Celestial | Sirius Black Love...

By 21stCenturyMarauder

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Olimpia has lived with her mother all her life. She hardly ever questioned why she could move things without... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen - Epilogue
Back home
Shopping expidition
The Barn
Wizard weed and whisky
The morning after
Don't worry, little biscuit
Platform 9 3/4
Dumbledore's office
Morning reminiscence
The Marauders
I am confusion
Jingle Balls and Snow Bells
The Potter Residence
New Year
The unravelling
Endings and beginnings
Girl code?
Laborious, arduous, gruelling
Shit, shat, shot.
Summertime with James
Small talk
Summertime with James pt. 2
Turn of a season

Diagon Alley

584 13 10
By 21stCenturyMarauder

I stumbled out of the fireplace, gasping for air. Those moments I had been in the chimney system, I thought I was going to die. Note to self: do not use the floo system when high.

"Bloody fire dust," I said, brushing my robes with the back of my hand and getting up slowly.

"I think it's called soot, dear."

I looked up and saw Hope beaming at me.

"Hope, oh it's marvellous to see you, sweet, sweet woman!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her.

She chuckled uncertainly, "Yes it's wonderful seeing you, too, Olimpia."

I looked past her, "Oh, and Lyall! Spiffing to see you, chap. I do hope you are well!" I hugged him too.

"Oh, yes I am," He held me at arms length, "Are you?" He asked seriously.

At that moment, James zoomed out of the fireplace, and went over to greet Remus' parents too.

"Now, I haven't seen her in a couple of years, but she's acting a bit strange, Ollie is," Hope said to James, "You haven't been up to anything, have you?"

James smiled a charming smile, and I smiled too. It was infectious. He said, "I wouldn't worry, I don't think she's been sleeping much, been too excited for Hogwarts and all that. She'll probably be all better tomorrow."

I nodded earnestly.

Remus and Sirius came next, looked at each other, and began dusting soot off each other.

"Mother, father! I have missed you!" Remus said and hugged the two of them. Sirius joined in the hug.

"Yes, neither of them have slept much either, I suppose Ollie kept them up all night talking." James said quickly.

I was confused: I never really spoke much, and I was quite sure I had spoken the least out of all of them. I didn't say anything, though, which I felt proved my point.


I turned around quickly, my eyes wide at the mention of my name and was engulfed in a hug.

"Oh no, Miss, I think your head is on fire!" I said, almost all I could see was vivid redness.

"What are you talking about, Ollie?"

"Oh, it's you, Lily! Your presence has been missed!" I exclaimed.

She looked at me suspiciously, then smile and said, "Hogwarts really hasn't been the same without you, O."

I grinned back.

She went to say hello to the boys and Remus' parents, and I watched her. She was so kind, a beautiful human being. James opened his arms for a hug, which she decided to ignore. I snickered, but felt that I was slowly coming down from my high.

The barman took my stuff upstairs, except for my trusted wooden stick, which I carried myself. Once he had left, I fell onto the bed and watched the ceiling.

Suddenly, the door burst opened and I jumped about ten feet.

"You coming?"

It was Lily, Miss Firehead.

I nodded, and she took my hand and walked me down the stairs, then called for the boys to come too. Once outside in the courtyard, she did some funny stuff with the brick wall, which then opened like a portal.

"Woah, magic!" I gasped, and Remus gasped too.

Lily pulled me through, and once we all had come through and the portal shut, she turned around and crossed her arms.

"Either the three of you," She pointed at Remus, Sirius, and I, "Have had a real blow to the head, or you're all stoned."

I looked away and hid behind Remus, giggling.

Lily sighed, raised her wand, and said, "Veneno finite!"

Instantly, all the vivid colours seemed to be dimmed, and I felt suddenly silly hiding under Remus' cloak.

"I would like to point out," James said, looking smug, "That I was not high."

Sirius looked at him scathingly, "That's only because you were driving, illegally may I add. Thanks a ton for ruining a perfectly good high, Lils."

"Well it's not fun for the other two when three out of five are high. If one wants to be high, all must be high!" She exclaimed, and everyone laughed.

Lily and I talked and caught up whilst we walked around the shops in Diagon Alley. She, too, had been elected as a prefect. She told me about her summer holiday, her family had gone to France and visited old chateaus.

"And how is Petunia?" I asked, watching her carefully.

She looked down and smiled bitterly, "Well, she's got this boyfriend, Vernon. He's a complete pig but I can't help but feel jealous."

I scoffed, "You, jealous of her for going out with some pig! Lily, I haven't been at Hogwarts for a while but you're gorgeous! I bet you've got boys lining up for you, and there's James too!" I said, smirking at her.

She hit me, blushing, "I do not have boys lining up for me. You will, though."

I snorted, "Unlikely. But I really meant, does Petunia still treat you like dirt?" I stopped walking and looked at her seriously.

She stopped too and sighed, "I wouldn't say like dirt."

I looked at her sceptically.

"She just doesn't talk to me much."

I gave her a hug and said, "Don't let it bring it down Lils."

"Thanks, O."

"Hey guys!"

We broke apart and I saw a boy who had not changed at all since I last saw him, "Hey Peter!" I said, pushing away the other boys who had moved forward to hug him.

"Olimpia! You're back!"

"I'm back!" I moved away a bit to see that he had some tears in his eyes. Or perhaps his eyes were just generally watery, either way, I felt my eyes instantly sting, and turned away.

"Honestly, if moving away for a couple of years makes you this popular and huggable, I may have to move." Said James.

"But how would I live without you, my dear!" Sirius said, throwing his arms dramatically around the bespectacled boy.

"Oh, you are right, how could I even consider living without my other half!" James played on.

Lily rolled her eyes, then asked me, "So what kind of stuff do you need from here?"

"Oh, everything!" I said, "I haven't worn a uniform since I left Hogwarts, as I didn't really attend Durmstrang, and most of my clothes are woolly to keep me warm in almost Arctic climates."

"Oo," She squealed, "Then we can go clothes shopping!"

All the boys groaned.

"Well, we can meet up again later at Florean Fortescue's later." Lily said, to which the boys agreed, walking away with heartfelt farewells and fake sobbing.

"Robes first?" She asked me.

"Robes first sounds good," I agreed.

We walked to Madam Malkin's, to find that a boy, a bit older than they were, was getting his robes fitted.

"Hey Lily, had a nice summer?" He smiled at her.

"Yeah, it seemed to rush past though." She smiled at him.

He looked at me, "I'd shake your hand, but I think I'd be pinned if I moved." He laughed. I noticed that he had a slight Irish accent, though it sounded like it had been watered down over the years.

"No, it's probably best if you stayed still a bit longer. Olimpia Heatherstead."

"Oh, you used to go to Hogwarts didn't you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Does you being in London presumably waiting for me to be done in here to have robes fitted mean you're starting again?"

"Yeah, that's right." I smiled at him. He was quite handsome, with slightly outgrown curly, chestnut brown hair and tanned skin, rich brown eyes which were currently watching me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Oliver Langston, this'll be my last year at Hogwarts."

"Pleased to meet you." I curtsied, which made him and Lily laugh.

"All done here, Oliver." Malkin said to him. He thanked her, payed for his new robes, then walked over to shake my hand.

"Better late than never," He chuckled, and I laughed, "Well see you at Hogwarts, and welcome back!"

"Thanks, see you!" I felt my cheeks glow.

He left the shop and Lily prodded my side, "See, you haven't even started yet and the Gryffindor Quidditch captain wants you."

Now my cheeks were definitely burning, "He doesn't want me, he was being nice."

Quidditch captain, I thought to myself. That would explain how goddamn tall and built he was.

"He's grown over the summer," Lily said, as if reading my mind, "Though I hadn't thought it possible, he was quite fit before the holiday too."

I turned to Madam Malkin, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible, "Hi! Er- I'll need some new school robes."

"Alright, dear, just step up onto the little platform and I'll get your measurements."

A little while later, I had bought a set of robes and Lily and I walked to the regular clothes shop. We walked around, and Lily helped me pick out clothes that would suit me. I didn't really know what would look good on me, I hadn't really been shopping like this since- well since the last time I was here with Lily.

"You know, Lily, I haven't been shopping since last time we were here!"

"Really?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah, and I haven't had a proper bra since that first one either, I think I should like to have one where my boobs can actually breathe."

She laughed, "You know what, why don't you get more than one!"

I put on a fake expression of horror, "Let's not let things get out of hand!"

We both giggled.

By the time we left the shop, I had bought five new bras, three new dresses, a bunch of new underwear, three new trousers, two skirts, and a load of T-shirts and jumpers. My money bag was considerably lighter.

We walked down to Florean Fortescue's where the boys had reserved seats for us.

"Done with all your shopping then?" Remus asked, eyeing the many bags Lily and I were carrying.

"Nope," I said, "Just the clothes."

"Merlin's left nipple," Sirius muttered.

We all ordered a sundae each and sat there talking for about an hour, Lily and James squabbling often, though James just seemed to enjoy being in her company.

"Say, Ollie," Sirius said, "What happened to Mallory?"

He was referring to the cat my mother had bough me right before the first time I started at Hogwarts. "Uh, she died last year. Got caught outside in a snowstorm. I went outside to look for her the next morning and found her practically frozen solid."

"Oh, that's awful!" Lily said, putting her hand over mine.

"Yeah I was quite sad about it, I shouldn't have let her out the night before, but I suppose all things have their time.."

There was silence, and I could feel everyone's pitiful gaze upon me.

"I think I'd like to go back to the Leaky Cauldron to put this all away before we continue." I said, changing the subject and standing up.

The others all followed me back to the Cauldron, and I put all my stuff into my trunk, then reconsidered. It was too nice a day to wear the worn trousers I was wearing, and I was excited to try one on of the new bras I had bought.

I changed into a white summer dress which ended about three quarters of the way down my thigh. It hugged my upper chest and flowed out about mid-waist, with a round neck line and sleeves that just went past my shoulders. Lily had 'oo'ed when she saw it, and told me how jealous she was of my slim body, though I didn't believe she really meant it. When I looked in the mirror, however, I was surprised to see that though I was far away from having any cleavage, I could actually see my breasts. I turned from side to side, wondering if the dress made me look too skinny. Children in the village I grew up in had always made fun of how skinny I'd been, some children- Bryan in particular- had called me the Skeleton Girl. Just as I was about to change back into my old clothes, Lily burst into the room.

"Oh, Ollie, you look stunning! Come, and lets go buy your books and supplies!"

She grabbed my hand and dragged me along out the door, I barely managed to grab my purse and wand which had been on the night stand before she had closed the door behind us.

We raced down the stairs, and I stumbled along behind her. When we arrived at where the boys had been waiting for us, I suddenly felt silly and naked. They all goggled me, and I felt my cheeks burn red.

"What are you all ogling at, you already know she's beautiful." Said Lily.

"Well, it's just," Remus started, then continued, "That's a nice dress, O, did you buy it today?"

I nodded.

"You truly are the fairest in all the lands!" James sprang forwards, offering me his hand to walk towards the back wall and entrance to Diagon Alley, "Besides my Lilypad, of course."

"I am not your Lilypad!" She exclaimed.

I turned around to grin at her, and saw that Sirius was still staring at me, his eyes dark. When our eyes met, he winked at me, and I turned my head so quickly around I was in danger of getting whiplash.

James led me through the entrance, still holding my hand delicately in his, rather like one would hands when dancing in the late 1800's. I felt as though people were looking at us, and let my hair fall into my face.

"Can we go to the Quidditch shop first?" James asked, and when I said yes, he grabbed my hand tighter and ran towards the shop, laughing at my protests as I used my spare hand to make sure no one could see my underwear as we ran.

"They've got these new gloves with extra grip that I really want to try out." James told me, excitement shining in his eyes as he lead me purposely through the shop. Just as we turned a corner, I saw that Lily, Remus, Sirius, and Peter had just entered the shop too, and were trailing towards us.

"Oh hello, Oliver!" James said, and I turned quickly to see the boy with the warm chocolate eyes.

"O, this is Oliver, Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Oliver, this is-"

"Olimpia, we meet again." He said with a smile. I was glad to see that his eyes did not travel down my body, which I was suddenly feeling even more conscious of, but rather met my own. They seemed to radiate kindness.

"You two know each other?" James asked, confused.

"We met at Madam Malkin's." I told him.

"Excellent!" He exclaimed, "Oliver, Ollie here is actually pretty good on a broom, you should have seen her earlier today, I reckon you should see her."

"Is that right?" He asked, now smirking at me.

"Well-" I said, feeling flustered at the attention, "I'm not sure-"

"Ahoy there, matey!" Sirius had caught up to us, and moved forwards to greet Oliver, "Get it, 'cus he's captain."

We all groaned at the terrible joke, though Sirius was not dispirited. The boys started to talk about Quidditch, both Oliver and Sirius' eyes flicking towards me now and then, so I decided to excuse myself and move over to Peter, who was standing just behind the boys, eagerly listening to them despite not being able to mount a broom properly. I asked him about his holiday, and he told me all about it, seemingly glad that he was being paid attention. I felt kind of sorry for him.

The rest of the day passed by, I had only bought the books for the core classes, still unsure of what electory classes I would choose. The evening found us all in the Leaky Cauldron, drinking iced tea and telling each other stories from over the years.

"Remember that one girl, Sirius. You'd snogged her one day, and then the next day she came up to you all serious and asked whether you'd planned to propose to her at all!" James said, laughing.

"That one girl?" I asked, wondering just how many girls Sirius had snogged. He was very handsome, so I didn't doubt he'd have a fair few to pick from, but I didn't realise he would choose several, "Do girls often send you reversed marriage proposals?" I joked, though I didn't feel particularly amused.

"I wouldn't be surprised, he flirts with anything that walks." Lily said disapprovingly.

"Hey, he did go out with that one girl in a wheelchair too." Peter said, and the boys laughed.

"Well, I hope you don't forget your first kiss," I said, smiling sweetly at him, "At least, you told me I was your first kiss in one of those letters."

The boys and Lily all oo'ed, and I raised an eyebrow at Sirius, who was silent for a moment, then said with a wink, "And who could ever forget such a legendary first kiss!"

I felt my short moment of confidence vanish as I looked down, blushing.

Not long after, we bid each other goodnight, and went up to our bedrooms. As I laid in bed, waiting to fall asleep, I thought about Sirius and Oliver, and felt my face burn just at the memory of how much attention I had received that day.

Maybe I will try out for the Quidditch team, I thought to myself.



100 votes celebrates an update, me thinks.

I have not updated much recently, and I do have a valid excuse: my father was diagnosed with cancer over Christmas. He's a douchebag, so I'm not as upset as I should be, but it has made me think quite a lot about quite a lot.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and if you need a band recommendation, I highly suggest you listen to Greta Van Fleet: lovely, beautiful, talented boys with such a positive message.

Lots of love,

21stCenturyMarauder <3

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