Life in Color ✔️

By Honey_Money_

13.7M 504K 338K

Book 1 in the "Life in-" series Scarlett Rain Rhodes is just like every other 17 year old high school Junior... More

Master Reading List
Hello Readers
1~ Struggle Bussin'
2~ Sweetheart
3~My Stalker
4~ Water Break
6~Say Cheese
7~ Cheesecake
8~ Oblivious
9~ Lazy Day
10~ The Breakup
11~ Bro Code
12~ Adrenaline Rush
13~ Alien
14~ Cutie
16~ Kool Aid
17~ Walmart
18~ Wet
19~ Disappointment
20~ Thirteen
21~ Puzzle
22~ Snowball
23~Ho Ho Ho
24~ Christmas
26~ Pretzels
27~ Hell
28~ Ashton
29~ Great
30~ I'm Sorry
32~ Change
33~ Coffee
34~ Charming
35~ Valentines
36~ Ticklish
37~ Hickey
38~ Out
39~ Decisions
40~ Tired
41~ People
42~ Chaos
44~ One Week
45~ Bennett
46~ Play Ball
47~ Birthday
49~ Satisfactory
50~ Fear
51~ Help
52~ Potential
53~ Stubborn
54~ Angels
55~ Dork
56~ Future
57~ Gentle
58~ Mine
59~ No Idea
60~ Colorful
Epilouge~ Ashlett
Sequals & Spinoffs
Bonus~ Surprise
Bonus~ One Year
Bonus ~ Wish

25~ Fake Snow

184K 7.5K 2.5K
By Honey_Money_

We knock on the door at 4pm sharp, just as requested.

Sage carries the presents. Silver holding Saffron's hand while Sterling helps me walk up the steps. Fake smiles plastered onto our faces once Karen opens the door.

"Come in." My eyes automatically buldge out of my head at the ungodly amount of makeup she's wearing. I also take note of what clearly isn't her first martini in hand.

We all step inside and remove our coats, the house uncomfortably warm. I notice she eyes mine in particularly as I hang it up, it's the one of Ashton's. I wait for her to say something but she simply curls her lip. "You five couldn't have dressed any better?"

I suck on my teeth to keep from commenting on her own outfit of a too tight black dress. Saffron looks adorable in a burgundy dress with gray tights, Silver has on black slacks with a burgundy shirt and a black bow tie. Sterling has slacks, a gray sweater with a white collar and a burgundy bow tie peaking out. Sage picked out gray dress pants, a white button up, burgundy suspenders and a black and burgundy striped bow tie. He got mad when I told him he couldn't wear a crazy shirt so this was his retaliation. I had on a long sleeve burgundy dress that fell to the floor with black and gray accents.

The color scheme is not by choice. We got a text last night that important guests were coming and we were to look like a unified family. So burgundy and black were the colors of choice. And on such short notice, we looked great.

I didn't know matching suddenly made us like each other.

I wore small heels, knowing crutches would cause questions and flats would lead to snide remarks. I wrapped my ankle so tightly and took extra, less effective, pain pills to numb the pain. Not like my ankle will be the biggest pain of the night.

She doesn't wait for an answer, heading back to the living room. Avery is waiting in a gray dress that cuts extremely low although it is loose fitting and dare I say it, actually somewhat cute. Conner sits in the corner, looking miserable with no phone in sight. Wow, I wonder who these people are.

We painfully say hello to Robert, Earl and Edna before being introduced to all the guests. I don't bother to pay attention, uncomfortable that the majority stare at us like animals.

"Are these the children?" One woman asks almost scandalized.

Edna only shakes her head. Wonderful.

One man that's years younger than the others watches us, the woman besides him offers a kind smile. "Were you children at the Mackenzie Christmas party?"

Sage and I exchange a nervous glance, usually talking about the Mackenzie's is forbidden around our grandparents.

Slowly, I nod my head, "Yes sir, their daughter, Ella, is my best friend."

"And my girlfriend." Sage adds. Avery's eyes pop out of her head, Sage has never used that word before. It's always just good friend. I know he's only saying to perhaps prevent the man from saying anything bad about them. Not that it's a guarantee here.

"Very good. I'm Joe Godwin, and this is my wife, Kate. I've worked with him in the past. Good man."

I smile politely but the frown on Earls face quickly erases it.

We sit quietly while the adults talk, answering questions when they are directed our way. It's the usual: grades, sports, activities. We answer honestly, ignoring their mocking undertone.

When collected for dinner, I sigh in relief, only to fall into a state of shock. The dining room has been completely transformed for tonight. Ribbons and flowers and tinsel clinging to every surface. Fake snow on the table even though I think it's poisonous. It's like Santa's elf threw up.

Someone's trying to impress.

I'm seated across from Avery and next to Sage. By this point I've noticed that everyone is blatantly sucking up to Joe. Edna and Karen laugh extra loud at his jokes while Robert and Earl talk passionately about fishing, a sport neither enjoy. And all the other guests are law firm partners.

Dinner is a lavish traditional meal to really sell the family message. It tastes like dirt in my mouth.

Avery's just finished one of her newest modeling stories when Kate speaks up. "Scarlett, are there any schools you're looking at for college."

I choke on my roll, Edna and Karen both glare at me. The message you better not screw this up received loud and clear.

"Umm... somewhere local. There's a major university just thirty minutes down the road. It's a great school."

There's a long pause.

"Why not somewhere farther? I'm sure with your grades any school would be lucky to have you." Kate adds and her smile is so genuine that I know she means no harm. It still hurts to think about college.

"She won't be able to do that?" Pearl, the rude woman from earlier, remarks.

Sage grabs my hand, here comes the conversation no one wants to have.

"Why not?" Kate asks. Joe grabs her hand and tries his best to signal her but it doesn't work.

"Her parents are-" Karen starts.

I can already here the pathetic story she's formed up. Her darling twin sister tragically taken too soon, along with her wonderful husband. A lie. And honestly I'm over living with whatever sob story they slap over our heads, my parents deserve better.

I interrupt her, "No, it's ok. I can say it." Karen glares at me and I know I'll regret this later but it's finally my turn to embarrass them.

I turn back to Kate, "Our parents passed two years ago. I take care of my siblings so the prospect of leaving is ultimately impossible."

She blushes with embarrassment but Joe asks a question, "But you're a minor, how does that work?"

Karen opens her mouth to speak again but I beat her to it. "Our lovely aunt and uncle took us in but they couldn't manage seven kids on top of all their social responsibilities. So I run things, it works quite nicely."

I smile politely before turning back to my ham. Joe looks ready to ask another question so Edna chimes in. "She is such a brave young women."

Go ahead, you old hag, choke on those words.

"We couldn't be prouder." Earl adds with a forced smile. My blood begins to boil, they don't even bother to mention that the anniversary is in two days. Their own daughter died and if you took a look around no one would ever know they even had a second child.

Someone please pass a knife so I can cut the tension in the room.

No one talks for a while but then eventually Kate asks Avery if she's single.

"I am. After my breakup with James I've decided it's best to be by myself for some time." She acts like the breakup still bothers her but she was kissing Gage Newman on the last day of school.

Kate perks up again as she turns to us, not really seeming interested in her response. "Sage, we know your dating Ella but what about you, Scarlett, any boys?"

Bless her heart, I know she's trying to redeem herself from earlier but talking about me isn't going to save her.

"I have a boyfriend." She waits for me to continue. "His names Ashton." At least this is a lie I can sell.

Avery curls her lip, "Like you two are actually a thing. You never kiss."

First of all, you don't have to make out like wild monkeys in heat to be in a relationship. Secondly, screw off. Avery isn't stupid enough to believe we're actually a thing but she definitely thinks we're more than friends.

"Can I see a picture of him?" Kate asks.

Avery rolls her eyes. I pick my phone up and scroll through the pics Ella sent me from this morning. I land on one of us with snow on our faces as he spins me around.

She smiles before passing the phone to Joe who then gives it to an overly greedy Avery.

"You don't need to see kissing to believe that." Kate says fondly. I smirk at Avery who sinks a little lower into her chair. For once, her childish behavior has gotten her nowhere. The glare my grandparents send my way ends the glimmer of humor I feel.

Someone pass the fake snow please.

We're in the living room once more while the men go into the office for small talk. I know presents will be exchanged soon enough.

Kate and I chat to pass the time, not feeling comfortable with the other women. I learn she and Joe have been married for two years. She's 28 and a teacher. It's nice to meet someone so full of life and happy. She reminds me of my mom actually.

A long 30 minutes later dessert is served and presents are open.

We received cash from Earl and Edna, a show for the guests not that I'm complaining. Robert and Karen gave us gift cards and I'm mildly surprised when I read the amount on them. I give the paintings out. Just a family portrait for Karen and Robert and a painting of Earl and Edna's first home.

They eye them over and then set them aside, not even offering me a thank you.

When they give gifts to the guests, I feel embarrassed, "I'm so sorry, we don't have anything for you."

Pearl's husband huffs, "It's all about respect."

"You children play instruments, perhaps you can play for us." Kate suggests.

Karen hops up, "Conner is a wonderful pianist."

Oh God, my ears are already bleeding.

"We'll play." The twins say, jumping up from their seats.

Sage grabs a guitar from the closet while Silver grabs a violin that was used by some famous orchestra member. Sterling, Saffron, and I sit at the piano. We start Silent Night, the two of us playing in different keys while Saffron hits two keys for emphasis.

Sage starts to sing and the world fades away. This was our moms favorite song, she sang it nonstop for us. By the end the entire room is quiet. I see Pearl wipe a few tears from her eyes, even Earl and Edna seem impressed.

When the adults break out the second bottle of wine, we take that as our cue to leave. We say our goodbyes, grab our coats, and run.

Once we're outside, we hear the door open and close behind us. "Children, wait!"

Joe and Kate are running out of the house, jackets in hand.

We wait, completely confused. They should be inside partaking in business talk. He's the person they are trying to win over. But here he is handing me a business card with his name on it. "I've taken a partnership at Dave Mackenzie's firm. I would like to talk to you when given the chance."

"But... but then why are you here?"

He smiles triumphantly, "I was curious to know what information I could get out of them before I announced my partnership."

Well at least I know he's in the right business.

I put the card in my pocket and feel a box that wasn't there before. The boys and Saffron pile into the car but I stick around. "Merry Christmas."

Kate giggles, "We're Jewish.'

Now it's my turn to laugh, "Well then, Mazel tov."

I tell Sage to pull over on our way home. It's freezing and dark out but I want to go to the graveyard. We haven't read the Christmas story yet. We used to read it every Christmas before bed to remember why we celebrated and I don't want this year to be any different.

We grab our blankets from the trunk and file out. We tell them about finals and Sterling getting in trouble, imagining their humor at the whole ordeal. We sing carols and listen to Saffron go into detail about the Christmas presents Santa left her.

Everyone gets their opportunity to talk to them one on one. Saffron starts then we go in age order but when it gets to me I send everyone else to the car.

I stand there for a while, waiting for the words to come out but they don't. I haven't actually talked to them in a while and it's not that I don't want to but if I do, it will all feel too real. My 18th birthday. College choices. Cheer season. Whatever is going on with the Mackenzie's.


I haven't even told him about my parents and the guilt is killing me. I've tried but how exactly does one casually bring up the topic of dead parents? It's not exactly as easy as talking about the weather.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I hit the box again. Pulling it out, I evaluate the simple, worn leather exterior. I open it, unsure of what's inside.

Oh my God, inside is a pair of diamond earrings that I've seen before. In photos at home, the diamonds in every picture my mom has from high school and college.

Snapping the box shut I make a mental note to thank Conner later for such a wonderful gift.

"Merry Christmas Mom and Dad." I tell the tombstones before walking back to the car.


Later that night, I'm in my room when Sage comes in, dressed for bed. "Are we still on for shopping tomorrow?"

I groan. The day after Christmas sales are always wonderful and I really need a new pair of shoes. Plus, we did get plenty of money. I just don't know if I feel like leaving the house.

"I guess, will everyone be there?"

He nods, sitting next to me. "Yeah, everyone including Ashton." Sage puts such an emphasis on his name that even I can tell he's trying to get at something.

"What's the big deal about Ashton being there?" I raise an eyebrow, this is just another reason for me to stay home. I don't want to face him.

"Nothing, it's just that ithinkyoushouldtellhimtommorrow." He spits out.

"I'm sorry, what?" I think I know what he said but he needs to slow down.

Sage tries again, looking me dead in the eyes. "You need to tell Ashton tomorrow."

I play with my necklace, "What if I want to make it through the next couple days first?" There's a defiance to my voice, a stubbornness that I can tell Sage is expecting.

That's the difficult part of being so close, we can't hide from each other.

There's a sadness in Sage's eyes, "Scarlett, I'm afraid that without Ashton, you won't make it through the next couple days."

My stomach rolls, I don't need anyone to save the day for me like I'm some damsel in distress. I'm completely capable of taking care of myself. "I'll survive just fine, Sage."

He stands up, clearly not wanting a fight. "You say that now Scar but you won't talk to anyone. Not even mom and dad. You bottle everything up and in the end you snap. Don't let this snap you."

I don't bother replying as he opens the door. "Plus, if anything else, he deserves the truth."

"I know that." I whisper but he's already gone.


Ok so I ended up making this its own chapter instead of combining it with the next one. This story just 4K and I'm honestly so excited.
Also the new cover is by JabberlocksBox
She made it for me months ago and I just now got around to changing it.
Until Saturday

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