New Year

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"No, James, I will not wear a flower crown of Filibusters and let you shoot them off at midnight." I argued, exasperatedly.

"But why not?" James whined, "You'd be so pretty, with all the lights."

"I would not be pretty with a missing head. And you need to get properly dressed, it's cold outside and we'll be out for some time. Are you wearing wool underneath your shirt? I'm addressing all of you."

A drone of, "Yes mum." resounded in the loft and I smiled.

"And you all look dashing." I said, fixing Remus' bow-tie which had been a little skewed, and straightening his coat.

I myself was wearing an ankle long black woollen skirt with a light blue jumper I had tucked into it. I pulled my own coat over myself and wrapped a scarf around my neck. James came behind me and pulled my hair out from under it so it flowed down my shoulders and back.

I thanked him, and we all descended the stairs to the entrance hall and put on our shoes.

"I want you all back by two, and don't let anyone go wandering off on their own!" Euphemia fussed, double checking that we were all wearing warm enough clothes.

"Mu-um," James whined after she insisted on tying his shoelaces for him, "Ollie's already mummed us, we're all ready, we'll be back by two and we'll take care of one another. We're just a little further up the hill, you know."

We'd arranged a little New Years gathering for anyone who wanted at the school, like the one I'd mentioned to Oliver, who had said when I mentioned it again, that he would be delighted to come.

"Gloves, Peter. Gloves are sexy." I said, just as we were leaving the house.

Peter scowled then dashed in and put on a pair of gloves.

"I'm wearing gloves." Sirius said.

I looked at him, his face sculpted like a statue in the low light, then down at his fingers, which were indeed clad in gloves.

"I can see that." I said, dumbly.

We walked up the hill, and I stood slightly apart from the others, far in my own thoughts. I wondered if Oliver would be coming. I wondered if he'd talk to me. I wondered how many girls Sirius with flirt with.
But these were just minor, inconsequential thoughts floating in the front part of my head. Further behind lay worry.
I worried about what was happening now in other parts of the world where New Year was forgotten amidst the looming war, and worried more about what was to come.

I had considered forcing my father to let me return to him, as Hogwarts hadn't quite been what I had expected, and though he'd refused, he seemed more open to me returning once the school year was over.

A hand gripped me by the shoulder and pulled me to the right.
"Watch where you're going there, Ollie."
I had almost walked right into a lamppost. James gave my shoulder a squeeze and looked at me in a are-you-okay way, to which I half nodded, half shook my head and gave him a lopsided smile. When his frown only grew more worried, I smiled more genuinely and touched his cheek. This was the side if James I loved and wished everyone would see.

"I promise, I'm fine."

He continued to look worriedly at me.

"Hey look, looks like almost the whole schools turned up!" Called Peter.

A few more steps and I could see everyone in the small crevice on top of the hill. There were small bonfires and people running around with magical sparkles with all the colours of the rainbow. Someone was playing music, though it was hard to hear over the rumble of talk and laughter.

The boys went a round, saying hi to all their mates. I stuck by James' side until he went in to flirt with a gang of girls, who were soon after forgotten when Lily arrived. I stood a short distance away watching bemusedly.

"Quite the turnout, yeah?"

Oliver had come and stood beside me.

"Oh, yeah. Looks like people are having fun, don't you think? I reckon it's exactly what they need."

"I reckon you're right." He agreed, looking down at me with a small smile. "Want to go get a drink?"

"Sure, lead the way!" I smiled at him. He smiled back and then did something I had not expected. He took me by the hand, very gently, and lead me through the crowd of people, almost everyone we passed called out a greeting to him No one said hi to me.

"Here we are!" He said. There'd been put out a small table with drinks. I let his hand go and helped myself to some drinks, feeling flustered and bewildered. It had felt strange, all those people seeing us holding hands. Had Sirius seen?

"Did you have a nice Christmas?" I asked, having to raise my voice a bit over the noise.

"Yeah, it was alright. Had Christmas dinner with Dumbledore and stuff."

"Oh yeah, you were at Hogwarts. I forgot, sorry."

"No problem."

We milled around, drinking drinks that warmed us from the inside and out and laughing at jokes and stories, mates of Oliver often coming over to say hi.

When the clock began to close in on midnight I looked around for my own silly group of friends but couldn't fine them anywhere.

"Looking for someone?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, all my friends have just disappeared."

"Well, not all your friends." He smiled kind of awkwardly.

Just then people started chanting

"Ohh! It's soon the new year!" I squealed, suddenly overcome with excitement.

Oliver looked down at me, a smile playing on his parted mouth, his eyes shining.


"Hey Ollie?" He asked.



"I think you're great, Ollie." He said.

Taken aback, I looked up at him, my childish grin still smeared over my face.




Someone put their arm om my back and held me closer to them, a hand on my face brushing my hair out of my face.

"Happy new year, Ollie."

Lips soft against mine, shock paralysed my body. I felt breathless. Violated? No, not violated. It was ok. Fine. But was it magic?

So since the last update I've fallen in love, then had my heart broken. I was drunk when I wrote this but it's ok because I'm 18 and in my country that means I'm legal. Someone commented for an update so I hope it's ok

Lots of love,

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