Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

37~ Hickey

187K 7.7K 3.8K
By Honey_Money_

School isn't canceled the next day and I have two friends dying for information.

I can't help but hum as I walk into school despite that fact class starts in five minutes. I've gotten two great nights of sleep, something that never happens to me.

At my locker, I'm bombarded by Ella and Stella.

"Why aren't you answering my calls?" Ella demands, a scowl on her face.

"Better yet, why are you ignoring me?" Stella chimes in, slamming my door shut.

I zip my bag up, not feeling the slightest bit guilty for ignoring them. I just needed some space before rejoining reality. Yesterday morning felt like a dream, I didn't want to spoil it. Before I can respond James, Zev, and Gabe walk up to us. James attempting to hug Stella, who shoves him off to focus on me. Someone's really upset.

I say hi, slightly disappointed Ashton isn't with them even though I know he's meeting me in class. Gabe stares a hole through me, or more specifically my neck, a puzzled look on his face. Self consciously, I check to make sure my cheer top covers my hickey. It does.

I give him a face as Zev slaps his head, snapping his focus.

"What?" I demand.

He just shakes his head, blinking twice. "Have you seen Ashton this morning?"

I pinch my brow, confused by his weird behavior. "Not yet, why?"

All three guys share a panicked look, Zev finally coughing. "No reason."

The bell rings, silencing whatever thoughts I have about how strange they're acting. I take a deep breath before entering Lang, ignoring the girls' attempts to get information out of me, I'm definitely not ready for this class.

Avoiding eye contact with Ms. Miller, I hurry through the rows of chairs, barely acknowledging Ashton. What I do notice is the jab Stella gives my ribs as we reach our little corner of the room. "What?" I hiss, taking my seat.

She just points at Ashton, for once at a loss for words. Ella stares too.

I glance over and find nothing different. He's wearing jeans and his basketball jersey, typical attire for game day. A book open in front of him, a little crease is on his forehead as he focuses. He looks cute.

I give her a confused look, Ella just nudges me again. Annoyed, I risk another glance and my blood runs cold. As Ashton goes to put his book up I see a hickey on the side of his neck.

My jaw drops, does this boy have no decency?

I rest my head against the desk, keeping it there all of class. That way I don't have to see Ella and Stella. Or Ashton and his damn hickey. Or my teacher that I caught buying condoms.

Maybe no ones seen it. Ashton sits in the back corner and he probably got to class before the majority of people. Maybe he doesn't even know it's there, it's in a difficult place for him to see.

Once class gets out, I grab Ashton's hand and drag him to an empty classroom, ignoring his attempts to talk to me. A few people do a double take as we pass. Yup, it's noticeable.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asks, putting a hand to my forehead.

I swat his hand away, pointing an accusing finger at his neck. "Why didn't you tell me you had that?"

He's confused for a second before touching his hickey, "I assumed you knew, I mean, you're the one who put it there."

I let out a sequel of frustration, "No, I didn't even know I could do that!"

I begin to pace as I panic, this is not ok. He tries stopping me with his arms, "Sweetheart, what's the big deal?"

I stop, giving him a bewildered look. "The big deal is that everyone's gonna call me a slut!" I've seen it happen plenty of times before.

"No one will call you a slut, Scarlett." He says reassuringly, trying to hug me.

I throw my hands up in the air, "First of all, yes they will, I'm a girl. Secondly, at least I have the decency to cover mine up!"

Does he have any idea how high school works? I'll be crucified, especially since we're not dating. Avery's gonna have a field day with this, let alone other kids. So many people will see this.

"You have one?" He asks, trying to search my neck.

I pull the neck of my cheer top down, stretching it in order to show my collarbone. I glance down and instantly regret it. If anything, it's gotten darker.

He touches it and I swat his hand away, ignoring how warm they are. The warning bell rings and I let out another frustrated grunt, I'm going to be be late to math.

Ashton pulls my chin so I'm looking up at him, a serious expression on his face. "I promise, no one will say a word to you." he pecks my forehead, making me feel a little better. "Besides, I think it's wonderful."

I shove him and hurry back to the hallway, not in the mood to talk to him. Of course he does.

"You know we're gonna be late right?" He chases after me.

"Yeah, well you started it so tough nubs." I call over my shoulder, he seems to be so relaxed about everything else this should be no problem.


Lunch is uncomfortable for the first time ever.

Ella and Stella do nothing but stare at me, still wanting to talk. The guys eat quietly, not knowing what to say. Gabe tried to make a comment but my glare shut him up mid sentence. Sage seems amused by the entire ordeal, a smile on his face as he eats his food. The brat simply laughed yesterday when he saw it.

There are plenty of eyes on us but so far no one's said a word to me. I'm not stupid though, I know it's because Ashton hasn't left my side. It would be so much worse if he did.

I pick at my leftover enchiladas from last night, my eyes focused on the table. Just because Ashton hasn't left my side doesn't mean I'm talking to him, a little warning would've been nice. If anything, his ego has grown from the attention he's been getting today.

Although, I must admit, it's nice to feel his hand on my knee. Him placing it there to stop my shaking my leg.

"We're going to the bathroom." Stella says suddenly, kicking me in the shin when I don't go to get up.

She kicks me again, I clench my jaw to fight the wave of pain that follows. "Well, it looks like I have to pee." I say sarcastically, pushing my chair back forcefully.

Stella keeps a solid grip on my hand as they book it to a bathroom on the second floor.

"What the hell happened?" Ella asks, double checking to make sure no one's in the stalls.

I go through the details of the night, Ella continuously sighing like she's listening to a fairy tale. Stella taps her shoe and rolls her eyes from time to time, motioning for me to get to the good stuff. For someone so anxious for details she's being rather picky.

Once I finish the story, showing Ella a picture of us outside of the ice cream shop, Stella cracks her knuckles. "That's nice and all but how'd he get the hickey?"

I send her a glare, maybe I should hound her for details about her night with James. I definitely noticed Stella's concealer on his neck today. "The next morning we got into a tickle fight that ended with John walking in and both of us having hickeys." I say hurriedly, hoping they didn't catch the last part.

"You have a hickey?" She asks impressed. Damn.

"What did John do?" Ella inquires.

I pull down my collar to show them, "He kicked Ashton out. Accused me of having sex. Took me to the grocery store then tried to give me the Talk and buy me condoms. Where, I should mention, we ran into Ms. Miller, also buying condoms."

"No way." In all fairness the story is a whirlwind from start to finish.

"Did she have a guy with her?" Stella asks, clearly happy she was right about her suspicion.

The last thing I want to do right now is remember that.

"No, does it matter. I saw her with the box." Technically I gave the box back to her but even I don't want to relive that horror story.

"Did you buy condoms?" She pipes, an eager gleam in her eyes.

I roll my eyes, fighting the urge to throttle her. "No!"

At this rate I don't ever want to hear the word condom again.

I study us in the mirror as they process everything. We all wear the exact same uniform but look so different from each other. Stella keeps a black choker around her neck, her makeup as dramatic as ever. Ella has only a light layer, her blond hair in the perfect high ponytail, always so effortless. My curls struggle against the constraints of three hair ties, the makeup I put on doing nothing to hide my permanent tiredness. Something I'll have no matter how much I sleep.

We're the strangest group of best friends I've ever seen.

"So you're officially dating now?" Ella asks, applying another layer of mascara to her long lashes.

I snort, tightening my ponytail, "No, we're just us."

I don't understand why everyone is expecting a relationship when it was just a spur of the moment decision. We're just two people that happened to get carried away.

Stella laughs, "Ok."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing," she assures me, "it's just for someone who hates touching people you seem to be very physical lately."

She seems so smug with herself when I can't think of a comeback. I still hate when people touch me, just not when Ashton does it.

"Oh, just leave me alone." I demand and they both laugh.

The girls head back to the cafe but I take an extra moment in the bathroom, pulling my collar back down to look at my hickey. I suppose it's not too bad if I take into account how I got it.

The door opens and I expect one of the girls to walk back in but Avery appears in the mirror behind me, a cruel grin in place. I try to pull my top back into place but it's too late.

"Looks like Ashton can move onto bigger and better conquests now."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I demand, crossing my arms over my chest. Lately I thought she had given up on her pursuit of Ashton but here we are.

She walks to the sink next to me, fixing her lipstick in the mirror. "Now that he's rolled around with you in the sheets, he can move on. Find another girl to occupy his attention, that's what he's known for. At least, so I've been told."

Slowly, I fix my skirt, trying to ignore her words. I know Ashton definitely has had his fair share of girlfriends, if they can even be called that, but he's not that person anymore.

The night he slept over I even dreamt he said I love you, pressing a kiss to my temple. It was just a dream but still, I think I could love Ashton one day, and that person would never just leave me. Part of me wants to ask who told her but then Avery would know she's won. If my silence hasn't already confirmed it.

I don't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing her words bother me, even though I'm sure they'll be all I can focus on for the rest of the day. That little seed of doubt flourishing from this one drop of information.

"Get over yourself, Avery, desperate bitch doesn't look good on you." I sneer, reaching for the door.

I'm over being the victim.

"Those are awfully bold words for someone who's about to be on her own." She tilts her head in the mirror, loving the fact that she gets the last word.

Fighting the urge to question her I walk out, dread pooling in my stomach. Something tells me she isn't just talking about Ashton.


Today hasn't been my day, and to make this worse I can't even go home. I'm stuck cheering, still able to feel the eyes of others on me.

I haven't eaten and I have no idea where Ashton is, so I'm sitting by myself on the bleachers during halftime of the girls game.

Where the hell is he?

However, I'm still not the happiest with him. He's worn his hickey like a Medal of Honor all day, practically begging for people to pay attention to it.

And he still won't cover the damn thing up.

I perk up as he walks into the gym, my stomach grumbling at the sight of the pizza in his hand.

He stops, taking interest in a group of cheerleaders from the other team. Frowning, I watch one step forward, making a show of flirting with him.

She runs her hand up his arm, whispering something in his ear. I can't help but notice how beautiful she is.

Short with blonde hair and tan skin, everything I'm not.

Ashton chooses that moment to look back at me, a worried look on his face that shifts to a smile as we lock eyes.

Offering a small smile, I wave, feeling a little better.

They continue to talk and I watch, trying to run from my thoughts. He walks over to me, not bothering to look back at the group of girls still drooling after him.

"Someone needs to eat." He says, shoving the pizza into my hands as he sits down.

"Thank you." I watch the girl as she storms back over to her team, glaring at me. Locking eyes with her, I peck his cheek. "What did the blonde squad want?"

"Just a group of girls asking if I was available after the game." He offers smugly.

I grunt, "Did they not see the hickey?"

I might not like them but they're good for something.

He laughs, "Trust me, they did."

Oh, I'm sure they thought they could add their own to the collection.

Ashtons fingers trace over my collarbone, causing my skin to tingle. Biting into my pizza, I try to calm down. Something that's difficult to do with that girl watching my every move.

Slowly, Ashton leans over."Are you jealous, Sweetheart?"

"No." I snap, shoving my face full of pizza. That's crazy. I'm just annoyed by the group of girls currently undressing Ashton with their eyes.

Finishing my pizza, I begin to feel better. I was just hangry.

Arms pull me close as his nose tickles my ear, "It's crazy you could ever be jealous."

"And why's that?" I mutter, not facing him. No one's immune to jealousy. Especially not when the condition looks like a beauty queen.

"Because no one compares to you." He offers softly, taking me by surprise.

Burying my face in his side to hide the blood rushing to my face, I fumble for my words."I hate it when you do that."

"Do what?" He asks mindlessly, playing with my curls.

I flail my arms out dramatically, "Pretend like I'm something amazing when I'm not."

I'm nothing special, something he needs to acknowledge.

Lips press against my forehead, calming me down. Just as I decide I'm going to stay like this forever so I don't have to face him, fingers pull my face up to his. The raw emotion on his face leaves me speechless, I was expecting a smug smirk. He kisses me, offering everything he doesn't say.

He's definitely not interested in her.

Gaping like a fish as he pulls away, I try to remember how to function properly.

"I mean what I say." He insists, trailing his thumb across my cheek.

Before I can utter a word, he stands up. Letting out a squeak, I try to reach for him.

We did... He just... Kissed. I think I'm gonna faint.

His chuckle snaps me back to reality, making me angry. He most certainly cannot just kiss me and walk away.

What an ass.


Updating early because we hit 100k, thank you guys so much!!!

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