Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

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Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

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1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher

16.4K 690 199
By RebelleMysteries

AUTHOR NOTE: If you guys haven't read "Shit! I'm Sorry" then... well go read it! More notes down there vv

Chapter 9

Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher


Let me tell you this, there is no such damn thing about a nice guy. It's unprincipled, impossible, never-going-to-happen. Honestly it's just something someone made up to shut the female species up, like a deal, for a woman to zip up her complaints about not a single guy being a gentleman or some well-mannered fella. Because men are predators, let's call it a wolf pack huh? Maybe some crocs along the way, with a pinch of as*holes too.

Okay maybe I'm wrong, there are a few nice guys but a lot of them are your good old friend, your mate, someone you want to have a long ass amazeberries friendship together with, but of course at one point they will want to past that lovely line named friends only. I'm lucky Jace never went to that point.

But hey! We females aren't that lovely either. We have our stereotypical, man list of what we want in a guy. Who can blame us? There are just some guys who you want to rip their damn clothes off and lick their chest. Okay a little too visual? Sorry. But come on! We want that whole package, yah know with the whole 6-pack, V-line, sexy tan body, dimple, hot face, taller than you, talented in some form, maybe could serenade you? But also an amazeberries gentleman who gives you cookies every waking hour.

Yeah... well I guess I'm a little demanding on what I want, a little picky, quite choosey but there are some guys you'd really want in your dang life. *Mental Drool*

"Hey Ms. Amazeberries" I hear a husky voice erupt from the side of me making me turn to find Mr. Goddess smiling with his dimple chin.

I ignore the hello and continue walking, zoning back into my mental babbling of yummy guys.

Dustin sighed catching up to me, "Skye... listen, I'm really not that type of guy" I turn around glaring so hard I felt like a Bull about to hit his damn abs (yum) with my horns.

I growl walking towards him poking his chest, "Don't you dare Skye Listen me! At first you were some sexy guy who I felt pecks with and now your becoming some top sheep guy in the popularity wheel, did I forget to mention guys like that disgust me? Well yeah, and don't you dare flaunt your looks trying to get me uneasy and want to kiss your arrogant face. Okay!?"

Fork. Fork.

I did not just say that... But I did, and I did too much. Cover your damn mouth Einstein, forking cover it.

I stepped back jaw a little dropped, as well as his as he mumbled, "Is it bad to say I want to kiss you right now too?" I shook my head scowling.

"Sorry, I don't fall easily for pricks" And with that I walked away. Was that a little too harsh? Maybe...

I heard him groan trying to run to me, "Skye! Just because I didn't clean up mess that we both did, it doesn't mean I'm some popular jerk?"

I turn shouting, "Is that why I saw you hooking up with Virginia Cristos? Oh yeah Hunny Bun, I saw that sheep" I flicked my hair that kind of failed from my beanie and walked away, swinging my non ass.

Yes, before I mental babbled I came across him in the corner of the Big Pine tree at the front sucking faces with Cake Face. Lovely. So I guess you can say, not everyone is what they seem to be. But I didn't want to think much of it... I don't believe in love, nor do I want to get hurt.

I continued walking into my Italian class sitting at the mid back; I threw my head back in exasperation and tiredness as I pulled down my supreme beanie to help my head warm up to this cold room. I pull down my Mickey Mouse jumper sleeves and rub my eyes yawning. Grr... where the hell is she?

I roam my eyes around the class to find Ms. Coffee, my Italian buddy who tries to understand the concept of the wonders of Italian words, in which case... I suck at learning. And yes by my little nickname for her she is addicted to the lovely McCafe' coffees.

I smirk as she has one of her famous cappuccinos in hand with her cream fluffy knit sweater wrapping her in warmth; okay I was jealous by the fluffiness.

Her washed out jeans fit her perfect with her boots making her look like she came out of an Amazeberries cute Tumblr Pic. The girl has this soft sweet aura about her; she was like a puppy, friggen gorgeous, adorable and grand.

Well there is my Ms. Coffee

Alexis Harrington.

Her face brightens as she smiles at me brightly, "Hey girl hey!" always been the bubbly type.

I smirk looking up at her as she sat beside me. "Why hello there Ms. Coffee how's your medium cap?"

She chuckled replying, "absolutely amazing Ms. Cookie"

Her light brown hair falls naturally over her shoulder as she continues sipping her favourite coffee.

Now Alexis Harrington is one of the cutest, addicted-coffee-loving, sarcastic, and strangest species in the world, just like me. So I guess you can say we are 100% Compatible if you put our personalities on a dating app.

"Touché, now why haven't you gotten me a cookie from Mc Café" I ask while cocking an eyebrow.

Alexis looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, making me die a little inside. Why does she have to do that? She then grinned answering, "Don't you remember, you ate them all?"

I covered my mouth gasping, "Really? Every single damn one? Even the freshly baked cookies? Dang..." I patted my stomach, "see tummy, you don't give room for your friends later you just eat them all up"

Alexis laughed at my obscurity shaking her head while continuing to drink her coffee, and then our eyes land on the substitute teacher... Forking sexy ass beast muther of lurd and a half, with melted chocolate and a face I just wanna lick. We both turned to each other knowing what the other was thinking then turned back to the heavenly master named ...

"Hey class, I'm Mr. Stanmore, I'll be your teacher for today" I think my head just turned 360 then flew off into Jupiter coming back with a seizure because this teacher, is no way... over 20. Can I just lick his chest already?

He grinned to the class as he sat on the table with confidence, gazing over us like we were the most delicious chocolate in the world. Okay, teacher and student relationship is okay, I mean just 3 years apart? I squealed a little as Alexis and I scooted our tables together to discuss the new *licks lips* amazeberries cookie in town.

"He is-" I start

Alexis: "Sexy, god-like-"

Skye: "amazeberries, drool master-"

Alexis: "damn fine, son of a-"

Skye: "holy mother of cookies and-"

Alexis: "large delightful cappuccino with-

Skye: "a hint of coco and kit kat"

We looked at each other and tried not to burst out laughing at our odd yet fulfilled conversation. I mumbled, "Can we rip his shirt off and add some oil on that body? Because Ms. Coffee, I can see those abs tensing through that very very see-through white shirt" she gasped slapping my arm playfully, laughing in return.

Alexis whispered, "Oh my, how are we gonna concentrate?"

I smirked answering, "We don't... we just take in the view and write notes, a lot of notes... on that body in our minds"

"Oh geez, you dirty minded little freak... But I won't have any problem with that" She grinned sipping her cappuccino.

It's been a lovely, delicious 30 minutes of Mr Stanmore and his physicality teach us, a lot of... Italian. Physical Italian. Drool-worthy Italian. And damn... that accent though. Sadly the lip-smacking teacher left the room for a bit, and guess who decided to walk up to our table?

Well lovelies, Carter friggen Landon. Oh yes, one of Ryan's 'leather jacket' buddies. Don't get me wrong, I mean... well... no actually, get me wrong because this kid is a forking dumb ass perverted piece of mutated gremlins and sprinkled douche bag in one. He gave a smugly smirk as he plomped his non-official extremely white ass beside me, growling... well more like purring.

He leaned his arm on my table seductively saying, "Come on Skye... why don't you come get your groove on and-"

I interrupted the as* hole and pinched his nose, slapped the back of his head and kicked his chair away making him grumble in pain. Alexis laughed beside me applauding with generous words of how awesome I am, because face it people... I am amazeberries.

He purred bringing his chair back and smirked again, "Oh Feisty, I like it rough"

I threw daggers at him leaning close to his face whispering "You have the IQ of Tony Abbott, the d*ck from above. Now please don't put your filth and dreadful obnoxious self near or around me because you know what I'd do... and let me tell you, last time I did it, it wasn't pretty. And just cause you hang with my brother, it doesn't mean your superior to me, nor anyone else around. Now go get yourself some hand me downs or a fresh deodorant because Mr Landon, you smell worse than a skank in the sewer"

I smirk leaning back, as the whole class applauded me, with whistles and ' you got told Bish ' amongst the crowd. Alexis leaned to my shoulder whispering "Ms. Cookie, you are my hella awesome idol" making me laugh.

Carter's eyes bulged a little as he stuttered an, "h-h-hey!" I smiled responding "Hai."

Carter shook his head scowling, "not that fugging hey ugh"

I shrugged and turned to Alexis as she had a puzzled face, she asked "Is your Brother Joshua?"

"Nope" I replied.

"R-r-ryan?" She asked shakily making me worried, what did the idiot do now?


"What!?" Alexis answered dumbfounded.

"What?" I questioned.

"What!" joined in Carter as I glared at him, he retorted with an innocent smile.

Her face turned peachy red, mumbling "oh ok cool"

I didn't want to question any further so I focused back on Carter who's hand was inches from mine, determined to hold it probably.

I heavily sighed flicking his ear with a smile, "no touchy touchy"

He pouted then nodded, I looked away annoyed just in time to find Mr. Sexifying Flubba doodle Amazeberries Stanmore return to the room.

'God. I will eat you up soon'

I consistently say in my head while letting the dirty thoughts wonder like lost infinite delusions on how, when, where I will devour him.


AUTHOR'S FABULOUS NOTE: Okay so you now have met Alexia Harrington (Ms. Coffee) and Carter Landon. Now these two will be in the book "Shit! I'm Sorry" Which is all about Alexia Harrington, ish amazeberries!

the link of the story -

Go read it taco's! Plus Skye, and a lot of Ryan will be shown in the book.

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