Sad Song (Lauren/You)

By Maclue

47.3K 1.5K 229

"I'm tired of feeling alone Lauren. " Y/N pulled her hips close to his hearing his favorite little gasp that... More

Part 1- Superheroes
Ch. 1 ~A Sky Full of Stars~
Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~
Ch. 3 ~One Of Those Nights~
Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~
Ch. 5 ~Stargazing~
Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~
Ch. 7 ~Hanging by a Moment~
Ch. 8 ~Standing in the Dark~
Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~
Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~
Ch. 11 ~Invisible~
Ch. 12 ~Flicker~
Part 2 - Hope and Despair
Ch. 13 ~Angel~
Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~
Ch. 15 ~Wake Me Up~
Ch. 16 ~Fix You~
Ch. 17 ~Love Drunk~
Ch. 18 ~Believer~
Update on the Update
Ch. 19 ~Nervous~
Ch. 20 ~Youth~
Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~
Ch. 22 ~No Filter~
Part 3 - Purpose
Ch. 23 ~Complicated~
Ch. 24 ~Young & Relentless~
Ch. 25 ~Good Life~
Ch. 26 ~Heavy~
Ch. 27 ~Bad Liar~
Ch. 28 ~New Man~
Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~
Ch. 31 ~Always~
Ch. 32 ~So Close~
Ch. 33 ~Sad Song~
New story
Special Epilogue
I'm back!
New Fifth Harmony book?

Ch. 30 ~Demons~

603 39 3
By Maclue

A/N: Wow. You guys hit the goal earlier than expected. And even exceeded it. Not gonna let this Author's note run longer. Enjoy!

"Never touch her again! "

"Why shouldn't I? " The young man smirk, "Just because you don't touch her the way I do—"

A swift punch directed to the gut made the young man kneel and catch his breath. But a confident smile still graced his mouth.

"Don't. Touch. Her. "

Holding his stomach the young man stood back up. He knows his playing with fire but he can't help himself. This is too fun not to involve himself in.

"Okay. Relax yourself, my twin brother. " The young man chuckle.

His older twin stared at him with hard eyes. It was cold, but he only stared right back up with excitement.

"Break the rules and the deal is over Adam. "

Upon hearing his older brother's words Adam felt his stomach rumbling in loud laughter.

"Rules? I do what I want brother. but, " Adam sigh as his laughter cease. "I promise to bring you back to sister in one piece. Hell only knows what she plans to do if I fail. "

"Get ready then. Cause you'll fail. "

Seeing his older brother turning to leave the abandoned alley Adam grabbed his shoulder.

"You'll keep your end of the bargain? "

Hearing the empty and cold voice of Adam his older brother froze. That very voice brought nightmares to the older man's deepest consciousness.

"Right? " Adam's grip tightened.

The darkness of the alley danced to the beat of the monster's desires. Bloodcurdling screams echoes against the empty walls. Music of the past played it's timeless melody.

Then it all stop.

The flashback ended before it could have become any more graphic.

"As long as you stay away Adam. "

From behind the older twin can sense that smile. That kind of smile he could always remember from before. It was always filled with unending mischief but this time it's filled with something more darker... sinister.

Pushing off his younger brother's hand the older man made no move to turn around as he continued on his way.

"You can't keep running away, "

The older man quicken his steps. Those words were always hunting him, but he always push it far away. It was always like school works, you know there's always time for it later but when that later comes you already forgot all about it. But now it's behind him and coming for him.

"We're family Y/N! And family always find each other. "


"Rough night? "

As soon as I step foot inside the empty bar I find James leaning against the stark counter with crossed arms.

"You could say that, " I said with a nod.

Already making my way upstairs to the attic where my room was I was stopped by James who block my path. I raise my eyebrows.

"I already did my job for the day, "

"You need to go back. "

Tiredly and fed up I push past James. For all that James did for me I feel grateful for the man. Years ago when I arrived in Miami with nothing but a bag with clothes on my back I luckily (for most of the parts) stumbled into this poor and rickety bar at the bad end of the town. When he saw the weak and lost me he took me in until I could firmly stand on my own. But unluckily for him I lost two things: a job, and a place to stay. Which leads back to me being here.

"Kicking me out already? I thought I made the employee of the month, " I joke, but James only stared back with still crossed arms. Seeing the seriousness in him I sigh and shook my head. "I'm not going back. "

"Why insist on running away Y/N? "

My eye twitch at those words but I clench my fists in the pockets of my tattered jeans. "I'm not. All I need is some time for myself. "

Probably sensing my anger James stepped closer towards me. His arms weren't crossed anymore as he towered over me.

"Remember this; I am not your friend. Therefore I won't mince my words. Your still the same coward of a kid who I took in. In all my years of working at this dingy bar not once have I saw a man who's as dastard as you are. "

I wanted to laugh at James words. Is he trying to motivate me? Or maybe he's trying to piss me off into doing his way off things. Which is to run towards pain blindly.

"Thanks for your advice James. " I shook off what anger I had earlier before climbing up the stairs.

"She won't wait forever, " I stop and James continued knowing my weakness. "She's a gem. And a gem will always attract attention and admirers everywhere. Don't be a fool. "

"Then let her. I may be a fool but I'm not stupid enough to run back towards someone who's with another. "

That night my dreams were filled with the demons I kept for so long under my shadows. I was standing still in the middle of my old home. My hand was shaking and my eyes were cloudy. Below me lays my father's unmoving body. Somewhere from afar I heard my mother's scream.

I woke up sweating and gasping.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay. " I hugged my shaking my body. Is this what means to be alone? Missing the warmth of another in times of need? Wanting to be held in an embrace full of reassurance? Just needing to be loved?

A week later

Two weeks left before Christmas I did some last minute shopping under James orders. As much as Rock Bottom is a grimy bar like any other run down bar, James insists on buying some decorations to make the place shine with Christmas spirit. In my opinion I think it's a bother since people would be just drunk of their asses to notice but it's his choice.

I check the list he gave me. Checking each thing I have at my disposal. Seems like I have only two things left.



I crumple the paper unintentionally at the last word written. Pushing my limits these days must be James pass time.

Pushing the cart with me I headed towards the candy section of the supermarket. Pop music blasted of the speakers surrounding the store and I hum to the catchy tune as I grab some sneakers, Reese's, and three musketeers.

"Where is it? " I mutter scanning the rest of the candies. "Where's my KitKat? "

If this store doesn't have my KitKat I swear to—there it is! My fingers quickly grasp a bag of KitKat. I could already imagine tearing the bag and just eating each of these heavenly chocolate.

Taking a quick check from left to right I carefully open the bag. What? Don't give me that look. Don't act like you never did something like this to your favorite guilty pleasure.

Just as I took hold of my most precious candy bar a force of nature collided with my legs that made me release my precious towards the dirty floor. Anger and disbelief rise towards my chest.

"Just who—" It all dies out as I heard a soft pitiful cry below me. "S-sofi? "

Slowly the kid look up at me with tears in her childish eyes, "Y/N. Why'd you leave me? "

I couldn't form any words. But my mind played several different scenarios. One stood out among them: Sofi is here then that means Camila must not be far from behind.

"Y/N! "

I look up and froze.

A/N: Next goal 30 votes. You guys can do it!

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