. But that just made the thing cuter. They sat down in the two left chairs. Cole beside me and Jasmine at the end of the island.

"Well, Cole are you not going to introduce us to the girl," Dad asked Cole and he looked up from Jasmine.

"Sure. Jasmine this is my dad, Mark. That is Amy, Masons girlfriends and that's the rest" He said waving us off.

"The rest? What are we? Dirt?" I asked with a raised brow.

He shrugged with a teasing smile "You suggested it" he said and smirked, "Did you have a good time in your room?"

I gave him a tight smile "Not as good as it will feel when-"

"Jasmine it's nice to meet you," Dad said interrupting us. "Damn boys you really hit the jackpot didn't you," Dad said to Mason and cole. Cole glared at dad obvious because they aren't dating and I laughed. Then dad turned to me.

"Lara, think if you will become as beautiful when you hit puberty," Dad said amused by the deadpan look I gave him.

He knows very well that I've hit puberty but doesn't stop him from teasing. The guys laughed and started putting food on their plates.

"Like you can become pretty when you get older" I shot back at him.

"Ha! Funny! You know, remember who gives you food every day"

We joked around for a bit and dad asked Jasmine some normal questions but when I and Luke shared a look we both turned to Jasmine with hidden smirks.

"So Jasmine, is Cole treating you well? I know he can get a little pushy sometimes" Luke said to Jasmine and she looked like she didn't know how to answer that question.

"um we're not dati-"

"So Jasmine do you know Cole well?" I asked her, completely ignoring the fact that she was saying they're not dating.

"I guess," She said with a nice smile looking a Cole and then back at me.

"So do you know you're the first girl he's brought home since like fifth grade," I asked and Cole pinched my side to stop and Jasmine blushed a little and tried to hide in her long brown waves.

"No, I didn't"

"Did you know that he still sleeps with a blanket?" Luke asked.


"Did you know that he peed his pants a couple of months ago in his sleep?" I asked grinning.

"No, I didn't! You put my hand in hot water" Cole defended. Jasmine seemed to look less tense and smile more the more we talked.

"One time Cole started screaming at the water, accusing it of being so cold," Noah said joining in, laughing.

"Yeah! And that time he was drunk and ran into a tree and exclaimed that he was a monkey"

We all laughed and Noah, Luke and I continued to tell funny stories about Cole making us and Jasmine laugh while Cole defended himself. He tried to just sit back while Jasmine was here to not scare her away or something but I'm glad he didn't object but then we could just sit and tell embarrassing things about him to his crush. After we had shown some baby pictures of him, which is practically a rule when someone's crush comes over, and Jasmine had to leave I went to go up to my room but a hand got me.

"Oh I don't think so"  

° ° °

Heyyyyy we have finally hit 20k read! I am so happy that people are enjoying my book and it makes it so much more fun and motivational to write so thanks to everyone reading, voting and commenting! 






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