Dark Corner // Harry Styles

By cutie_cake_harry

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She's just a girl who has an amazing voice. But just didn't have the looks. So when someone steals her voice... More

Dark Corner
Chapter 1 nagging songs
Chapter 2 Dinner Tail
Chapter 3 only friend
Chapter 4 Judge By Looks
Chapter 5 Lifts Suck
Chapter 6 A Real Date?
Chapter 7 To Many Problems To Solve
Chapter 8 Aparently My Bully
Chapter 9 Scar Stories
Chapter 10 Bad Kept Secrets
Chapter 11 Imagine Naked
Chapter 12 Going Out In Public
Chapter 13 Insecurities
Chapter 14 A Huge Mess
Chapter 15 She Is Gone
Chapter 16 Beautiful
Chapter 17 Forgiving Is Easy
Chapter 18 Hold Me Tight
Chapter 19 Revealed Feelings
Chapter 21 Being Loved For Real Now
Chapter 22 The Ugly Truth
Chapter 23 Stage Drama
Chapter 24 Things Do Come Back
Chapter 25 Wrong Room
Chapter 26 Lost Love
Chapter 27 Frozen At Night
Chapter 28 Gone Mad
Chapter 29 Hospital Fiasco
Chapter 30 Like You
Epilogue Leave Me

Chapter 20 My Scars

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By cutie_cake_harry

I walked onto the huge stage. The stage decorations were light Blue with silver. we had these different art works of fans. some were about Samantha and some were about our songs. I smiled at the view I had from the stage.
I ran back backstage and got an unplugged microphone and ran back on stage again. I tightened my grip on the mic, and then started singing quietly. But it soon turned louder and I started to preform. I knew everywhere I had to go, what and when I had to shout something.
I imagined the staduim filled with fans, fans coming for me. Scars... I waved and smiled,I walked down the catwalk. "you do it way better then Samantha." I turned around, Luke was standing there.
he was smiling at me. "sometimes." I whispered. Luke ran on stage a mic in his own hand too. "lets sing a song together." he said grinning.
I shurgged, not thinking much of it. But I should've. The mischievous grin on his face should have given it away. We sang Sunny Light from mine and Samantha's up coming album Down The Hill. I let Luke listen to it when I had finished it. It was one of the bonus tracks because I've written it alone, and not with professionals.
we still had to write a few songs, including one of our upcoming singles. Luke applauded and I did the same. we both laughed.
"now, that was wonderful." he gave me a side hug and before I knew it he had left the stage, he seemed to be in a hurry. He left me alone on the stage.
my thoughts and problems crept back into my head, I started worrying again. I quickly left the stage, not wanting to be alone. But as soon as I saw his mop of curly hair I didn't mind to be alone anymore. I quickly hurried back onto stage. leaving the stage on the other end.
Samantha ran on stage, our thousands of fans started screaming. When we started to sing Brightly fans seemed to quiet down. "I hate you, I hate you all!" Samantha screamed. the micrephone made a high noise and it made me hold my fingers to my ears.
then the crowd started to course something together. "Scarlett! Scarlett!" I dropped my own micrephone. I stepped out of my little box and peaked behind the curtain.
the fans were holding signs with the text. we want Scarlett. I saw so many signs it made me tear up. They wanted me to be on stage. "Scarlett, there you are, you need to get on stage."some man in black said, I had never seen him here before.
"no, wait I can't." he was already pushing me on stage as I was struggling to avoid what was about to happen.
"they want you and Sam's gone. you have too." and then bright lights shinned into my eyes, I squinted my eyes, but I also felt the warmth of the stage. the stage under my feet.
"hello guys!" I screamed, and people started screaming like mad men. "now where did we leave off? Brightly you say?" then the band started to play again, and I sang with them.
I walked down the catwalk waving at fans.
" Because you're so brightly
Becasue you are my sun, shining so brightly
Becasue you're brightly "
I sang to this fan, she had brown hair and she was smaller then the people around her alomst getting squeezed to death.
I did the full concert, or what's left of it and it felt amazing. I never thought this would have taken away all the pain from yesterday. "you were an amazing crowd, I hope you liked tonight. again Thank you" I screamed and then ran off stage. people started congratulating me and smiling at me.
but one person in the shadows was anything but happy for me. She was glaring at me, her eyes shooting daggers, she wanted me dead.
that night I went to bed, but I felt afraid. I had the feeling Samantha would open my door and come at me with a knive. when I heard something creak or sqeak I shot up from my bed. I couldn't sleep.
the next day Samantha had been following me everywhere and when I return to my hotel room she was standing there. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "what do you want Samantha!" she came closer a smirk on her face.
"no Sam anymore?" she pouted. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest. "how sad," she came closer her eyes looking dark.
"I thought we were friends Scarlett, I thought we agreed me being on stage and you behind it, you would get your paradise singing and I would get fame. what we both wanted, what we both needed. or so I thought. but you wanted more." her eyes were cold and full of evil.
"I thought we were friends too Samantha, but I was nothing to you, I was a nobody and I always had to be a nobody and you would make sure of that." she came closer a creepy smile on her fcae.
"But Scarlett, you are a nobody, you're a nobody when no one loves you, when you've got no family, no friends, when you've got no one." she smirked, like she thought it would hurt me.
"but you're very wrong Samantha. I've got people who love me, maybe not my parents, but I've got Luke, Alex, Niall. and I thought I had you." I wouldn't give myself away, not that easily.
"what about Harry." she did hit a nerve there. her smirk grew as she saw the pain cross over my face. "but you'll never get him, he'll never love you. he can never love you. You're filth." her cold laugh filled the hallway.
"please." I begged her. I couldn't hear this, not when the wound of my broken heart was still fresh. She was ripping it open, cutting deeper.
"you thought you had a chance." she said loudly. I was afraid someone would hear her.
"Don't do this, not to yourself." I begged her. "not here." she raised her eyebrows acting surprised.
"then lets head outside shall we?" she asked me sweetly. she was already walking towards the lift and I followed her. "you always follow me, pathetic." she laughed in this down looking tone.
"I only follow you when I know it's needed." the door opened and we walked outside. the cold was cutting through the thin fabric of my top.
"why do you always do that?"she wondered out loud. "like I'm everything you have." she said.
"because I thought you were everything I had. But I was wrong. you played me, just like you played Harry." I said.
"I played Harry I? what about yourself, aren't you the one's who's been lying to him all the time." she said. and I cowered away.
"it's not like that, I-I wanted to help you." she gave me a fake sympathetic look.
"is that what you tell yourself. how sad." she frowned. "you're horrible." she spat in my face then she pulled me onto the abandoned street.
"we shouldn't be standing here." I told her, she shrugged it off.
"don't be such a goody goody. Get out of your comfort zone." the last time I did that it went all terribly wrong. "Harry doesn't like goody goody's" she whispered in my ear.
"because Harry, that's all what you crae about." she ripped my heart out and was shattering it under het feet. "but he doesn't give a fu.ck about you." she screamed.
I heard a horn and then I felt the impact of a car crashing into me, taking Samantha with me. I tried to push myself off the gorund, my arms too weak to do so. my head was throbbing, my heart was beating way to fast and my eyes were dropping close and open.
"Scarlett!" I heard people coming here, I was too dazed to know what was happening.
"Harry! save me!" I heard Samantha from beside me. Samantha! is she alright? I tried to turn around, to get a glimpse of Samantha.
I felt someone kneel beside me. "get." I coughed. "Sam." I told the unnamed person.
"I'm not letting you alone Scar," Scar, the way he said my nickname. was like it was made for him to call me that. Harry.
"leave her alone Harry, she's a witch. Harry come to me." I heard Samantha call.
"get Samantha." I told him. "please Harry, get Samantha," My head started to feel less dazed as I could move it,
"alright." he said unsure. like he didn't want to go to Samantha.
"HARRY!" Samantha screamed. "don't go to her, I'm your girlfriend. she's horrible, she's ugly." Harry got to her and carried her in his arms. Someone helped me up.
"th-thank you." I said, I looked at the person. My whole body was aching and it felt like someone was sticking needles into me everywhere.
"don't talk miss." a low voice said. I heard Samantha talk behind me.
"she's a witch I tell you, Harry don't ever come close to her again. She is filth, like you said. filth." she spoke again with disgust and it seemed like she was trying to convince Harry.
"I can't, not even for Scar." he said, Samantha started to make weird noises, I turned my head, I saw Sam standing on the ground. Harry had left her, where wa-
I was scooped up in two strong arms. "no." I said frowning. "you were with Samantha what... why- Harry?" I frowned. he should be carrying Samantha, she was hurt, she needed him. She had him, they were in love.
"I can't be with her, not now, you need me." he said. I shook my head, pushing his chest lightly.
"she needs you, you love each other, she needs you more then I do, she needs you." she needed him, maybe he needed her, I don't know. I wish I could need Harry, but I couldn't he didn't love me.
"she needs you Harry, I can take care of myself. Please Harry." the please got him, I knew it. he set me down carefully, making sure I was alright. then he left me to one of the unfaced men and went to Samantha.
"Harry!" she cried as she fell into his arms making him groan. I was escorted inside the hotel, they took us to this little room behind the reception. they looked at us. shouldn't we be taken to hospital!
"they will be okay, just make sure they get enough rest, not to much worries." not to much worries! what a joke, even without the crash I had enough worries. two of then were in this room.
"the girl with black hair has it worse then the blonde one, so make sure to give her good care. she might be walking a bit harder the next week, but she'll be fine." so we didn't need to go to hospital, I could barely walk for the next week and had probably many bruises.
why did she have to pull me onto the street. I knew it was reckless. this is what you get for going out of your comfort zone. "are you alright?' Harry asked when the woman who I assumed was a nurse closed the door behind her.
"I'm fine now you're here Harry." Samantha said. Harry sighed, he sat down next to her bed. I felt a hand grab mine. I quickly pulled back.
"wrong hand." I said quickly. I couldn't let him closer, I could only let him closer if I let him go.
"no, right hand."

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