Chapter Fourteen

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Since I had heard of my mother's death, it had rained. Not just a light drizzle, but torrential rain which had created streams leading down the hill to the Great Lake. 

Every day I had walked down to the Lake and watched the rain beat against the surface of the lake in the morning and left after the sun had set. The first day when I returned, everyone fussed over me and tried to tell me how sorry they were, and how I would be sick if I stayed out in rain like that until they realised I was completely dry. I hadn't noticed that my magic had stopped the rain from pouring down on me.

I have never understood why people say they're sorry when something that was obviously not their fault happens to someone. 

Today, however, my magic did not have to protect me from the rain, as it was the first sunny day in six days. I watched the water reflect the suns twinkling rays mesmerised.  

Before, I had always imagined how I would feel if my mother was to die, but this was nothing like what I had expected. In one way I didn't feel different at all, but in another my entire body ached and longed for to have happened to somehow unhappen. 


I started and looked away from the water but relaxed when I saw Remus sit down next to me on the now dry grass. 

"Hey." I replied and started to pick at blades of grass to avoid looking at him. I've hardly spoken to anyone since I had visited McGonagall's office, I hadn't known what to say to anyone and felt nervous about Remus' presence, but he merely squinted at me against the bright sun and layed down in the grass then rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and the legs of his trousers to let the sun's warmth lick at his skin.

"Have you done much in class?" I asked him, then coughed when I realised how dry my throat was. My voice hadn't been in practice recently.

"Nah, not much, really. The teachers can't really be bothered now that the exams are over, mostly we'll just play those games they expect us to learn something of but don't." He replied looking at the sun between his fingers.

"That's good then, I haven't missed much." I said. Suddenly I wanted to talk, wanted to occupy myself with something, and was glad that Remus was there with me.

"I wouldn't say that, there was an excellent apple pie for desert yesterday evening." He said, grinning at me. It felt nice, doing something normal.

"Well, actually, Lily brought me a piece, so." I stuck my tongue at him, but felt tired suddenly and layed down beside him, my smile fading from my lips. Clearing my throat I started again, "You boys get up to any trouble?"

"No, no one's really been in the mood."

I turned my head to look at Remus and felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Remus , why did this have to happen to me? I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Remus. I won't even be here with you any longer, I have to leave you, Remus, I don't know what to do."

Remus pulled me close to him and held the back of my head stroking my hair slowly and muttered in my hair, "It doesn't matter whether we're as close to each other as are now or if we're 100 miles apart, I love you and nothing will ever change, and you will never be without me, whether you like it or not."

I choked out a breath of laughter, then sobbed harder into his chest, and he continued whispering soothing things in my ear until I calmed down enough to draw my breath properly. I sat up and took his hands in mine so he would sit up too.

It was as if he was my anchor in a wild and stormy sea, and as soon as I looked away from him, I burst out, "But Remus, what do you think will happen to me. In a week I'll be going to somewhere completely new, I don't even think I'll be going to school, McGonagall said my father meant to teach me. He's left me once, why should he want to care for me now?"

"I don't know what'll happen Ollie. It will be different, and you have to promise you'll tell me about everything, but I know that your father will not leave you. The fact that he left you once is a mystery to me, but now he'll see who you've become and he will regret ever doing that. I'm sure that whatever you'll do, it'll be interesting."

"I love you too, Remus. We may not be bound by blood, but we are bound by soul. You are my brother."

"And you are my sister." He replied, looking steadily into my puffy eyes.

A/N First update in a while. I've been and uncertain how to write this chapter. I think I'll write another chapter or two for this chapter, then turn this whole collection of chapters as a large prologue to the story, then publish a new story as the main story. 

Love y'all,


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