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The girl's mouth dropped open. She was stunning, even as she stood there looking like a goldfish.

"Don't you recognise me, Sirius?" She asked, her mouth growing into a wide smile and her blue eyes flashed green. She threw her arms around me and I stood, taken aback, before I remembered.

Just as I put my arms around her too, someone bounded out of the door, knocking into the girl with such force that the two of them fell down onto the grass, "OLLIE?!"

Remus pushed himself onto his elbows to look at her, "Woops, got a bit carried away." He said, before bursting out laughing. She too laughed a true, guffawing laugh as she looked at Remus.

"You might want to fix your skirt there, Ollie, you're putting on quite the display," I said, to which Olimpia sprang up to her feet, pulling her skirt down. Her face flushed and contrasted greatly against her light blonde hair, but her smile still almost split her face in half.

"Sirius didn't recognise me." She said in a teasing voice to Remus who looked at me incredulously.

"Well, don't blame me, I didn't know you were coming here. I thought you were in Norway." I said, looking pointedly at Remus, who had obviously chosen not to tell the rest of us of Ollie's visit.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He said grinning sheepishly.

"And a lovely surprise it was." I said looking into Ollie's eyes, who looked away quickly. Something seemed to shift behind my navel.

"Did someone say Ollie was coming over to visit?" James asked walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes, his hair pointing in every direction. He had just woken up from his one O'clock nap.

He looked through the doorway straight at Olimpia. He bent forwards slightly, squinting his eyes, "Who's tha-"

"Put on your glasses, numpty, it's me!" Ollie said as she rushed forwards to hug him, too.


The boys had carried in my trunk and bag, though I had insisted to carry in my staff - I didn't like other people touching it - and Remus had offered me a glass of ice tea which I had accepted gracefully. The climb up here really had been exhausting.

"So," James said in a mock stern voice, which was hard to take seriously as he had biscuit crumbs on his cheek, "How come you're back here, and how come you didn't tell the rest of us?"

"Well," I said slowly, exchanging an excited smile with Remus, "I'm coming back to school again."

There was a moment of silence as the words sunk in before James jumped up on the couch and started dancing a sort of jig, his hands in the air and his already messy hair flying everywhere, "Yes, yes, yes!" He exclaimed. Sirius jumped up and joined in and I smiled at the two of them. I had missed them all so much. Remus laughed at their dorkiness and bit into another biscuit.

James calmed down again and sat down again, looking seriously at me, "I knew it- well I didn't know it, but I thought so! That's excellent. Perfect!"

I felt rather touched, and knew that my face was crimson. It was all I could do to prevent myself from letting tears leak out of my eyes. It had been a while since I had been around people so excited to be with me.

"Where are Hope and Lyall?" I asked Remus, wondering why they weren't there.

"Oh, they're away on some cruise, they wanted to see you but we figured out we'd meet up with them in Diagon Alley."

"And guess who else will meet us in Diagon Alley?" James asked, but not giving anyone time to respond before bursting out, "Lily!" He beamed.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, excited to see her too, "How'd you convince her?"

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