Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
25~ Fake Snow
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

33~ Coffee

222K 7.2K 5.4K
By Honey_Money_

The ringing of my phone pulls me from my sleep.

Grumpiness sets in when I notice it's dark outside. "Hello." I grumble, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Do you want to go get breakfast with me?" A voice asks, way too cheery for this hour. Even though I don't know exactly what hour it is, it's still too early. Especially to be be talking to a stranger.

"Who is this?" My finger hovers over the end call button as I settle back under my covers.

There's a snort, "Sweetheart, I'm hurt you even have to ask."

A smile forms on my face, quickly falling. I need sleep, I was up till 12.

"Ashton, why would I go to breakfast when my bed is so much warmer." I whine, slapping the pillow next to me for effect, not that he could see.

"Because I'm awesome." He states matter of factly. It's nice to know arrogance doesn't have a snooze button.

I fight back another yawn, "Well, your awesomeness, it's sleep time." I lean back against my pillows, shutting my eyes.

"Um, Scar, it's six am." He informs me like it means something.

"That's still too early."

"We have school today."

At first I hum in acknowledgement hoping that would shut him up but then his words register in my sleep clogged mind.

Holy shit! Winter break is over? That can't be right.

I check the date on my phone, crap. "Hold on, Ash." I say quickly before calling Sage.

"Wake up, school's today!" I yell at him while fumbling out of bed.

I start listing off things to be done but Sage interrupts me. "I've already showered and woken the twins up. Sterling's getting Saffron."

I take a moment to calculate the time. We should be right on schedule, maybe even a little bit ahead.

"You still there, Scar?" My brother asks concerned.

I shake my head before realizing he can't see me. "Yeah, I'll see you in a few."

I throw my phone on the bed, a faint hello catching my attention.


I pick the phone back up, "Yeah?"

"So, breakfast?" Right, I forgot about that.

"What about Ronnie?" I ask, pulling my wild mane of hair back to fishtail.

"I can drop her off when I get you." Damn, I actually thought I could stump him.

"Where are we going?" I demand, not wanting to sound like I'm agreeing but food is food.

"It's a surprise, pick you up in 20."

I try to protest but he's already hung up, I hate surprises.


25 minutes later I'm sitting in Ashton's truck in red chucks, ripped jeans and a long sleeved cropped Eggos t-shirt. I was feeling comfy since I had to make lunches.

And by making lunches, I mean putting leftover pizza into bags with bottles of soda and cosmic brownies. Not every lunch can be a winner. If anything, it insured they ate a healthy breakfast.


He stops in front of Jays Dinner, the ancient neon sign flashing in the window. This is Avery's favorite place to get coffee from before school, not that he would know that.

I take a deep breath before opening my door, embracing the brisk air. I leave my crutches in the car, only needing them at school. The snows all melted but ice still lingers on the ground, how do I know this? Because halfway up the walkway I slip on ice and start to go down.

I prepare myself for impact but it never comes, Ashton grabs my waist and picks me up. "Looks like I can't take you anywhere." He smirks but something seems different.

Being carried into a restaurant can be weird. Being carried into a restaurant when your cousin is there can be awkward.

Avery's in her usual booth with a group of minions gathered around her. They all stop talking when they hear Ashton ask for a booth. Avery scowls at me face, looks like her petty little plan didn't work after all. I try to nonchalantly look for the bruise on her face to no avail, she seems completely put together in a red sweater, probably cashmere, and nice boots. I'm beginning to regret the Eggo shirt.

Ashton pays no attention to them as he leads us to a far corner table, just not far enough from the teenage demons.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know she would-" Ashton starts but I hold a finger up to his lips.

"It's fine, you couldn't have known." Besides I doubt Avery will be doing anything to cause a problem until her nose is healed. She'd die if anyone knew Stella punched her. I could hear the gossip now, James King's new girlfriend beats up ex. The thought puts a smile on my face.

The glare Avery sends my way quickly dissolves it.

Ashton and I chat about mindless things while we wait to be served. Right before I get up to complain a teenage girl struts over in our direction. Her eyes latching onto Ashton without a glance in my direction.

"What can I get you?" She asks in a perky tone, slightly leaning over the table. I mock gag at the desperation and Ashton laughs, causing her to look at me. She skims over me with disinterest before frowning.

"I'll have coffee and the French toast plate, please." I say, fighting the urge to push my glasses up on my nose. Looking like a total nerd won't do me any favors.

She purses her lips, "Are you sure you can eat all that?" The question held a bite that made me want to better hide my mid drift.

"I'm sure." I deadpan, her attention back to Ashton like I never existed.

"I'll have the breakfast platter with orange juice." He states before turning his attention away from her. Her smile falters, clearly she's not used to being rejected.

We don't say much as she brings us our drinks, this time not lingering to chat. I  go to add sugar to my coffee when Ashton pulls it back. "Are you sure you should be drinking this?"

I try for the drink again but he holds it in the air. I frown at him, it's not fair when your a midget compared to a 6'4 giant.

"I'm positive." I assure him but he doesn't budge. I take his drink from the table defiantly, "Fine then, looks like I'll just drink yours."

He smiles smugly, "Go for it, you hate orange juice."

I scream internally, orange juice is the worst drink in the entire universe. The fact Ashton likes it really makes me question his judgement. I lift it closer to my face as my stomach rolls. It's disgusting. Ashton's eyes gleam likes he's already won and for a moment I consider giving in but then I'm reminded of my coffee.

I really want my coffee.

With one last gulp of clean air, I take a sip of the bitter drink, instantly wanting to spit it back into the cup. He smirks at me, leaning back in his chair. I'm not giving up so easily. I swallow, gagging as a I wipe my tongue repeatedly with a napkin.

"That... was... disgusting." I say between tongue wipes. I take off my glasses to dry the tears in  my eyes. If I didn't know any better I would feel poisoned.

With an impressed look, Ashton slides the mug towards me. I don't protest as he takes his juice back. He enjoys an overly dramatic sip as I nurse my drink. It's too early in the morning to be subjected to torture.

"Why don't you wear glasses more often?" He asks as I put my glasses back on.

I shrug, "If I wear contacts I look like everyone else." Plus Avery taunted me for a month when I got them in 8th grade. After my parents, I put contacts in everyday instead of once in a while.

He begins to fiddle with the syrup container. "Why do you care about your appearance so much?"

I momentarily play with the thought of drinking orange juice again. I want to insist that I don't care but that's a straight lie. I care way too much.

"After my parents, my appearance was the first thing people saw. It's easier to look put together." I say honestly, really wishing I had a jacket to hide behind.

Since New Year's, Ashton and I haven't really spoken about my parents. He asked a few basic questions but understood I really didn't want to talk about it anymore than I already had.

He looks really sad for a moment and I get even more uncomfortable. Pity is not allowed. "I think you look nice."

Those five words always seem to make me feel better.

Our food is brought and Ashton challenges me to an eating competition, whoever eats the fastest wins.

Minutes later, I'm downing the rest of my coffee while Ashton stares dumbfounded at my now empty plate. I rub my stomach lazily with a content grin on my face. If Ella could see me now she would have my head, saying I deserve to eat in the barn with the rest of the pigs. Oink-oink my friend.

He opens his mouth and closes it numerous times before any words come out, "H... how... what?"

I reach over and snag a piece of bacon from his plate, "I live with three growing boys. If you don't eat quick some days you don't eat at all." Fist fights have broken out several times for the last piece of pizza.

I laugh as Ashton goes back to eating his food in defeat, mumbling how unfair it is.

"I wonder how Ms. Miller's going to be this year?" I ponder with mock hope, knowing the holiday season only made her more miserable.

Ashton makes a sour face, creating another round of laughter at his pained expression. My laughter turns to a groan as Avery and crew starts strutting in our direction.

I'm torn between wanting to run from the restaurant or slapping her in the face. I didn't forget about what she did and, honestly, I don't think I ever will. Avery is many things but I never thought she would stoop as low to use my parents as leverage.

They stop mostly in sync, Ana running straight into Avery's back. I try not to laugh.

"Cousin." I say stiffly.

"Scarlett, nice shirt." She offers with a curl of her lip. What the hell was wrong with my shirt. Eggo's are a very respectable breakfast food.

I glare as she focuses on Ashton. "AshyPoo, congratulations on Oklahoma. That is so exciting."

I focus on my napkin, the offer is something I haven't given much thought to. Unlike Avery, I know Ashton has plans on attending a few campuses before spring break. While it's an amazing opportunity for Ashton it also means he'll be leaving.

"Nothings been decided yet but I'm extremely honored to even be considered." I roll my eyes fondly, Ashton is far too humble for his skill set. He's a wonderful football player.

I feel a persistent nudge at my feet from Ashton, he's not paying Avery or her bimbos any attention. I feel a little better at the irritated look on Avery's face. As my cousin tries to force a conversation with Ashton I look at my phone, a bunch of missed text messages.

where r u?
Class starts in like 15 minutes

Oh my God! I suddenly decide eating all that food was a terrible idea as nausea kicks in. We're gonna be late.

In an instant I'm out of my seat, startling Ashton.

"Class starts in ten." I hurry out, throwing a twenty on the table.

Thankfully he doesn't seem to mind ditching his conversation.

I hobble put to the car in record time, ignoring Avery's attempts to convince Ashton to miss first period with her. Yup, her record must be pretty clean.

Rush hour traffic has died down, combined with Ashton's speedy driving we make it to school in record time.

We have three minutes.

I struggle trying to pull my crutches from the back seat, Ashton throwing me over his shoulder before running.

"I need my crutches to walk!" I protest. I won't last all day on my ankle.

He ignores me as we enter the school. I bounce up and down in pattern with his feet making me extremely thankful for having a stomach of steel.

We're halfway up the stairs when Ashton starts to get winded, "Why did you eat so much food?" He complains.

I slap his back, "No time to complain, Mr. Football, hustle."

What a weeny.

We pass a few stragglers as the warning bell rings. The looks we receive varying from WTF to it's too early to deal with this but no one tries to stop us.

We reach the door as the final bell rings. "We're here!"

I await the beginning of a lecture but instead I hear the snap of a phone camera, probably Ella.

"That's great and all but she isn't here yet." Stella chimes, clearly amused. Actually, the entire class is fighting back laughter as I scan the room. Ms. Miller is never late, ever. Once she had a flat tire and walked to school, in the rain.

Her desk is empty, no she-demon in sight. My mind begins to wander with all the possibilities. Is she sick? Did one of her cats die?

She walks into the room seconds later looking nothing like herself. Her hair frizzy, clothed in a massive, wrinkled button up. The most concerning thing was the smile on her face. The only time she smiled was when a student cried in her class.

"Good morning, Mr. McClain please return Ms. Rhodes to her seat so we can begin class." She chirps.

"What the fuck?" Stella whispers, propping her feet on Ella's desk as Ashton sets me down.

I just stare at our teacher, no detention? Nothing?

The rest of class Ms. Miller is a mess of smiles as she goes through a power point. She doesn't get angry when three kids ask to use to restroom, a typical no, or yell at us for talking out of turn.

Perhaps the world is ending.


"She totally has a boyfriend."  Stella declares at lunch, startling Sage who's trying to stack fries like Jenga blocks.

"Who?" I ask, stealing a fry from Sage's now fallen stack.

"Ms. Miller of course." She says like it's totally obvious.

Ella and I start to laugh, the very idea seeming hilarious.

"Stel that means someone actually wants to date her." I say.

She nods her head in a well duh fashion. I shudder at the thought. Who in their right mind would think that Ms. Miller is dateable? She frowns almost daily like her favorite cat died. And she hates people, a fact we all know far too well.

"Well, I mean, think about it." Ashton chimes in.

"Oh, please, not you too." I beg, Stella and Ashton together are an unhealthy mixture when they're trying to prove a point.

He holds his hands up, "Hear me out," we wait for whatever he has for us. "Number one, her shirt is obviously a mans, it's ginormous on her. Plus, it smelled faintly like cologne when she walked by."

I roll my eyes, he can't be serious. "She ran out of clothes. The cologne was just you smelling yourself or someone else in the room."

"Number two," Stella starts, "her hair is bed head messy, and not the good kind. She clearly had better things to do than get ready."

She wiggles her eyes in a suggestive manner. I shake my head, bad hair days happen all the time.

"Lastly," Ashton points toward the teacher lounge, "She hasn't stopped smiling at her phone all day."

I look over to see our teacher walking from the lounge with her head down. From this angle she looks younger, happier.

"Hey, guys." A voice says, pulling my attention from our teacher. Zev and Gabe stand in front of us, holding their trays.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" Zev asks, motioning to the two empty seats between Ashton and James.

We all share a look, nodding our heads. "Sure." Sage says, slapping the table before going back to his food.

We haven't had new people sitting with us in two years, if you don't count James and Ashton.

"What're we talking about?" Gabe prompts, taking a bite of his burger.

"Whether or not Ms. Miller has a boyfriend, which she totally does." Ashton informs them, sending me a pointed look.

Gabe laughs, "Of course she does."

"What makes you think that?" I question, curious to know if he has more soiled evidence than a shirt and smile.

He shrugs, "Her face screams just had sex." All the guys laugh like a bunch of idiots. We're outnumbered.

I throw a grape at him, only someone like Gabe would know that.

"That means less homework for us." Stella cheers, reaching over James to high five Gabe.

I sigh, taking a sip of soda, "Until they get into a fight or breakup, then our lives will be hell."

They all look at me with varying degrees of horror. "Do you need a hug, Scar?" Gabe jokes, rising from his seat with outstretched arms.

Ashton starts coughing, spitting some of his soda out of his nose. Zev pulls Gabe back into his seat as I slap Ash's back, flipping Gabe off.

The majority of relationships don't work out and, even so, I doubt life will become glitter and rainbows for the entire class. I'd much rather not get my hopes up.


"Why do I have to carry you everywhere?" Ashton complains as we head to the gym for practice.

He's lugged me around all day and, honestly, I don't hate it. It gave my arms a break from using the crutches and I moved around a lot faster. Being able to constantly smell Ashton was a plus.

"Because some idiot didn't let me get my crutches from the car." I tease, poking his chest. He laughs and I feel the vibrations through his back, making me want to join him.

"Well I've learned my lesson." He admits, stopping in front of the locker room doors. I slide off his back, trying to hide my wince of pain as my ankle hits the surface.

"Are you sure you're okay to walk?" He asks, grabbing me by the waist to steady me. The downside is that I haven't used my legs all day.

The concern on his face is heartwarming but I'm sure the last thing this school needs is for Ashton to enter the girls locker room. "I'm sure, you're going to be late."

The concern is replaced with panic as he darts off to his locker room with one last goodbye. It amazes me how someone so annoying could be so adorable.

I'm in such a good mood, humming a song as I change that I'm oblivious to the silence of the locker room. I'm halfway dressed when someone taps my shoulder. After nearly jumping out of my skin, I turn to find Sasha Clemons standing timidly beside me.

"Yeah, Sasha?" I smile to make her more comfortable.

"Is it true?" She asks softly, I can tell she's afraid to look me in the eyes. She reminds me of an older Saffron, around new people of course.

I scrunch my eyebrows, completely confused, I glance around for Ella or Stella to clue me in on what's going on but they seem just as lost as I am.

"Is what true?" Avery's a bitch? Today is Monday? What facts am I clarifying today?

She blushes, "That you and Ashton are dating."

My smile falls flat. Part of me wants to stand on the bench and scream we're not a thing but I know she means no harm. "No, we're just friends."

She's instantly embarrassed and I feel really bad as she walks back to her spot with her head ducked down.

I go back to putting my shirt on, no longer in the mood for humming, when Avery laughs. "Of course they're not a thing. No one would commit themself to the looney bin that is Scarlett Rhodes. It's pity more than anything else."

I ignore Avery, knowing nothing I say will change how she acts. Plus, if she sees my face right now she would know just how true I felt her words. It's not that I think Ashton totally pities me, it's just the feeling I get when he looks at me like I'm some broken toy in need of fixing.

"Just because Ashton doesn't like you doesn't give you free reign to harass Scarlett." Ella says.

Now I'm turned around to watch this, unlike Stella, Ella rarely talks so freely to Avery. My cousins nostrils flare out, making her look like a monkey.

"I was gonna suggest they were friends with benefits but I guess there's only room for one relationship like that in the friend group." Avery's lips curl in a wicked smile and for a moment I wonder how we share any of the same blood. She has a true black soul underneath all that red lipstick.

A collective gasp is released, echoing off the tall, cinder block walls. Stella charges towards her but I grab hold of her wrist. The last thing I need is to end up in the Dean's office on the first day back to school. This only makes my cousin laugh.

"I'd shut up, Avery, or I'll let her go." The smile begins to falter but I can tell she's still amused, "Or even better, I'll punch you this time."

In a heartbeat the smile is replaced with dread. She walks out of the gym doors like it was her idea all along.

There's a special place in hell for people like her.

No one says a word as I pack my bag, everyone staring to see if I'm going to flip out. I like to keep my mental breakdowns to a minimal audience, thank you very much.

"Practice starts in ten!"


Hi, exams are next week and I've cried three times in the last two days.

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