"Different Directions "

By ShanaSoulstar

401 39 31

She knew only to love him untill he decided it was not meant to be, heart broken and confused but wanting to... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

64 3 4
By ShanaSoulstar

" DON'T DO THIS" She screamed after him. She tried hard not to scream but she could not stop herself. " Please! Please just don't go!" she begged as she broke down on the hall floor. Tears rolling down her cheek as she heard the door slam and then there was silence! The silence screamed in her ears. Her body trembling as she tried to shut out what had just happened. She wanted to look up and see if he had come back in quietly and was waiting for her to see him, waiting there for her! To hear him say he had no heart to leave her. She took a deep breath and looked up only to find her cat looking at her. The tears continued to flow until she fell asleep on the floor.

Her body shivered as soon as she woke up. she was still trying to make sense of what happened a few hours ago.  They had been together for four years and it meant nothing to him because he felt someone else excited him better than her? she bit her lower lip like she always did when she was confused. Slowly getting to her feet she walked to her room and closed the door.

The early morning sun shone through the window directly hitting her face. she groaned and turned her face to the wall. Her eyes shut tight she heard her heartbeat so loud it was giving her a headache. She punched the pillow as she sat up, grumbling and annoyed that a new day had come and she had to face the world again. she closed her eyes again and felt the loneliness. She tried to remember how he would wrap his arm around her when he woke up in the morning. She missed his scent. She reached out to the t.shirt he had worn yesterday morning and smelt it. She felt his smell. She imagined him there right next to her and then she felt tears trickling down her face again.  

The cat purred as she poured some milk into its cup. she washed the dishes and cleaned the living room. Shana stood there looking at their apartment. Their photos of the last 4 years displayed all over. She smiled at first and then felt tears swelling up again. She felt useless and worthless. Picking one of her favorite frames and traces the outline of his face. Remembering the time this picture was taken. They had gone on a weekend trip and stayed at a cheap hotel. Though the hotel sucked they had such a good time together.  She sat on the couch and sighed. Question after question running through her mind. Should she wait for him? be patient? call him and try sort things out. She checked her phone to see if he had messaged her. She checked her WhatsApp messages. Nothing! Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed something. She clicked on his name and opened his profile picture on WhatsApp and she couldn't believe it! He had already changed his picture and it was with the other girl. He was smiling and holding her in his arms. She felt like she could not breathe, she felt suffocated and dropped her phone. She needed to breathe and clumsily ran to the front door. She was almost about to scream as she opened the door when she hit her face on something and almost lost her balance. A tight grip held on to her and tried to steady her. Instinctively she looked up thinking it was him. He had come back for her but when she looked up she saw a familiar pair of eyes but it was not his. She was gasping for air. Her hair was messy and sweaty. Tears running down her cheek she looked at him questioningly. " What are you doing here?". His face flushed and mouth opened. Surprised as much as she was to how he was welcomed at the front door. " Are you alright?" he asked clearing his throat. Slowly letting go of her as she tried to stand up straight. She hesitated to answer but she did not have the strength within her to pretend. " Do I look alright?" she questioned him back. She noticed he took his time to answer " Honestly no! you look like shit!" He said and then looked at her carefully. " I guess you saw it too then?!" He said questioning her. She looked at him and felt annoyed. Her lips trembled in anger as she spoke " YOU KNEW?! you fucking KNEW?" she heard her voice rising. Jin was his best friend, of course, he had to know. If he did not know who else would know! she wanted to grab him and hit him. She curled her fingers into a fist and took a deep breath. She contemplated for a second if she should hit him but then he spoke "I just found out myself. I was about to message him on WhatsApp when I saw his profile picture and saw he was with someone else. I came over to ask him what was that about."  She heard her self gasp. His words slowly sinking in.  She frowned but not because she was annoyed but with confusion. " You really did not know anything?" she asked trying to be clear with what was going on. " No, I did not. I don't understand why he did not tell me anything when I am supposed to be his best friend. We tell each other everything". He replied. His expression explaining his confusion as well. She had caught her breath by now and was looking at him confused as he was. They stood there in silence and then with a wave of her hand she asked him to come inside. Jin followed her quietly. He was upset about how his best friend of over 15 years had hidden this from him. They had done soo many things together and hid secrets of each other and just like that Geo had decided to not share something with him. clasping her hands together she spoke softly " Call him and ask him what's going on" she looked down at her feet as soon as she said it. she felt a bit guilty and uneasy. He looked at her and then nodded. He took his phone out and pressed a few buttons. He turned on the speaker and then she heard it ring a few times. " Hellooooo Jin." said a familiar voice which made her heartache even more. she wanted to grab the phone but she stopped herself.  The voice on the phone sounded happy which made her listen to the conversation. " Hey Geo, where are you, man?" Jin asked him casually. Few seconds passed and then Geo replied. " I am flying to Canada with the love of my life later today." He said and then started laughing and telling Jin about his new girl. Shana looked at Jin the same time he looked at her. She closed her eyes and then her ears with her hands and walked out of the room to get some air.

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