The Struggles We Face (Book 1...

Por DharmaWinter

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Danielle 'Dani' Flanagan is a teen who's had a rough life. When she meets Travis Montgomery and the rest of t... Más

Chapter 1 - In the Beginning
Chapter 2 - Careers Talk
Chapter 3 - We Meet Again
Chapter 4 - She's My Bestfriend
Chapter 5 - Standing Up for Yourself
Chapter 6 - Troublemaker
Chapter 7 - "No Promises"
Chapter 8 - Its All Fun and Games
Chapter 9 - Hard Times
Chapter 10 - Its All Too Much
Chapter 11 - Border Line
Chapter 13 - The Climb
Chapter 14 - Locked In
Chapter 15 - A Special One (XMAS)
Chapter 16 - You've Got This
Chapter 17 - I Didn't Realise
Chapter 18 - "Normal"
Chapter 19 - Late Night Anticts
Chapter 20 - You're Worth It
Chapter 21 - Hunt?
Chapter 22 - It's That Time
Chapter 23 - Take Some Time
Chapter 24 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 25 - Return
Chapter 26 - One Step Forward
Chapter 27 - Field Trip
Chapter 28 - One Big Mess
Chapter 29 - Why?
Chapter 30 - Backup Plan
Chapter 31 - Recovery
Chapter 32 - No News
Chapter 33 - Here We Go
Chapter 34 - Start of Something New
Chapter 35 - Upside Down

Chapter 12 - For Her Own Safety

4K 86 4
Por DharmaWinter

It had been 3 days since Dani overdoses. Travis hadn't really left her bedside much at all. She was still in an induced coma although she was more stable now. The doctors had hooked her up to a circulation machine on her legs to prevent blood clots.
Ryan and the others had stopped by a lot, but Travis had been granted compassionate time off to stay with Dani as she didn't have anyone else.
"How she doing?" Ryan asked walking into the ICU.
"She's stabilising....but we still don't know if she'll wake up" Travis explained.
"I brought you a coffee." Ryan explained gesturing to the small table outside the room as they weren't allowed hot drinks or food in the ICU. Travis smiled his appreciation and went to stand with Ryan outside the room.
"You know I can stay with her if you want to go grab something to eat or take a rest" Ryan offered. Travis looked unsure.
"I'll call or text you if anything changes" Ryan reassured him.
"Thanks" Travis agreed. He took one last glance at Dani before he walked away to go and grab some food.

20 minutes later Travis was sat eating on the canteen. His phone pinged next to him. Picking it up, Travis read the message and instantly shot up from his seat and started running back up to the ICU. When he got to Dani's room Alex, Owen and a few nurses were in there and Ryan was stood outside.
"What's happened? What's wrong?" Travis asked panicked.
"She started fighting against the tube" Ryan explained, retelling Travis what the doctors had told him.
"That's good isn't it?" Ryan asked Travis hopefully.
"Yes and no. Yes because it means she can wake up...but no because we still don't know her cognitive state" Travis explained. Ryan nodded his head solemnly. A few minutes Alex walked out to the 2 men.
"How is she?" Travis asked.
"She's stable. We weaned her off sedation over night to see if this would happen. It's good that it has. It means she will wake up. However, we've lightly sedated her again as her body still needs time to rest. She may wake up slightly over the next 12 hours, but she'll be sleepy. We'll take the tube out tomorrow." Alex explained.
"Oh- also, due to the circumstances and the fact that she could wake up, we've had to put her in restraints for her own safety" Alex added sadly. Like Travis and Ryan it killed him to see the teen like this.
"Thanks..." Travis said, shaking Alex's hand before he went to sit by Dani's bedside again. He took her hands firmly in his.
"We're going to get you through this" Travis said squeezing her hand as Ryan sat down on the other side. After a few moments in silence - the only sound coming from the machines - Travis looked at Ryan.
"Are you okay though? It can't have been finding her like that..." Travis asked seriously.
"No...but I'm okay. I just want her to get through this..." Ryan explained with glossy eyes.
"We all do..." Travis added.
"I should've seen it...we've been running together a few times...she's hasn't seemed herself for a while...I just put it down to the move into the care home" Ryan confessed.
" never really see these things just have to be there for someone when it does. Dani's been through hell and back over the years and she slipped through the happens sadly. But she has us now and that's all the matters" Travis stated firmly. Ryan nodded his head in agreement. Ryan's phone rang in his pocket. He stepped outside to answer and returned a minute later.
"I have to go...they've changed my shift, so I start in an hour" Ryan explained as he grabbed his jacket.
"I'll text you if anything changes" Travis reassured him before he left. Travis took Dani's hand in his and prayed. Prayed that everything would be okay and prayed that Dani would get passed this. Travis settled back in his chair and rested his eyes. The next few hours were going to the most crucial.

A few hours later, Travis' eyes shot open when he felt someone gripping his hand. He instantly turned to face Dani. Her eyes were slowly opening.
"Hey's're safe okay" Travis said in aid of calming the teen down as she tried to move her hands only for the restraints to stop her.
"I'm going to go get someone okay?" Travis said standing up. He went outside to the nurses station.
"Get Dr Karev or Hunt...Danielle Flanagan's awake again" He told the nurse before he returned to Dani's bedside. Within minutes both Owen and Alex were walking into Dani's ICU room.
"Right Dani...everything's okay, alright. You're in the hospital. Do you remember what happened?" Owen asked the teen. Dani's eyes glazed over as she gently nodded her head.
"Right...I'm going to assess you and then we can see about taking this tube out alright?" Alex said gently. Again, Dani nodded her head.
"Can you squeeze my fingers?" Alex asked, placing them in her hands.
"Good, that's good" Alex said as she squeezed his fingers.
"And can you push against Owen's hands with your feet?" Alex questioned, as Owen lifted the blanket up. Again Dani followed the instructions.
"That's good...let's take this out yeah?" Alex asked pulling on a pair of gloves. Dani nodded her head as Owen prepared the oxygen nasal cannula.
"Okay...on the count of 3 I want you to cough okay?" Alex asked, after he unsecured the tube. Dani nodded.
"1,2,3" Alex counted before he pulled out the tube. Dani coughed slightly before Alex suctioned out her mouth. Owen then placed the nasal cannula on Dani.
"I'm sorry..." Dani croaked as she looked at Travis and Alex with watery eyes.
"Shh....don't speak. It's okay...we're going to get you through this okay? Everyone here and everyone at the station...including Ryan. We're all here for you okay?" Travis told the teen. Dani nodded her head slightly and hugged Travis.
"Now Dani...I want to explain what's going to happen next okay?" Owen started.
"We obviously still want to observe you for a few days at least...and during those few days you'll be placed on a psychiatric hold until we can determine that you're not a danger to yourself okay?" Owen explained. Dani nodded her head but remained quiet.
"We'll also be moving you into another private room on the paediatric ward" Alex added, before they were both paged away.
"I'm not angry at you Dani...but why didn't you tell anyone?" Travis asked lightly. Dani stayed quiet.
"I'm here to talk when you're ready..." Travis added, seeing that Dani wasn't up for talking yet. He just wanted her to know that he was there for her when she was.
Ta-da! What do you think? As you can see the story in picking up now. Let me know what you'll think will happen next. Next update will be out by next Monday x
- Dharma x

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