Morning reminiscence

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm, and quickly turned it off so as not to wake up the other girls. They had all been asleep when I had come up to the dormitory last night, and they all still seemed to be sleeping heavily now.

I groaned at the thought of getting up and spent ten minutes thinking about the very strange feeling of deja vu I had experienced the night before when I had been on top of Sirius. I didn't remember ever saying that, yet I was still positive that I had.

The world isn't there for you to understand, Sirius.

Deciding that I would probably regret it if I didn't get up, I rolled out of bed and tip toed to my trunk which I had not unpacked the night before. I opened it and rummaged around 'til I found my training gear, careful not to make a mess like Peter and Sirius had done.

Fifteen minutes later I was on the grounds. I had ran down the stairs of the school to warm up and was now stretching out before my jog. I had laid my staff down on a large rock, and was just about to start running when I heard someone yell, "Wait!"

I turned around to see Sirius running towards me, clutching his stomach.

"Do you want to join me?" I asked.

"Oh, no," He said sarcastically, "I just really enjoy running after people early in the morning to disrupt them."

I ignored him and tutted, "Looks like you've got a stitch before we even start." I pointed at his hand on his stomach.

He immediately straightened up and tried to silence his heavy breathing. "I'm ready as a boiled cup of tea," He said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Well then, let's go."

"Jolly hockey sticks!"

Once again, I rolled my eyes, and started running towards the gathering of trees and bushes on the side of the castle that wasn't part of the Dark Forest. I looked around at the lush surroundings and began planning ways to use it as a part of my training plan: which trees I could climb, branches to swing over and under, and other ways to activate my entire body. Half an hour later, we were back at the large rock, catching our breath before starting the routine. Sirius moved towards a bush and pulled out a long stick.

"No," I said.


I blushed, feeling I was being bossy, "It's best to learn it and become comfortable with the routine before introducing a new aspect. I trained without it for almost two years before starting with the staff. You need to really be able to go deep into yourself and release yourself from everything but the motions."

He nodded, and threw away the stick.

We started the routine, and I felt myself retreat far into myself. It had been a while since I had been able to do it properly, and it felt wonderful. I was fully aware of each muscle, each breath, and every thought in my mind. I was vaguely aware that Sirius finished a while before me and was stretching out a bit after the exercise, watching me. I finished the last motion, brought myself out of the place of deep concentration, and smiled at Sirius.

"You look so graceful when you do it, I bet I look like a scarecrow in the middle of a storm." He said.

I laughed, "It doesn't matter. It'll come with practice. You've improved since last time, have you practised?"

"Yeah, but I find it hard to do that thing you do where you sort of go into another place in yourself."

We started to walk up to the school.

"I sort of imagine I leave a room which is this world, walk through a dark hallway and enter a black room where I can concentrate and function to the best of my ability. It's tough to unlock it, but once you have it'll get easier and easier to enter. I still struggle to get there, but it's dead useful, you can use it for all sorts of things, like tests. Information seems to come much easier in there, when you're not distracted by other things."

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