Endings and beginnings

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It was now March.

The snow was starting to melt away, leaving dirty puddles of icy puddles around the school grounds. One of the most depressing months.

Last week I'd decided to break things off with Oliver. It wasn't that he'd done something wrong, and I suppose that in this case it really was "me, not him". I just didn't feel any spark with him; my mind wandered to dinner and homework anytime we were kissing or doing anything of the sort. I was bored with him. I felt a bit rotten, for he'd told me he loved him the week before. I, in panic, answered that I loved him too. That was a lie. I told him I'd still like to be his friend, but he'd just mumbled something about not understanding. The whole breakup was, in all, quite frustrating and didn't go smoothly at all. 

The letter I'd received from my father had also been troubling me. He had written that he was expecting an extreme turn for the worse anytime now and that he wasn't sure he'd be able to contact me for a while; he thought he was being followed. And although he had come off as quite a paranoid man for the time we lived together, this was different. The letter had been crumpled, dirty, and he was not the kind of man to send crumpled and dirty letters.

On the other hand, I'd been spending more time with the boys again. It was a relief. Things were still quite strange between Sirius and I but he'd asked me if I wanted to go hang out with them in the Forbidden Forest that evening. I was very excited, and had said yes. His face had shown the faintest of smiles which sent electricity through my body. I thought that maybe now that things were over between Oliver and I, I might finally be able to explore my feelings with Sirius. In fact, if things went well tonight I was planning to have a nice talk with him.

I turned the page I was reading about protective spells and sighed. I wished the library wasn't so strict on the no-snack policy, as I always felt rather snack-ish while studying. My stomach rumbled.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and jumped about three feet in the air. Was I really so hungry I hadn't noticed someone approaching me?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I was wondering if I could sit here with you?" It was a Ravenclaw girl. She was very pretty, I'd noticed her before. Dark brown hair which only just brushed her shoulders, high cheekbones and light brown eyes. 

I stared for a moment, then started messily shoving my stuff over to one side mumbling, "Yeah sure."

She put her bag on the table and laid out her books in front of her. She was reading Jane Eyre. 

"Oh, I loved that book." I commented.

"Yeah, I don't know. It's a bit of a long read but I suppose it's worth it." She said.

"Oh it definitely is." I whispered; Madam Pince passed by us.

The girl opened her bag a little and sent me a significant look.  I raised my eyebrows questioningly at her, to which she jolted her head towards the bag again. I reached inside it. Baby carrots.

"I don't know what it is, but the library always makes me snackish. Maybe it's because it's illegal." She giggled.

We got to talking and were not long after thrown out of the library for "excessive noise". She was the year below me, her name was Veronica. When the lunch break ended we had to go to each of our classes, but we agreed to meet up afterwards and hang out. She was interesting; a bit strange. I hadn't quite decided what I thought of her but it was nice to make new friends. I had also noticed she had a tattoo of a simple flower I wanted to ask her about. 

My next lesson was, to my despair, DADA. They had grown tolerable with Oliver, but now he sat on the opposite side of the room and would stare over at me, looking disappointed and sad. No one else sat with me. Professor Tibble bullied me. I tried my hardest to just learn as much as I could. The minutes snailed by and when, at last, the clock struck the end of the lesson I almost ran out of the classroom, managing to spill out all the contents of my bag on the way out. I could have yelled and screamed in frustration but sufficed myself with a sigh.

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