Parents (Prinxiety Fan-fictio...

By Copperlily

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This has been playing out in my head for a while, so I thought 'why not make it an actual story?' And so I di... More

Bus Stop
Friends Again
Bus Ride
Prince Charming
Ideas and Unspoken Thoughts
Movie Night
Shut Up and Cuddle Me
Thank You
Negligence Is A Crime
Social Services
Social Services Pt. 2
Author's Note
Blackout Stories
Moving Van +Bonus!
The New Kid
Decisions + Explainations


2.4K 124 79
By Copperlily

TW: Panic attack, blood (it's not really that bad - not like last chapter - but I thought I should still include the warning)


A bad feeling rose in my chest, taking my usual confidence and replacing it with worry and fear. I jumped off the bed and went to the doorway, looking out into the hall. I heard Virgil's voice, the front door opening, and then slamming shut again.

I hurried out into the living room, where Patton and Logan were up. They both looked concerned and scared.

"Roman!" Patton exclaimed when he saw me, "What just happened??"

I paused, still trying to figure that out for myself. "Um . . . Virgil's dad came in and . . . and he saw me . . . and then he grabbed Virgil . . ." I trailed off, my mind spinning. Why was I so worried? It was his dad. His own father wouldn't hurt Virgil . . . right?

The bad feeling in my chest rose, and I knew only one thing was for certain; I had to get to Virgil. I had to know he was okay. "I'm going after him."

Logan shook his head, "Roman, no. Your presence would only anger Virgil's father more. You would be hurting more than helping."

I stared at the door helplessly. Logan was probably right . . . but . . . I looked back at him, "I have to make sure he's ok - I don't have to talk to his dad to do that." I told him firmly. "You can't stop me."

Logan sighed, "I know. Talk to him only after he is alone or his father has calmed down, though, okay?"

I nodded, turning to leave. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Patton. "Um, Roman, be careful? Alright?" he had tears forming in his eyes.

I gave him a hug and nodded, "Of course I will be."

He smiled and hugged me back before letting go. "Oh - and bring him this!" He sprinted off. I was confused for a moment until Patton came back holding Virgil's hoodie. "He left this here. He'll want it, and it might help calm him down if he's really upset."

I took the hoodie gratefully, "Thank you, Patton."

He smiled, "No problem. Just . . . make sure my son is fine, alright?"

I nodded, then said a quick good-bye and sprinted out the door after Virgil. I have to know he's okay . . . What if he's not? What if he gets hurt, and it's all my fault because I couldn't protect him? These thoughts fueled me, and I ran even faster, feeling almost sick with worry.

Cutting through some people's lawns and yards, I finally arrived at Virgil's house. I jumped onto the big air conditioner box that was on the side of his house and climbed onto the roof. I went to Virgil's window and peered inside. I didn't see him at first, which made my stomach lurch with nervousness.

Carefully, quietly, I opened the widow and crawled inside. I closed the widow behind me and checked to make sure the door was locked before looking around the room. I still didn't see Virgil. I was starting to panic when I heard it. It was a soft, choking sob coming from the far corner of the room.

Virgil was curled up in the corner, crumpled against the wall in a self-hug, crying. He was shaking. I don't think he had noticed I was there yet. My heart broke a little at the sight.

"Virgil . . .?" I called to him gently.

Virgil flinched at the sound of my voice, then seemed to realize who it belonged to and looked up, "R-R-Ro-m-man?" his voice was quiet and shaky, and his breathing was ragged, like he was hyperventilating, but his whole face lit up with hope when he saw me. My heart throbbed in my chest.

I carefully made my way to him and sat down next to him. That's when I noticed . . . he was bleeding. My eyes widened. Oh my god . . . He had a giant bruise over one cheek, and his nose was bleeding and looked like it might be broken. "Virgil . . . what happened?"

He looked away from me and closed his eyes. Tear after tear slid down his cheeks. Suddenly, I realized. " . . . it was your dad, wasn't it?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Wasn't it??" I asked again, a little more firmly this time. He winced, hesitating before nodding. Instantly, a wave of anger and pure hatred washed over me. I grit my teeth. I swear I'm going to punch that man! I don't care what Logan says. No one. hurts. my. Virgil. NO ONE.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Virgil sobbed again and started to shake even more. He was having a panic attack. I pushed all my thoughts and anger about his father away. Virgil had to be my focus right now.


I couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't breathe. Panic and fear were choking me. Everything was blurry and out of focus. I felt like my lungs were filled with water, like I was drowning. I choked out another sob, gasping for a breath that never came. I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying -

"Virgil!" a gentle but firm voice called to me. "Virgil, it's okay, breathe. Follow me. In for four." I listened to him, taking in a shaky breath. "Hold for seven." I did. "Now breathe out for eight." I let my breath out. I felt a little better. The water in my lungs eased up a bit and I could take shallow breaths again.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. Roman was right next to me, but he wasn't touching me. Having him with me made the panicked feeling in my chest go away a little. We sat there in silence for a little while as I cried and focused on breathing. Finally, I calmed down enough that I decided I could be touched.

I turned and leaned my head on Roman's shoulder. A small gasp escaped his lips at the sudden movement. He hesitated, "Can I . . .?" I nodded, and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. I closed my eyes and leaned into him, letting him support me. He rubbed my back as I cried into him, then reached up and started playing with my hair.

After a long time, I stopped shaking and I wasn't crying as much. I hugged Roman and rested my head in the crook of his neck. "thank you . . ." I whispered.

Roman smiled and held me a little tighter, "Don't mention it, Virgil." he rested his head on top of mine so that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. "I needed to make sure you were okay."

I couldn't suppress the smile that graced my lips, "I am since you're here." I admitted. We stayed like that for a while, leaning into each other, smiling.

"I love you, Roman."

"I love you too, Virgil."


A/N: Ok! So! We're getting a bit back into fluff. The next few chapters will probably be about them all figuring out how to deal with Virgil's parents. I have an idea of where I'm going with this! Oh, and there might be a sequel once this is done.

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