Iniquitous H.S

Por Jess_Hemmo96

289K 6.7K 1.6K

"You know I can't just let you go." He says. "You have no choice" I weakly say with tears falling. "I'm not... Mais



4.1K 106 37
Por Jess_Hemmo96

The feeling of the water cascading down my body is absolutely lovely. I have a slightly tingling burning sensation from how hot the water is. I love the feeling. Grabbing Harry's shampoo I squeeze some in my hand. I smell it before putting it in my hair. The smell is such a musky man smell. I giggle to myself because I'm going to smell like him. Right now I'm really hoping that Ms. Reid smells it. Oh how pissed she would be.

After the shower I find a towel in one of the cabinets. It's soft as I wrap it tightly around my body. I take another and begin to run it over my head. Trying to absorb as much water as I can. I set the damp towel on the counter not sure where to put it.

I go into Harry's closet and begin looking for something to wear. Running my fingers over everything I stop in front of the T-shirts. I pick a black one and examine it. Taking it off the hanger I put the hanger back on the rack. The shirt goes to the top of my thigh. I start to open random drawers until I find his underwear drawer. I take a pair of boxers and slip them on. I roll the top a few times to get them to fit nicely.

When I'm ready I head down stairs. When I reach the bottom of the stairs it smells wonderful from whatever Harry is cooking. I'm the kitchen I see Harry over the stove shirtless in only his shorts. I take a seat and watch him. The way his muscles move under his skin is mesmerizing. He turns around and is taken back from me being here.

"How was your shower?" He smiles showing his lovely dimples.

"Great." I smile back. "I left the towels I used on the counter is that okay?"

"Of course the cleaners will get it tomorrow." He says. Cleaners? Wow.

"What are you making?" I lift myself to try to and get a look at the pots.

"Just simple spaghetti." He says.

When he's done he make both of us a plate and we head to the table. He sets the plates down and pulls my chair out for me.

"Thank you Harry." I say as I sit down.

We start to eat in silence. It's not an awkward one but comfortable. Harry places his hand on my thigh while we eat.

"Thank you that was a lovely dinner." I kiss him on his cheek.

"Of course." He looks at his phone. "It's getting late we should head to bed."

I nod at him. Carefully I stand up and grab the plates. Then I take them to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I begin to clean up the kitchen. I put all dirty dishes in the sink and fill it with water to have them soak. Next I begin whipping down the counters.

"You don't have to clean." Harry laughs. "The cleaners will do it."

"Sorry." I walk towards him. "I'm not exactly used to this."

"Let's just go to bed." He wraps his arm around my shoulders.

In the room Harry plugs his phone into something. He then slides under the sheets on the left side of the bed. I stand near the bed watching him get comfortable. He looks at me and waves me over. Shyly I get on the bed. I get under the covers and make myself comfortable.

"Come er you." Harry's accent is very prominent.

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. Harry keeps his arm around me and nuzzled his head in my neck. A warm feeling of content flooded over me.

"Good night Harry."

"Good night Hollis."


"Wake up Hollis." I hear and feel my body being moved.

"Nooo." I groan and hid my face in the pillow.

"Don't be difficult." Harry laughs.

I turn and look at him. His hair is messy from sleeping. You can tell he just woke up from the way he looks exhausted. He still looks amazing.

"Let's just sleep in and not go to work." I smile.

"That's not going to happen." He says as he gets out of bed.

"Uhh." I groan. "I don't want to go."

"Why love?" He asks as he heads into the closet.

"I don't want to deal with Ms. Reid." I admit.

"Why are you worried about Karly?" He steps out with only his boxers on. Hmm her names Karly.

"Because she thinks I have a thing for you and will probably make work hell." I sigh.

"Little does she know." He laughs and goes to the bathroom.

I hear the water start to run on the sink. After a few minutes Harry comes out.

"I'm scared of her." I laugh in a jokingly manner.

"Why?" He asks.

"She's a demon and guess what I am." I get out of bed and turn to him. He's standing near the closet. "A human who can't protect herself."

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you ever Hollis." He steps towards me and kisses me.

"Stop!" I say and push him away. I quickly cover my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Harry looks slightly freaked out.

"I haven't brushed my teeth don't kiss me yet." I run into the bathroom. I hear Harry laugh in the bedroom.

In the bathroom I go through the cabinets to see if he has an extra toothbrush. I don't find one so I go look at the cabinets on the wall. I see the towels but continue looking. At the very bottom I see a ton of toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Looking at all of the toothbrushes I chose the darker green one. It reminds me of Harry's eyes.

After brushing my teeth I put on my clothes from yesterday. I go into the bedroom to look for Harry I find him in the closet. He has a pair of black slacks on and a black button up on. He looks very good.

"You look quite dashing." I break the silence.

"Hello love, are you ready?" He asks me.

Simply I nod to him. He puts on a black blazer and leaves the closet with me following.

We head to the parking garage and get in Harry's car.

"Sarah is getting clothes for me right?" I double check.

"Yes she is they are in my office." He tells me as he races down the road.

Pulling up to the building we get out and head inside. I try to hide behind Harry as we go to his office. I don't want people to realize two things. One I'm coming to work with Harry. Two I'm in yesterday's clothes. Oh my I pray Ms. Reid doesn't see. Or should I say Karly.

To my pleasure we don't see anyone important on the way to his office. In Harry's office he walks to his desk and gets a bag off his desk. It's a white shopping bag. I pull out a pair of dark grey slacks and a nice navy blue button up. Perfect.

"I'm gonna go get changed." I say as I turn to go to the bathroom.

"Just change here." Harry's says with a smile.

"Umm or I could go change in the bathroom." I awkwardly smile.

"Are you being shy Hollis?" He laughs. "You weren't shy last nig-."

"Okay!" I almost yell. "Looks like I'm changing in here."

I turn away from Harry and take off my dress. The cold air causes goosebumps to rise on my skin. Being very careful I take off my heels. I grab the bag and pull out the slacks. I slip them on and button the top. Perfect fit. Then I put on the button up and again perfect fit. How did he know my sizes?

"Well that was a lovely show but we have work to do love." Harry says behind me.

"Trying to get rid of me?" I laugh and slip my heels back on.

"Not at all we just have a busy day." He sits at his desk.

"We?" I'm confused.

"Yes we are presenting the light software to the buyers today." He explains.

"I still don't see the me in this." I tell him.

"Ms. Reid is going to be there three the whole process and since you're her assistant you will be there too." I nod my head in realization.

" I better get going." I walk over to Harry and give him a kiss. "See you soon."

"See you soon."

Before I head to the office I grab coffee for Ms. Reid. I look at the time and realize I'm going to be late. I begin to quicken my pace to get to the office faster. When I arrive I see that Ms. Reid is already there fuck. I go into her office and place the cup down. As I'm trying to leave she calls my name.


"Little late now aren't we?" She grabs the cup and takes a long sip.

"I'm sorry the line for you're coffee was long this morning." I try to lie.

"So you weren't with Mr. Styles?" Does she know something?

"No of course not." I clench my jaw to keep me from saying something I shouldn't.

"Good." She smiles but it quickly is replaced by a look of disgust.

I roll my eyes and go to my desk. I'm really starting to hate her. What is her deal? I mean she is so clung to Harry. Wait, what is her sin?

My mind starts racing. I have no clue which one it could be. I look for a pen and sticky note. I write down all of the sins.

Wrath, lust, gluttony, pride, sloth, envy, and greed.

I feel like the obvious pick is lust. Then again maybe things aren't as obvious as they seem. I mean Dimitri is gluttony and I would of never thought it was for knowledge. Okay maybe I can narrow it down. Okay wrath? Hmm I don't think so because I'm pretty sure she would of had an episode yesterday if that was her sin. I quickly cross it off. Lust, not I can see that because she could lust over Harry. So that one is staying. Gluttony, food is a no but what else? I can't come up with anything so I'll just leave that one there. Next pride, yup I can see that for sure. Sloth, yeah I'm sure that one is a no. I cross off that one. Envy?

I throw down the pen this is way harder then I thought. Why does this have to be difficult? Seriously I just want to know one simple thing.

"Let's go!" Ms. Reid says as she storms out of her office. In a panic I place my hand over the sticky note until she slightly passes.

"Where to?" I ask and crumble the note in my hand.

"We have a very important meeting." She rolls her eyes. I grab the blue notebook and follow her. Very sneakily I throw away the note when she's not looking.

We go to the floor under Harry's and head to the main meeting room. When we step in Harry and Dimitri are sitting next to each other. There is another man that I don't know sitting next to Dimitri.

"Shortcake!" Dimitri yells.

"Hello Dimitri." I shyly say.

"Shortcake?" Ms. Reid looks pissed as she looks from me to Dimitri. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Everyone looks at her in shock. What is her problem? She looks at me with complete anger.

"Is there a guy here you don't know?" Her voice spits like venom.

"Ms. Reid you better sit the fuck down before you lose a job." Harry shouts at her. I see his eyes are completely black. Oh no. She better run. Her eyes are wide as she does what's told. "And if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut until I'm asked to talk."

Harry's voice is quite heavy and strict. I'm just worried about him freaking out. I take a look at everyone the unknown man looks like he can't care less. Dimitri looks like he's trying not to laugh. Harry is slowly slipping.

"Now I'm just going to go break something then I'll be right back." He almost growls then leaves the room. I want to go follow him but I can't.

"Way to upset the boss." Dimitri laughs.


So I've been watching the after trailer and it's so fucking good!! I want to cry from excitement!!! I can't wait for April like I'm gonna watch after over and over!!

Thank You So Much For Reading!!!!

Xxx Jess

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