Chapter Eleven

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The next day went by fast, I chatted a bit with mum, wrapped up the present I had discreetly bought for each of my friends the day before, and visited Remus for a bit. He looked pale, and there were some scratches on his face, but he seemed determined to be in a good mood so I didn't make any comments and instead did my best to cheer him up. 

The day after, Remus and I used Floo powder to return to Hogwarts. We swirled into Professor McGonagalls office, and I felt the now familiar scent of Hogwarts fill my senses as I stepped out of the fireplace.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall, did you have a nice Christmas?" I asked, smiling up at her.

"Oh, yes it was very pleasant, Miss Heatherstead. And yours?"

"Yeah, it was alright. I got you some chocolates since your the head of the house," I reached into my satchel and pulled out a small box of chocolates. I didn't really mind if people thought I was some snotty suck-up, McGonagall was quite cool, "They're from Remus and I." I added as Remus stepped out of the fireplace, and looked up as he heard his name.

"That's very kind of you both, would you like a biscuit?" 

I was taken back a bit by her very genuine smile, but returned it and said, "Only if you've got some with chocolate." Remus grinned beside me.

A bit later, we were standing outside the portrait of the Fat Lady, munching on chocolate biscuits and metaphorically scratching our heads.

"Do you remember anyone mentioning what the new password was?" I asked Remus.

He swallowed, "I forgot to ask before we left. I guess we'll just have to wait here 'til someone comes by," He groaned, "We should have asked McGonagall."

Just as I had sat down against the wall, the portrait swung open.

"Remus! Ollie!" Sirius sprang out from the hole in the wall and gripped Remus in a hug. "Where were you when we hung out? Are you contagious?" He backed a little away, pretending to wipe Remus' germs off him.

"No, I wouldn't think so." Remus said smiling sotfly, but when Sirius turned away, the smile turned into a grimace and my stomach hurt a bit.

Sirius helped me off the ground, and I asked, "How did you know we were here?"

"Well, I didn't know you were here, but I saw Remus' stuff in the dormitory and reckoned I'd find him on his way from Minnie McGee's, I ought to have known you two'd travel here together." He said, his smile a bit stiff.

We walked into the common room. There were no other people there, there were still two days off before school started, but Remus and I wanted to spend some time in the library to prepare for the coming tests before school started. Curled up in one of the chintz armchairs laid Mallory, I'd left her here over the holiday. 

"Mally!" I exclaimed, then lifted her up and sat down on the chair, laying her on top of me. 

"I was playing with her before you guys came, I think she missed us." Sirius came and sat on one of the arms of the chair and began petting her. She rubbed her head into his hand. For a moment I wanted to copy her, then I shook the strange image out of my head.

Remus sat himself down on the rug in front of me, warming himself by the fire.

"When did you get here?" I asked Sirius.

"I came here yesterday, um, mum and I had a row." 

Remus looked up at him "You could have come round ours, mate,"

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to be a bit alone, you know." 

There was a pause, as a slightly awkward silence started to fill the room.

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