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"Hey, Ollie, look out the window!" 

I groaned softly and slowly raised my head from the table, pages of the book I had evidently fallen asleep on sticking to my face.

Sirius laughed at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling from his smile, "You've got a bit of drool, right there." 

My eyes widened, and I hastily wiped at my mouth, making him laugh harder.

"Mr Black and Miss Heatherstead, would you please get to work!" Professor Heckles reprimanded us from the front of the classroom, looking at the two of us over the top of his book.

When he looked down again, I whispered to Sirius, "Funny how he doesn't notice when people fall asleep in his classes, but at the sound of children's laughter he's there right away to destroy happiness." 

Sirius held his hands over his mouth at this, and I put on my best impression of Professor Heckle's frail voice, raising my finger crookedly the same way he did, "Children shall not be happy!"

Sirius snorted, and ducked under the table so that he would be hidden from the teacher's view.

We had sat ourselves at the back of the Ancient Runes classroom because I had really needed the nap I had just taken. We were undergoing the time in early December where all the teachers stressed out about Christmas approaching and were doubling our workload to make sure we were back on track for the next term. 

I bent down to where Sirius was still gasping for air, "What was it you said to me, by the way?"

"Look out the window."

I straightened up a midge too quickly and hit my head on the corner of the desk, "Ah shit!" I managed to keep my voice quiet, so as not to stir the attention of the professor, and rubbed the throbbing spot on my head.

"Fucking idiot." Sirius whispered at me, and held my head with both hands, lowered it, and kissed the spot I had hit. I blushed furiously, and let my hair fall in my face to try to hide it, but the light blonde colour of it probably only accentuated it. I had discovered that my feelings for Sirius were not exactly gone, but that it was best not to pursue anything with him. The boys had been right; he had turned out to become quite the player.

When I saw what was outside the window, my mouth stretched so wide that I felt my cheeks hurt and I squealed a little.

"Shhhh." Sirius said.

"It's snowing!" I sang, looking excitedly at him, "I told you last night it would, didn't I! I told you that the moon looked brighter, and the air smelt crisper so the first snow would fall today."

"You did indeed." Sirius held his delicately cut face in his long fingers and looked at me, something like amusement flashing in his eyes.

"Alright, go on to your next classes," Heckles said, putting down his book and standing up to dismiss the class,"and I expect the two of you to concentrate harder on your work next time, or it'll be detention!" He told Sirius and I, to which Sirius smiled in that way that said, 'try me'.

"Heckles should know by now that those sorts of threats don't work on the rebellious badass Sirius Black." I said after we had left the classroom.

"But he does know that they do work on little Olimpia, the badass goodie-two-shoes."

I gave a short cackle of laughter: the boys had decided that even though I always completed my homework on time and to the best of my ability, followed the rules, was as polite as I could be to everyone; I was a badass. I liked it.

"You've got Defence Against the Dark Arts now, right?" He asked.

I let out a long groan and stopped walking, screwing my face up, "Yes."

Celestial | Sirius Black Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora